Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Oh and I've TOTALLY had those fears some of you are talking about with it taking forever to conceive. I've been afraid of that well before I even got married. I'm sure it's probably irrational and it's not even grounded in anything.
My biggest comfort and thing I always have to remind myself is that children aren't my purpose in life. That my life is still full and meaningful and satisfied whether or not this can ever happen. They would just be a sweet added blessing. I'd of course be devastated if we were totally infertile, but I know life would still be purposeful. That's my two cents on that!

I really love your outlook Miagirl, I'm going to take a page from your book and practice thinking this way ❤️
Carmichelle and miagirl thanks for your replys and input :) there is no logical reason to believe it will take ages for me to fall pregnant just a weird fear of mine. I sure hope your right and we get our BFPs soon and I'm going to try not stress about it for now :)
I am on CD24. Was 34 days last month but I don't know if cycles are regular so just waiting.

I am not exactly a bad sleeper but I always wake up once in the night to pee. Sometimes around 2 am but sometimes at 4 am then I wake up for work at 6. Which is a problem because you are supposed to have 3+ hours sleep before temping, right? But if I wake up at 4 then 6 I will have only had 2. And does that mean I have to check off "sleep deprived" and get open circles every day?
Next month will be my first month temping (if AF gets me) and I wonder if I should even bother if it won't be accurate.

in days i wake up like that (with less than 3 hours in between wakings) i take my temperature both times. then, i either use the 4am time exactly as is OR the 6am time and check "sleep deprived." EITHER way, FF will make it a circle because the 4am time is earlier than you normally temp and the 6am temp has "sleep deprived" checked.

i am trying to believe that FF will still be able to see the overall picture. also, there's no sense in holding it until 6am if you gotta go at 4, so take your temp real quick, go to the bathroom and then go back to bed. i have done that for about a week now and find that the earlier number is lower, since it's earlier, but not SO much different that it messes up my chart to have a couple early or late times. but yeah, the idea of having a chart entirely made up of circles annoyed me at first:growlmad: but then i started waking up at 4 more regularly so my "scheduled" 5am times turned into circles and my 4am times turned to dots. ha.

Jumpingo have you got a link to your chart to have a peek? Mrs TTC your chart looks good too - it is only a dip of 0.2 of a degree so hopefully it'll be back up tomorrow!
I had overlaid my FF chart over Karen's (who got her bfp recently) and it had similar trends which gave me more confidence in how I was taking my temps. Maybe you could do the same? I think if you're taking temps after a couple of hrs sleep that's bound to give you a decent enough reading? None of these things are foolproof anyway, as FF says, bbt is only useful to identify pregnancy after the fact! It just makes you feel like you're doing something - something else to obsess over! :D

i don't have it linked, and can't quite figure out how...i'm not certain i want to put it in my signature. my temps are 97.1, 97.0, then 96.8 for 3 days and spiked this morning to 97.3. we had sex 4 of the last 5 days, so fingers crossed that temp jump is O and it stays up there.:thumbup:

(random tangent: my username is actually shortened from something else. when i signed up for another message board years ago, the whole thing didn't fit, so i shortened it and have been using jumpingo when ever i sign up for online message boards now...but funny that it seems like it's TTC based with all this talk of jumping temps:haha:)

but speaking of FF charts, currently i have the free VIP trial, and am trying to figure out the difference. anyone have opinions? does the free membership do enough that you don't need the paid membership? or if the paid one worth the cost? i don't use a lot of the features, just the temperature chart, BD, CM, symptoms. can you still do all those with the free membership? i'm such a cheapskate...:haha:

Well, AF showed after we got back to our hotel room after the wedding we attended :( I've never, ever had spotting like that before AF, even on the same day, so I got hopeful it was a good sign. I was upset last night, but my husband lifted me up <3 Looking forward to our third cycle TTC! I'm having a big fat glass of my favorite wine tonight! I didn't drink any alcohol at the open bar because I thought I could be preggers. I got mocktails so no one noticed I wasn't drinking. I'll be making up for that tonight :thumbup: :wine:

hang in there and enjoy your wine! :beer:CHEERS:wine:

i can totally relate. i've kind of stopped checking the boards for a bit because (as ugly as it is, i will admit it) i've been too jealous of everybody's BFP! but, as time has went by, i came back and i am SINCERELY so happy for everybody who has gotten their BFP this month - as i'm sure the lot of you have been trying for longer than i have!

my period isn't due for another couple of days but i tested today on a whim, BFN. sigh. it's hard to not get discouraged because it feels like, if it hasn't happened by now, it never will - or that there simply MUST be something wrong with me.

aaaaaaah, i hope the rest of you are staying more positive than i at the moment!

totally understandable. some days i find the more i read on the boards, the less confident i feel about the whole thing. glad to see you're back though:flower:
Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Sorry to the ladies with AF :hugs:

AFM, 11DPO BFN for me this morning. I go from one minute looking at BBTs for next cycle to looking at prams cos maybe I tested too early. I'm officially bonkers - I've suspected it for a while :rofl:
Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Sorry to the ladies with AF :hugs:

AFM, 11DPO BFN for me this morning. I go from one minute looking at BBTs for next cycle to looking at prams cos maybe I tested too early. I'm officially bonkers - I've suspected it for a while :rofl:

Haha aw how cute. I can't wait to be looking at and buying that stuff. I don't let myself even look yet tho! Fingers crossed it was just too early :) x
I shouldn't look either, but I just can't help it! x
Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Sorry to the ladies with AF :hugs:

AFM, 11DPO BFN for me this morning. I go from one minute looking at BBTs for next cycle to looking at prams cos maybe I tested too early. I'm officially bonkers - I've suspected it for a while :rofl:

i've found my people!!:haha: a couple days ago there was a crib in the clearance section at the furniture store (we were just wandering around while waiting for our pizza order next door) so i looked online and read reviews and price compared it...and it was such a good deal that we couldn't pass it up. it's now in our storage unit hoping for a BFP sooner rather than later so it can come out:rofl:
Sorry I've been missing for a few days. Sorry to the ladies with AF :hugs:

AFM, 11DPO BFN for me this morning. I go from one minute looking at BBTs for next cycle to looking at prams cos maybe I tested too early. I'm officially bonkers - I've suspected it for a while :rofl:

i've found my people!!:haha: a couple days ago there was a crib in the clearance section at the furniture store (we were just wandering around while waiting for our pizza order next door) so i looked online and read reviews and price compared it...and it was such a good deal that we couldn't pass it up. it's now in our storage unit hoping for a BFP sooner rather than later so it can come out:rofl:

That is awesome! Glad I'm not the only one, I just wish my DH would share my crazy! Thats it, I'm off to buy a Bugaboo :rofl: x
i've found my people!!:haha: a couple days ago there was a crib in the clearance section at the furniture store (we were just wandering around while waiting for our pizza order next door) so i looked online and read reviews and price compared it...and it was such a good deal that we couldn't pass it up. it's now in our storage unit hoping for a BFP sooner rather than later so it can come out:rofl:

That is awesome! Glad I'm not the only one, I just wish my DH would share my crazy! Thats it, I'm off to buy a Bugaboo :rofl: x

oh no, my husband definitely does NOT share my crazy! he only recognizes it exists and just allows it to be without making me feel bad for being crazy.:winkwink:

but on that note, is Bugaboo the way to go? i haven't looked into strollers but when i was working at a mommy and me school, i would eye them here and there...
i've found my people!!:haha: a couple days ago there was a crib in the clearance section at the furniture store (we were just wandering around while waiting for our pizza order next door) so i looked online and read reviews and price compared it...and it was such a good deal that we couldn't pass it up. it's now in our storage unit hoping for a BFP sooner rather than later so it can come out:rofl:

That is awesome! Glad I'm not the only one, I just wish my DH would share my crazy! Thats it, I'm off to buy a Bugaboo :rofl: x

oh no, my husband definitely does NOT share my crazy! he only recognizes it exists and just allows it to be without making me feel bad for being crazy.:winkwink:

but on that note, is Bugaboo the way to go? i haven't looked into strollers but when i was working at a mommy and me school, i would eye them here and there...

I need my DH to take lessons from yours I have been OPKing and buying little bits and bobs in secret hehe. Not entirely sure about the Bugaboo - I just feel drawn to them to some reason, like a big magnet!
I need my DH to take lessons from yours I have been OPKing and buying little bits and bobs in secret hehe. Not entirely sure about the Bugaboo - I just feel drawn to them to some reason, like a big magnet!

oooooh wait, i just looked up the Bugaboo. that stroller costs more than the car i am currently driving:dohh: moving on...haha
I haven't bought anything but I read a lot on here and then occasionally google for more info - so if there is a thread on here about "what's your favorite pram/stroller?" I will read the whole thing as research for "the future."

I also read for parenting strategies/tips.
I tried to discuss the pros and cons of cosleeping/bed sharing with DH and he said "let's just get through first things first please."

I feel like i can't miss a day or two on here haha...

Im so happy you girls with the bfp have started a graduating thread!! Im so looking forward to joining!!

Girls with AF.. sorry she got you.. on to the next cycle!

AFM.. Im cycle day 22.. Litterally been "busy" for the past few days hehe...I got positive opks on cd18 and cd19, then negative again on cd20. We BD'd cd17,18,19,20 ( twice on 18). Needless to say, we are both tired haha. No major symptoms yet.. boobies are a bit sore.. I will be testing July 31st.. NO for the tww. Im not drinking now, and I'm only going to have one cup of coffee a day. I also did eat my pineapple starting cd18...
Just hoping this is our month. I feel so positive and i kind of feel different. SO I'm really excited but also not getting too excited!!

Hope everyone is doing well!!
I haven't bought anything but I read a lot on here and then occasionally google for more info - so if there is a thread on here about "what's your favorite pram/stroller?" I will read the whole thing as research for "the future."

I also read for parenting strategies/tips.
I tried to discuss the pros and cons of cosleeping/bed sharing with DH and he said "let's just get through first things first please."

Hey girls haven't been on for a couple of days trying to catch up!

Couldn't help but quote that mintastic, sums up my marriage too! He'll talk to me a little about stuff and then he's like okay calm down :haha: we're crazy, aren't we :blush: :rofl:
I haven't bought anything but I read a lot on here and then occasionally google for more info - so if there is a thread on here about "what's your favorite pram/stroller?" I will read the whole thing as research for "the future."

I also read for parenting strategies/tips.
I tried to discuss the pros and cons of cosleeping/bed sharing with DH and he said "let's just get through first things first please."

Hey girls haven't been on for a couple of days trying to catch up!

Couldn't help but quote that mintastic, sums up my marriage too! He'll talk to me a little about stuff and then he's like okay calm down :haha: we're crazy, aren't we :blush: :rofl:

Haha that's hilarious. Me and hubby are exactly the same. We start talking about things to do with ttc/babies and I get so overexcited!!! Swear he thinks I'm crazy!
I *almost* bought some onesies last week but refrained myself because I figured DH would really think I'm a loony :haha:

Min, I do think it's worth temping for you - even if it's not 100% accurate every day, you would probably still see the overall pattern that you could get some info from.

I feel like i can't miss a day or two on here haha...

Im so happy you girls with the bfp have started a graduating thread!! Im so looking forward to joining!!

Girls with AF.. sorry she got you.. on to the next cycle!

AFM.. Im cycle day 22.. Litterally been "busy" for the past few days hehe...I got positive opks on cd18 and cd19, then negative again on cd20. We BD'd cd17,18,19,20 ( twice on 18). Needless to say, we are both tired haha. No major symptoms yet.. boobies are a bit sore.. I will be testing July 31st.. NO for the tww. Im not drinking now, and I'm only going to have one cup of coffee a day. I also did eat my pineapple starting cd18...
Just hoping this is our month. I feel so positive and i kind of feel different. SO I'm really excited but also not getting too excited!!

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Wow that is a lot of BDing, good work!! Haha sounds like this could be a very good month for you indeed :) we only managed to bd a couple of times over my whole fertile period so chances arnt great here but still excited for test day (this Friday). Good luck to you x
add me to this list for Aug testers. I'll be testing week of Aug 3rd. will be starting 2ww now. I opk+ on cd12. we've been BD'ing everyday since CD7!

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