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TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

Thanks Bezinga, I was all over that website. I'm becoming obsessed! I can't believe tomorrow is already 8dpo. FX'd for us!

aggghhhh me too!! although it has nothing on CM!! so i'm wondering if my mind is playing tricks on my body :shrug:
Welcome babydust818 - Always here to help and support in anyway that we can

Lotus Womb - It's nice to know that I'm not the only crazy paranoid person in the world when it comes to pregnancy/

LearningLife - I have the CM!!! I was out today and felt like I started my period.. But it was lots and lots of CM. Not really egg whitish, but not too creamy and still stretchy (sorry for TMI). For a minute I thought early visit from AF but was relieved to see that it wasnt. Still feels weird though. Haven't had this much CM even during ovulation...

In addition to the CM i have had cramps which are now gone and I feel exhausted. I am hoping it's not the holiday season stress. But I just feel like i'm so sleepy even after a full night's rest. I went into the office today and didn't feel right all day. Working from home tomorrow because I just need to be able to lie in bed and get everything done :( feeling absolutely horrid physically..

bezinga: Still experiencing some of that CM - sorry TMI but wearing liners and thought I saw the littlest spot of light brown (spotting-type) day before, then just this evening also, very dull smear, but not like usual spotting - which is much more obvious. As I had mentioned before I usually have 1-2 days spotting before full-fledged AF. Nothing (except for some light CM) shows on the tissue after wiping though...

Re:CM - Do you ever (currently) feel like you are flowing out (THINK, HERE IS AF) - go to the bathroom, and it's nothing more than some CM?! Still have very sore (to the lightest touch) nipples...also def. have the sleepy thing going. I want to sleep in and feel sleepy at different times throughout the day...however, sometimes I'm wide awake as well - it's almost 1am now so gotta get to bed as soon as I post this...

Guess what though, I'm now officially on CD36 without AF!! Reminder - I have had a long window to wait since my cycles, for a yr. post-bcp's, are between CD25-37 (similar to yours)...so I will be SURE to post again if I get past CD37 without AF!!!

apparently pg. test strip shipment arrived at home Friday, and we aren't there - so earliest I can test, if no AF, is next week Wednesday 28th, which will be CD40! I guess that surely gives me enough time to know that AF (hopefully) isn't coming?!

This BETTER NOT be my body playing tricks on me though, because I'm going to get VERY mad... :grr: ....lol. Seriously though how sad and annoying if I'm going to have to count more than 37 days...with such a large (13 day!) window, it is already irregular enough!

g'nite from the east coast...no snow here yet...keep warm & I hope you feel better dear, and not as exhausted! It's probably difficult to get some rest during Christmas weekend but I hope you get some peace and quiet in between! :hug:
Thanks Bezinga, I was all over that website. I'm becoming obsessed! I can't believe tomorrow is already 8dpo. FX'd for us!

aggghhhh me too!! although it has nothing on CM!! so i'm wondering if my mind is playing tricks on my body :shrug:

bezinga: The website you sent us (and thank you :)), has just a blurb abt, CM which you may have already seen:

#8. Pelvis: Increased Cervical Fluid
Many women notice more cervical fluid (vaginal discharge) than normal during early pregnancy. This is normal. It can be white and creamy (like lotion) or wet and slippery. It can occur steadily throughout the day or appear in bunches (like globs) especially when wiping or just once during the day. If you notice an unusual smell, colour or you have any itching you should consult your physician as these could be signs of thrush (yeast infection).
Hey ladies,

Today I'm 8dpo and all i feel is some bloating. How is everyone else feeling?

Welcome babydust818 - Always here to help and support in anyway that we can

Lotus Womb - It's nice to know that I'm not the only crazy paranoid person in the world when it comes to pregnancy/

LearningLife - I have the CM!!! I was out today and felt like I started my period.. But it was lots and lots of CM. Not really egg whitish, but not too creamy and still stretchy (sorry for TMI). For a minute I thought early visit from AF but was relieved to see that it wasnt. Still feels weird though. Haven't had this much CM even during ovulation...

In addition to the CM i have had cramps which are now gone and I feel exhausted. I am hoping it's not the holiday season stress. But I just feel like i'm so sleepy even after a full night's rest. I went into the office today and didn't feel right all day. Working from home tomorrow because I just need to be able to lie in bed and get everything done :( feeling absolutely horrid physically..

bezinga: Still experiencing some of that CM - sorry TMI but wearing liners and thought I saw the littlest spot of light brown (spotting-type) day before, then just this evening also, very dull smear, but not like usual spotting - which is much more obvious. As I had mentioned before I usually have 1-2 days spotting before full-fledged AF. Nothing (except for some light CM) shows on the tissue after wiping though...

Re:CM - Do you ever (currently) feel like you are flowing out (THINK, HERE IS AF) - go to the bathroom, and it's nothing more than some CM?! Still have very sore (to the lightest touch) nipples...also def. have the sleepy thing going. I want to sleep in and feel sleepy at different times throughout the day...however, sometimes I'm wide awake as well - it's almost 1am now so gotta get to bed as soon as I post this...

Guess what though, I'm now officially on CD36 without AF!! Reminder - I have had a long window to wait since my cycles, for a yr. post-bcp's, are between CD25-37 (similar to yours)...so I will be SURE to post again if I get past CD37 without AF!!!

apparently pg. test strip shipment arrived at home Friday, and we aren't there - so earliest I can test, if no AF, is next week Wednesday 28th, which will be CD40! I guess that surely gives me enough time to know that AF (hopefully) isn't coming?!

This BETTER NOT be my body playing tricks on me though, because I'm going to get VERY mad... :grr: ....lol. Seriously though how sad and annoying if I'm going to have to count more than 37 days...with such a large (13 day!) window, it is already irregular enough!

g'nite from the east coast...no snow here yet...keep warm & I hope you feel better dear, and not as exhausted! It's probably difficult to get some rest during Christmas weekend but I hope you get some peace and quiet in between! :hug:

Omg you may have implantation spotting (referring to the dull smear)!!!!!! This is excellent news!!! OMG!!! Ok you cannot wait until the 28th!! The suspense is now killing me lol.. i am jumping up and down (in my head-too tired to physically do it) for you!!!!!

Yeah I don't know how i'm gonna last another cycle if I don't get a bfp this month.. But i am gonna hang in there. my CM has gone down. although when i did have it, it felt like i was leaking. lol i kept checking to make sure it wasn't AF as well.. and yes i am using liners. but today i feel like it has reduced a lot.

I had 2 meltdowns already. I am literally stressed about x'mas cake. sad i know. But recipe is DH's great grandmom's and I really don't wanna screw it up since its my first time making it and also, i'm a fanatic when it comes to baking. also, earlier had a meltdown at wal-mart. too many ppl, lines were too long, i was feeling sick and stressed and just need to get out. now on bed rest as per DH watching reality tv to stop worrying about everything. I always say reality tv is the best way to escape your own reality in times like this. sad right? but it works. lol.

I saw the note on the CM.. it's not considered to be a big symptom... weird enough though..

honestly LearningLife - I think you have some very good signs and I have you in my prayers. here's to me hoping that you get what you want for x'mas this year :hugs:
Hey ladies,

Today I'm 8dpo and all i feel is some bloating. How is everyone else feeling?


i don't feel like myself :(
bezinga: I can feel your excitement :)
As far as the smear and the teeny (like seriously a speck) of spotting two of the days of this week - it wasn't fresh blood or anything. Do you know whether IB is more red-like, rather than the brownish (TMI) (more than a smudge) that I (and probably others) get before AF?

CD36 lady - today we are going to DH's aunt's home to celebrate the season with them. The nieces/nephews usually bake cookies and the aunt's family and a couple cousins open gifts.

Tomorrow going to church and visiting DH's sister who has a two-year-old...I find myself in the baby section more often with DH, telling him to "Look, looook, isn't this cute?" While buying cute stuff for all these nieces/nephews, wishing I could start buying stuff for my future kid(s) someday. God-willing, this is all positive happenings and not just my body going wacko!

Tuesday is our big family Christmas day at DH's grandmas with more aunts/uncles, cousins etc and a big feast :) Hopefully Monday we can see some other friends who are also in the area. And if AF fails, Wednesday is :test: day!!! And just realized that we are married for exactly 3.5 years on Wed so it would be a nice double gift :)

RE: leaking (thank you for the correct wording) - CM isn't always leaking for me either. I feel like it dries up a bit, then increases at odd times throughout the day, usually when I'm more active.

Sorry to hear you having meltdowns and getting so stressed. Good on DH to give you the TLC that you need, even though it's watching mindless reality tv..lolol ;) It is important for you to get some rest though. Tell him that one of the ladies on BnB thanks him greatly :)

I hope that your DH's great grandmom's cake comes out beautifully for you :) DON't STRESS darling!!!

Thank you for praying. I will be praying for you as well. Wishing you and everyone here a BFP and a wonderful Christmas!


Welcome babydust818 - Always here to help and support in anyway that we can

Lotus Womb - It's nice to know that I'm not the only crazy paranoid person in the world when it comes to pregnancy/

LearningLife - I have the CM!!! I was out today and felt like I started my period.. But it was lots and lots of CM. Not really egg whitish, but not too creamy and still stretchy (sorry for TMI). For a minute I thought early visit from AF but was relieved to see that it wasnt. Still feels weird though. Haven't had this much CM even during ovulation...

In addition to the CM i have had cramps which are now gone and I feel exhausted. I am hoping it's not the holiday season stress. But I just feel like i'm so sleepy even after a full night's rest. I went into the office today and didn't feel right all day. Working from home tomorrow because I just need to be able to lie in bed and get everything done :( feeling absolutely horrid physically..

bezinga: Still experiencing some of that CM - sorry TMI but wearing liners and thought I saw the littlest spot of light brown (spotting-type) day before, then just this evening also, very dull smear, but not like usual spotting - which is much more obvious. As I had mentioned before I usually have 1-2 days spotting before full-fledged AF. Nothing (except for some light CM) shows on the tissue after wiping though...

Re:CM - Do you ever (currently) feel like you are flowing out (THINK, HERE IS AF) - go to the bathroom, and it's nothing more than some CM?! Still have very sore (to the lightest touch) nipples...also def. have the sleepy thing going. I want to sleep in and feel sleepy at different times throughout the day...however, sometimes I'm wide awake as well - it's almost 1am now so gotta get to bed as soon as I post this...

Guess what though, I'm now officially on CD36 without AF!! Reminder - I have had a long window to wait since my cycles, for a yr. post-bcp's, are between CD25-37 (similar to yours)...so I will be SURE to post again if I get past CD37 without AF!!!

apparently pg. test strip shipment arrived at home Friday, and we aren't there - so earliest I can test, if no AF, is next week Wednesday 28th, which will be CD40! I guess that surely gives me enough time to know that AF (hopefully) isn't coming?!

This BETTER NOT be my body playing tricks on me though, because I'm going to get VERY mad... :grr: ....lol. Seriously though how sad and annoying if I'm going to have to count more than 37 days...with such a large (13 day!) window, it is already irregular enough!

g'nite from the east coast...no snow here yet...keep warm & I hope you feel better dear, and not as exhausted! It's probably difficult to get some rest during Christmas weekend but I hope you get some peace and quiet in between! :hug:

Omg you may have implantation spotting (referring to the dull smear)!!!!!! This is excellent news!!! OMG!!! Ok you cannot wait until the 28th!! The suspense is now killing me lol.. i am jumping up and down (in my head-too tired to physically do it) for you!!!!!

Yeah I don't know how i'm gonna last another cycle if I don't get a bfp this month.. But i am gonna hang in there. my CM has gone down. although when i did have it, it felt like i was leaking. lol i kept checking to make sure it wasn't AF as well.. and yes i am using liners. but today i feel like it has reduced a lot.

I had 2 meltdowns already. I am literally stressed about x'mas cake. sad i know. But recipe is DH's great grandmom's and I really don't wanna screw it up since its my first time making it and also, i'm a fanatic when it comes to baking. also, earlier had a meltdown at wal-mart. too many ppl, lines were too long, i was feeling sick and stressed and just need to get out. now on bed rest as per DH watching reality tv to stop worrying about everything. I always say reality tv is the best way to escape your own reality in times like this. sad right? but it works. lol.

I saw the note on the CM.. it's not considered to be a big symptom... weird enough though..

honestly LearningLife - I think you have some very good signs and I have you in my prayers. here's to me hoping that you get what you want for x'mas this year :hugs:
learninlife- thank you :) and i hope you guys have a wonderful x`mas season as well :) also, i have heard that the spotting varies from person to person.. i have read that for some women its more brown. for others it`s more a spec of red or pink. so hopefully this is good news for you!!!!!!! lady, you need to test soon! i am so excited for you :)

ladies - whats going on with all of you... hope everyone is enjoying the x`mas season..

My BBT dropped by about .25 Celsius today. hoping its an implantation dip :)
hey ladies.

So all of my symptoms have vanished :( I don't know what that means. AF is due on the 29th so i guess i still have hope.
Bezinga- I haven't tried doing that yet. I will next month if I'm out. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.
Bezinga- I haven't tried doing that yet. I will next month if I'm out. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.

I'm finding that bbt needs to be used with OPK to get the most reliable results.. the drop in temp today made me smile. but i don't want to get too excited.. don't get bummed about the symptoms. i think we all react differently to our hormones, so i believe that you truly have a good chance. there's still a few more days to go :)

by the way ladies, i think it's time to go by my real name. feels like i've gotten closer to all of you over the last little bit and you guys have become my support system as well as my friends. so here goes!!

My name is Melanie!! :happydance: but you can call me mel since that's what everyone that's close to me calls me..
Thanks Mel for your kind words. I'm getting so close to you all too. My name is Julia. :) If i get a BFN this month when should i start using the OPK's and bbt?
Thanks Mel for your kind words. I'm getting so close to you all too. My name is Julia. :) If i get a BFN this month when should i start using the OPK's and bbt?

Hi Julia :hugs:

BBT starting on the first day of AF only IF the witch pays you a visit (fxd that she doesnt for you!!) I didn't start until after ovulation because we didn't decide that we're going to start trying until half way though the start of my cycle.

OPK they say to start on the 10th day of your cycle.. Again, with me i got one and checked by chance on CD 14. But if I am to do this another cycle, then I would start on CD 10. get some internet cheapies if anything because 1 - they work as well as the ones in the pharmacy :) 2 - retail is waaaaaaay to pricey. I got some at my local pharmacy and I paid close to 80 bucks for my bbt, 2 First response early PTs and a pack of 5 OPKs.

Thanks for the info Mel. What brands are best to buy?
Thanks for the info Mel. What brands are best to buy?

I attached the link of my BBT that I found on amazon for half the price that I paid at the pharmacy


I got my HPT from the site below. I'm in canada and they deliver to this part of the world, so it made sense. I got the ultra sensitive ones that you dip into a cup. lol pain in the bum to pee into a cup, but these are the things we do for a little sticky bean right? Quick delivery too. Ordered mine on Sunday night and got them on tuesday evening.


my OPK kit was from Rexall Pharmacy.. It was a rexall brand and a lot cheaper than the brand named ones like first response (20 dollars cheaper, but was still pricey..)

If I need OPK for cycle 2, i'm getting it online..
Thanks so much Mel. I'm wondering if i should wait to see if AF comes or just purchase them...
Thanks so much Mel. I'm wondering if i should wait to see if AF comes or just purchase them...

Welll.... You won't need anything except for the BBT if you need to chart for the 2nd cycle. So I would vote for just getting that if anything.. Wait it out before you burn any money on the tests because we all know how the small things add up during this time of the year right.. Hopefully, you won't need any of it :)
Are you testing tomorrow Mel? I think I will just to get it out of my system. If it's BFN then I'll wait till after the 29th if i don't get AF.

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