Hi sort of don't feel right being here, I have 2 girls and not disappointed in their gender at all, when was pregnant with my 2nd who is only 3 months I really thought she was going to be a boy and would of loved a boy but its not disappointment as I wouldn't change my beautiful girl for anything.
We do want a 3rd and final child though that we don't plan to start trying for until Jan 2016, so would love a boy to complete our family. I know I would love a girl just as much but a little scared if I will feel the terrible guilt this time that the thought of disapointment of never having a boy. I know having/wanting a boy isn't my only reason of wanting a 3rd though.
I hear so much condradictive stuff but is it still 50/50 of having either boy or girl when you already have 2 of one sex? Some say it decreases but others say its always 50/50.
Who of you ladies believe in swaying methods? I've been looking it up and also very contradictive.
I could have written that hun and I'm sure most ladies on here would agree with you too
. I'd agree once you have 2 of one sex its still 50/50 the 3rd will be the same sex again. I'm going to give swaying a go, we figured we've nothing to lose, for us the 'worst' that could happen is we get another gorgeous boy, the bonus would be a girl, so figured its worth a shot! though I don't know masses about swaying as we're not going to ttc until probably jan 2016 either, maybe slightly sooner but probably not