Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Hi camichelle! Glad your cycle is looking normal :thumbsup: your vacation sounds wonderful! Happy birthday to your little man :)

We definitely need some dust in here!!!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Mint, I work in clinical pharmacology at a pharma company (regular 40 hr/week corporate desk job) and I teach yoga :) I'm just a weirdo who gets up by 5 to do my yoga practice before work ;) I am much nicer at work with some yoga and meditation in me! I usually go to bed around 9/9:30. I'm living on the wild side tonight - up past 10! Woohoo! Lol
Starluck - for Glow First if you get pregnant in under ten months you stop contributing at that time (but you don't get your money back it still goes to help couples having issues at the end of the ten months - it calls itself "crowdfunding for babies"). I imagine the same would go for if you needed to opt out early for any other reason. It looks like it is only available in the US atm.

Camichelle - I am trying those same OPKs this montb. Glad to hear they are working well for you - I just hate that with how much they cost there are only ten in the pack. With longer cycles/late O that makes it a bit nerve wracking to know when to start them!
3 babies in a week is crazy! Glad you have vacation and LO's birthday coming up to take your mind off.

That glow app sounds awesome! I love that everyone is contributing to help couples with a hard time pay for treatments.
Starluck - wow you are the third person I have "met" this week who works in pharma.
I used to go to bed at 11 but have been trying for 10 lately it doesn't always happen. Honestly I am tired by 9/9:30 but there is usually too much to do.
Happy to see you're back tuamora!! Glad you've been able to chill out a little bit, I have too and it's so much better. My dh was going crazy last month cause this was all I thought about. What did you do in your garden??

Haha camichelle of course not!
Oh and those apps sound good, I have Kindara and then I got something else when I got pregnant but removed them when I mc'd. I guess all those apps are better when you temp but when I got it I was more looking to track my cycles and have a general idea of good bd time :haha:
Hey Maggz,

I decided that I wanted to channel my energy elsewhere. The house that we moved into has a nice sized backyard, however the dirt is just hard clay. Someone dug out a small row garden in a corner, but it is hard clay as well. I drew up some plans, did a whole lot of research, and began making compost and cardboard mulch. After placing torn up pieces of cardboard and leaves around some of my row plants, the ground underneath began to change. Supposedly mulch acts as skin to the dirt. Go figure.

Other than getting the soil right, I have been germinating seeds for FALL and Winter crops....YAY eating healthy and from my own garden is my goal for the coming year.
Hi everyone, I took it easy this month as far as getting all nerve wracked and out of whack like I did last month. That is why I haven't posted in forever. I hope everyone is doing great. I am currently 6dpo. I started a new garden project so the time went by quickly. I wanted to see how everyone else was doing.

As far as temping goes, I purposely (This is for you Maggz) did crazy temp taking and didn't stick by the clock like I did the first month. Though the chart is very jagged I knew the signs I was supposed to be looking for. Temperature was going to be a little lower the earlier I woke up and a little higher the later I woke up, but nothing earth shattering. The CM was the cue to let me know to be a little more fateful to wake up times. Once I had EWCM and the OPKs were getting darker, I knew ovulation should be right around the corner. Sure enough (even through the sporadic waking times), my temp rose. I forgot to temp today, but I know AF is due 6 days from now, so when that day comes I will expect a dramatic fall.

This month was an experiment for me, to see if I could relax and not be so rigid about the data, yet still get the same results. So far so good.

Tuamora that's really interesting about relaxing with your temps. I just have been on holiday from work this month and so have just taken them when I wake up (which is usually not too far off normal waking time) and mine has shown ov day as usual. Maybe we don't need to be so strict when temping?!

Camichelle - great to see you back! Happy vacation!

Mintastic - I love the sound of that App. Such a nice idea!!!

Afm, temps have stayed high this morning. I literally woke up with my heart pounding scared it would have dropped as today is usual af day. I am 11dpo - should I test or wait for tomorrow? I'm so scraped I don't want to see a bfn. I really have got my hopes up this month!!
Bfn :( I feel gutted!


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oh hanrh...:nope:

still keeping my fingers crossed that it's just still too early to know.
hanrh - 11dpo is definitely still early - especially for a CB. FX for you that you get a BFP in a few days!!

I posted an image/question in the OPK gallery - could some of you ladies take a look?
Thank you jumpingo and starluck. No sign of af yet so fx she stays away and you are right. I know you can't trust temps in the day butI have been checking and they are still very high.

How are u jumpingo?
hanrh - 11dpo is definitely still early - especially for a CB. FX for you that you get a BFP in a few days!!

I posted an image/question in the OPK gallery - could some of you ladies take a look?

Thank you mintastic. I am hoping you are right. The test says it's 25mui but I thought is use it anyway as it was free with the clearblue trial I am doing. If no af will try again in a few days.

As for you... I had a look at your opk and although I don't use that type so I'm not 100% sure, from what mine look like at I I'd say you were extremely close!!! Id get bding!!! Fx.
Really struggling with the wait to O this cycle. Impatient!! :coffee:
Wow I missed a day checking the boards and had so much to catch up on! Sorry can't respond to everything…

hanrh, it still seems really promising that your temp is up at 11dpo if your lp was 10 days last cycle. If you implanted at 7dpo it's very possible there's not enough hcg to be detected yet. Fx for you!

Welcome back tuamora and camichelle! Glad to have you both back here :)

maggz your dream cracked me up! :rofl:

Praying for patience for those of you waiting to O…I guess just try to enjoy lots of bd time!

5dpo here, just twiddling my thumbs waiting. Always waiting right? :wacko:
UGH still negative OPKs today! I'm getting impatient waiting for O also Loobs!
Mint, can you give us the details about your vitex and vitamin b regimen this cycle? based on your other thread it looks like they are really helping!

i'm good. temps dropped at 7DPO to just above coverline, went below coverline at 8DPO and now on 9DPO it's back up with all the other post-O temps. but it was an hour late and after crap sleep so can't really trusted.:roll:

i'm traveling with my family now, so will be stalking the board and posting here and there, but will be back full force :haha: on the 11th:thumbup:

fingers crossed for everyone!!:flower:
Mint, can you give us the details about your vitex and vitamin b regimen this cycle? based on your other thread it looks like they are really helping!

Sure - I am taking 40 drops of liquid Vitex extract every morning.

I chose this dose based on actual research of an effective dose
( The bottle says to take 28-56 drops 3 times a day! And the pills came in very high dosages as well which is why I chose the liquid. Many vitamins come in unnecessary mega-doses and you have to be careful.

For the Bs I take 250mcg of b-12 and 50mg of b-6 both in pill form and also in the morning. These were also hard to find so I had to buy the lowest dose I could find and cut them in half.

I took another opk this afternoon and it was totally negative but I think the urine was just too diluted (it wasn't a long hold and I drank bunches of iced tea). Either that or that was my surge and it is over. We BDd so even if it is over that's fine. Will PIAC again in the morning with both the cheepie and the digi and know better then.
Catching up on all these posts... it's always a waiting game, isn't it?! Waiting to O, waiting to test hahah! :)

Mint- your ov test did look close to positive to me! Maybe start the digis a littler earlier than you planned just to see. I have heard great things about the Vitex. Maybe I'll try it next cycle if I don't get my BFP!

Hanrh- Don't give up hope just yet! I think your temps look great!! Especially compared to your last cycle. FX that this is your month!

Jumpingo- Good sign that your temps are back up this morning! FX for you too! I can't wait to hear yalls BFP stories :)

Loobs and Starluck- I am in the same boat as you two! Super impatient waiting for O. I spent the money and got those expensive ClearBlue Advanced digi ovulation tests that are supossed to give you high days as well as peak, but so far just a stupid open, low fertility circle!! I am actually kind of getting concerned, because I have 28 day cycles and the last two cycles I have ovulated on CD 14, and today I am CD 11 and still not even a high reading?? I would think I would have a high reading by now. Really hoping I get that flashing smiley tomorrow....

I'm also trying the SMEP thing this month. So far, so good. Hubby had to go out of town on CD 8, so we missed that day :( Trying to skip today (CD 11), but of course DH doesn't want to skip hahah!

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