The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

Good luck :) I hope you get girl ! :)
Then I will have to not so secretly envy you haha!

I don't know if I am going to find out next time or not.... I very nearly cried in the scan room when I found out so I think It might be a total break down next time :/ x

Well I can still only imagine having all boys so i will be really really shocked if its a girl!
but there's no reason why your next one couldn't be a girl hun. fx
Motherofboys, that is my plan, to have them write it in an envelope for me so that I can open it privately with DH. I don't know that I'll be upset if it's a boy, but just in case, I would rather have that moment in private than at the doctor's office!
I would like to ask them to do this, but i wonder if they will think it's silly; having a gender scan and not wanting the gender haah. I suppose it I wait and ask them at the nhs that would make more sense BUT I can see them saying something like "oh we are not allowed to write it down" you never know ahha.

Good idea though :)

DH has decided to stay in his current job (they offered him more money) Now there is no reason not to try. So hopefully bfp soon!! :) Would know by Christmas if we get lucky this month!! But that would be super lucky. Ds2 was second cycle though so not to bad :) Fingers crossed!
Good luck rhi rhi
I think what I said to dh has sunk in. He wants to ttc in the new year and he wants to try swaying! I had given up on swaying anyway but if he is on board and wants to give it a go then I'm willing to try just so I dont wonder 'what if'. I'm not going all out, and after last week when I didn't do so well I now feel ready to accept boy number 5 into my family so I think that I'll be ok either way. I feel like as long as it's not impacting too much on my life then surely it can't hurt to give it a go. We are taking December off so we can enjoy all the Xmas foods, then January will start the sway stuff then February start ttc again.
Will you just do a diet sway motherofboys? or try a few other things.

I did a very loose 'sway' didn't change diet or anything but i tried to do a few opposite things to the last 2 times, although they go against what the websites say..?
So for ds1 and ds2 we just dtd once in fertile window so this time we did 3 attempts. No orgasm for me (tmi!) and a pink outfit under the bed!
I was planning to try the diet and exercise plan but it just went out of the window after the wedding. Probably before wedding my diet would have been much more pink friendly :shrug:
I think there is some basis to the diet swaying but I know for me there is no point;
I know its a number of factors etc But I am a lifelong vegetarian who never eats breakfast, doesn't add salt doesn't drink coffee (much) and just about every other single one of the girl sway factors. Yet I have two boys, You can't put more effort in than
all your life :haha:

I read the diet through like " Are you kidding me" grrr :haha:

I added the supplements in last time for 6 months prior to ttc.

However I know that if you want to follow all the sway rules you shouldn't ttc on ovulation day but we did! I'm not even sure if I believe in it 100% but I know we broke that rule..

Also if anyone is into it both my boys match up with the Chinese gender chart haha. Stupid thing :haha:
Good luck rhi rhi
I think what I said to dh has sunk in. He wants to ttc in the new year and he wants to try swaying! I had given up on swaying anyway but if he is on board and wants to give it a go then I'm willing to try just so I dont wonder 'what if'. I'm not going all out, and after last week when I didn't do so well I now feel ready to accept boy number 5 into my family so I think that I'll be ok either way. I feel like as long as it's not impacting too much on my life then surely it can't hurt to give it a go. We are taking December off so we can enjoy all the Xmas foods, then January will start the sway stuff then February start ttc again.

Good Luck in January :)! It's so much better when they are onboard with the sway thing. I was worried DH would think i was mental :dohh:
Thats very intriguing rhi i was under the illusion that the diet part was the most important element...

I'm not sure about the chinese gender thing as they all give different results! Some say boy for ds1, girl for ds2 and then girl this time, or girl, girl and then boy this time and i think i've had girl, girl and girl so...
We dtd day before, day of and day after ov' this time round. Previously day before ov' i think. Find out in 24 days whether this boy no'3 :eek:
Swaying really only changes your odds a bit, I'm trying to think that right now I have an 80% chance of another boy and with a sway I have a 50% chance of another boy. There's a lady who's natural lifestyle is so 'boy sway' and yet she has 4 girls. My life is also completely boy sway so I might as well try it because if I was going to do things differently I would be more or less doing the sway anyway. I'm doing the diet and exercise, which combined are supposed to be the most effective parts. And then a few old wives tales. I've been wearing a Rose Quartz necklace since he said we could ttc months ago. I have a wooden spoon with pink ribbon wound round it under the bed and a letter to my possible future daughter with it. I can not bring myself to buy a girls outfit knowing I may not get to use it.
Even my natural personality is one that would suggest if be more prone to boys, I obsess (so want to keep my sway as simple as possible) I over think everything. There's even a bit on there about body type and how that can indicate lifestyle patterns or natural genetics that can make you more prone to a boy or girl and it rang true for me.
Dh comes from a boy heavy family too.
I'm not sure I put much faith in it all and it is probably just coincidence but I like thinking that I'm actively trying to give myself a chance. Plus I've got a little extra weight still from ds4 (boy is 13 months old and only a couple of my old pairs of jeans have enough stretch to do up) so I have a bit to work with when usually I don't.
Oh and the Chinese gender chart was 50/50 for me. Said boy, girl, girl, boy. And the boys were conceived on predicted O day just from guess work of a regular cycle. At +opk, 3 days before O and day before O. And with all 4 by coincidence we had been sick or too tired or life had got on the way so we only ended up doing it once during that time.
My pink outfit comes from where i bought some gorgeous pink babygro's for my friends new baby and then i saw some pics of her baby and she had dressed in more funky pink ones and these were really delicate pink and flowerly and i thought i'm not sure she'll like them really and couldn't bear to take them back to the shop so they found there way under my bed :blush: and i bought her some funky pink ones instead!

Also its strange i've read that a one shot in fertile time is better for conceiving a girl and multiple for boy, but seeing as all our boys have been 1 shots it doesn't look like a true theory hey..
I may have to do some reading to find out what my natural sway is. I honestly don't know. And ds2 and 3 were both one shots too!!
I've just started diving back into gender dreaming and apparently they are now finding that it isn't getting that great results. I'm going to do every 4 days which is traditionally boy but they are now saying is good enough for girl. It's the longest that it's advised dh go between as well due to his age.
I prefer the gender dreaming site and some advice on the other site is actually not good for health.
I think as the research isn't that old things are found to work better or worse than others for a while until it levels out. And as most people are doing more than one thing it can skew results on the most effective way. Like let's be honest, scientifically putting a wooden spoon with pink ribbon under the bed isn't going to make those girl sperm swim any faster but if people who also did diet and exercise and supps and posted their results it would look like the spoon was getting really good results
I think inconceived on O day.. Actually I'm almost
Positive, does that mean team blue in theory? :)
In theory, but one thing really wouldn't make that much difference by itself (although I wish it would at times lol)
Have you thought about the lemon lime douch? Something about changing your natural ph to favor girls? I never got a change to try anything before we got
Pregnant :(
I conceived on 0 day and I'm having a girl I realized it's all chance no matter what u do
A friend finds out her babies gender today. I'm so nervous. She has a boy and a girl already from previous relationships, the dad has 3 boys (he raised 5 but it turns out 2 of them are not biologically his so for the purpose of gender guessing I am only counting the 3) her scan is in 15 minutes. So sure she will have a girl. Hoping I'm in a better place today that I was the other week when I hear her announcement.
Even in third world countries where there is so little food that everyone's life is a natural girl sway bits are still born or the whole of their race would be wiped out. Especially back in the times when travelling between countries and even villages and tribes was not at all common. But in those communities the girl birth rate is higher than the boy birth rate. Here the boy birth rate is marginally higher than the girl birth rate.
Does she really want a girl motherofboys? Hope you will be ok with the outcome x

There are so many theories, its hard to know what works and what doesn't and if we can even sway it at all? I'm not sure where i sit with it all..

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