Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Good for you tuamora - sorry you're out though but what does it mean if the temp takes a dive down?

Yeah camichelle I know - I'm surprisingly not worried about it! Just looking forward to being finally able to test :D You with me to try on Friday? Even though countdown to pregnancy says I should wait until next Tuesday.... haha
hey ladies!
hubby works 6 days on, 6 days off - so when he's home i tend to have less time to check the boards.

i'm getting really close to the big O & feeling a little anxious & stressed out. i dunno why, but i just am feeling very negative lately about the whole situation. very much thinking "it'll never happen for me" ( i know i haven't been trying for long, but when you want something so so bad, it's hard to remain positive when it doesn't happen immediately - at least for impatient souls like myself." )

just wanted to say i've been reading all of your posts but haven't been able to keep up with comments! i hope you're all staying more positive than i am.

hey ladies!
hubby works 6 days on, 6 days off - so when he's home i tend to have less time to check the boards.

i'm getting really close to the big O & feeling a little anxious & stressed out. i dunno why, but i just am feeling very negative lately about the whole situation. very much thinking "it'll never happen for me" ( i know i haven't been trying for long, but when you want something so so bad, it's hard to remain positive when it doesn't happen immediately - at least for impatient souls like myself." )

just wanted to say i've been reading all of your posts but haven't been able to keep up with comments! i hope you're all staying more positive than i am.


Hi I think I read it takes the average couple under 35 4-6mos so if you have only been trying for 2 or 3 like your ticker says try not to let yourself get in that "it will never happen for me" headspace so quickly! There is only a 20% chance to conceive each month even when everything goes perfectly so keep trying!
hey ladies!
hubby works 6 days on, 6 days off - so when he's home i tend to have less time to check the boards.

i'm getting really close to the big O & feeling a little anxious & stressed out. i dunno why, but i just am feeling very negative lately about the whole situation. very much thinking "it'll never happen for me" ( i know i haven't been trying for long, but when you want something so so bad, it's hard to remain positive when it doesn't happen immediately - at least for impatient souls like myself." )

just wanted to say i've been reading all of your posts but haven't been able to keep up with comments! i hope you're all staying more positive than i am.


Hi I think I read it takes the average couple under 35 4-6mos so if you have only been trying for 2 or 3 like your ticker says try not to let yourself get in that "it will never happen for me" headspace so quickly! There is only a 20% chance to conceive each month even when everything goes perfectly so keep trying!

Hairftsher I totally feel where your coming from. Sometimes I get talky down too. We have to stay positive. For every negative thought think a positive one to counter act that feeling. I try to just in vision myself with a big fat belly and that always makes me happy. Baby dust to you!

I agree with Mintastic this just takes time. Don't compare yourself to others.
Lol Maggz. I decided to test on Thursday rather than Friday (even though I know Friday would be more realistic) because I'm having a big family party for 4th of July Friday and I would hate to kill my mood if I get a negative result.

Hairftsher, that's a brutal schedule for hubby. I sympathize because my hubby works an opposite shift than me so time we have is limited. Try not to get too down. I know it's hard when you want something so bad, but take it from me who's had several losses, I try to get myself in the mindset that my rainbow baby just isn't ready yet to be born and that it will be so worth it in the end when you have that little miracle in your arms which I am sure you will! Sending positive thoughts your way but I do understand how easy it is to get discouraged.

:dust: to all!!!!!'
6 dpo and already having the urge to test! I just want to know already, either way. I was feeling very positive in the beginning of this cycle but now I'm getting kind if down. I hope I'm pregnant but don't feel like I will be :( This is month 7, hard to stay positive. No symptoms. Just headachy past two days and a lil but of cramping tonight but only lasted a few mins.
I totally get the getting negative part, hairftsher. Sometimes it just happens. All the girls are right, try not to get too into the negative thoughts, often it's enough for me to put on an episode of Friends or look up Ellen or Chelsea Lately on youtube :haha:

Oooh camichelle praying for a bfp for you tomorrow!! Let us know as soon as you :test: Hopefully we can add "1 BFP so far!!" to the title (no pressure lol) :D
Could you add me to the front page list? Testing on the 26th if I can hold off that far, I've been on this thread for ages but I forgot to give you my date.

So its CD 8 today and we are commencing BD marathon tonight! AF has been a little minx this cycle, making me think she had flew off but she hadn't. I had absolutely nothing from her, and then thing got a little bit heated in the bedroom (TMI), I nipped off to the bathroom and there she was in all her horrible, red glory. Witch! So, now I am convinced she is gone I'm determined to keep her away for an extended time period!!!! x
Loobs - I think we talked about this elsewhere. I am on cd8 also (maybe one day behind you if that was yesterday for you) and I had that AF stop start thing also but she is still going.

TMI: I actually had weird spotting overnight. Two regular red with a twinge of brown spots and then a third spot that is red with dark grey. Wtf - I don't recall ever having that before. Is that another coming of BC symptom? I checked with my hand and it isn't super periody up there (nor grey!) but very pink cm.
Hi! Nope today is CD 8 for me! Sounds very strange, I've never had anything like that before. Sounds like she's on her way out for you though! x

:happydance: Woohoo! Just took this with fmu. Haven't even told DH yet since he's still sleeping. The line is kind of light but I'm calling it a :bfp: for now! Being cautiously thrilled..... Lol. The fact that the line is darker than I was ever able to get with my chemical pregnancy is a little reassuring. I'll just keep testing and hope the line gets darker!!!! I think it was the pressure you put on me Maggz! Lol... I didn't want to disappoint! Who's next for :bfp: ?
Congratulations!!! I can never see lines on here unless they are blazingly obvious and that is!! :happydance: x
Well ladies, I believe I am out. My temp took a major nose dive this morning. I am actually feeling great and optimistic. I look forward to the future. i am so happy to have been able to learn my body this month. The temping, OPKs, etc. has helped me to see that I am normal, and it also has made me come to an awareness that as much as I try to deny that I am stressed, that I really am. That is probably why I missed O earlier. So here is to Body Awareness!!!! YAY!!!

Tuamora - YAY for body awareness! You rock :) I think I am going to temp this next cycle if I do not get my BFP. I'm really interested in checking if my chart looks 'normal'. I think I have delayed O too, and maybe a short LP. I'm in the same boat as you w. regards to stress - I'm more stressed out than I think I am :cry: This week has been brutal with politics at work. I cried one day driving into work because I just can't take it anymore :cry: I wish every day I could quit, but I can't because I carry our health insurance (husband is an independent contractor) and we need the income after paying for our own (beautiful!) wedding. My husband offered to work two jobs so I could quit mine, but I can't let him do that.

hey ladies!
hubby works 6 days on, 6 days off - so when he's home i tend to have less time to check the boards.

i'm getting really close to the big O & feeling a little anxious & stressed out. i dunno why, but i just am feeling very negative lately about the whole situation. very much thinking "it'll never happen for me" ( i know i haven't been trying for long, but when you want something so so bad, it's hard to remain positive when it doesn't happen immediately - at least for impatient souls like myself." )

just wanted to say i've been reading all of your posts but haven't been able to keep up with comments! i hope you're all staying more positive than i am.


hairftsher - I TOTALLY get how you're feeling. It's exactly how I feel! When something I REALLY really want doesn't happen right away my mind goes to 'it'll never happen'. But that's not the truth! We have to steer our minds toward the positive direction :) It WILL happen for both of us. One day we will be holding healthy happy babies <3 I imagine myself holding a baby with my husband by my side and that lifts me up. xoxo

hey ladies!
hubby works 6 days on, 6 days off - so when he's home i tend to have less time to check the boards.

i'm getting really close to the big O & feeling a little anxious & stressed out. i dunno why, but i just am feeling very negative lately about the whole situation. very much thinking "it'll never happen for me" ( i know i haven't been trying for long, but when you want something so so bad, it's hard to remain positive when it doesn't happen immediately - at least for impatient souls like myself." )

just wanted to say i've been reading all of your posts but haven't been able to keep up with comments! i hope you're all staying more positive than i am.


Hi I think I read it takes the average couple under 35 4-6mos so if you have only been trying for 2 or 3 like your ticker says try not to let yourself get in that "it will never happen for me" headspace so quickly! There is only a 20% chance to conceive each month even when everything goes perfectly so keep trying!

Mintastic - thanks for the reminder that it takes healthy couples several months on average to conceive. It's hard when people around you (who are irresponsible beyond belief (drugs, etc)...) seem to get pregnant just looking at each other. so thanks <3

6 dpo and already having the urge to test! I just want to know already, either way. I was feeling very positive in the beginning of this cycle but now I'm getting kind if down. I hope I'm pregnant but don't feel like I will be :( This is month 7, hard to stay positive. No symptoms. Just headachy past two days and a lil but of cramping tonight but only lasted a few mins.

HotMessJess84 - I want to test right after O most of the time :P I'm sorry you're feeling down too.

Could you add me to the front page list? Testing on the 26th if I can hold off that far, I've been on this thread for ages but I forgot to give you my date.

So its CD 8 today and we are commencing BD marathon tonight! AF has been a little minx this cycle, making me think she had flew off but she hadn't. I had absolutely nothing from her, and then thing got a little bit heated in the bedroom (TMI), I nipped off to the bathroom and there she was in all her horrible, red glory. Witch! So, now I am convinced she is gone I'm determined to keep her away for an extended time period!!!! x

Loobs - woohoooo! BD marathon! Have fun :)

:happydance: Woohoo! Just took this with fmu. Haven't even told DH yet since he's still sleeping. The line is kind of light but I'm calling it a :bfp: for now! Being cautiously thrilled..... Lol. The fact that the line is darker than I was ever able to get with my chemical pregnancy is a little reassuring. I'll just keep testing and hope the line gets darker!!!! I think it was the pressure you put on me Maggz! Lol... I didn't want to disappoint! Who's next for :bfp: ?

OMG CONGRATULATIONS camichelle!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! :happydance:
Camichelle, what a beautiful, clear line! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

tuamora, I'm so sorry the witch got you. :hugs: But it's great how much of a positive attitude you have!

hairftsher, sorry you are feeling down! I hope you will O soon and will start to feel better!

Fx for Maggz, HotMessJess, and any other soon-to-be-testers I may have missed!

My temps jumped up again today, and I am currently on my 9th consecutive day of ewcm. Not sure if I O'ed yesterday; I will need a couple more temps to confirm. But this cycle is starting to look a lot like last one, my first cycle after my miscarriage - that cycle, I had 11 days of ewcm, and O'ed on the 10th day of it. I had a temp jump of 97.3 to 97.6 on CD17, then had a few straight days of 97.6, then jumped to 98.0 when I ovulated on CD21. Today, which is CD18 for me, my temp jumped from 97.3 to 97.6 also... Strange how it's the same temps. Will have to wait and see if there is another temp jump or not!

I really, really hope it will happen sooner rather than later, for the timing of things. I would really like to know for sure, one way or the other, before my DH's mom's birthday (July 19) and my OB/GYN appointment (July 23).

Oh well... nothing I can do but wait!
Camichelle!!! Congrats, that's so exciting! I was so happy to see someone's BFP first thing on here! July testers already have a BFP, let's keep them coming :thumbup:

Loobs and mintastic, that is interesting you've both had the lingering AF, but good to hear she's getting away now. Have so much fun BDing a lot!

Starluck that's so hard about your work, and really shows devotion on your part to keep working so DH doesn't have to take 2 jobs. I hope things start getting better for you somehow, or even that a new really great job opportunity would come up.

Maggz, I love the put on an episode of Friends comment, haha! Friends never fails to make me laugh and take my mind off things that worry me.

I know it's hard though ladies, but we're sticking together through it and it's sweet to hear all the positive encouraging comments. None of us is alone in this, thank God for that!
Karen, hopefully O is coming soon if it hasn't already! That is interesting how it's the same temps as before. I know it's so hard to just wait and see what your body has been doing...I felt so annoyed at my body when it wouldn't just O already, and now I finally did! I hope you can get your answers before those dates!
So funny, I actually have an OB/GYN appt on July 23rd as well. It was the soonest I could get in as a "pre-pregnancy" check-up, but I'd love to be able to call and switch it to an actual pregnancy visit!
Thanks, MiaGirl! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we both had a pregnancy-related appointment that day, as opposed to just a checkup! :thumbup:
Congrats Camichelle! You got you BFP!!!!! It's so clear:happydance:

Karen and Miagirl fxed for both you!
BFP all around! :happydance:
Whoohoo! Congrats Camichelle! What a great line!

FX for everyone else testing soon!

I originally thought I would be testing July 30/31 but at this rate with the extended AF who knows? May not end up testing at all in July - maybe 1st week of Aug. Will see!

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