I started cramping last night and this morning & had me worried. I keep checking for blood but nothing. I have been testing daily because....I'm scared. I'm watching for darkening lines. Today's FRER is definitely darker than 2 days ago, when I did the last FRER. And my Wondfo's suddenly got way darker today!
Today is 14DPO. . . . I got up the nerve to download the Ovia Pregnancy app yesterday.

I'm so scared that everything I do is going to jinx it!!
Mama - Your cat stole your digital reader?

That's great, in an annoyingly funny kind of way.
Swimmy - I don't know if they are a gel kind really. They are roundish like a ball/oval rather than a disk-shape like tablets. They remind me of yogurt covered peanuts

It's like they have a coating on them, because I can't taste anything (not like the tablets that I take for prednisone which are definitely not coated and are just the disk shape like a hockey puck). Does that make any sense?
Yesterday I was able to take them without feeling sick, just a little fuzzy headed after the first one, but the rest of the day fine. So I think I might be adjusting.
Sounds like your Vegas trip is going to be insane. I can't believe that she would hope that you "being pregnant doesn't get in the way of having fun". That's horrible.

What a stressful situation! I'm so sorry! feel free to rant away. I can imagine that going to Vegas while pregnant wouldn't be all that much fun to begin with. I'd want to just sit by the pool and hang out instead of partying too. funny, the way you describe it sounds like a college party instead of celebrating someone's 50th!
Abe - I can see it!!! I see it better on the cheapie stick than on the fRER, but that could be my computer (and I'm notorious for not being able to see lines on tests!).

Yay!! I'm so excited for you!!!!