Wow, so many posts while I was gone!
Mintastic and HotMessJess84, welcome to the thread!!!
MiaGirl, that's great that you've ovulated! What a feeling of relief, isn't it?
Tuamora, your chart is looking *amazing*!!! Sorry to hear you've had BFNs so far, but there is definitely still time! And early pregnancy symptoms and pre-AF symptoms can feel annoyingly similar. I hope you don't mind my asking, what type of cm have you been having? Creamy, or ewcm? For me, a bunch of creamy cm in the LP was one of my main telltale signs.
As for when AF would be due, the LP length stays pretty regular, even when ovulation occurs later than usual. Forgive me for forgetting, but do you know how long your luteal phase is? If you don't, then about 2 weeks after ovulation is pretty typical.
katrine, sorry to hear the witch got you! Hopefully it will be on to bigger and better things this cycle!
Maggz, that's exciting that you're getting well into the tww now! Won't be long!!!
Camichelle, I hope you will be getting a beautiful BFP soon, too!
Bowmans, I love that name, March Mallow! My hubby and I referred to our angel baby as our "sparkle", and the eggy that is in me currently as our "sparkle-to-be".

I like having these cute nicknames. They really make me smile!
AFM, I am uncertain whether I've O'ed or not yet; we'll have to see a couple more temps to confirm it either way. The problem is, our air conditioner has been very erratic, some days working fine and other days not working at all. Lately, it's not been working at all, so we've had to sleep with our ceiling fan on all night, and it's right overhead so I imagine it's affecting my bbt a bit. There's really no alternative, though, because I know without it, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all.. yesterday it was 84 degrees in my house due to the messed-up AC!
Looking back at my charts, typically I O after 6 days of ewcm. Today is day number 6 of that, so hopefully it will be today or tomorrow, if it hasn't happened already!
Happy Monday, everyone! I hope I didn't miss anyone's post!