just stopping in to say hi and good luck to everyone!!!
(honestly, i am trying to pull myself out of my own pity party and try to be more supportive of others...so...thanks for helping me out

Loobs, i am SO jealous of your 3 bedroom house! congrats!! we are in a 2 bedroom apartment on the 7th floor and are daydreaming about moving in 2 years when my husband gets out of the military. 3 bedrooms and a yard!?...oh the day dreams!
Michellebelle, a 13 day LP is great! i hope AF doesn't show though!!
hanrh, i don't know if i ever commented...i was so sad to hear the bad news.

i hope the test results give you some answers and help figure out a plan for the next step.
i have tried to follow here and there, but am apparently a horrible stalker.

early :wave:Mrs.TTC :wave:FutureBabyG :wave:Camichelle
sorry i know there are people i have probably missed...