Hi Hoping Carter! For me, the temping process is still a learning process. I had one month where everything makes sense, and then it all seems to fly out the window next cycle. Like this month.. My temps are low with no rise yet, but my CM indicates O has already happened. Definitely makes me second-guess everything.
Starluck, Tink, and Mrs. TTC, good luck with your temps!
i noticed all your dots are solid circles - do you somehow manage to temp at the exact same time every day and with 3 solid hours of sleep??if so, i am insanely jealous!!
We're quite similar in that aspect! I wake up at 5am to take my temp and then sleep for a few more hours. Most of the time I have closed circles too... except this cycle was SO WACKY for me! I seriously think I had an annovulatory cycle this time around. My cycle days are usually 33 and I am on CD43 now... but I think I will be getting AF soon due to my temp rise which is good because I want to go ahead & move on to next cycle.Hi Hoping Carter! For me, the temping process is still a learning process. I had one month where everything makes sense, and then it all seems to fly out the window next cycle. Like this month.. My temps are low with no rise yet, but my CM indicates O has already happened. Definitely makes me second-guess everything.
Starluck, Tink, and Mrs. TTC, good luck with your temps!
i noticed all your dots are solid circles - do you somehow manage to temp at the exact same time every day and with 3 solid hours of sleep??if so, i am insanely jealous!!
Haha, I do most days! I sleep decently, and set my alarm for 5am for temping. I wake up, take my temp, and then sleep for another couple of hours.
But.. Still no temp rise this morning, so I'm thinking this may be an anovulatory cycle? Boo. I'm feeling disappointed, and now just want to move on to the next cycle.
i noticed all your dots are solid circles - do you somehow manage to temp at the exact same time every day and with 3 solid hours of sleep??if so, i am insanely jealous!!
Haha, I do most days! I sleep decently, and set my alarm for 5am for temping. I wake up, take my temp, and then sleep for another couple of hours.
But.. Still no temp rise this morning, so I'm thinking this may be an anovulatory cycle? Boo. I'm feeling disappointed, and now just want to move on to the next cycle.
DandJ.. Yes. We are totally in the same boat this month!
I'll share something here I haven't yet.. I really want to get pregnant before I have to go to the doc in December because I'm a bit afraid she'll find something and I won't be able to conceive.
Basically back last dec they found precancerous cells on my cervix, so I had surgery to remove them. I had a follow up in July, where she said it didn't look completely normal, but all tests came back negative so she cleared us to TTC. I'm scared I'll go back in Dec and they'll be back and she'll say.. That's it, no more trying.
Just my fear... I wanted to share with you guys. It makes these months a little more stressful, but I'm still trying to be positive about everything!
Anyways, thanks for listening. It is nice to be able to share with you ladies!
Thanks Jumpingo!
I took a digital - it's confirmedI am so happy! My temp shot up this morning and I've had these twinges since yesterday so I had a feeling something was up! I've never felt twinges like that before!