TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

LearningLife -After more research on this topic (Lol totally baby crazy)I don't think you would have missed your ovulation period as long as you guys are bd'ing every other day at least between CD 10 and CD 20 of your cycle. Apparently ovulation can happen at different times for different women. It can happen as early as CD 6 for some or as late as CD 20 for others. It's your luteal phase that's crucial. The luteal phase is the time between your big O Day and the first day of your next cycle. It's easier to track this because unlike ovulation variance, your luteal phase will always be between 12-16 days!! So honestly if you count backwards, it makes life a lot easeir. If you know approximately when you got your periods (as in dates) the last few months, count back 16 days (just to be on the safe side + add 2 to 3 days) and start bd'ing.

ok I know that was a lotta info, but I hope it helps. Link below is a quick summary on the Luteal Phase.

and do continue bd'ing!! "tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la" lol
If i don't get my BFP this month I will def try the OPK's and BBT next cycle. Thanks for all the info ladies.
I love how everyone is so positive on this thread!! Some other threads are full of negative news, TTC problems and whilst people do try to encourage each other there´s always a sense that getting pregnant is going to be really difficult if not almost impossible!! On this thread, its more like, "it´s not easy but we´ll get there!".

I´ve been getting really down about the whole TTC stuff recently, especially as this month it looked like I was never going to ov, but according to FF I´m now 3dpo and starting to feel a little more positive.

Looking forward to getting some BFP news from you all very soon

miss malteser

I think it's important for us to support one another. I'm also 3 dpo! I'm so excited I can't wait.

By the way- is it normal for any of you who have been preggo before to have sore nipples after ovulation??

ladies i have decided that I want to test a little early. AF is expected in 12 days and I thought I will test in about a week and if it is :bfn: give it another few days and re-test. i got the first response tests with early detection, so fingers crossed.
I took another OPK to see if it will turn out positive earlier. It was negative so that means whatever that needed to happen, has already happened. So I am officially 1 DPO as of monday. Joining the wait now. Also ordered a bunch of PTs online and I should be getting them on Tuesday. so i cant start testing by x'mas and continue to do so until AF makes an appearance or i get a :bfp: nervous and scared. we have done all that we can and now it's literally the waiting game. I am also checking my BBT and today was day 1 of that. hoping things will spike up and stay that way!!
Bezinga, if you´ve only started temping today and you´re already at least 1dpo your temp may already have risen so don´t worry if now it only fluctuates and you don´t see a rise. To see the rise you have to compare your post ov temps with the pre ov ones.
LearningLife -After more research on this topic (Lol totally baby crazy)I don't think you would have missed your ovulation period as long as you guys are bd'ing every other day at least between CD 10 and CD 20 of your cycle. Apparently ovulation can happen at different times for different women. It can happen as early as CD 6 for some or as late as CD 20 for others. It's your luteal phase that's crucial. The luteal phase is the time between your big O Day and the first day of your next cycle. It's easier to track this because unlike ovulation variance, your luteal phase will always be between 12-16 days!! So honestly if you count backwards, it makes life a lot easeir. If you know approximately when you got your periods (as in dates) the last few months, count back 16 days (just to be on the safe side + add 2 to 3 days) and start bd'ing.

ok I know that was a lotta info, but I hope it helps. Link below is a quick summary on the Luteal Phase.

and do continue bd'ing!! "tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la" lol

bezinga: I thank you for your response. Since you are so clever and knowledgable, do you think you can help me out? Ready for a long read? Here's a brief history:

Took BCPs summer 2007 (hated them and quit)
Took BCPs May-ish 2008-October 2010
AF went back to being irregular
Oct '10-Nov '11: 29 days - Oct 2011 - began prenatal vits
Nov '10-Dec '10: 37 days
Dec '10-Jan '11: 32 days
Jan '11-Feb '11: 27 days
Feb '11-Mar '11: 31 days
Mar '11-Apr '11: 29 days
Apr '11-May '11: 29 days
May '11-Jun '11: 29 days
Jun '11-Jun '11: 25 days
Jun '11-Jul '11: 29 days
Jul '11-Aug '11: 36 days
Aug '11-Sep '11: 30 days
Sep '11-Oct '11: 27 days -Oct 2011 - diagnosed with hypothyroidism - on meds
Oct '11-Nov '11: 29 days

Cycles run between 25-37 days
Average is 32 days although there were a good couple of 29 day cycles there!
Supposed to be fertile somewhere between Nov 29-Dec. 10???
LMP: 11/19/11
To test on???

BD'd - Nov 27, 28, 29, 30 & Dec 6, 10 (unfortunately away on a trip Dec. 1-5, then DH had end-of-school projects the entire next week)

All this without usage of OPKs or Temping...

If you may, what am I doing wrong/right? I have no idea how long my LH phase is?!

THANK YOU in advance!!!
I took another OPK to see if it will turn out positive earlier. It was negative so that means whatever that needed to happen, has already happened. So I am officially 1 DPO as of monday. Joining the wait now. Also ordered a bunch of PTs online and I should be getting them on Tuesday. so i cant start testing by x'mas and continue to do so until AF makes an appearance or i get a :bfp: nervous and scared. we have done all that we can and now it's literally the waiting game. I am also checking my BBT and today was day 1 of that. hoping things will spike up and stay that way!!

Excited to see what happens...nothing but positive!!!
Wishing you much love and lots of :dust:
LearningLife -After more research on this topic (Lol totally baby crazy)I don't think you would have missed your ovulation period as long as you guys are bd'ing every other day at least between CD 10 and CD 20 of your cycle. Apparently ovulation can happen at different times for different women. It can happen as early as CD 6 for some or as late as CD 20 for others. It's your luteal phase that's crucial. The luteal phase is the time between your big O Day and the first day of your next cycle. It's easier to track this because unlike ovulation variance, your luteal phase will always be between 12-16 days!! So honestly if you count backwards, it makes life a lot easeir. If you know approximately when you got your periods (as in dates) the last few months, count back 16 days (just to be on the safe side + add 2 to 3 days) and start bd'ing.

ok I know that was a lotta info, but I hope it helps. Link below is a quick summary on the Luteal Phase.

and do continue bd'ing!! "tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la" lol

bezinga: I thank you for your response. Since you are so clever and knowledgable, do you think you can help me out? Ready for a long read? Here's a brief history:

Took BCPs summer 2007 (hated them and quit)
Took BCPs May-ish 2008-October 2010
AF went back to being irregular
Oct '10-Nov '11: 29 days - Oct 2011 - began prenatal vits
Nov '10-Dec '10: 37 days
Dec '10-Jan '11: 32 days
Jan '11-Feb '11: 27 days
Feb '11-Mar '11: 31 days
Mar '11-Apr '11: 29 days
Apr '11-May '11: 29 days
May '11-Jun '11: 29 days
Jun '11-Jun '11: 25 days
Jun '11-Jul '11: 29 days
Jul '11-Aug '11: 36 days
Aug '11-Sep '11: 30 days
Sep '11-Oct '11: 27 days -Oct 2011 - diagnosed with hypothyroidism - on meds
Oct '11-Nov '11: 29 days

Cycles run between 25-37 days
Average is 32 days although there were a good couple of 29 day cycles there!
Supposed to be fertile somewhere between Nov 29-Dec. 10???
LMP: 11/19/11
To test on???

BD'd - Nov 27, 28, 29, 30 & Dec 6, 10 (unfortunately away on a trip Dec. 1-5, then DH had end-of-school projects the entire next week)

All this without usage of OPKs or Temping...

If you may, what am I doing wrong/right? I have no idea how long my LH phase is?!

THANK YOU in advance!!!

Ok so after doing some math, here's just a quick guess. Assuming that this cycle will last anywhere between 25-37 days you are going to have a very large window of when you may have ovulated. To find exactly how long your Luteal Phase is, you would definitely have to chart, check bbt and best option is OPK. This will help you narrow things down. I've made a list of possible ovulation days below based on how long your cycle might be along with how long your luteal phase might be.

25 Days - 29 Nov to 03 Dec
26 Days - 28 Nov to 04 Dec
27 Days - 29 Nov to 05 Dec
28 Days - 30 Nov to 06 Dec
29 Days - 01 Dec to 07 Dec
30 Days - 02 Dec to 08 Dec
31 Days - 03 Dec to 09 Dec
32 Days - 04 Dec to 10 Dec
33 Days - 05 Dec to 11 Dec
34 Days - 06 Dec to 12 Dec
35 Days - 07 Dec to 13 Dec
36 Days - 08 Dec to 14 Dec
37 Days - 09 Dec to 15 Dec

You have to keep in mind that if you do ovulate between the dates give above, the best time to BD would be a few day before that. Because your cycle tends to be different from time to time, there is a large window that you and hubby would need to work on. You guys could just be missing the dates of ovulation by a wee bit! So it's not such a biggy. Just :sex: every other day starting from the the day AF leaves for upt0 2 weeks during the cycle so you hit ALL you possible fertile days. If you can do it every other day, then it should be fine.

Also again, above dates are the days that you might actually ovulate!! You will be fertile a few days before that. AF for me is a little insane. My cycles are between 26-37 days. So I started bd'ing right after AF left this month. Also for me the time that AF is actually around varies. Sometimes 3 days and sometimes 7 days!! I would give it one day after everything is gone before trying.

I dunno if you've tried but if you haven't check it out. I started charting on there without OPK or BBT or CM and it has helped me understand my cycles a little better! I will be finding out how my LP really is this month if AF pays me a visit. I hope that witch doesnt!!

Hope this helps and let me know if you need me to go over anything with you.

Also I fell asleep at like 6 pm today and just woke up :p Tired!!! But should be up for a while :) Currently in limbo since I am 2 dpo and it's hellish :wacko:

Tomorrow I get my HPTs that I ordered, so thats one thing I can look forward too..

Let me know if any of this was helpful.
Hi all,
I am new to this sight, my OH and I have been TTC for about 2 months, I have irregular peridos so I dont know if that is causing a problem. Would love some help and support!
Hi all,
I am new to this sight, my OH and I have been TTC for about 2 months, I have irregular peridos so I dont know if that is causing a problem. Would love some help and support!

Welcome TTC firstbaby. Have you been tracking your cycles at all? There is an amazing bunch of ladies on this thread and I know we would all love to help you in any way that we can!! When are u due to test?
Hi, we have been using an ovulation calander for the last few months to track my cycles and some months the predicted start date is right and sometimes not. This month my period was supposed to start 6 days ago, so im hoping im pregnant! As far as knowing when to test im not sure when im supposed to
Hi, we have been using an ovulation calander for the last few months to track my cycles and some months the predicted start date is right and sometimes not. This month my period was supposed to start 6 days ago, so im hoping im pregnant! As far as knowing when to test im not sure when im supposed to

Go get a HPT and check stat!! Are you feeling any different than normal though? I have heard that some people have all sorts of pregnancy symptoms right after conception while for others it takes a while. But you should definitely check it out :happydance: i have my fingers crossed for you :winkwink:
TTC firstbaby: Test!!!

Learninglife: I seriously recommend temping to work out when you´re ovulating and the length of yout lp. Temping only lets you know that you have ovulated once ovulation is done (unlike OPKs which let you know a few days before you ovulate) but when you´ve temped for a few cycles you should start to see a pattern and make sure that your lp is long enough.

I have a 28 days cycle, which at a first glance sounds great BUT through temping I have discovered that I only have a 9-10 day lp which is too short for a pregnancy to be sustained. Next cycle I´m going to start to take supplements which should help.
I am going to get a HPT today, as far as feeling different, I have had a cold for the last 3 days so havent really noticed anything unusual besides being gassy. I have bought some OPK's and will start using them when and if this months flow comes.
Fingers crossed TTC Firstbaby :dust:

Ok so I'm confused...

I was due on my period on the 9th December, but on the 7th, 8th and 9th I had light bleeding. As it wasn't like proper period I didn't count CD1 until the 10th (one day late). According to my app (if I ov on day 14) I should be ov'ing on the 24th December, but my friend just pointed out that my 'spotting' could have actually've been the start of my period, as I had a lighter one anyway so that means I could be ov'ing today or tomorrow??

OH and I have decided to dtd every other day from the 18th (what I thought was CD9) so I'm now on CD11. Should I dtd tonight AND tomorrow just in case or shall I just carry on with the original plan?

I had what I thought were ov pains in my left hand side and my left boob earlier, but my CM is not the right consistency I don't think so I don't know what to do!

I'm still new to all the charting so I could only suggest to go ahead and dtd now. I don't think it's a bad idea. Good luck!
TTC firstbaby, please test ASAP. We are all anxious!
Ok so after doing some math, here's just a quick guess. Assuming that this cycle will last anywhere between 25-37 days you are going to have a very large window of when you may have ovulated. To find exactly how long your Luteal Phase is, you would definitely have to chart, check bbt and best option is OPK. This will help you narrow things down. I've made a list of possible ovulation days below based on how long your cycle might be along with how long your luteal phase might be.

25 Days - 29 Nov to 03 Dec
26 Days - 28 Nov to 04 Dec
27 Days - 29 Nov to 05 Dec
28 Days - 30 Nov to 06 Dec
29 Days - 01 Dec to 07 Dec
30 Days - 02 Dec to 08 Dec
31 Days - 03 Dec to 09 Dec
32 Days - 04 Dec to 10 Dec
33 Days - 05 Dec to 11 Dec
34 Days - 06 Dec to 12 Dec
35 Days - 07 Dec to 13 Dec
36 Days - 08 Dec to 14 Dec
37 Days - 09 Dec to 15 Dec

You have to keep in mind that if you do ovulate between the dates give above, the best time to BD would be a few day before that. Because your cycle tends to be different from time to time, there is a large window that you and hubby would need to work on. You guys could just be missing the dates of ovulation by a wee bit! So it's not such a biggy. Just :sex: every other day starting from the the day AF leaves for upt0 2 weeks during the cycle so you hit ALL you possible fertile days. If you can do it every other day, then it should be fine.

Also again, above dates are the days that you might actually ovulate!! You will be fertile a few days before that. AF for me is a little insane. My cycles are between 26-37 days. So I started bd'ing right after AF left this month. Also for me the time that AF is actually around varies. Sometimes 3 days and sometimes 7 days!! I would give it one day after everything is gone before trying.

I dunno if you've tried but if you haven't check it out. I started charting on there without OPK or BBT or CM and it has helped me understand my cycles a little better! I will be finding out how my LP really is this month if AF pays me a visit. I hope that witch doesnt!!

Hope this helps and let me know if you need me to go over anything with you.

Also I fell asleep at like 6 pm today and just woke up :p Tired!!! But should be up for a while :) Currently in limbo since I am 2 dpo and it's hellish :wacko:

Tomorrow I get my HPTs that I ordered, so thats one thing I can look forward too..

Let me know if any of this was helpful.

bezinga: has anyone ever told you that you are a blessing? you are wonderful! thank you for taking the time to figure me out and for sending me all this information! Yes, it was helpful.

i have a few questions:-

1.) I have an account with Fertility Friend - how do I chart without OPK, BBT, CM checking? I currently have in there the info. from above. LMP 11/19/11 and BD'd Nov 27, 28, 29, 30 then Dec 6, 10. But there is no graph, so not sure what I'm looking at.

2.) Your cycle, 26-37 days is so similar to my 25-37 days!!!

3.) AF usually lasts between 3-6 days or so with spotting 1-2 days prior to the day of RED flow and then spotting after for 1-2 days.

4.) So, is a woman not fertile when ovulation occurs? I thought ovulation was when the fallopian tube releases the egg which slowly travels down, until it is either fertilized or expelled.

5.) I was so scared that post Bcp's, I wouldn't be able to predict AF, thus I'd find a huge period stain in the most inconvenient/embarrassing location. Thank goodness for signs and spotting (how had I charted this prior to Bcp's???). Some of my main symptoms of pending AF are sore boobies, some acne, sometimes BAD pms (mood swings). Bloating & cramps occur during AF. I have tender/sensitive nipples since about a day ago, some new acne since about a week ago (& its scarring my face - ugh! ), and did have at least one mood swing (ask DH :)). Is this when I'm Ov'ing?

6.) When we had BD'd end of Nov '11, I thought I had many symptoms of preg. tiredness, tension headaches, feeling dizzy, slightly nauseated here and there, weird feeling in lower abdomen, feeling both hungry and full, slight queasiness on empty stomach, bloated (or perhaps fat d/t eating a lot since before thanksgiving!), food aversion (over the phone one of my friends said she'd make roast beef & I almost gagged), increased urination + constipation + gassy - NO SORE BOOBS, NO SPOTTING - I THOUGHT all of these lasted between 11/30/11-12/07/11ish. I CURRENTLY only notice the tiredness, tension headaches, feeling slightly dizzy but NOTHING ELSE. And I'm afraid that some of the above were PHANTOM reading into EVERYTHING! :wacko:

7.) So, according to my BD'ing (again) Nov. 27, 28, 29, 30 and Dec. 6, 10 - do you think I sort of hit my fertile period, whether or not it was during the peak? Now that I look back, we only managed to BD SIX times...grr

8.) I had initially planned on BD'ing at least every other day but too bad my travel took away possibly my most fertile day(s), and then DH's end-of-school busyness really didn't help. One time he came back home close to midnight. I somehow kept awake and as soon as he walked in told him to come on in and BD, totally caught him by surprise - he wasn't quite ready for

9.) I told myself that I would only use OPK, try to check CM, if this month fails a I'm sort of waiting on spending that money to buy all of this online. I also currently don't have a preg. test - why are they so expensive?!!! Want to get the strips online from amazon and may have to order and ship to my MILs where we will be for a week for Christmas - Wed, 21 - Wed, 28.

10.) When is a good time to begin checking CM? When during the month do I use the OPK, daily until I see a surge?

11.) How long is your LH phase?

12.) I don't think we are in the same time zone! :flower:

13.) I wanted a :baby: while in my 20's and not sure that's going to happen as I turn 30 in October '12!

Okay, I guess that's enough reading. Thanks for being so patient and helpful!


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