AF for me. Had a long wait for it - today is technically 16DPO. Now I see why they call her the witch!! Mean! x
feel like it's about time a BFP shows up on this thread...
anyone else?
i'm 8DPO today and making deals with myself about testing. temp went down today so no testing.will try to wait until 10 (sunday) now
jumpingo and mangoberry, any news???reaaalllllyyyy hoping for a bfp for you two!
Hi Mangoberry! That sucks, but your chart is looking good! And hoping the metallic taste is a good sign for you! I don't know anything about Monistat while ttc, hoping it's ok?
I am guessing O time is coming up in the next weekish. I don't plan on using opks this cycle, just temping and watching CM. And lots of trying to catch the egg!
jumpingo and mangoberry, any news???reaaalllllyyyy hoping for a bfp for you two!
12dpo...tested again this morningnegative. not even a squinter
AF has shown the last 2 months on the day my temp drops (11 and 13dpo) so it's a good sign that it's still high, though i'm guessing tomorrow's will tell...i hope so, one way or the other.
Is Monistat bad when you're ttcing? That can happen to anything of is so good to know if it is...