So nice to hear from you ladies! Loobs, Pearly and Jumpingo, so happy everything is going so well for you guys!
I am having some pregnancy symptoms.. but I'm not sure which are actual and which are just due to the progesterone they put me on! My boobs have definitely gotten bigger since starting it, which is kinda nice cause I'm usually pretty small
This morning I also started getting the slightest sore throat which has gotten a little stronger throughout the day. I heard of some ladies who have had this as a pregnancy symptom so maybe

I hope it doesn't mean I'm getting sick!
I also had a slight crampy feeling yesterday afternoon and then this morning.. just for like a minute getting what felt like mild AF cramps.
I'm a little scared to test. I tested yesterday and I had a faint line, which I know was just the trigger still in my system (I had three tests that got progressively lighter). I'm scared I'll test, it will be positive, but I'll be unsure of if it is still the trigger. Or I'll test and it will be BFN.
I'm supposed to go in for a blood test on Friday.. so I'm contemplating waiting until Friday morning to test, if I can wait until then!