Good Morning ladies!! I am having what I want to label as "issues" and some confusion. Yesterday, was CD 19 of a 27 day cycle, my LP is 14-15 days long. I didn't use OPK's this month so I am assuming that I ovulated on the 18th or 19th; well I had what I believe to be IB or something. I say the word something because I don't remember getting this with any of my other pregnancies, maybe my oldest but that was 14 years ago. I just remember not having a normal period with him then ending up + on hpt.
Anyhow, the bleeding was pink and in my CM when I wiped, I probably wouldn't have noticed it if it stayed up there. I put on a pantyliner it lasted all of a few hours and was gone by the evening. It almost scared me to death when I saw it. Immediate reaction? PANIC!!
I was walking around the bathroom in circles!! Thinking and saying!?!
I know this may be disturbing, but the pink cm got to have a photo shoot!! lol lol lol lol So I had been staring at the pictures all day yesterday and trying to find a pic like
no such luck though. Why hasn't anyone come of with the idea of posting their pics of it for comparison before now? I am not sure if BnB allows it, wish they did.
HELP LADIES!!! PLEASE HELP, I am lost and thinking AF is going to show her ugly mean face...
She is due on the 4th of February...
Info: had baby 11-7; First normal period was 12-11-11; second normal period was 1-8-12 temp yesterday was 97.26 temp this morning was 97.46 (took temps out of curiosity couldn't find thermometer before 3 days ago). TY in advance ladies