Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

cakelady and poptart, I'm so sorry the witch got you! :hugs:

_katrine_b, Fx for ovulation soon, and enjoy the time with your hubby! :winkwink:

choccymonster, I'm glad your cycle seems to be becoming more reasonable! :thumbup:

Thanks for all the positivity, everyone! I've been feeling calm throughout this whole cycle (surprising for me!) but now that it's getting close I am feeling really nervous. :wacko: I just have to try to stay relaxed today, some way, somehow!

How did you not test this am? You have some strong will power. If I had that chart I would be testing everyday.

LOL me too!!
Hi Lovelies, I just joined yesterday and I'm so excited to be apart of this community of women who are all in the same boat as me. I've been trying only since last month, so officially this is month 2 for me. I tested last night on 2 dollar tree tests (pink dyes) and I got both FPLs that you could tell was there (didn't need to hold it up or squint) after 4 min hold, but I'm not going to get my hopes up bc I know for me it's going to be difficult due to past history of having my left tube removed, and plus I heard about the evap lines. I tested again this morning on a Family Dollar brand (blue dye) and before it could dry the second was there!! Even though I was ecstatic, I just read online that blue dyes are the Anti-christ so I'm not trusting that one either :nope:. I want to test again tomorrow morning, FMU, but I need to know for sure, and I want to buy something that's going to be reliable. I am currently 14dpo, and AF is due tomorrow 7/16, hopefully she stays far, far away and it takes her 9 months to travel to me lmao...anyhoo If any of you wonderful women could help me with any reliable HPTs that I could purchase that's not on the EXTREMELY pricey side that I could get today so I could do my FMU testing I would so appreciate it...TIA...Baby Dust to all:dust:

Welcome! It's lovely to have a new member. It sounds very promising that you will get your bfp! I would suggest a first response early response test. All of the ladies on here seem to recommend them as the best and when I have researched they have amazing reviews. I think they are about £7(uk). I have also read that superdrug own brand are good too. Fx for you for testing, keep us updated!!!
Welcome, HopingCarter! :flower: How exciting that you see some lines! I also recommend the First Response Early Response, as they have a great reputation, and also my favourite is the ClearBlue Easy Digital that says "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" and tells you how many weeks since conception you likely are (1-2, 2-3, or 3+). I had trouble deciphering between evaporation lines and faint positives before, so seeing the definitive answer in words was awesome. That is the kind I am going to use tomorrow!

It is taking willpower to not test for sure! It's a couple factors... One, I only have one CBED with the weeks indicator (I bought the wrong two-pack; the other one in the pack is just +/- lines) so I don't want to waste it by being a little too early. The other is, my husband wants to be with me when I test, but he leaves for work earlier than my alarm is set to take my bbt. I don't want to throw off my bbts by being up an hour early, and throw myself into a panic because they are lower than I think they should be (I did that a bit last time). Tomorrow I'll get up with him and just forego the bbt for that one day, but I wouldn't want to do it a few days in a row. I guess I'm just a little neurotic about it, lol.

I contemplated testing tonight when I get home from work, but I remember doing that last time, at 12dpo like I am today, after a 7 hour hold (that was hard!!!) and it was a negative or perhaps an incredibly faint positive. I felt really down after that; my moods had been crazy that day! But then, with my FMU the next morning, at 13dpo, the CBED was a positive, which was a big relief.

I think it's going to be hard to sleep tonight!
Karen - Can't wait to hear about your test! So exciting!

Welcome HopingCarter :wave:! I'm another newbie to the thread.Sounding very good for you this cycle - hope it brings your BFP. First Response Early Result is the one most people on here use and rely on!

Can't wait to check up on you all tomorrow.

AFM - 6DPO has passed without much to mention. I've tidied some cupboards today to pass the time. Thinking about going for a swim or a walk soon to get outside while the weather is (unusually) nice! x
Yes it's okay to indicate my :angel:

Trying to look towards the future but optimism is hard for me at the moment.

On a brighter note, welcome to the new ladies. I'm excited to see pics of some BFP's this week!
Yes it's okay to indicate my :angel:

Trying to look towards the future but optimism is hard for me at the moment.

On a brighter note, welcome to the new ladies. I'm excited to see pics of some BFP's this week!

:hugs: x
Camichelle - I don't know about you but for me I am not good with blind optimism (not for TTC since I just started and don't presume to know how difficult it must be but for other difficult situations in my life). I do better with practical things and making plans. That gives me something to hope for.
Did your doc give any advice for going forward or do you have plans to do anything different this time around? (not that you can actually control it but trying to can help with hope/optimism perhaps?)
:hi:I appreciate it!! One thing I have to say though, I give sooooo many props to the women who have been TTC for a long period of time. Between the testing, the FPLs in blue dyes, the FPLs in pink dyes, falsies, negatives, and chem pregs, I just don't know how you do it. You guys are all blessed with incredible strength and perseverance! I have only tested yesterday and am already nervous, excited, pissed (for the possible falsies), and anxious all at the same time:wacko:! Last month I just went by "word-of-body" if that counts as a phrase, so I didn't test at all. This month after going 12 dpo I wanted to see what I would get bc TI did feel the slight, very subtle cramping but not in my tubes, I didn't have the breast swelling as I see a lot on here as a sympton, but I did have and still have gas a lot, and the nausea. I'm hoping that I didn't trick myself into thinking these things and that's a :baby: in there, but I don't see how you guys can wait so long!! I'm at work right now, and all I could think about is testing when I get home, then testing when I wake up, and I'm not even halfway thru my shift:dohh:??!! Just trying to stay patient and positive! I took the pics for all 3 tests (2 $ tree tests and 1 Family dollar test), but can't figure out how to post it. Any pointers?
hey girls! Sorry I have been MIA. I was on vacation for two weeks at the beach. I definitely have a tan now! ;)

This has been my first month charting and FF changed my O date today, and I think it is wrong. Could that be possible? It did have it on CD 14 which is where my big temp jump was, but I guess I have had another temp jump on CD 17 which is where it moved my O day to. I think the CD 14 is more accurate though. Can you girls who chart take a look and let me know what you think? I would REALLY appreciate it!! ((Also, sidenote-- the no BD during my fertile week is because I was on vacation with my family, but hubby had to stay home because he couldn't miss work :( ))
Hi last month I ovulated on CD28 after AF lasted just over a week. It really bugged me and my cycle ended up being 42 days. I just gave all those tips a go and luckily my period only lasted 4 days and was a lot lighter. I then ovulated on CD13. It may have been the case that I was going to have a shorter cycle anyway!
hey girls! Sorry I have been MIA. I was on vacation for two weeks at the beach. I definitely have a tan now! ;)

This has been my first month charting and FF changed my O date today, and I think it is wrong. Could that be possible? It did have it on CD 14 which is where my big temp jump was, but I guess I have had another temp jump on CD 17 which is where it moved my O day to. I think the CD 14 is more accurate though. Can you girls who chart take a look and let me know what you think? I would REALLY appreciate it!! ((Also, sidenote-- the no BD during my fertile week is because I was on vacation with my family, but hubby had to stay home because he couldn't miss work :( ))

Hiya, I had a fall back temp too at 4 dpo - when I googled that I found that can be due to a second surge? I agree, I wouldve thought that since you had three higher temps after that dip, that meant you ovulated on CD14? But I'm still learning this bbt stuff myself!
hey girls! Sorry I have been MIA. I was on vacation for two weeks at the beach. I definitely have a tan now! ;)

This has been my first month charting and FF changed my O date today, and I think it is wrong. Could that be possible? It did have it on CD 14 which is where my big temp jump was, but I guess I have had another temp jump on CD 17 which is where it moved my O day to. I think the CD 14 is more accurate though. Can you girls who chart take a look and let me know what you think? I would REALLY appreciate it!! ((Also, sidenote-- the no BD during my fertile week is because I was on vacation with my family, but hubby had to stay home because he couldn't miss work :( ))

Try messing with your chart a bit. I would try switching cd 13 to ew cm and that should change it back. See it that changes it bc I do agree on that you ovulated cd14.
Thanks FutureBabyG!! I went back and changed CM for day 13 and day 17 and the cross hairs changed back :) thanks for the suggestion! I knew that was wrong! Your chart looks great so far too! Very jeaouls of all your BD you got to have in your fertile window. Hopefully next month for me!

FX for you girls!!!
Thanks FutureBabyG!! I went back and changed CM for day 13 and day 17 and the cross hairs changed back :) thanks for the suggestion! I knew that was wrong! Your chart looks great so far too! Very jeaouls of all your BD you got to have in your fertile window. Hopefully next month for me!

FX for you girls!!!

You're welcome! That is what we are all here for. Ya we are doing the SMEP. Hopefully it works out. We have an ob gyn appt monday. I am super nervous yet excited. Hopefully I will get a bfp and the appt will be changed to hcg blood work.
Camichelle - I don't know about you but for me I am not good with blind optimism (not for TTC since I just started and don't presume to know how difficult it must be but for other difficult situations in my life). I do better with practical things and making plans. That gives me something to hope for.
Did your doc give any advice for going forward or do you have plans to do anything different this time around? (not that you can actually control it but trying to can help with hope/optimism perhaps?)

I'm very similar so I'm trying to focus on short term picture right now. Went for blood draw today and should get results tomorrow. Waiting for hcg to be back down to 0. After that will go in for appt with doc to discuss options for further testing or a referral to a specialist. Not sure what my doc will advise ss far as when I can start trying again but I'll follow whatever he advises. As for what I'll do different, I'm not sure what else I can do. The conceiving isn't an issue for me. I seem to do that fairy easily with opk's and monitoring for ewcm so I don't think I'll do any temping or charting. Seems way to stressful for me since I tend to over analyze everything! I've already been on prenatals and a baby aspirin a day and I'll probably try the progesterone again after ovulation if my doc advises it. I eat healthy enough and am overall healthy so pending my doc or a specialist suggesting something new in order to try and prevent further loss, I'm not really sure. Doctor already warned me that many tests are very expensive and not covered by insurance and the chances of actually finding a cause or only about 50% anyway. I'll let you know what advice or info I get. I'm hoping doc will give me the ok to try again in September.

Is there any other things you ladies try while in this TTC business?

Welcome, HopingCarter! :flower: How exciting that you see some lines! I also recommend the First Response Early Response, as they have a great reputation, and also my favourite is the ClearBlue Easy Digital that says "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" and tells you how many weeks since conception you likely are (1-2, 2-3, or 3+). I had trouble deciphering between evaporation lines and faint positives before, so seeing the definitive answer in words was awesome. That is the kind I am going to use tomorrow!

It is taking willpower to not test for sure! It's a couple factors... One, I only have one CBED with the weeks indicator (I bought the wrong two-pack; the other one in the pack is just +/- lines) so I don't want to waste it by being a little too early. The other is, my husband wants to be with me when I test, but he leaves for work earlier than my alarm is set to take my bbt. I don't want to throw off my bbts by being up an hour early, and throw myself into a panic because they are lower than I think they should be (I did that a bit last time). Tomorrow I'll get up with him and just forego the bbt for that one day, but I wouldn't want to do it a few days in a row. I guess I'm just a little neurotic about it, lol.

I contemplated testing tonight when I get home from work, but I remember doing that last time, at 12dpo like I am today, after a 7 hour hold (that was hard!!!) and it was a negative or perhaps an incredibly faint positive. I felt really down after that; my moods had been crazy that day! But then, with my FMU the next morning, at 13dpo, the CBED was a positive, which was a big relief.

I think it's going to be hard to sleep tonight!

You definitely have willpower! It's sweet that hubby wants to be there! Can't wait for you to test!
Camichelle - I don't know about you but for me I am not good with blind optimism (not for TTC since I just started and don't presume to know how difficult it must be but for other difficult situations in my life). I do better with practical things and making plans. That gives me something to hope for.
Did your doc give any advice for going forward or do you have plans to do anything different this time around? (not that you can actually control it but trying to can help with hope/optimism perhaps?)

I'm very similar so I'm trying to focus on short term picture right now. Went for blood draw today and should get results tomorrow. Waiting for hcg to be back down to 0. After that will go in for appt with doc to discuss options for further testing or a referral to a specialist. Not sure what my doc will advise ss far as when I can start trying again but I'll follow whatever he advises. As for what I'll do different, I'm not sure what else I can do. The conceiving isn't an issue for me. I seem to do that fairy easily with opk's and monitoring for ewcm so I don't think I'll do any temping or charting. Seems way to stressful for me since I tend to over analyze everything! I've already been on prenatals and a baby aspirin a day and I'll probably try the progesterone again after ovulation if my doc advises it. I eat healthy enough and am overall healthy so pending my doc or a specialist suggesting something new in order to try and prevent further loss, I'm not really sure. Doctor already warned me that many tests are very expensive and not covered by insurance and the chances of actually finding a cause or only about 50% anyway. I'll let you know what advice or info I get. I'm hoping doc will give me the ok to try again in September.

Is there any other things you ladies try while in this TTC business?


I hope the treatments the dr. advises work for you to get your sticky baby <3 I'm looking forward to hearing about what he or she advises :thumbup:
Can't wait to see your BFP Karen, very excited for you :)

I think I'm 1-2 DPO but can't be 100% so will keep BDing just in case. My partner and I used to be quite active in the bedroom but he got a new job a few months ago and has been so busy and so tired all the time. Is making TTC a bit difficult but I just have to believe that when the times right it will happen :)

Good luck every one xx
Camichelle - I don't know about you but for me I am not good with blind optimism (not for TTC since I just started and don't presume to know how difficult it must be but for other difficult situations in my life). I do better with practical things and making plans. That gives me something to hope for.
Did your doc give any advice for going forward or do you have plans to do anything different this time around? (not that you can actually control it but trying to can help with hope/optimism perhaps?)

I'm very similar so I'm trying to focus on short term picture right now. Went for blood draw today and should get results tomorrow. Waiting for hcg to be back down to 0. After that will go in for appt with doc to discuss options for further testing or a referral to a specialist. Not sure what my doc will advise ss far as when I can start trying again but I'll follow whatever he advises. As for what I'll do different, I'm not sure what else I can do. The conceiving isn't an issue for me. I seem to do that fairy easily with opk's and monitoring for ewcm so I don't think I'll do any temping or charting. Seems way to stressful for me since I tend to over analyze everything! I've already been on prenatals and a baby aspirin a day and I'll probably try the progesterone again after ovulation if my doc advises it. I eat healthy enough and am overall healthy so pending my doc or a specialist suggesting something new in order to try and prevent further loss, I'm not really sure. Doctor already warned me that many tests are very expensive and not covered by insurance and the chances of actually finding a cause or only about 50% anyway. I'll let you know what advice or info I get. I'm hoping doc will give me the ok to try again in September.

Is there any other things you ladies try while in this TTC business?


I would recommend seeing a naturopathy doctor.
well, I just had my first BFP :) I am happy but at the same time scared that something will happen or that it is a false positive. Also the weird thing is that I am only 9 or 10dpo and the second line is bright in color. I tested with a frer. My last period was on the 20th of June and before that I had an 31 day cycle. Anyone that has any advice? I'll go and buy a clear blue one later on today to see how far along I am.

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