Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

I got my crosshairs this morning, 3 dpo today! :happydance: I'm mentally bathing myself in baby dust LOL!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

I got crosshairs this morning! Officially 3DPO!!! Woohoo, TWW!

Don't think our timing is ideal, FF has it down as "good" but not high. So we will see! X

wooot wooootttttttttttttt!!!!! :dust:

I got crosshairs this morning! Officially 3DPO!!! Woohoo, TWW!

Don't think our timing is ideal, FF has it down as "good" but not high. So we will see! X

Fingers crossed for you! Hoping for lots of BFPs from this thread this month. It's looking promising!

AFM, just waiting for AF to show up so I can get started on a new cycle! I did have a dream last night that I had a lot of EWCM and told DH "let's do this now" and basically jumped him.. Haha. Funny the things we dream about..

I had a dream like that this cycle!! In my dream I had so much EWCM it was all over my hands and I was giddy with excitement :haha:

I got my BFP Aug 6th! Congrats to the others who got their BFP this month and well wishes for those still trying.

Now that it's real, I am kind of freaking out but that's normal right? LOL

Congrats poptart! :happydance:

Wow!! congrats poptart! great news :)

TWW is awful! Hoping it passes quickly... I'm a teacher and school is starting soon, so I'm sure that will help take my mind off of it, at least a little!

5 DPO Gator- any symptoms?

YAY for crosshairs Loobs!!! I'm still waiting for mine. Guess they are coming tomorrow :) I think your BD timing is pretty good! Looks like your CM was in optimal conditions for having those spermies live longer, so I bet EOD pattern was good!

Are any of my fellow TWWers doing the pineapple thing this month? I'm trying it! I ate some yesterday at what I think would be 1-2 DPO and will continue for 4 more days! FX it works!

I have been eating pineapple core since Saturday :) I'm going to try to eat pineapple every day ~ just for the fun of it!

Awesome poptart!!!

Mrs. TCC, those crosshairs have got to be coming tomorrow! Your chart looks really good and your bd schedule looks perfect!

AFM, 6 dpo, most reliably I have sore nipples. I am a napper so I'm not sure I would notice fatigue because I'd prob already be asleep. :sleep: My temperature shot up at the same time my nipples became sensitive so it is likely just because my progesterone levels went up. Hoping for ib over the next few days. DH is even getting curious...every morning he looks at my chart. Regardless, I've already been planning for next month and realize that my fertile time will be while we are on vacation for a wedding in Boston! Perfect timing so I'm letting myself think towards that so I won't be letdown if it doesn't happen this month.

Maggz, Mia, and poptart, how are you guys feeling?

Aw I love that he looks at your chart! <3 I show my chart to my DH and explain it to him. He occasionally will ask me what my temperature was that day :) I love it.
Thanks Loobs and Gator!! This cycle is still throwing me off, because I know I have ovulated from O symptoms and my temp spike, but STILL getting positive OPKs... I'm on day 5 of positives. So confusing :/

Gator the sore nipples sound promising!! Hoping the tiredness is also a sign of an upcoming BFP and your chart looks great!

are you sure they are really positive and not just close to positive (it could be your LH coming back down)? any pics to share?

I finally got a positive OPK tonight around 10pm! Time to get to work!:sex:

hi shandis! get to work girl :)

Good luck shandis, get busy! TWW is torture and I'm only on day 2 of it.. Oh gosh haha

i'm trying not to stress out this TWW too. We've done all we can and all we can do now is leave it up to God (spirit, the universe, or anything you believe in) :)

am home from vacation. caved and bought the vip version of FF:blush:

cd5 and nothing to speak of, obviously. trying to recover from an exhausting week herding my family all over japan and having a wedding party.

feeling like a debbie downer and can't seem to snap out of it (since about 2 weeks ago?) and trying to get excited about ttc again...the ergo got here today!:haha:

i love the vip version of FF! totally worth the $ in my opinion. i hope you are able to lift your spirits soon :hugs: look forward to this next cycle and all the bd time you'll get with your hubby.
Good luck shandis, get busy! TWW is torture and I'm only on day 2 of it.. Oh gosh haha

Thanks Samanthatc! I feel you on the TWW I have been there to many times and I put my self through the ringer everytime trying to symptom spot. It's completely horrible but hopefully it will be over soon!
I've just got my crosshairs as well today although I'm not sure if FF is just being nice to me because my temp has barely risen at all?! I suppose at the beginning of my cycle the temp outside was baking so normally my temperature was a lot lower when the weather was "normal".

@Starluck, we must be exactly the same then! Buddies :D

@Shandis, yay for the positive OPK!

@Hanrh, could you add me to the testing list for the 21st please? Thanks x
I'm a teacher too :) high school. But it's winter here in Australia, no holidays :( very jealous!!!!
I am a high school teacher too (11-18 year olds) - what do you teach??? When is your holidays? Its the first time im wishing my holidays away as i need something to distract myself from all the waiting!!

am home from vacation. caved and bought the vip version of FF:blush:

cd5 and nothing to speak of, obviously. trying to recover from an exhausting week herding my family all over japan and having a wedding party.

feeling like a debbie downer and can't seem to snap out of it (since about 2 weeks ago?) and trying to get excited about ttc again...the ergo got here today!:haha:
Snap with the CD5 today! Such a boring time in the cycle. I want to hurry up and get to the BDing time :winkwink:

I've just got my crosshairs as well today although I'm not sure if FF is just being nice to me because my temp has barely risen at all?! I suppose at the beginning of my cycle the temp outside was baking so normally my temperature was a lot lower when the weather was "normal".

@Starluck, we must be exactly the same then! Buddies :D

@Shandis, yay for the positive OPK!

@Hanrh, could you add me to the testing list for the 21st please? Thanks x

Tink - Sure will add you to the testing list. Any other ladies currently in the TWW want me to add them ??
Oh and a quick question which I'm so sorry if is TMI...

As I am on the ewcm hunt this cycle I was wondering how you ladies checked it? I have read about actually checking near your cervix for it and also just seeing it on toilet tissue!!??! I'm confused ?!!
Yea for more TWWers!

Jumpingo, sorry you feel down. It sounds like you had a busy vacation, maybe just resting and doing stuff that you want to do will help. Which color Ergo did you get? They look really nice.

Originally, when I got my crosshairs, I felt relief--like now I can just relax. Clearly I was wrong. I need to be more like you Starluck and leave it up to the powers that be....which is not Google. :wacko:

Hanrh, please put me down for 8/19. Is that really a week away! Ugh. :winkwink:

Fx that my temp dip is a good thing.
Gator - I'm doing fine, no real symptoms yet except a little nausea in the morning. Would like my boobs to get bigger soon lol ;)

hanrh I always check it by just putting a finger right by the opening, not really up there. I feel I don't see it well enough if it's on the toilet paper, plus there's pee on there too ew lol
hanrh I always check it by just putting a finger right by the opening, not really up there. I feel I don't see it well enough if it's on the toilet paper, plus there's pee on there too ew lol
Same. Stick the tip of my finger around the opening of the vagina and check to see.
I can't check cm with toilet paper most days. I used to use one finger at the opening but then I read on FF to use two(!) fingers all the way up there so I have been trying to do that for accuracy but am not so fond of it...
Yay Tink!!! Glad we can be buddies :happydance:

hanrh, I check my cervical position, so I just check the fluid around my cervix when I check its position. I also sometimes get some in my underwear. you can put me down to test for august 27 - that's the date FF is recommending I test so I'll go with that :)

Gator, I'm typically a very anxious person so this whole "relax and leave it up to the powers that be" thing is kinda new to me :) I like it so far, much better than my usual anxiety :) We'll see how calm I can be next week. FX that temp dip is a great thing!!
Just a quick read for me as I'm just home from work. Yay for crosshairs! X
Yea for more TWWers!

Jumpingo, sorry you feel down. It sounds like you had a busy vacation, maybe just resting and doing stuff that you want to do will help. Which color Ergo did you get? They look really nice.

Originally, when I got my crosshairs, I felt relief--like now I can just relax. Clearly I was wrong. I need to be more like you Starluck and leave it up to the powers that be....which is not Google. :wacko:

Hanrh, please put me down for 8/19. Is that really a week away! Ugh. :winkwink:

Fx that my temp dip is a good thing.

i got the grey one with the white stars. i love anything with stars and i also figured it was still not too girly that my husband might actually use it?:thumbup:

FF took my crosshairs away at 4DPO last month and then around what would have been 7DPO, i had a better temp rise that ended up being my actual O, so my DPO count totally changed. my advice is to keep doing it until way passed getting crosshairs, just in case. we only had sex twice in the fertile window before O because i thought i'd actually already Oed.:dohh:
AF looks like she arrived today, and I'm excited! I'm so ready to start this new cycle since I knew the last one was a bust.

For all you ladies in the TWW, good luck! I have a feeling there are a few more BFPs coming up on this thread!

I'm glad it was brought up how to best check CM..I've been wondering the same thing.
Yea for more TWWers!

Jumpingo, sorry you feel down. It sounds like you had a busy vacation, maybe just resting and doing stuff that you want to do will help. Which color Ergo did you get? They look really nice.

Originally, when I got my crosshairs, I felt relief--like now I can just relax. Clearly I was wrong. I need to be more like you Starluck and leave it up to the powers that be....which is not Google. :wacko:

Hanrh, please put me down for 8/19. Is that really a week away! Ugh. :winkwink:

Fx that my temp dip is a good thing.

i got the grey one with the white stars. i love anything with stars and i also figured it was still not too girly that my husband might actually use it?:thumbup:

FF took my crosshairs away at 4DPO last month and then around what would have been 7DPO, i had a better temp rise that ended up being my actual O, so my DPO count totally changed. my advice is to keep doing it until way passed getting crosshairs, just in case. we only had sex twice in the fertile window before O because i thought i'd actually already Oed.:dohh:

I agree with keeping on doing it! I thought I had Oed this last cycle on one date, but then FF changed my crosshairs and I realized we didn't BD at the right times then.
Replying to everyone, so hope I don't forget anything!! Starluck and Tink, I'm your buddy too!! 3 DPO officially :) That really stinks that FF changed some of yalls CH... really hoping it doesn't change mine, since DH is out of town now until Friday. Oh well~ we gave it our best shot!

Gator- OMG soooo jealous of your huge temp dip! Can't wait to see the rest of your temps and hopefully a BFP!

I really wish I had the VIP version of FF, I only had the trial last month, but it ran out. I think I may get it for next cycle if I need to.

As for all of my positive OPKs, I already threw them away (always scared my mom/family will come over and have to go to the bathroom and look in the trash hahah I'm crazy, and they don't know we are TTC) so no pictures :( But yes, very sure they were positives because the test line was even darker than control line. I ran out of OPKs yesterday, which is probably a good thing, so I quit testing. I need to not obsess over it :)

Wow, lots of fellow teachers! Our summer is almost over, and we go back on Monday... so bummed. I love summer break!!!
I am a teacher too but my students are all on the autism spectrum or otherwise developmentally disabled so they go to school in the Summer too!
I would still get 3 weeks off between summer and fall session but agreed to work camp as we can use the money so just taking the first week of Sept off and that is it.
We are going to Iceland for a week though so I am excited! But sad about leaving my dog.
I won't be temping or OPKing on vacation either... So next cycle if there is a next cycle will be more of a NTNP cycle.
Jumpingo, I will definitely be needing the VIP version of FF if this cycle isn't our BFP one. I am totally obsessed over the detailed interpretation and timing analyser and I won't manage a cycle without them :haha: x

I am not that impressed with the via ff timing analyzer. Basically if you bd around ovulation it's good. Otherwise fair if a few days before and portable if nothing.
Oh and a quick question which I'm so sorry if is TMI...

As I am on the ewcm hunt this cycle I was wondering how you ladies checked it? I have read about actually checking near your cervix for it and also just seeing it on toilet tissue!!??! I'm confused ?!!

I always have lots of CM so can just check to toilet paper when I wipe. I get lots of EWCM there's no missing it. I think either checking internally or on the toilet paper is fine.

Our big school holiday break is in the summer over Christmas (2 months off yay!) but we have 3rd term break in 6 more weeks.. Feels like ages! I get what you mean about needing to keep busy tho. Maybe download some movies or go shopping, catch up with teacher friends for lunch. That's how I usually spend my holidays :) x
Oh and I teach English (despite all my many spelling mistakes) haha blame the phone for that!!

What do you teach Hanrh?

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