The new Gender Specific Hopefuls thread (2014)

That must have made you feel so bad that he cried Aww
A bearded dragon lol that did make me laugh!

Thanks dollych, I'm wondering if we do find out if we are having a boy that we don't tell people. I just can't be doing with the comments, but then I guess we will get the comments either way!. This is my third too, I have two boys who love each other so much.
I have had the football team comment too! like girls don't play football??
I've never seen a football team with 11 brother playing in one team, what a stupid thing to say!

My best friend is just the worst, every time I see her the first thing she says, is I hope it's a girl!! Grrr
That must have made you feel so bad that he cried Aww
A bearded dragon lol that did make me laugh!

Thanks dollych, I'm wondering if we do find out if we are having a boy that we don't tell people. I just can't be doing with the comments, but then I guess we will get the comments either way!. This is my third too, I have two boys who love each other so much.
I have had the football team comment too! like girls don't play football??
I've never seen a football team with 11 brother playing in one team, what a stupid thing to say!

My best friend is just the worst, every time I see her the first thing she says, is I hope it's a girl!! Grrr

We also have two boys.. with the last one the jokes started(from the inlaws) " that's enough boys now" "can the next one please be a girl"

I think i'm taking it too personally as i know it wasn't meant with malice; they have 4 grandkids now all boys! same for my side of the family; my parents only have grandsons and my sisters only have nephews.. so i get the "joke" but meh :dohh:

Very cautiously pregnant atm... and we are are torn between finding out, I will admit I cried at my last gender scan :nope: Is it better to get it "over and done with" or wait till the birth ?! Earliest we could find out is mid April so long enough to decide i guess.
Ugh I'm the same, 2 boys and pregnant.

My mum has said 'better be a girl this time' but that's been the only comment so far. When we put it on Facebook (gonna announce at 16 weeks) I imagine a lot more. My due date buddy has 3 boys and she announced last week and the comments were just full of 'do you think it's a girl' etc. I so hope she has a girly, I will find it hard if I had one and she didn't.

Haven't told my grandma yet but even with my first she said she was hoping it was a girl for me. I honestly wonder how much of my GD is based on other peoples expectations. If it was just my little family and no one else I know I'd care a lot less.

We find out on the first of March and regardless of the result we'll be keeping it to ourselves.
oh blimey on your neighbour and WOW to the not so close family member! how mean! although my grandma when I phoned her the day after eddie was born to tell her she had another great-grandson actually asked me if I was disappointed he wasn't a girl as we were team yellow too. I just couldn't believe it, especially not even 12 hours after he'd been born to ask me that!

My dad asked if we were happy when we told him we were PG with DS2. Maybe it's an older generational thing. But Wow that's a bit close to the quick. :nope: No matter what you don't want to be asked that!? How upsetting.

And just to add....awwww... is your DS2 is Eddie too?! Mine is Edward Stewart :)

could well be an older generation thing I guess, still no excuse if you ask me! yep DS2 is Edward Stirling :), very similar lol! great minds ;)

Congrats Kckarting and Kaths:)
I'm the same, it's other people that are making my GD even worse!!. I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my 3rd boy and even before I found out I got all the comments :
" ooh I bet you want a girl next"
" I bet it's a girl"
" A girl would be lovely to complete your family"
" you need a Girl next with all them boys in the house!! "
It's even worse now I have found out, people have actually pulled a face when I have told them and said
" aww never mind, at least you will have a little football team"!!.or
" Oh no what a shame you didn't get a girl this time!!". This is from complete strangers in shops!!.
It's their comments that make me feel bad when I'm having a good day & I've nearly cried in public!!.
Hopefully you will get your Girl, but I must say 2 boys is so nice. Mine are line best friends. I just really wanted a girl this time xx

:hugs: i'll totally be the same if and when we have no.3, for DS2 I'd have liked a girl but wasn't too worried, now I really would like one, but at the same time would still want another boy if that's what we got.

That must have made you feel so bad that he cried Aww
A bearded dragon lol that did make me laugh!

Thanks dollych, I'm wondering if we do find out if we are having a boy that we don't tell people. I just can't be doing with the comments, but then I guess we will get the comments either way!. This is my third too, I have two boys who love each other so much.
I have had the football team comment too! like girls don't play football??
I've never seen a football team with 11 brother playing in one team, what a stupid thing to say!

My best friend is just the worst, every time I see her the first thing she says, is I hope it's a girl!! Grrr

hmm I wonder if its better not to tell people, (accept us of course ;) ), people are likely to say less once the baby is actually here?

We also have two boys.. with the last one the jokes started(from the inlaws) " that's enough boys now" "can the next one please be a girl"

I think i'm taking it too personally as i know it wasn't meant with malice; they have 4 grandkids now all boys! same for my side of the family; my parents only have grandsons and my sisters only have nephews.. so i get the "joke" but meh :dohh:

Very cautiously pregnant atm... and we are are torn between finding out, I will admit I cried at my last gender scan :nope: Is it better to get it "over and done with" or wait till the birth ?! Earliest we could find out is mid April so long enough to decide i guess.

I deliberately didn't find out with my 2nd, because I was worried I'd have been disappointed at the scan and once he was in my arms I didn't care, but I think that's a very personal decision.

Ugh I'm the same, 2 boys and pregnant.

My mum has said 'better be a girl this time' but that's been the only comment so far. When we put it on Facebook (gonna announce at 16 weeks) I imagine a lot more. My due date buddy has 3 boys and she announced last week and the comments were just full of 'do you think it's a girl' etc. I so hope she has a girly, I will find it hard if I had one and she didn't.

Haven't told my grandma yet but even with my first she said she was hoping it was a girl for me. I honestly wonder how much of my GD is based on other peoples expectations. If it was just my little family and no one else I know I'd care a lot less.

We find out on the first of April and regardless of the result we'll be keeping it to ourselves.

I think you've hit the nail on the head, an awful lot of GD is the perception that's its better to have one of each sex. xx
I started saying the football team thing to stop people from chiming in with "bet you want a girl" when asked if we would go for a 5th. I would say straight off "yes we would like a 5th, when you get to 4 boys you might as well go for 1 more to complete the football team" as you can have 5 and 6 a side teams. Turned it around on them and used it as a talisman lol I also would say "who wouldn't want 4 strapping lads to look after them when they are older" and when told I had my hands full id say "better full than empty"
Out of 19 great grand kids there's only 5 boys that have the family nane to pass on (the other boys were born to the granddaughters) and I think FIL is secretly quite proud of the fact that all 5 are his grandchildren, there's our 4 and BILs son.
So broody today. I keep thinking maybe we could have another down the line but I know I'm kidding myself
I'm pissed off just reading those comments some of you have been getting and I'm not even in that situation! I get upset when someone expresses a preference for MY offspring and I don't even know what I'm having. Any day now though!
I got all the football team comments after ds2 was born when people knew we wanted a third,now its so you're done now then.. like we were only trying for a girl and didn't really want more. Their faces when i say no, think we'll have 1 more! :haha:

how exciting feronia, do you have feelings on the sex?
I started saying the football team thing to stop people from chiming in with "bet you want a girl" when asked if we would go for a 5th. I would say straight off "yes we would like a 5th, when you get to 4 boys you might as well go for 1 more to complete the football team" as you can have 5 and 6 a side teams. Turned it around on them and used it as a talisman lol I also would say "who wouldn't want 4 strapping lads to look after them when they are older" and when told I had my hands full id say "better full than empty"
Out of 19 great grand kids there's only 5 boys that have the family nane to pass on (the other boys were born to the granddaughters) and I think FIL is secretly quite proud of the fact that all 5 are his grandchildren, there's our 4 and BILs son.
So broody today. I keep thinking maybe we could have another down the line but I know I'm kidding myself

We get a lot of comments about ice hockey teams - hubby is a skater and you need 4 plus a goalie on the ice at any one time. People keep saying to get me in goal! lol :haha:

I need to remember that 'better full than empty' thing....I always get that comment! Like boys are harder work than girls? I don't get it! Children are hard work period surely but anyway lol.

It's funny - I have been getting so many comments about having another, and I would so have another! But......none of them so far have been about gender which is strange. Maybe I've finally made my feelings clear that gender doesn't matter! :shrug:
I think we are finding out because I'm anxiety about it and I feel not knowing is a bit of an obstical. I think seeing your baby for the first time means you'll love them and gender won't mean much, but the GD and the comments just make me anxious. I feel if I know I can deflect the comments a bit better and bond with boy 3. I don't want negativity straight after I've had him when I haven't mentally prepared for it.
yes i HAD to know, i needed to get used to the idea of a 3rd boy before the birth. when can you find out emy dra?
Sometimes i think my friendships circles don't help the "matter" one of my closest friends has identical twin girls!

and my other very close friend has four girls! including a set of identical twin girls.

I honestly don't think We could be any more surrounded by girls; It makes me feel better though in some ways, I know my friend really wanted a boy and got all girls so It's nice to know it goes both ways. A mean as that is for my friend. Neither of my friends have made any comments ever about my childrens genders which is a relief! As i imagine I would cry hahah
I'm finding out in 2 weeks and 4 days.

I remember my a friend of the family having a daughter, who is now 15 I think so I'd have been 10.
I was asking about the birth and she told me she was mistakenly told it was a boy and was really upset. Her exact words to me, burned into my brain 15 years on 'my first thought was, I can't believe I did all that for a boy'
(They didn't have anymore kids)

And my mums comment to me growing up 'I was glad you were a girl because it meant it didn't matter what the next one was'.

No wonder I have a 'distorted' view.
I guess it feels like society values boys as some kind of boobie prize. Which is beyond stupid.
I'm finding out in 2 weeks and 4 days.

I remember my a friend of the family having a daughter, who is now 15 I think so I'd have been 10.
I was asking about the birth and she told me she was mistakenly told it was a boy and was really upset. Her exact words to me, burned into my brain 15 years on 'my first thought was, I can't believe I did all that for a boy'
(They didn't have anymore kids)

And my mums comment to me growing up 'I was glad you were a girl because it meant it didn't matter what the next one was'.

No wonder I have a 'distorted' view.
I guess it feels like society values boys as some kind of boobie prize. Which is beyond stupid.

I can still remember my mum saying to me when I was about 5/6 that boys were horrible and she was glad she had 2 girls!!
I remember it clearly and when I was pregnant with my first boy that's all I could think of :cry:
Of course she might have said it jokingly and to make us feel special but either way it stuck with me!
I sat at a table about a year ago, with 3 other women. They each only had 1 girl. They all had the same sentiment. Glad I got a girl first because the next can be a boy or girl. I'm actually really pleased I got a boy first. That's what I wanted. But people are so insensitive. They knew I had 4 boys. They didn't know what I could be feeling at that time.
I have always wanted to be team yellow but was too impatient then last time I had to know tk prepare myself. I worried that with a history of postnatal depression that if I didn't find out and then had a boy I might suffer again and have trouble bonding.
Now I know it didn't matter, I wouldn't swap him for the world. I just wish I'd had a girl as well as 4 boys
I got asked a question by one of my best friends' boyfriend when they were seeing us and he asked me plainly if I would like a girl this time.

But the way he asked seemed totally reasonable, as though he half expected me to say no, which was sort of nice. At least most men don't care!

I always wanted 2 boys and a girl, and being realistic 3 boys is closer to that dream than 3 girls. I guess my own desire for a daughter is on par with no wanting to hear people's ignorant comments about my childrens genders for the rest of my life.
Thanks, I'm feeling okay! I've been in prodromal labour on and off so I've thought things were starting up several times, but no luck so far. :/

I didn't really have an intuition until around the 3rd trimester, but I think it's a girl. It was honestly harder not knowing when I was early on and mid pregnancy when everyone else was finding out, but after that I found the wait surprisingly bearable! It hasn't interfered with bonding, and in my case, I think not knowing has helped with GD. I'm at the point now where I really don't mind. I love our boy name and would be really sad never to use it!

Even though I had a girl first, I totally don't understand the concept of that being better -- like at all. I just wanted two of the same, not one of each, but I didn't care which two. I feel like punching anyone who says they hope I get one of each! We were actually leaning towards wanting a boy more when I was expecting our first since I'm a tomboy and play a ton of video games, and can't stand princesses or pink!
Wow some of these things are making me really upset. I can't believe people can be so insensitive.

I admit, I've found it harder each time to be team yellow. First time was added excitement, 2nd time was like a 50/50 gamble (Hubby and I had a £1 bet going....I said girl and lost! lol) 3rd time....well I was on here talking about anxiety and worrying about the fact the baby might be a girl. Got my wish....feel incredibly lucky but I get growth scans so I had to avert my eyes a lot more often that I would have cared for lol. I don't know whether I'd be able to break the mould and find out if a 4th did happen upon me. I have ZERO mother's instinct...see the bet comment above.

Oh and just to add insult to injury my period is currently AWOL. I was due on the 10th......yeah, that's helping my mental state! :dohh:
Feronia - good luck!!! I hope things happen soon and go smoothly. :flower:
feronia, hope things kick off for you soon hun, looking forward to hearing your news! xx

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