Camichelle, I am so incredibly sorry for you. It's such a heartbreak. Big

for you!
Welcome, airforcewife and choccymonster!
samanthatc, it is possible to have a few days of ewcm (or in my weird case, about 10!) before ovulation finally happens, so there's still a possibility you can 'catch the egg'! Good luck!
klink, Fx for you! What day will you be testing?
MiaGirl, I'm so sorry the witch got you.
hanrh, you asked about when I will test - well, yesterday (10dpo), I used an internet cheapie with FMU, but I don't really know what to think. I didn't see anything, so I said Oh well and went back to sleep. I looked at it later (I know that's not recommended, but I was too curious) and when I looked at it very closely, I saw a very, very, very, very faint line. My DH did too. Since I was so tired and bleary eyed when I woke up to do the test the first time, it is possible I just missed it; but, it's also possible it's just an evaporation line. We'll see... I got a ClearBlue Digital and plan to use it on Wednesday, at 13dpo - that is when I got the BFP last time.
FWIW, the cycle I was pregnant, I never got a visible line within the ic's 5 minute time frame, either. It's weird, because the instructions say not to look for the results until the pink is totally cleared from the test area, but also not to look at the results after 5 minutes. Well, in my experience, the test area takes more than 5 minutes to clear, and I know I am not oversaturating it because I use a timer to make sure I get it out the second I am supposed to. I think I may just have a lousy batch of tests. :/
As for how long we have been ttc, we have been at it for about 3 months now. This is just our second cycle actually ttc, though; we took the 2nd cycle off as per the doctor's advice after the miscarriage.
I agree, it can be hard to see pregnant women/women with babies. It was especially so right after my mc. Seeing a pregnant lady at the grocery store, for example, was like a knife in my heart. But then I felt guilty for being envious, so I've tried to cope with it like this - when I see a pregnant lady or new mom now, I thank God that what happened to me did not also happen to them. I find that is helpful.
Not feeling like going back to work this morning, but at least it will help pass the time until Wednesday!