ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Yay it works- thank you Scrobbins! Hope everything is going well :)
Yay it works- thank you Scrobbins! Hope everything is going well :)

Yay! You are so welcome! We have been here for each other since the beginning I just want us all to keep in touch! Everything is going well. Just counting down! :baby:
hehehe found it! hehehe does it say august moms lol ur babies will be like 6-7 months by the time i give birth:blush:
Oh cool, thanks srobbins! Just seen you sent a message also, il take a gander in just a minute ;)

My goodness i been cleaning like a trojan today haha! Kitchens all nice now & just want to wipe through shelves in fridge & then ready... Ahhhhhh chill out time!

Iak i feel that sensation all the time lately, it weird! I have a pee & thrn feel loadsa pressure in my bottom lol like i slmost need to go but then i dont, im padding lotsa wind past few days aswell (sorry tmi lol) not smelly but i think shes pushing into the bowel, its strange feeling :-/

Haha i dont think SO will be hopping in the birthing pool with me, unless he starts getting bored! I cant deliver in it so i doubt he will tbh.. I bet your hubs will be wuick enough to jump out when he knows baby is coming down & out eee!! Did you start on hospital bag?

Im having BH at moment, they're evil in the evening, they're hurting around my lower back at the moment uhhh & all in my groin! Srobbins do you get bad bh yet?

Any one get any pins & needles sensations almost numbness just at top of bump under the bra area in middle just under breast bone? Very tingly sometimes! I googled & its stretching & baby pushing limbs up & trapping nerves, feels odd! Msinly when im sat down or leant right forward, if i stretch out or stand up it tends to go..!

Im betting on me going overdue the full 12days, just be ause i cant imagine myself randomly going into labour :haha:
Clairybell you need to rest before baby arrives!

Yep I'm getting loads of gas too haha.. I ve been having BH since 5pm. I don't know whether to get checked or try to sleep and see if they go. If not got better by tomorrow may go to the hospital.

Yeah I can't see OH getting into pool but his trucks will be packed.. How was OH when you had your csection ? I'm doing my hospital bag now. I know 11:30 at night. Some of the stuff is still in the dryer so need to get that out but baby's bag will be done. Clairybell I've had that numbness since around 25 weeks. I put ice there sometimes when it gets bad. I thought it would be something that went but it continued. It's a weird feeling. I don't think it is very common I tried looking it up when I first experienced it and couldn't find a lot on it. Asked the mw and she said it's the pressure. Mine gets really hot sometimes.

I doubt you will go 12 days over, I'm thinking next week. Are u all ready ?
Ooooh Iak, are they feeling painful or crampy at all? Are the regular??
Painful and crampy. OH is in central London. Don't want to go in atm. Will finish my bags and try and rest. If not better by morning will go in. I've had them all throughout the day on/off. Surely it can't be anything.
If they were real contractions wouldn't I be in agony? They are painful but I wouldn't say I can't deal with it
Ahh bless you packing your bag ready.. Last minute panic pack lol i hope you get everything in there hun! :)

Oh ive been cleaning but really pottering tsking it easy, just an odd hr here n there, nothing since 11 this morning!

Im all ready now eeee! Everything packed apart from iphone & charger & my make up hehe! Is your Moses basket ready & set up?

srobbins are you & hubs all ready?
Oh noooo.. Not nessessarily hun, if crampy you could possbe in early labour arhhhh!!!! If you still getting them now, time how often they are, my friendsbaby was breech & she was booked for a csection, she felt crampy achey on/off all day & in end went to hospital, she was nearly 8cm dilated & too late for csection! She delivered breech..! Just saying, keep an eye on them hun :) how exciting! Ee! You could always ring your Maternity labour ward for advice?
Yes definitely last minute pack haha. Are you taking any muslins with you ? Do they swaddle them in hospitals? What would you recommend ? Taking one cellar blanket is that enough or should I take two ?

I am panicking now. I'm resting in bed now- calling it a day, will finish packing if tomorrow. They have started to ease off abit, but I do think i am loosing my plug or maybe just dirty color discharge. I'm trying to remember how period cramps were, feels like ages ago now.

Will set up Moses basket tomorrow along with pushchair! Still have to order our mattress. That something else that needs to be done tomorrow! Got any plans for tomorrow except due date ? Hehe
Well there is progress. Decided to go and try sleep it off and wait for OH, woke up to the pain. Went to the toilet this evening and wiped and mucus blood. Pain continued, I panicked so we went to hospital. On the way there I was timing it and it was roughly every 10 mins. Told mw and she said you wouldn't examine me until it's every 2-3 mins and that its best to call before coming. Showed her the picture and she said def a "show"

So will be ringing before I go in now, atleast she checked baby. Bit p*ssed off that she couldn't examine to me check but it's a waiting game now. I really hope I'm not in this pain for the next 2 weeks. I'm going to try and get some Zzzz...
Oooh i think you'll be having baby boy before my baby girl OMG!!! :) so did the hospital examine you then? Any dilation yet?? Eee! How you feeling this morning? Was you hubs like 'omg its happening' panic! :haha: sp many questions lol

Tbh i never packed any cellular blankets with Riley or this one lol the hospital supplies blankets but saying that, i think im going to pop the pink one in my bag now ha ha! But i always think that unless the hospital is a private one & not nhs, they will most probs have other supplies of things we forget to take esp if we were to arrive in a mega emergency like baby coming now :)

Yup due date 40wks today & not so much as a twinge lol! Look at my ticker, a Pikachu hahaaa
Sorry Clairybell! I have taken your due date! I'm in labor!
OMG!!!! Ahhhh i knew it!! How is it? Lol! I really hope it all goes well hun, smoothly as possible! Thinking of you & keep us all posted ahhh :) :) :)
I was just thinking, i wonder if baby girl arrives on your due date Iak? Lol! Or 4th August - her original due date from LMP!

Good thing your OH never went away on his trip to see his Dad..! You told him babies arrive early hehe! Hope all is going well :hugs:
Hey girlies!

Baby boy arrived today at 19:57. Weighing 5.14lbs/ 2.645 kilos. I had a waterbirth, all is well. Thought I'd let you all know whilst inlaws are visiting. Can't believe he is here 2 weeks before due date. We are so in love!
Will upload a picture tomorrow :)

Hope you are all well. Clairybell can't believe he arrived on your due date!
Ah amazing news Iak! Congratulations to you both! Eagerly awaiting pics :) hope it wasnt too painful as we were both fretting :-/ glad to hear all is well, i bet hes gawjus <3

Haha & on my due date! ;)

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