Good evening ladies

I have been cleaning the house, and am now settling down to relax for the evening.
Im 6DPO today, testing next weekend. I have already decided that I am not pg this month, so if I do get a BFP, it will be a lovely surprise.
Hope you are all having a good weekend!
Welcome new ladies! :wave:
Shell - this is what I thought all last month...FXed you get your Vday surprise!
Huggles - I had some really really mild cramping around 7-8 dpo and then around 11 and 12 dpo along with some very very very light spotting (only when wiping)...sounds very positive!
Chilli - Hugs hon - your sisters don't sound nice and maybe it's time for some tough love tactics...I totally believe in forgiveness but sometimes people can take advantage of your kindness and sometimes you must make them respect you first before you forgive them.

Praying for your wee one!
Kels - you were at Superbowl!!!??? Wow. I'm so bad but I don't even know who was playing...hope your team won.

Enjoy some lovely meals and get ready for Oday
Blue - Excellent for your lazy weekend and yummy homemade pizza...that was so sweet of your OH!
Tiger - you've already cleaned your house...that reminds me I must do it today...totally not motivated...that's why I'm chatting on BnB. Glad you had some relax time's the pregnancy going?
Neffie - Much dust to you this cycle...

Glad O day finally showed up for you!
Cla - did you ever figure out that bleeding/spotting???
Try - How're you doing???
AFM: Finally broke the big news to OH this weekend (which is why I've been absent...we went away and no internet connection...OH MY!). It was already planned awhile ago to see some friends of ours but it happens to be at the beach where we first hung out and fell in love swimming in the sun and where we said goodbye to our first baby. He's very surprised and happy but both of us are guarding our emotions for the moment. I'm really very positive and think this pregnancy will go fine...I'd rather be positive to the very end than be without hope. So here's to PMA