Michellebelle so frustrating with your cycle! I am sorry your temps are being all crazy and you have been spotting! Hopefully you'll either ovulate or get full AF soon, so you can go onto the next cycle.
Hanrh- I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I know nothing anyone says or does makes it better, so just sending you hugs. I am sure a journal will help a lot if you keep it up. That would be so special to give your future little one day too! I hope your spotting goes away and you can start TTC again quickly.
Camichelle!!!! OMG!!!!!! congrats on your BFP!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a healthy, sticky bean! Keep us updated
Loobs- maybe the CM is a good sign?! I have a TERRIBLE cold too. It is just miserable!
AFM, CD 4. booorrriiiinnnggg. I don't know if yall remember, but I was supposed to have my HSG/lap procedure done this cycle. The nurse called on Friday telling me the details and things didn't seem right- turns out she only scheduled the HSG by mistake. Of course they couldn't get me in on such short notice for the lap and HSG, so now I have to wait an entire cycle to do the procedure

I immediately burst into tears when she told me this. I was so looking forward to having some answers. I feel like it will just be another wasted month. I know that is a terrible attitude to have, but this is now cycle number 8.... it's wearing on me