ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Nappy cake


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Cake :)


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Iak those pics are luuuurvly!! One spoilt mumma & baby boy :) That nappy cake is amazing! Hats off to you Mum :thumbup:

I know, to look at me you never guess im merely a week off due date! Eek! Haha only packed the one hosp bag or mini travel suitcase, but sorting through all baby clothes that were given to me, alot of it isnt my taste really, faaaar too much pink lol so i bagged up alot of it & gave it to charity shop this morning..!

Omg i cant believe im about to moan about this lovely weather but f*****k me hahaa i am sooooo hot! Im walking around in my bratop & mini shorts lol! Filling up Rileys paddling pool again in a minute so we can paddle hehe ;)
Thank you!

You definitely suit pregnancy though, tell OH that he may feel the need for the 3rd one haha how are u feeling ? When you went for your mw app, could they tell if she was engaged ? I'm the same, pink is nice but some people over do it. I really like the bright colors for summer babies and little shorts on boys with the stockings!

It is boiling! Ooh a paddling pool, will u be getting in it too? Haha one way of cooling off. Wish we had a pool, we have a pond.. Tempting ! I'm off to the park for a long walk. I will get half way and will need to pee. Going to miss all this.

Clairybell- Sh*t, you are nearly in single numbers!
CB looking great!! i agree with iak, pregnancy suits u:blush:

Iak, i will be seeing obgyn every 4 weeks then she said it will be every 2 weeks after a certain time. So i will get 20weeks scan and one more scan later on to see if baby is upside down.

My friend thinks i didnt get 12 weeks scan because i said no to the down syndrome testing. Is that true? maybe i will call her and see if thats the case then i will do the testing lol

It was storming last night badly, i kept waking p. Feeling like a zombie today and its 32C here today too. What a weird weather this year.
okey so CB u were right, we said no to 12 weeks scan because we didnt wanna check for down syndrome. But then when i called the gyno's office, i said we changed our mind and i would like to do the blood work and scan.

They had to book me in with the gyno again so she can book me the scan and tests. She was available earliest Aug 4th and i will be almost 11 weeks by then. Receptionist said we may not be able to find u a spot for ultrasound for 12 weeks by then.

I booked it with gyno just incase she can book me a scan around 12-14weeks. If she cant then thats fine. Will know better for the next baby.
I think you should have a scan at 12wks even if it is just a general scan and not looking at abnormalities. 20 weeks seems such a long time to wait. Good that you are booked into see the OB in August.
Well she may not be able to book me in for a scan at 12 weeks but at least we give it a try.
Uhh i had typed a big ol reply & me being me accidently tapped an Advert ffs & lost everything i typed grrrr!!!

Ah no doubt all will be fine on scan results anyways Golden girl :hugs: They scan in uk for the NT/Downes between weeks 11-14 so im sure they can squeeze you in hun! Other genetic/disorder testing is optional so you dont have to have anything done really.. I was more worried this time around with my results than with Riley as im now 35 but under 30 is low risk anyway :)

Hows the heat where you are Golden? Hope you manage to get better nights sleep tonight! I slept rubbish last night, sooooo hot, i tossed & turned for hrs, always looking for that cold bit of pillow Lol

I know its weird in a couple of days il be single digits arghhhh!!! Apart from the acheyness & sickness in first tri i do love being pregnant, i will miss it.. Just as i start looking all large n fatty & getting that pg waddle odown to a tee - baby will come ;)

Is baby head down then Iak? Did mw go over birth plan? My midwife said the roundness of babies head is much more bigger than the butt & she could feel her bum wiggling under my rib lol but could feel some of her head part into pelvis & the rest was still bobbing :)

I didnt need to sit in the paddling pool with Riley in the end! He got me soaked by throwing a bucket of water over me, my pants & shorts were wet for an hour or so hahaa lil chimp!!!
Baby girl is starting to push her way down then. Will u still be having a presentation scan ?

Baby is still head down. We will be going through birth plan at next appointment. Did mw talk to u about getting the injection for placenta ? She asked me and I don't know much about it. I remember touching it on slightly in Anternatal class but not in detail.

Aww Riley must of seen that you were hot and was helping his mummy out. I went to the park for around 3/4 hours. My feet are burnt, I didn't put any sun cream on before we left and didn't Even realise until we got home. I feel so sleepy now, on a positive no back pain today.
Nah, i dont think she'll fuss about sending me for presentation scan now, im ok with her judgement ;) plus the pressure im feeling there, i know i never had that with Riley so im sure shes the right way :thumbup:

Oh yes, the injection its a hormone one.. They recommend i have it straight away due to pressure & stress on my uterus after Vag delivery so it doesnt need to wait to start contracting again to shift the placenta! If your labour progresses well & you deliver no issues you can wait for uterus to start contracting or the injection gets its out quicker.. Its how you feel on the day really?..

I wouldve opted for the jab if i hadnt had a csection previous i think.. Id want it out straight away Lol

Oh nooo you sunburned tootsies! Bet you'll go a nice tan colour when pink starts fading though ;)

Good stuff on no back pain though! You must've took it more easy today.. My lower backs been twingey & trapped nervey! Uhh probs achey from yesterday!

Im just watching 'The Women' have you girls seen it? Im watching the Labour bit at the end hahaa!! I know i wont be smiling & embracing each contraction pahahaa!
Can u really feel the pressure there ? Baby is head down but I don't really feel any pressure down there apart from some pains every now and then. Mostly the pressure when he has his feet right under ribs or his butt sticking out.

Oh ok. So might as well have the injection straight away ? I've heard sometimes the placenta comes out with the baby. Do you the cons of having the injection ? I will have to do some reading I think before next mw app haha. Yeah I don't worry when I burn because it does turn into tan. I've found that I've been so busy these last few days, hardly had time to sit down my back has been fine. Sat down this evening and if started hurting. Have physio next week, so hopefully they will recommend a few things. Need to rest before baby arrives. Not staying on my feet all day just not to have a back ache... Ha! It's quite common during the 3rd trimester, all that pushing, pressure and carrying around the little one.

Nope not seen it, is it good ? Don't know if I want to see anyone going through it at this stage. Someone recommended at the baby shower that me and oh watch someone give birth... No thanks!
I have no idea on the cons so il need to read up aswell haha!

Its a weird heavy feeling every now & then, esp when im walking & with braxton hicks & belly goes solid, the heavyness goes right down low & i have to stop walking/moving as it starts getting painful uncomfy! Im looking out for signs all the time now! I bet because im looking forward to vbac & awaiting for it all to start she'll go the full 12 days over & because i dont want to be induced il end up having another csection! Im going to google vbac & inducement actually while its in my head!

Soo hot! Rolling over to push myself up in bed for a pee is killing me, bladder feels so full but its probs not Lol

Just looked at my feet whilst peeing! Still swollen & puffy! The heat is making them look like puffer fish & i not like!

Ah typical! Because you said about no back pain its bit you in the butt & got you back Lol! Hope it isnt too ouchy & great news about a physio date! :thumbup:

Haha the films funny, 2008/2009 i think but its all Women, not a single man in the film anywhere, not even in the background whilst filming! Its not a graphic labour seen just funny with her yelling Lol!

I could never watch One born every Minute but im ok with it this time but you dont see the baby head & stretching lady bits! I cant watch a proper baby being born id feel all fliddy & then panic will kick in maybe :shock: what i dont know (see) wont hurt me hahaa! My friend watched one when she was pg years ago before i had Riley & was pg, i had to leave the room Lol friend thought i was hilarious! :haha:
I'm sure you won't go 12 days over. At the 40 wk app, do u think they offer u the sweep ? Have u had any more thoughts on water birth ?

I know I struggle to get out of bed when I need to go toilet, if OH is awake he has to push me up. Then I start waddling to the toilet. That's the only time I do waddle. Must be a pain to wear shoes when ur feet are so puffy, keep an eye on it. When I was at the Anternatal class last week, some women's feet were massive.

Yep looking forward to the physio. It's at the hospital, I may try and get a tour of the birth centre whilst I'm there. Will have to watch it, don't know if it's best watching it now or after the birth! Oh I see One born every minute on and i want to watch it but avoid it. Makes me panic when they bring the forceps in ect. I think it's best that we don't esp so close haha. I have put it on before a couple of months ago and OH was like do we have to watch this ?! Some women like your friend can and wouldn't think anything of it. I'd rather not haha.

So is everything ready...? Pushchair up ? Clothes washed ?

Ouch baby's legs are right under my ribs! So uncomfortable...
With baby no2 (this is what i had read on internet today strangely enough) they offer you the 'sweep' at 41wks.. But its only 25/26% effective being that only this amt of ladies go into labour from it & its quite uncomfy apparently.. Google how its done, eeesh! Depending how i feel at 41wks i may say no to the Sweep :-/

Lol i used to get like that watching One Born being pg with Riley, i think i managed 1 episode, normal labour & delivery but it panicked me out! I watched a couple after i had Riley & i was fine, just blubbed lots ha ha! Ive seen 3/4 so far this time but yeah im not liking it when the deliverys arent straight forward!

I buyed a couple more newborn vest tops today along with a pink change Mat :) I want to get another 72 pack of size 1 pampers aswell, apart from that everythings ready to go, clothes washed & put into drawers, only thing to go in hosp bag is my Make up bits when i go into labour/csection, buggy is folded up in boot of car! Oh & i need to get scented nappy bags! Lol! Savers do them 99p fir like 250 in a box, they smell of talc powder & then put carseat in car, its currently on kitchen table Lol :thumbup:

Hows you set for things??
They say it doesn't always work, 50% chance. Some women have been offered it on their due date. I don't know if I would have it or just wait.

Sounds like all you need is baby girl now! Will have to get some of them nappy bags, they sound good haha. I'm debating whether to get a changing table atm. I don't know whether it is worth it. Where did you used to change Riley ?
I will be going out this weekend to get everything. Pushchair is still boxed up, will be putting that up next week and putting the Moses basket up. Once I have got everything this weekend, I will be washing everything in the week and putting it away.

Got my last Anternatal class tomorrow! 3 sessions have gone quickly.
I know, because its not proven to work im abit reluctant to want it done hmm...

Nappy bags are a must, cant believe i forgot them tut tut!

We had a Cotbed ready for Riley aswell as a changing shelf that went on it but he slept in Moses basket still, good thing really as bending up n down after a csection with a change matt on floor wouldve done me in! Change tables are pretty good, if we had the space id of had another cot with a change shelf, very convenient & all change products & nappies are right there :thumbup:

I wasnt going to bother washing all new clothes but after opening packets up that new clothes smell was yukky so i washed it all haha smells lovely n feels all soft now :)

Wow those 3 sessions have flown by, whats todays one about? Has hubs been going to them with you? I think you'll find the BF one really useful :) techniques of latching on etc :thumbup:
Especially if they offer it the 40 weeks appointment. One of my friends had it done and she gave birth 48 hrs later. I don't whether baby comes when they r ready or things like this actually help. I read sometimes they can't do it because the cervix is too high to start off with.

Oh really, that's helpful to know. OH is not going to be happy. Will have to put the changing table in our room which is going to be tight.

Aww all new freshly washed. Was going through the clothes last night and need to pop into Gap to change a few things. I got a few shorts and little sandals for 3-6 months, but by that time it will be winter so hopefully can change it for 0-3 months or 6-12 months.

OH came to the first session, labour and pain relief. Today's session is breastfeeding one. OH seemed very interested in coming to today's one, but I will be going by myself haha! Got the waterbirth workshop on 5th August, will be dragging him to that one. If I decide to go.

Clairybell- SINGE DIGITS!!!! YAY! 9 MORE DAYS TO GO! I feel like making it into a song for you!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hahaa!! " 9 more days to go, 9 more days tp go, tra la la la" lol im now singing it in my head :haha:

Rileys cotbed & change table was in his own bedroom but moses basket in our room as there was not enough room same as you guys, if he pooped in early hrs i was walking to the other room in zombie mode Lol!

Yeah i bet hubs was very intrested in the breastfeeding class ha ha sadly you dont actually see any real boobs but if hes not going you shpuld say 'omg & this girl volunteered & got her boob out' hahaa!! Just to see his reaction :haha:

I dont think il have the sweep as at 40-41 wks your still in the ok time frame to deliver safely & like you say babies will come when ready & not forced :)

Im sure Gap will let you exchange the items as its not refund & if you have the bag still & with or without receipt they should be fine! Gap baby bits are oooober cute! A friend if mine whos also pg keeps buying looooads of baby girls bits from Next & although they are lovely, theres sooo much pink :nope: i keep getting random fb messages of them haha im like 'oh there lovely' .. Not for me :-/

Oh if you have access to H&M they have some great groovy rock n roll baby tshirts, shame i not having a boy as id get carried away ;)

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