Can't wait for you ladies to test! All sounds so promising!!
I'm here Mint! I work all different days of the week, I was off Thursday and Friday so totally know what you mean about that 6am alarm! I managed ok - the first morning I was awake for a while then snoozed a bit. Yesterday was fine - I actually wondered if I had dreamt taking my temp and took it again
I had a few alcoholic drinks last night - I've just checked the "drinking" box, is that right? Also, I was awake for a while around 4am before temping at 6. How do I tell FF that might not be accurate? Thanks ladies! x
if i only have A beer with dinner, i don't check the "drinking" box. if i have 2 or more, then i do. that may be "wrong," but i feel like with FF it's more important to be consistent and try to use the same "rule" for entering data.
i'm a crappy sleeper too!

FF recommends at least 3 hours of solid sleep and temping at the same time, so if i wake up at all between 12:30am and 3:30am i check "sleep deprived." if i wake up at 3:30, i just take it then with no sleep deprived as long as i've been asleep 3 hours.
i'm guessing some people wake up at 4, go right back to sleep without getting out of bed, then wake up at 6am and take their temp as normal but i don't get out of bed usually but sometimes am up for another 30-40 minutes, so i'm guessing that changes my temps. i click "sleep deprived" any time i wake up if it's within 3 hours of my normal 4am temp time.
i actually started a thread over here: if you're interested

sorry, i don't know this made any sense, but i'm posting it anyway.
Wow that sounds really hopeful for you! How exciting eek! That's good you are going away, the time will pass so much quicker. I have been going mad waiting these past few days as I have been at home. Do you have a ff chart that you could share? Would love to see yours!!!
Yes will definitely keep u posted. Fx for is both!!!
i do
my chart
half of those open circles are "sleep deprived" mornings and half are from taking it too early or late. on DPO4 i took my temp an hour late and i have found (weirdly?) that my temp is lower when i take it late at 5am. all that to say, i don't think that 4DPO dip means anything. BUT, my temp this morning was after great sleep and right on time. go me.

EDIT TO ADD: that BFN test at what LOOKS like 3DPO was because originally FF was telling me i Oed at CD10, so CD20 was 10DPO. then i got a bigger temp spike and it stayed high, so i switched FF from Advanced detection setting to the FAM setting, which i THINK goes only on temp pattern and doesn't pay much attention to other fertility signs, since my CM was throwing it off. i have no excuse for testing at 7DPO though