Tink and jumpingo - how have your doctors been? Have they been supportive or given you answers to all of your questions? I really hope so!
Thinking of you both xxx
it's been hit and miss. the OB department here on base has be so incredibly disappointing and unhelpful since even before i got pregnant, so they came through as expected with their attempt at asking how i was doing while also being very medical/factual about scheduling a follow-up to "see if everything has resolved itself" and when i asked what exactly does that entail, she just repeated herself. all i could think was, yeah b*tch, you said that already, i'm asking you WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! ugh.

not looking forward to THAT appointment.

they were pretty unwilling to see me for an early scan even though the private scan off base indicated that we should have a followup in a week. my husband had to go in and pretty much insist that they saw me. so, now that i indeed did miscarry, it's like a big huge "i told you so" to them. just so ridiculous. i'm not happy with the care at OB, so it sucks that i don't really have a choice of health care. since we're overseas, it's the military hospital for free, or pay a TON of money to go off base.
but! the nurse practitioner who saw me in Urgent Care when i started bleeding was wonderful. she gave me her cell phone number and said to text if we needed ANYTHING. the next day, when i miscarried for sure, i texted her and she was really helpful and nice. she told me then that she had a miscarriage before her son, too. i think it is easier to be supportive to patients going through something you've also experienced. i mean, anything in life is like that, though, you know?
i'm not sure counseling would do much for me just yet because i'm sure i would just go in and cry for the hour and then be like, "well, thanks for letting me cry in front of someone and feel worse about myself. i could do that at home and be much more comfortable and way less ashamed."

but i think there might be a time when sifting through all my thoughts out loud might be helpful. it takes a strong person to know they need help and ASK for it. so, good on you hanrh.

i hope it helps! right now, i just need something to sleep. i am thinking about going to see my primary care doc and see what she says. again, it's 100% covered by insurance, so doesn't hurt to ask right??