Camichelle, what a beautiful, clear line! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
tuamora, I'm so sorry the witch got you.

But it's great how much of a positive attitude you have!
hairftsher, sorry you are feeling down! I hope you will O soon and will start to feel better!
Fx for Maggz, HotMessJess, and any other soon-to-be-testers I may have missed!
My temps jumped up again today, and I am currently on my 9th consecutive day of ewcm. Not sure if I O'ed yesterday; I will need a couple more temps to confirm. But this cycle is starting to look a lot like last one, my first cycle after my miscarriage - that cycle, I had 11 days of ewcm, and O'ed on the 10th day of it. I had a temp jump of 97.3 to 97.6 on CD17, then had a few straight days of 97.6, then jumped to 98.0 when I ovulated on CD21. Today, which is CD18 for me, my temp jumped from 97.3 to 97.6 also... Strange how it's the same temps. Will have to wait and see if there is another temp jump or not!
I really, really hope it will happen sooner rather than later, for the timing of things. I would really like to know for sure, one way or the other, before my DH's mom's birthday (July 19) and my OB/GYN appointment (July 23).
Oh well... nothing I can do but wait!