Thank you all - I agree with Mint though, the line does look weird which makes me think evap. I didn't see anything at 4minute mark so that's why I'm thinking that. Luckily I have so many FRER's under my sink from last month I will take one tomorrow morning just to see.
Thank you all for looking!
I saw that line too on the top one as well! But why is it not on the other 8dpo test? Blah. Will take a FRER tomorrow morning.DandJ, maybe my eyes are tricking me, but I almost can make out something on the top test too! Fingers crossed this is a BFP. Hoping to hear some good news! Keep testing!
Any news dandj? I excited to hear xx
Also, is it only me who gets really embarrassed buying test from the supermarket? I worry I will bump into someone I know, or even worse a student of mine!!!