Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Mrs tcc - thank you for your kind thoughts! Temps I still up this morning so fx!
I used one of the clear blue tests like you this month and also worried as it seemed ages before I got any smileys. In the end I only got one high day (on ov day according to ff) and 2 peaks. I read that it gets used to your cycles the more you use it so can be expected on the first cycle using it. Hope that makes you feel better!!
Wow I miss a lot in just a day. Hang sorry about the bfn but it is still early and hoping to see a BFP from you too jumpingo!
How was everyone's weekends?

I think I'm probably out this cycle. FF just changed my predicted O date to a week later than originally thought, and DH and I didn't BD in the right times due to this last week us just being so tired and busy.

Oh well, I'm still feeling positive about everything since really I am trying to still pinpoint all this stuff. This cycle seemed all weird anyways.

Now I'm just looking forward for AF to show up, so then can start a new cycle that will include a lot more BDing :happydance:
Mint, can you give us the details about your vitex and vitamin b regimen this cycle? based on your other thread it looks like they are really helping!

Sure - I am taking 40 drops of liquid Vitex extract every morning.

I chose this dose based on actual research of an effective dose
( The bottle says to take 28-56 drops 3 times a day! And the pills came in very high dosages as well which is why I chose the liquid. Many vitamins come in unnecessary mega-doses and you have to be careful.

For the Bs I take 250mcg of b-12 and 50mg of b-6 both in pill form and also in the morning. These were also hard to find so I had to buy the lowest dose I could find and cut them in half.

I took another opk this afternoon and it was totally negative but I think the urine was just too diluted (it wasn't a long hold and I drank bunches of iced tea). Either that or that was my surge and it is over. We BDd so even if it is over that's fine. Will PIAC again in the morning with both the cheepie and the digi and know better then.

Thanks Mint!!! I am going to look into Vitex and the B vitamins if I don't get my BFP this cycle. I am really getting concerned because it is CD18 and still negative OPKs.... If my cycle is only 30 days long and I don't O until, let's say, CD20, then my LP is short as I suspected :( I'm really glad I am temping this cycle to get more insight, although it does give me anxiety to think there might be something wrong with me :(

Catching up on all these posts... it's always a waiting game, isn't it?! Waiting to O, waiting to test hahah! :)

Mint- your ov test did look close to positive to me! Maybe start the digis a littler earlier than you planned just to see. I have heard great things about the Vitex. Maybe I'll try it next cycle if I don't get my BFP!

Hanrh- Don't give up hope just yet! I think your temps look great!! Especially compared to your last cycle. FX that this is your month!

Jumpingo- Good sign that your temps are back up this morning! FX for you too! I can't wait to hear yalls BFP stories :)

Loobs and Starluck- I am in the same boat as you two! Super impatient waiting for O. I spent the money and got those expensive ClearBlue Advanced digi ovulation tests that are supossed to give you high days as well as peak, but so far just a stupid open, low fertility circle!! I am actually kind of getting concerned, because I have 28 day cycles and the last two cycles I have ovulated on CD 14, and today I am CD 11 and still not even a high reading?? I would think I would have a high reading by now. Really hoping I get that flashing smiley tomorrow....

I'm also trying the SMEP thing this month. So far, so good. Hubby had to go out of town on CD 8, so we missed that day :( Trying to skip today (CD 11), but of course DH doesn't want to skip hahah!

LOL I say go for BD and don't skip a day if you are both in the mood!

How was everyone's weekends?

I think I'm probably out this cycle. FF just changed my predicted O date to a week later than originally thought, and DH and I didn't BD in the right times due to this last week us just being so tired and busy.

Oh well, I'm still feeling positive about everything since really I am trying to still pinpoint all this stuff. This cycle seemed all weird anyways.

Now I'm just looking forward for AF to show up, so then can start a new cycle that will include a lot more BDing :happydance:

My weekend was pretty good. Although I am having a lot of anxiety about TTC. I did have dinner with a good friend last night who encouraged me to "relax" more. Not sure I know how to do that... lol.
Mrs tcc - thank you for your kind thoughts! Temps I still up this morning so fx!
I used one of the clear blue tests like you this month and also worried as it seemed ages before I got any smileys. In the end I only got one high day (on ov day according to ff) and 2 peaks. I read that it gets used to your cycles the more you use it so can be expected on the first cycle using it. Hope that makes you feel better!!

Looks like ur chart has gone triphasic. . . When r u testing?
Mint, the link for the vitex research isn't working. Can you try to post it again? :flower:

hanrh, your chart looks GREAT!!! FX!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: for all

Is that better? Scroll down to the female infertility section. Also number 8 & 9 in the references for the original studies.
Michelle sorry about being out, although you never know if ff originally thought you O'd earlier it's possible you did.

Jumpingo and hanrh sounds really promising for BFP's! Can't wait to find out!

I'm trying not to symptom spot because it doesn't seem helpful but it's really hard not to. I feel "bubbly" in my uterus and it's even been audible noise sometimes. Don't want to get my hopes up high that it's implantation, but it would be nice if it was!
YW. Also my OPKs never got darker or showed up with n the digi. So two days of very dark but not totally positive looking (cd9 and cd10am) and then back to very faint clearly negative. I am pretty confused if that was my surge so early or not and if I should keep taking OPKs or not. I am having a little right sided abdominal pain so maybe o-pain? But it could be my imagination.
Hey Starluck are u planning to start b6 too/?? cuz even m thinking my lp is 8 days so m planning to go for b6 but m 5dpo now ..mintastic..what do u say should i start now..will it make any difference? and do u take b6 for the whole cycle or only after o?

also every where I see only 100 mg b6 so m planning to take 50 mg to be on the safer do I get that ..
YW. Also my OPKs never got darker or showed up with n the digi. So two days of very dark but not totally positive looking (cd9 and cd10am) and then back to very faint clearly negative. I am pretty confused if that was my surge so early or not and if I should keep taking OPKs or not. I am having a little right sided abdominal pain so maybe o-pain? But it could be my imagination.

The same thing happened to me last cycle with the OPKs. They got darker, but never really positive. But, my urine tends to be more dilute (I drink a lot of fluids, can't help it!), so that could be why. So, I was confused last cycle and decided to temp this cycle in addition to the OPKs. That way I will (HOPEFULLY) see a clear thermal shift confirming that I DID O afterwards. Are you temping this cycle?

Hey Starluck are u planning to start b6 too/?? cuz even m thinking my lp is 8 days so m planning to go for b6 but m 5dpo now ..mintastic..what do u say should i start now..will it make any difference? and do u take b6 for the whole cycle or only after o?

also every where I see only 100 mg b6 so m planning to take 50 mg to be on the safer do I get that ..

I'm thinking about trying it next cycle if I don't get a BFP. You can probably cut a 100 mg tablet in half.
thank you ladies. i have my fx so much! Think i am going to feel a million times more upset if af arrives now!! I am scared off testing for the minutes after the bfn so am going to try to wait until 15dpo. If temps are still up and af hasn't arrived ill probably buy a FRER. sooo hoping i make it that long!!!

Mint - i would keep testing if i were you. Do you temp? If so do they show a temp rise?
Hanrh glad your temps are still on the rise!! FX for a BFP soon! :)

Finally got my blinky smiley face this morning and a temp drop, so O is quickly approaching I'm sure :) BD marathon will commence today!

Babydust to all of you approaching your testing window! SO excited to see some BFPs this cycle!

OPKs are so touchy. It's like if you don't test at the exact right time, they won't be fully positive. This is my second month temping, and I think it is super helpful to use along with OPKs
Glad you got your smiley face Mrs. TTC! Have fun with the bd'ing :thumbup: I agree about opk's. They're helpful but also frustrating, definitely most useful with temping.

I'm planning to test on the 11th (assuming temp isn't down). That will be 13dpo. DH and I have to stay at my parents next weekend for a wedding, so I won't take any tests to be able to resist temptation. Of course I could cave and test Friday but I really don't want to. 1 week feels like such a long wait!!
Hanrh - your chart is looking good, can't wait till you test!!

I'm still waiting to O here. I'm using cheapies and CB digis at the same time cos last cycle the cheapie never got positive, even when I got the smiley face. Don't want to miss it and if I end up onto next cycle I'll maybe be able to tell what my positive is on a cheapie!

I hope you O soon loobs! Those cheapies are so finicky I hope you see a positive soon.

Hanrh your temps are still high that's awesome! You're strong to hold out testing, I'd probably cave already. Hope it's good news for you in a couple days!

My temps the last couple days haven't been as high as usual, hoping that's not a bad sign. At least they're still above the CL but I wish they'd jump up higher.
I know most of us want a baby whenever it happens as we're all TTC and don't want to keep waiting month after month. However, I am kinda excited about the prospect of potentially being pregnant in cooler months, and then having a baby in a warmer month where I'll be able to get outdoors with it a bit, if that makes sense. So hopefully a BFP happens in the next couple of months so that can happen. :)

Anyone else have an ideal month/season they'd like to give birth?

In other news.. Just in case FF has my O date wrong, I think I may test tomorrow to see if anything shows up. Not expecting it to, but you never know!

Mia, I'm hoping that your temp pattern is fine too.

Have fun BDing, Mrs TTC!
thank you ladies. i have my fx so much! Think i am going to feel a million times more upset if af arrives now!! I am scared off testing for the minutes after the bfn so am going to try to wait until 15dpo. If temps are still up and af hasn't arrived ill probably buy a FRER. sooo hoping i make it that long!!!

Mint - i would keep testing if i were you. Do you temp? If so do they show a temp rise?

hanrh, i do not know how you have resisted testing!! i really hope this is it for you <3

Hanrh glad your temps are still on the rise!! FX for a BFP soon! :)

Finally got my blinky smiley face this morning and a temp drop, so O is quickly approaching I'm sure :) BD marathon will commence today!

Babydust to all of you approaching your testing window! SO excited to see some BFPs this cycle!

OPKs are so touchy. It's like if you don't test at the exact right time, they won't be fully positive. This is my second month temping, and I think it is super helpful to use along with OPKs

i'm really starting to dislike opks, LOL! i still have not had a positive, but i'm trying not to stress about it. all signs point to O really soon for me, so i assume it's coming in the next few days :) plus my urine is almost always somewhat dilute (i drink a lot of fluids, always have), so i'm not sure if i will ever get a real positive opk.

Hanrh - your chart is looking good, can't wait till you test!!

I'm still waiting to O here. I'm using cheapies and CB digis at the same time cos last cycle the cheapie never got positive, even when I got the smiley face. Don't want to miss it and if I end up onto next cycle I'll maybe be able to tell what my positive is on a cheapie!


that's a great idea loobs! (using the digital and cheapies together so you can tell)

I hope you O soon loobs! Those cheapies are so finicky I hope you see a positive soon.

Hanrh your temps are still high that's awesome! You're strong to hold out testing, I'd probably cave already. Hope it's good news for you in a couple days!

My temps the last couple days haven't been as high as usual, hoping that's not a bad sign. At least they're still above the CL but I wish they'd jump up higher.

Miagirl, hopefully your temp jumps up - but has it been cooler in your house lately? fan on you? air conditioning up? sleeping with your mouth open? just wondering if there could be an external factor affecting your temp. try not to stress <3

I know most of us want a baby whenever it happens as we're all TTC and don't want to keep waiting month after month. However, I am kinda excited about the prospect of potentially being pregnant in cooler months, and then having a baby in a warmer month where I'll be able to get outdoors with it a bit, if that makes sense. So hopefully a BFP happens in the next couple of months so that can happen. :)

Anyone else have an ideal month/season they'd like to give birth?

In other news.. Just in case FF has my O date wrong, I think I may test tomorrow to see if anything shows up. Not expecting it to, but you never know!

Mia, I'm hoping that your temp pattern is fine too.

Have fun BDing, Mrs TTC!

i'd love to have an april baby ;) but really any time i get blessed with a baby is okay by me :) it would be super nice to have a baby in spring or summer though! for the reasons you stated - warmer weather to go for walks, etc.
I know most of us want a baby whenever it happens as we're all TTC and don't want to keep waiting month after month. However, I am kinda excited about the prospect of potentially being pregnant in cooler months, and then having a baby in a warmer month where I'll be able to get outdoors with it a bit, if that makes sense. So hopefully a BFP happens in the next couple of months so that can happen. :)

Anyone else have an ideal month/season they'd like to give birth?

In other news.. Just in case FF has my O date wrong, I think I may test tomorrow to see if anything shows up. Not expecting it to, but you never know!

Mia, I'm hoping that your temp pattern is fine too.

Have fun BDing, Mrs TTC!

I think having the baby before May would be nice.

I think I might have o'ed yesterday. Not sure but pre-o dip and then temp has been creeping up. Cm seems to be headed back to less likely fertile today as well. I'm hoping that's what happened and it's not going to be an anovulatory chart. I feel like I look forward to bedtime bc it puts me closer to my next temp. :sleep:

Mia, hope your temp goes back up and stays there!

Hanrh, hope I have your patience when it comes to testing!

Mrs. TTC, glad to hear you got your smiley! Hope you catch that eggy!

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