ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Hahaa i know the size of an Oscar really made me laugh this morning :haha:

Omg i know how you feel re buying Alcohol & getting the funny looks! I justify myself EVERY time i pop out if SO wants so tobacco & im like 'just to clarify, its not mine' Lol!

I have 2 packs of romper onesies long sleeved, short & long sleeved vest tops in newborn & 1-2 packs of 0-3 bed onsies, just to see me through the first month or so & then il probs go buy more if needed for 0-3 :) with what you have though & what you'll get at baby shower i think you be fine hehe!

Farm was lovely, Riley only intrested in feeding the chickens haha but i put some pics on fb :thumbup:

Ooh i took some pics of the new roof & a 38wk bump! I will post hehe!
Wifi now working! Heres the Roof piccy :)
Aww you have a lovely bump! Roof is looking good. When r u planning to finish ?

Where did you get the rest of baby's stuff from ?

Aww bless him. Glad you both had a nice time. My parents use to have chickens and my nephews used to love feeding them and stroking them. They use to stop so they could stroke them. I use to put them in their arms haha. Is baby still head down ?
End of next week SO will have it all weathered in & then the Roofers can start laying all tiles etc eee! SO wont mind if baby arrives after next week then ha ha!

Baby girl still head down, midwife said she was positive she was so thats a good thing :thumbup: im getting the stabbing foo foo again today so i dunno if shes moving down more, ive been walking around alot today so maybe she is shifting down more but i know my feet are puffed up, probs the heat uhh! Omg have you seen the Weather for the coming week? :) luuuuurvly n watm! My Met app says 28 degrees for Tuesday ahhhhhh love it!!

Ahhh lil chicks hehe! Did they have the chooks for Eggs? Local hen eggs are lovely, you can really taste the diff in the Yolk mmmm ;) i could eat a runny boiled egg now haha!

I got the last bits of clothes from H&M & Mothercare! Mothercare has a sale on! I picked up a crib bale bumper in white from Mothercare for £14! Bargain! Think i mentioned that already?! My memorys poo lol! But i got it the same time as Perineal Gel :) you should go into Mothercare & grab some, £4!
Sounds like you have everything coming together and you have perfect weather for getting it all done. Bet he is getting a good tan up there.

Yay. Is the 38 wk mw app just the same as the rest of them ? I have a mw app on Monday. Will the mw still be sending u for the presentation scan ? Weather is looking lovely for next week. Great for our flip flops and sandals! My iPhone is showing 31 for Tuesday... Hard to believe haha! ahh I'm exhausted today, been non stop the whole day. Finally been able to go for a shower and lie in bed. Do you find when you been on ur feet the whole day, baby moves less ?

Yes, they brought 10 of them and they got eaten by the foxes. Determined buggers managed to dig all the way under. My dad redone it and they got around 7/8. The eggs were completely different to the ones that you buy from supermarket. At one stage, I had eggs every morning for around 3/4 months. Chickens only live up to around 3 years, we had them just under 4 yrs. Last one died around Xmas time, so we don't have any fresh eggs anymore.

I did look online on mothercare and it seems that there clothes sale is finished. I've planned to go next weekend to aload of shops. Will pick all his bits up from next too. I can't believe your 38wks, not long left at all. Eeek! Have u looked at your bags ?
Omg Iak he is SOOOO tanned, i look ghostly in comparison Lol! If insit in sun for an hour or so with me pg still il go a nice colour, hoping il get a couple of hrs here n there throughout the coming week :) do you guys have a garden where your stsying so you can chill in the Sun for abit of Vit D?! ;)

Yeah when im buzzing about i dont tend to notice her movements that much but as soon as i stop & chill out she goes nuts! Ladt night she was having a party in there ha ha & i was getting the stabbings again ouchy! Yes the temp on my phone now says 29/30 for Monday-Tuesday!! Eeee summertime!

My 38 apt was standard apt checking baby position, heartbeat & any worries etc, my 36 wk apt which is what you have Monday im guessing, it was discussing Birthplan hehe! Longer apt slightly as i was chatting lots haha but they go through any worries, how & where you looking at giving birth, what you want/dont want to happen like minimal intervention etc or assisted birth if needed, drugs, epidural/spinal block so its a good needed mw apt, she'll probs asked if you've packed hosp bag aswell haha! Have you yet? Ive still not!

Ah Foxes are very sly buggers arent they?!! I never knew chooks lasted for such a short time bless but yes they eggs are tastey as! Mmm!

I need to get my butt up & dressed as need to go food shopping this morning, frudge is looking bare ha ha!

Is today your baby shower? I couldnt remember hun..
Take advantage of this week, don't know when we r going to get another week like this. Yes our garden is huge. I chill next to the pond and you really catch the sun there but since being pregnant I cant bear it as much. I used to be able to sit in the sun for hours.

How long does your stabbing pains last ?

Oh yes i remember mw saying, do I need to fill in the form that in my notes or do I go through with that with the mw ? I've got it all in my head, but no actually birthplan. Is your next mw at 40wk now ?

Can't stand them, they are loads where we live. Saw one in asda car park a few years ago , haha must be of been hungry. Yep baby shower is this afternoon, looking forward to it. Got no idea what has been planned. I've been told to go out until 2:30. I've got nothing to bloody do!
Clairybell- forgot to ask you, how many nappies would you recommend buying for newborn (size 1) and then size 2? Looked on Amazon and they do a pack of 72 for £7.

Should I just size 1 and then get size 2 when he is outgrowing size 1? Also how many sleepsuits are u taking to the hospital ? They have estimated him to weigh 7.4lb at the scan and mothercare newborn is up 7.5lb. Don't know whether to buy newborn or up to 1month. Up to 1month, weight is 10lbs in mothercare. Don't want to waste buying it and he doesn't fit in it but don't he swapped in it at the hospital.

Need some advice haha
Blimey, thats a bargain, BUY THEM! Lol! I have 2 newborn size 1's & lotsa others that were given to me from my friend & i have 1 pack of size 2's as im hoping by the time shes in size 2 she'll be somewhere around 6-7 wks but who knows! You'll know when they start growing out of them as nappies start leaking a bit.. If your unsure buy 2 lots of size 1 ' maybe a smaller pack of size 1's from somewhere else? I never wasted any of mine, Riley pooed ALL the time haha like between 9-11 nappies a day! But i guess it varys as bottle babies probs dont poop that much as the Milk doesnt digest as quick. You'll get nappies at baby shower aswell ;)

Have a fab baby shower! Lotsa cake mmmm ha ha!

Mw goes through birthplan & writes its all on your notes, no need for form filling! If your unsure of what drugs are available ask lotsa questions of what does what & how it affects the body & baby :thumbup: yeah next apt is 40eks omg!! Term!!

Stabby foo foo pains only last couple of seconds then goes away but its mainly in evening when shes wriggling & pushing her head about, lil minx!

Im just roasting a chicken for dinner, curly fries or baby tatas with lotsa mix salad mmmm hungry now ha ha!
Oh forgot to add about Vest/baby rompers for hospital, i took 0-3 & it was MAHOOOOOSIVE & didnt fit Riley & SO had to bring some newborn stuff from home, i had accidently packed it i think & it looked so small but def just take newborn clothes to hospital hun :thumbup: Hope babyshower was a hoot :)
Thank you ! It's 1:30 am and just got into bed. I am exhausted! OH's friends have just left. Baby shower was lovely. Everyone went all out! We had blue and white flowers, wreaths made, decoration, two cakes, cupcakes, balloons, banners. The full works. My sister done a juice bar with all different types of juices and fruit. I actually didn't think I would have a nappy cake thing but we did haha. My mum made it, it was so nice! We had a bbq too, thank god weather was good. We got loads of gifts, wasn't expecting that. Baby clothes, nappies, money, gift cards and my sil got me a voucher to get my nails done, which I think was lovely. Need to think whether to get them done before or after baby. The house is an actual mess right now! Fridge looks like it is going to burst open with all the food in there.

How many nappies are in ur packs ? Wow fx your last appointment. Must seem so strange that you are so close to the end and baby girl could arrive any day! I have the same stabbing pains. It is really sharp but doesn't last longer than a few seconds. Hope you enjoyed your roast dinner!

Thanks for that, I'm going to take newborn size and two sleepsuits in 0-3 months just in case. I have mw app tomorrow morning, I'm off to sleep!!!
omg u guys are so chatty over the weekend, i cant keep up:dohh: I cant log into bnb that often during weekend because of DH and family.

Iak, ur baby shower looked fun! especially the cake hehe
CB im still waiting for the wedding outfit pics of u and Riley:winkwink:

I had my gyno appointment today. Confused the sh*t out of me. She said LH:FSH ratio alone is not enuf to diagnose someone with pcos. Looking at my charts, she said she would have never diagnosed me with pcos. I asked why it took us long to conceive, she said that u may not be ovulating strong enuf which clomid helped with that.
She also told me to stop taking Metformin. She said studies show that metformin has no effect on mc risk during pregnancy. She thinks that because im not overweight, im not at high risk of mc.

Especially getting such a strong hb at 8 weeks does lower mc risk a lot. So did help me feel better because i was super paranoid about mc. But not sure about metformin.

Since it doesnt effect the baby, i will still take it until 12 weeks is over.

My next scan is Oct7 which i will be 20weeks with my new due date. But August 22nd she will use doppler to hear the babys hb.

She offered a test which we would check with baby had birth defects or if the baby is gonna be special needs. We decided not to do it since we wont be aborting the baby or need extra prep for special needs baby. Rather not know.
Hahaaa we can all yabber :haha:

Wow that was a loooong day on Sunday then, your baby shower sounded amazing!! So glad you had a great time & you & baby boy got spoilt rotten hehe!! Nappy Cakes are awesome are they?! Id never have the patience to sit there & make one but they look fab :thumbup: bring some of your party fridge food this way please :)

Well, our bedroom is ooober sparkly clean & hospital bag is packed!! OMG i hear you say Lol! Just 1-2 items left to go in but generally its all done! The nesting has begun, but ohhh i was cleaning that room ALL day & im feeling it now, i hurt EVERYWHERE & bump keeps going hard ouchy!! My own fault though, SO said i shouldve not done so much & done some more tomorrow, kinda felt like he was whingey, it made me cry, hormones pfft!

I dont really have any pics of me & Riley from the wedding but i think my sister posted a couple on Instagram so il peruse & steal haha! Bear with me whilst i find some.. :)

Golden, what does Metformin do again..? I remember your ff charts & you would always have great temp shifts after ovulation or suspected ovulation so i know your bod was doing something right! How is pcos diagnosed then? Is she a diff consultant you had seen to last time?

Thats the 12wk NT scan & blood test, its completely optional aswell & like you say, whatever the outcome you will be keeping the baby so no point stressing over it! :hugs: The younger you are the much more lower the risk is anyhow & think back in the 70/80's the test was never done & we all came out ok lol.. My Mum even smoked during pregnancy, never frowned upon back then!

How you feeling today?
Heres a frozen video shot pic my friend sent me.. Me, Riley & SO :)
Metformin lowers insulin because high insulin causes more LH production. So metformin did lower my LH level. Doctor that diagnosed me is endocrinologist and this doctor is obgyn. She said that just LH alone is not enuf to diagnose someone with pcos. Which i agree because that what google said. You need to have at least 3 of following;

LH:FSH ratio higher than 1:1 (Mine was 5:1)
Facial Hair
Irregular cycles
No ovulation
Low Progesterone

Like u said my chart showed ovulation every time and my cycles never been irregular like other pcos ladies. But i donno, every doc says something else lol i just feel like im not as worried as before and thats what matters.

Looking good! but cant see the dress really
I think you have no need to worry hun if they wanted to take you off any meds, baby is well & truely stuck in there hehe! I'l grab another piccy :)
Ooh i found another! Me on the left, my Aunty, older sister, my Mum & my Niece <3
Golden I don't think u have anything to worry. It's weird that you were diagnosed with pcos and now they are questioning it. Do you not have a 12 week scan ? How often do u see her ?

How are u feeling in general ?

Clairybell- yes I was really impressed with the nappy cake. My mum is a florist so she done flowers, wreaths and the nappy cake but it was the first time she done it. I shall post a few pictures on here. My cousin's wife and her mum made a 3 tier cake, it was so good. My mil turned up with a cream cake too so lots of cake for a few days haha.

Sounds like you have been busy too! Bet the house is smelling beautiful hehe. Take it easy though. How many bags did you end up packing ?

You look amazing in your pictures, def don't look like you will be giving birth in the next couple of weeks. I sat outside for around 15 mins yesterday and got tan lines. It is such a nice today meant to hit 31/32!

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