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TTCAL February Forever Babies - 50% BFP's! 10 testers

I agree with Neffie, it is not over until the hag shows! Keeping my fx'd for you!
Hi everyone! I know I haven't been posting much in this thread, but I have been reading it and following along! I just wanted to let you all know that I tested a day or so early today and got my BFP! Was a nice VDay present for DH and I. FX'd that this one sticks!

Congratulations!!!! :dance:

oooh Huggles you are teasing us!

I'm having a bit of a day today - just been blubbing my heart out to a song I posted in MC thread. The anniversary of losing my Soloman - the first of my losses and the beginning of this nightmare - is coming up and I just feel the need to grieve him. We bought a tree to remember him by and every time at this year it gets silver buds on it that look like teardrops - I never knew I had the capacity to cry as much as I did for him.

:cry: I am very very sorry.

Well, did two different tests tonight, both bfn :sad1:
I'm definitely not getting my february forever baby :cry:

I can't believe it....? Hopefully you are just going to get a late bfp instead of af. :hugs:

AFM, my cm is wicked still, very wet and watery and slippery but no smiley face yet. So hopefully to dtd tonight and every night until I get a smiley......blah.......tick tock tick tock..... :)
sorry huggles:hugs:

congrats amber!:thumbup:

Try glad the cm is abundant and the clomid is going well!

Hi :flower: to kel, blue, grand, tiger, chilli, cla and anyone else I'm missing.

AFM cd 8 today and already getting ewcm so the bd'g has commenced! And getting tender bb's which usually happens hsortly before the big O! Really not expecting anything this cycle and somewhat worried because if the doc couldn't get a small pipelle in for the eb, that doesn't leave much room for DH's little swimmers to get in. Well I need to try for a good couple of months before I will go back to the ob/gyn. I have comitted to not buying any opk's and just bd'g every second or third day unitl I see a temp increase. I really spent so much money on the digital ones I really can't stand spending anymore on tests unless they are HPT's and I'm seeing a BFP on it!
Morning Ladies :hi:
sorry i didnt post yesterday, busy being romantic with OH :haha:
anyways, I got a BFN yesterday :nope:
still no sign of witch yet, so Im trying to stay positive.
as ive mentioned before, I had 3 BFNs and AF was a week late before I got my BFP last time, so FXd.

sorry for your BFN Huggles. FXd for a late BFP too.

congrats again Amber.
I had 3 BFNs and AF was a week late before I got my BFP last time, so FXd.

sorry for your BFN Huggles. FXd for a late BFP too.


Wow, that's crazy! Really hope that's gonna happen to me, but I'm seriously doubting it. Fx'd it happens for you again :dust:
:dust: for that late BFP!

Mpepe, maybe since you're more relaxed about getting back into it will be what is needed for that BFP! FX'd!

You too Try!!!!
well im day 11 today, got my follicle scan tomorrow at 4pm so im looking forward to seeing two or at least one nice juicy eggy in there :) hopefully this is our month.
we have done a spell this month to help with fertility, a fresh free range hard boiled egg, painted gold (or silver for fertility) but mines gold, ive wrote my name on it and 'A baby for me so mote it be' and it goes under your bed for 7days :) hopefully it will help us. feel like weve been trying for ages, like im begining to give up hope.

How are you all? congratulations on the bfp, my testing day will be march 1st ish :)
lots of love and dust :dust: xxx
Love the painted egg idea MrsG. :thumbup: Hope that scan tomorrow brings some great news. :winkwink:

:hi: to everyone else. AFM, still waiting....a few more days before I test. :coffee:
yeah i deffinatly think we should all try it :D its worth a go eh! xxx
Hi everyone! Funny thing happened on the weekend that I forgot to tell you ladies was that on Friday evening, my DH was out with his buddy walking down the street and someone threw an egg at him. Went all over his wool coat and shoes. He was so upset and I said maybe it was my egg or a sign???? lol
Hi ladies,

Try and Mpepe :dust: fx that u catch that egg!!

Good Luck tomo Mrs G

AFM, its really strange when your not trying how you still notice the symptoms I thought were preg symptoms the last few months. Sore bb's and bloating. Anyway perhaps now I wont symptom spot when I do try as it seems that I have the symptoms anyway lol.
Hi everyone! Funny thing happened on the weekend that I forgot to tell you ladies was that on Friday evening, my DH was out with his buddy walking down the street and someone threw an egg at him. Went all over his wool coat and shoes. He was so upset and I said maybe it was my egg or a sign???? lol
:haha: poor DH
lol mpepe, that goes with our egg theme :D, FX it does mean that for you xxx

apparently an egg towards the spring takeover symbolises fertility and is a witches time to produce a baby (sad that i know this, but informative xx)

I just bought a load of eggs! DH eats loads of them.
We miss you Kel!

Mpepe, unbelievable that someone did that to your DH! Poor guy!
Oh Kels. Miss u 2 sweetie, I guess you are busy working?
miss u loads kel!!!!

blue - I know exactly what you mean about the symptoms which I know are not preg symptoms because there was no chance I was preg when I got those same symptoms!!!

It feels kind of weird to actually be ttc again and will try not to syptoms spot this time!

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