Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

funny you should ask:blush:

i'm only 7DPO but got what i hope was implantation spotting this morning (and a temp dip, so getting even more hopeful) and tested around 3pm. i knew it was way too early, but couldn't help myself.:wacko::haha:

my family is coming tomorrow to visit for a week, and we'll be traveling all over so am hoping i can "forget" about testing...AF is due the 10th, the same day they leave. so, will be seeing which comes first, my POAS addiction or the :witch:! :rofl:

keep us posted tomorrow and monday!!

Wow that sounds really hopeful for you! How exciting eek! That's good you are going away, the time will pass so much quicker. I have been going mad waiting these past few days as I have been at home. Do you have a ff chart that you could share? Would love to see yours!!!

Yes will definitely keep u posted. Fx for is both!!!
Ooh Jumpingo and Hanrh, exciting times. Wishing you both lots of luck!

Loobs - maybe just make a note on the FF section? I'm not sure they let you do much else other than discard it. I think it should be fairly okay though.

I've had a few problems with accuracy lately because the temp here has been fluctuating massively and with a new puppy my whole sleep cycle is screwed so it's not the most accurate for me at the moment.
Can't wait for you ladies to test! All sounds so promising!!

I'm here Mint! I work all different days of the week, I was off Thursday and Friday so totally know what you mean about that 6am alarm! I managed ok - the first morning I was awake for a while then snoozed a bit. Yesterday was fine - I actually wondered if I had dreamt taking my temp and took it again :haha:

I had a few alcoholic drinks last night - I've just checked the "drinking" box, is that right? Also, I was awake for a while around 4am before temping at 6. How do I tell FF that might not be accurate? Thanks ladies! x

if i only have A beer with dinner, i don't check the "drinking" box. if i have 2 or more, then i do. that may be "wrong," but i feel like with FF it's more important to be consistent and try to use the same "rule" for entering data.

i'm a crappy sleeper too!:dohh: FF recommends at least 3 hours of solid sleep and temping at the same time, so if i wake up at all between 12:30am and 3:30am i check "sleep deprived." if i wake up at 3:30, i just take it then with no sleep deprived as long as i've been asleep 3 hours.

i'm guessing some people wake up at 4, go right back to sleep without getting out of bed, then wake up at 6am and take their temp as normal but i don't get out of bed usually but sometimes am up for another 30-40 minutes, so i'm guessing that changes my temps. i click "sleep deprived" any time i wake up if it's within 3 hours of my normal 4am temp time.

i actually started a thread over here: if you're interested:thumbup: sorry, i don't know this made any sense, but i'm posting it anyway.:haha:

Wow that sounds really hopeful for you! How exciting eek! That's good you are going away, the time will pass so much quicker. I have been going mad waiting these past few days as I have been at home. Do you have a ff chart that you could share? Would love to see yours!!!

Yes will definitely keep u posted. Fx for is both!!!

i do :winkwink:
my chart

half of those open circles are "sleep deprived" mornings and half are from taking it too early or late. on DPO4 i took my temp an hour late and i have found (weirdly?) that my temp is lower when i take it late at 5am. all that to say, i don't think that 4DPO dip means anything. BUT, my temp this morning was after great sleep and right on time. go me. :happydance::haha:

EDIT TO ADD: that BFN test at what LOOKS like 3DPO was because originally FF was telling me i Oed at CD10, so CD20 was 10DPO. then i got a bigger temp spike and it stayed high, so i switched FF from Advanced detection setting to the FAM setting, which i THINK goes only on temp pattern and doesn't pay much attention to other fertility signs, since my CM was throwing it off. i have no excuse for testing at 7DPO though:blush:
Loobs - we really are in sync! I had to check off "drinking" on FF for the first time this morning too. It didn't make an open circle like checking "sleep deprived" does so I don't know what it actually did...

My brother-in-law is staying with us and I had a nightmare that he came in and took my alarm clock (my cell phone has a problem and cannot be used as an alarm) I woke up yelling no no no! and DH had to calm me down. I said "your brother didn't really take my alarm clock? Good because I need that to temp." Oy!

Also, having a tough time trying to figure out when to use these clear blue digi OPKs. The box says cd9 (tomorrow) but traditional cycle length minus 17 gives me cd12. There are only ten in the box and I didn't get a positive until cd23 last cycle... Thinking I might go with the 12 so at least I might get a day or two of "high" even if it runs out before "peak".

I also used a cheapie this morning and it was darker than I expected for cd8. Definitely not a positive but these cheapies NEVER looked all the way positive for me last month so who knows!

Fx for everyone testing this weekend!

Edit: I also have a TMI cm question - what do you put when it is mostly damp/sticky but starting to have a little bit of creamy white mixed in?
Mint, I think you'd put creamy. I read somewhere that you are supposed to mark your most fertile CM that appears that day, if that makes sense!
Can't wait for you ladies to test! All sounds so promising!!

I'm here Mint! I work all different days of the week, I was off Thursday and Friday so totally know what you mean about that 6am alarm! I managed ok - the first morning I was awake for a while then snoozed a bit. Yesterday was fine - I actually wondered if I had dreamt taking my temp and took it again :haha:

I had a few alcoholic drinks last night - I've just checked the "drinking" box, is that right? Also, I was awake for a while around 4am before temping at 6. How do I tell FF that might not be accurate? Thanks ladies! x

if i only have A beer with dinner, i don't check the "drinking" box. if i have 2 or more, then i do. that may be "wrong," but i feel like with FF it's more important to be consistent and try to use the same "rule" for entering data.

i'm a crappy sleeper too!:dohh: FF recommends at least 3 hours of solid sleep and temping at the same time, so if i wake up at all between 12:30am and 3:30am i check "sleep deprived." if i wake up at 3:30, i just take it then with no sleep deprived as long as i've been asleep 3 hours.

i'm guessing some people wake up at 4, go right back to sleep without getting out of bed, then wake up at 6am and take their temp as normal but i don't get out of bed usually but sometimes am up for another 30-40 minutes, so i'm guessing that changes my temps. i click "sleep deprived" any time i wake up if it's within 3 hours of my normal 4am temp time.

i actually started a thread over here: if you're interested:thumbup: sorry, i don't know this made any sense, but i'm posting it anyway.:haha:

Wow that sounds really hopeful for you! How exciting eek! That's good you are going away, the time will pass so much quicker. I have been going mad waiting these past few days as I have been at home. Do you have a ff chart that you could share? Would love to see yours!!!

Yes will definitely keep u posted. Fx for is both!!!

i do :winkwink:
my chart

half of those open circles are "sleep deprived" mornings and half are from taking it too early or late. on DPO4 i took my temp an hour late and i have found (weirdly?) that my temp is lower when i take it late at 5am. all that to say, i don't think that 4DPO dip means anything. BUT, my temp this morning was after great sleep and right on time. go me. :happydance::haha:

EDIT TO ADD: that BFN test at what LOOKS like 3DPO was because originally FF was telling me i Oed at CD10, so CD20 was 10DPO. then i got a bigger temp spike and it stayed high, so i switched FF from Advanced detection setting to the FAM setting, which i THINK goes only on temp pattern and doesn't pay much attention to other fertility signs, since my CM was throwing it off. i have no excuse for testing at 7DPO though:blush:

Yay fx for implantation temp dips this month!!! X
You ladies have this down! I might just start temping *if I don't get a bfp this month*

I dreamt that I got a flaming :bfp: but then my dog tried to chew it up - ew - and I had to set it aside because I was at work :wacko: :rofl: Anyone else have dreams like that, start out making sense and then turn into something ridiculous? lol

As for baby stuff, this is the only stuff I've gotten! I love looking at baby clothes and stuff but I have a horrible case of decision making anxiety so I would never be able to pick something out :rofl:
jumpingo~ I have the smallest bladder ever and like clockwork, I usually get up around 3am to go pee and I temp around 5:30 so I know that's like 2/12 hours, but I still temp anyway. Our master bedroom is so hot during the summer and I usually sleep without the comforter so hopefully that does not affect my temps!
Hi everyone, I took it easy this month as far as getting all nerve wracked and out of whack like I did last month. That is why I haven't posted in forever. I hope everyone is doing great. I am currently 6dpo. I started a new garden project so the time went by quickly. I wanted to see how everyone else was doing.

As far as temping goes, I purposely (This is for you Maggz) did crazy temp taking and didn't stick by the clock like I did the first month. Though the chart is very jagged I knew the signs I was supposed to be looking for. Temperature was going to be a little lower the earlier I woke up and a little higher the later I woke up, but nothing earth shattering. The CM was the cue to let me know to be a little more fateful to wake up times. Once I had EWCM and the OPKs were getting darker, I knew ovulation should be right around the corner. Sure enough (even through the sporadic waking times), my temp rose. I forgot to temp today, but I know AF is due 6 days from now, so when that day comes I will expect a dramatic fall.

This month was an experiment for me, to see if I could relax and not be so rigid about the data, yet still get the same results. So far so good.
Fx Hanrh and Jumpingo!! Hope we get to hear some good news this week!!!
Wooo!! Sounds like some BFPs are on their way :)

Cd7 here today so still a while off O probably but already a quarter of the way through this new cycle :)
So I just installed the Glow app. I now have FOUR fertility apps on my phone. Obsessive much??
Has anyone heard of Glow First? It is this program they have where couples put in $50/month for 10 months and at the end of that time anyone who isn't pregnant yet gets the money to pay for infertility treatment/testing.
I am not sure why they picked 10 months not 12...
I just can't bring myself to buy baby stuff yet, although I've definitely thought about it! I am like Mint - I picture myself taking it out and sobbing in case we have a hard time getting pregnant - I hope that never really happens to us Mint!!

Gator, I have heard that Ina May's guide to childbirth is a great book too.

Michellebelle, 12 dpo is a pretty popular time frame to test. This cycle I'm trying to wait to test until AF is due so I don't get disappointed if it's BFN.

I can't bring myself to set my alarm on my days off! Mint and Loobs you are amazing. I just take the open circle for my weekend temps if I don't happen to temporarily wake up at 4:45 (that's the time I typically wake up Mon-Fri).

Jumpingo, an ergo - nice :thumbup:

hanrh, your chart is looking great!

Mint, that's a crazy nightmare! Since the cheapie looked pretty dark, you might want to start the digitals? Maybe do one more cheapie tomorrow and if it's looking good, do the digital. I usually pee in a cup for the OPKs - so maybe pee in a cup, use a cheapie, and if it's looking pretty dark go ahead and try a digital. I think you should go with the most fertile CM - so, creamy.

Hi Tuamora! Glad you have been able to relax more this cycle :thumbup:
As for me, I had what looked like a temp dip on Thursday (with EWCM on Thurs and Fri) and temps have been creeping up since then so I thought maybe O happened - but OPKs have been negative. And Thurs and today's temps are open circles in FF. Not sure what's happening, but thinking maybe O hasn't happened yet :shrug: Today I think I have creamy CM, but its hard to tell for sure with semen. I'll have to see what my temps look like over the next couple of days and see if I get that smiley face on my digital!
So I just installed the Glow app. I now have FOUR fertility apps on my phone. Obsessive much??
Has anyone heard of Glow First? It is this program they have where couples put in $50/month for 10 months and at the end of that time anyone who isn't pregnant yet gets the money to pay for infertility treatment/testing.
I am not sure why they picked 10 months not 12...

ohhh I never heard of that app! Can you cancel at any time or are you locked into paying the $500 ($50/month for 10 months)?
Hello ladies! Checking back in on you all. Glad the consensus is I don't get booted off the thread for my silly misinterpretation of this being a TTC #1 thread. :haha:

You ladies are awesome with the temping! I use the cb advanced digital opk's and for three cycles they've been very accurate. They first detect the estrogen surge that occurs building up to O and you get flashing smileys and then a few days later you get a solid smiley when it detects the lh surge that occurs just before ovulation. I was worried after my loss my cycle would be all off and it is in running longer than usual because I got 6 days of flashing smileys and I normally get 2-3 but got my solid smiley this morning which is matching up perfectly to my O symptoms (Sore boobs, light cramping, and peak ewcm) Not trying this cycle after last months loss but good to know I seem to be back on track!

It really sounds like this thread is going to have some BFP's in the next week or so! So exciting! Can't wait to see some test pics.

I've been busy getting ready for a week long vacation starting next weekend to a cabin on a lake and then my little man's 4th bday the following weekend so it's been good to keep my mind off things. I've had 3 friends in the last week have babies so feeling a bit jealous!

Fx'd for everyone. I think this thread could use some baby dust!
Starluck - I hope that never happens to us either! (Infertility and crying over baby stuff)

What do you do that you have to get up at 4:45? I thought 6 was bad. Most of my friends don't have to get up until 8 or 9. And what time do you go to sleep?

And thanks for the OPK advice - I also PIAC so I think I will do that. I feel so lost with irregular cycles not having any clue when to expect anything.
Oooh, Camichelle, a vacation sounds great! I bet that will be relaxing.

Thanks, starluck. Maybe I will do a test at what FF says is 10 dpo.

Mint, what all fertility apps do you have besides glow and FF? Are there other good ones?
Starluck - for Glow First if you get pregnant in under ten months you stop contributing at that time (but you don't get your money back it still goes to help couples having issues at the end of the ten months - it calls itself "crowdfunding for babies"). I imagine the same would go for if you needed to opt out early for any other reason. It looks like it is only available in the US atm.

Camichelle - I am trying those same OPKs this montb. Glad to hear they are working well for you - I just hate that with how much they cost there are only ten in the pack. With longer cycles/late O that makes it a bit nerve wracking to know when to start them!
3 babies in a week is crazy! Glad you have vacation and LO's birthday coming up to take your mind off.
Michellebelle - besides Glow and FF I have p-tracker and Ovuview. P-tracker was the first one I got and not very good but I keep it on because it is easy to view the calendar and get my historical data off it to put in other apps.
Ovuview I love though. It is kind of "pretty" compared to the other apps as well as being pretty user friendly. I don't know yet how it compares to FF or Glow in terms of accuracy but will see!

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