The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

Motherofboys- I'm sorry you're going through all this. I hope you get some answers soon. If you did get pregnant soon ds4 would be 2+ when lo arrived......that's a pretty big gap (to me with a 14m gap lol). Maybe you could put it that way and see what you dh says?
I wanted a small gap again. DH originally said we could try for a small gap. DS1 happened 1st try, and I wanted a tiny gap that time, ds2 took 7 months to conceive so ended up with a 20 month gap. Again I wanted a similar gap and ds3 took 12 months to conceive so ended up with 2 years 4 months. DS4 took 2.5 years to conceive which is why there is more than 3.5 years between them. DH said if there was 3 years between them we could try for a small gap again. But now he says he wants a bigger gap.
I admit now things have settled down that it is nice having just DS4 here and being able to concentrate on him. But I enjoyed having the others close together and them having each other to play with and the same interests and the same sort of toys. When the others were little I didn't have to worry about age appropriate toys and keeping tiny bits of lego out of the room and such because they all played with little kid toys. The have some of the same friends now and theres not such a big gap that its the annoying little brother hanging around.
Plus the not knowing if the next one will be the final boy is driving me crazy. I can't take not knowing.
I feel better today but still kind of feel its hopeless and we won't even have another let alone a girl.
Mother if it helps my two oldest are 3 years apart and they are the best of friends. They are in to the same things, they like the same toys, movies, sports, they do baseball and wrestling together, it's amazing how close they are. My third is 4 years from my second and still the gap was ok, I didn't want it that far apart but took us 2 yrs to conceive and they still love playing with him and include him in their games. They are such a big help and love him sooo much. I hope dh comes around and you get to ttc the gap won't seem bad. I'm actually scared to death to have the last two only 22 months apart!
I just always think of the older 3 all of doing their big boy things and ds4 will be at home not allowed to go and only boring old mummy to keep him company.
I'm hoping for a small age gap this time! Mine are 6 years old and the other 9 months.... So yeah I think most people would say that's quite large. We are suppose to be TTC now (well next week onwards lol) But OH has just been offered a new job. Better money, better location and better hours. It's a win win, but i'm fairly sure he wont qualify for paternity pay/time off etc. Which is a big deal to me I really like having those two weeks. He has a two month notice period to go yet so there would be no chance of qualifying if I fell pregnant quickly... Although As we are feeling so confident in that we will have that bfp in the next 2 months I think it will take ages.... just one of those things. I don't suppose it really makes a difference if you got pregnant really quick previously does it ? It can take as long as it takes.... hmmmm. Sorry rambling on and on.
I have a 6 year gap between dd1 and dd2 then there will be an 8 hear gap between dd1 and this little one but 2.5 years between dd2 and this one so I guess I get to try out both a big and little gap!
I have a 2yr gap between ds1 and ds2 and then it will 3.5yrs between ds2 and dc3. Longer than i would have liked but we decided to get married. I'm glad i was able to experience the wedding without a young child or being pregnant but I hope dc3 doesn't feel left out. I have dh i would like a 4th with a smallish gap to hopefully stop that but I'm not sure if he's on board yet.
2 years between mine and I had said if ideally like 2.5 years between the next, it would be 2 years 8 months or so if I got pregnant this month, but I feel it's going to take much longer. Nothing I can do :-( body just doesn't want to get pregnant.

I keep fantasising about my third boy, I'd just love another baby atm. Once actually being pregnant I'll start to fantasise about having a daughter again (I know I will) but right now if I could tick a box and be pregnant with a 3rd little boy I would.
Had a little bit of a wake up call today. A lady on another forum I use has 6 boys, she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. She went to get checked because of lack of movement and the girl is gone :( they don't know what effect this will have on the boy yet. My heart breaks for her.
I spent this morning sat at a coffee morning with the woman having a girl going on about names and shopping and trying to be nice but not really wanting to discuss it, then read that this afternoon.
Just puts things into perspective. Gender desire can, at times, take over everything and we forget about the most important things.
My gender dissapoinrment worry has almost gone now I have found a name for a little boy :)
I think having a name definitely helps. I have 2 boys names I really ready that I like.
12wk scan tomorrow, really nervous.
I think a name can really help. Rather than then being just a boy or a girl, it gives them an identity.
Good luck at your scan
I'm surprised at how much a name has helped, could t find the right boys name with Florence either and I find boys names super hard! I have to wait until jan for my scan but now I'm not dreading it I'm excited, something I really didn't expect to feel this time round :)
It's funny because before ds1 I really struggled with boys names, yet in the end managed to come up with 12 of them (the boys all have a first name then 2 middle names) and I've already got a name pickled out for ds5!
Today I am feeling good. After crying most of the week I feel like I can just accept whatever comes my way. I will wait like DH wants to, and if no more babies come at the end of it I will be ok and if we do have a 5th boy that's alright too. I can imagine him already and would be happy to welcome him into my life. I still do feel a little sad at the idea I'll never be able to say it's a girl or buy those pretty things, but I don't feel I'm missing out on too much.
I already know what a ds4 would be called. It was ds3s alternative when he WaS born (always had 2 names ready in case they didn't suit the first choice lol) and i regret nit using it as his middle name. I have always struggled with girls names. I loved ds1s 'girl name' but cant use it. Ds1 is Earl and his girl name was joy lol. Can't have an Earl and a Joy!!! Lol (if you don't get it YouTube my name is earl). Since then i haven't been able to come up with 'the name'. I do try but nothing.
Names are hard! But I now have a few girls names an 2 boys, both my girls have 2 middle names too so this one will have to match in!x
All 4 boys would have been Beth if they were girls, and ds4s name is Seth. Not because I was upset that I couldn't use Beth, but I just fell in love with the name, and it was between that and William which dh wanted after his grandad, but I'm so fussy I won't use a name if I know anyone with that name and so I said we'd use it as a middle name.
Now I'm not sure if I'll use Beth so finding a girls name would be hard. And I don't want to find out the gender before birth, but I wouldn't want to look at girls names and start dreaming so if I did get a girl she would be nameless for a few days unless a name hit me when I saw her.

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