TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Hope you caught the eggy Nite :hugs: I did opks this month and got a very near positive on CD16, it had gone a definite negative by CD18. My last cycle was 32 days, so I think this will be another long one. I guess you must have OVd by now, you were a day behind me on your ticker and we had similar cycle lengths. I think I am 4 or 5dpo today

Ready, the only times I've been pregnant I thought I was out. Hopefully that's a good sign for you!

Well, temp dip today so count me out for another month. I'm getting to the point where I feel like giving up on this. I know I won't but it's soooo disheartening. AF hasn't arrived but she's obviously lurking somewhere.
Back from holidays, back to work AND the witch is on her way!!! Makes me want to crawl under the covers and go to bed for a few days.
Sap and Nite I hope (oh so much) that you get your bfp this month. I'm putting those positive thoughts out to the universe.
Oh Ready,im so sorry. I feel you on the disheartening feelings. Why is it so freakin hard to get pregnant?!? I'm totally frustrated also, I can't believe my DH did that to me during my ovulation week. I guess that probably means I'm going to be out as well. But like you I know I will also keep trying. Have EVERYTHING crossed for us, Sap you too honey. How are you doing?

Lomelly hope you and lil baby are well :flower:
:hugs: Ready, I'm so sorry hun. I know how disheartening it is, I had my MC after 6 cycles of TTC, and am on my 9th now :nope: Every month you get your hopes up, only to be disappointed.

I really hope it's your month Nite, then you won't have to be sad :hugs: Do you have any symptoms?
No symptoms really. Just firing twinges in my ovaries, mostly my left one. Just like you guys though when I got my bfp's I had no real unusual symptoms. Since my mc my bb's have not been sore at all, not even for af so i guess it is just a waiting game as
Sorry for the pity party rant earlier, but you guys know how it is. It's funny, when you're young you do everything in your power to NOT get pregnant. With my son I went off of BC to give my body a break, we didn't use condoms but there were no "deposits" made and lo and behold I got pregnant. Now there are opk's, cm & cp checking, bbt charting, preseed, doing it all the time especially at the "right" times and not a f*%$ing thing!!! So frustrating. I am calling my dr. to get started on testing things out just to make sure there is nothing physical going on with either of us.
Ok, enough about me and my sob story. I hope the next week brings you 2 what you are looking for. Nite, I don't think your husband is playing fair. It is a decision to be made between the two of you just like getting pregnant is. I know nothing of your situation or relationship but I know if my DH just stated point blank he wanted to wait for us to be better situated and cut me off cold turkey we would have serious issues. Do you think it is more just the stress of ttc that is bothering him and this is the excuse? I know we think we deal with the brunt of the emotional side of ttc but some guys are very affected. I really just hope you get your rainbow baby this month and don't have to stress about it.
Sap-I have just passed the 1 year mark from the 1st pregnancy we had last year and can't believe that was already a year ago. I get stuck on the time frames which really bogs me down, this is something I'm trying to relax about. When are you going to start testing?
Hi ladies, I'm shaking a bit at the moment!!!!Im thinking part way between why did I test and wtf!!!! I am 7 days post op from having a lap, hyst and dermoid removal. I am no way near fully back on my feet but my af is now 1 day late (I must be about 12dpo). I just did a test and it's come up super faint Positive or terrible terrible evap line. Is this even possible? I have my post surgery check up tomorrow and am now in a state! I know surgery messes with your cycle but this is crazy! I will have a very long night to see if my eyes aren't playing tricks.

My insides have been totally washed out, gassed out and cut up from surgery how is it even possible to get Bfp??? Why did I test? Now I have worked myself up and it's probably for nothing:(Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
I am glad you are going to go get checked out, especially since it has been a year, that way at least you know if it is biological or not and it will put your mind at ease. I agree, totally unfair of my husband. He knew it was my most fertile time too, that's why I think he did it then. Broke my heart actually...ugh! He just (tmi) pulled out before he was going to deposit and I was like wtf? Then he told me. Talk about an aweful way to end a bd session.
Hi ladies, I'm shaking a bit at the moment!!!!Im thinking part way between why did I test and wtf!!!! I am 7 days post op from having a lap, hyst and dermoid removal. I am no way near fully back on my feet but my af is now 1 day late (I must be about 12dpo). I just did a test and it's come up super faint Positive or terrible terrible evap line. Is this even possible? I have my post surgery check up tomorrow and am now in a state! I know surgery messes with your cycle but this is crazy! I will have a very long night to see if my eyes aren't playing tricks.

My insides have been totally washed out, gassed out and cut up from surgery how is it even possible to get Bfp??? Why did I test? Now I have worked myself up and it's probably for nothing:(Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

Oh my! Can you post the test?
I am glad you are going to go get checked out, especially since it has been a year, that way at least you know if it is biological or not and it will put your mind at ease. I agree, totally unfair of my husband. He knew it was my most fertile time too, that's why I think he did it then. Broke my heart actually...ugh! He just (tmi) pulled out before he was going to deposit and I was like wtf? Then he told me. Talk about an aweful way to end a bd session.

Well nite, I have a beautiful 8 year old due to the pull out method. It takes only 1 swimmer to get the job done. Don't count yourself out. As far as Dh is concerned I'm pretty sure I would have lost my shit on him if that's what he did. It's one thing to have the conversation before but to go about it that way is selfish and unfair. I've learned not to talk about it so much any more as has he. I really hope he comes to his senses and treats the situation fairly.
first time i have uploaded a photo! I'm rubbish with this kind of thing. What do you think? DF is worried...he never worries. He wants me to see what my consultant says tomorrow afternoon.


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Ready it is defo worth getting checked out even if to put your mind at ease. I'm glad i did.

Nit-I can man rant forever about this TTC business. mine is terrible in ttc- he really wants children but totally refused a SA! (some) Men think differently to us. The more i tell mine about when i'm fertile etc the more he would refuse to BD. The last time we conceived after 12 months and 16 cycles i was ready to give up on it completely. We hardly BD that cycle-then bfp came sadly followed by mc . Men can be frustrating sometimes! We only want one of your swimmers to do the trick!
Nite, that is so harsh I can hardly believe DH would pull that crap.. Men aren't very good at expressing their feelings and emotions, so maybe that's his way of coping?? It's a very rude way whatever it is.. I agree with ready tho (about the pull out method), that's how my nephew and my niece were born... Hoping he comes around soon.
I have another U/S tomorrow at noon after complaining to my Dr, the nice nurse did it to shut me up I think lol but I don't really care, I have the scan! Will update you after if I'm allowed to see the screen.
Ready--how big was your temp drop? Like below coverline? My temp dropped each time I got my BFP, right on the day AF was due. :hugs: hope that b***h doesn't show her face for a long time :haha:
Hey lomelly! Another scan will be nice, I get the need for reassurance. Can't wait to hear the details. Try to get a pic and upload so we can see the little peanut. Or if u have video on your phone record it and upload. My friends did that with their first scan at 9 wks, it was cool.
Afm, I couldn't fall asleep last night, in anticipation of going back to work, and slept on and off from 130 to 630 so my sleep was def disrupted. I haven't been temping religiously but I know roughly where my temps should be post ov and around af. My temp is back up tonight so I don't know what's going on. I took a test just before lunch but I had already peed about 4 times but it was a clear bfn. No sign of af but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Af should have been today or at latest tomorrow.
The witch came today! At least I can get that over with. Come on SAP and nite I need some good news this month. Lomelly can't wait to hear/see about your scan. Babyjo did u do another test?
Babyjo, I do see a line. I hope the dr can put your mind at rest.

:hugs: Ready, sorry the witch got you. I will have tests when I reach the year mark too, it's good to know exactly what's going on.

:hugs: Nite. That was a really shitty way for your DH to behave. I hope he comes to his senses soon.
hey ladies my BFP has been confirmed although a cautious one. My appointment this afternoon was a very quick one to check to see how i was path results yet. I only got to tell them i got a bfp and no time for questions. They were as shocked as I was. They will scan me in two weeks so until then I am on strict instruction to rest up and not overdo it at all. I'm due back to work tomorrow- first day since op..... I'm not looking forward to it.

It's strange.... my last bfp i was sooooooo happy. this time i feel very different. i'm not sure if it's because of the emotional pain of a previous loss. Did you feel like that Lomelly? hope your scan went well.

Sorry the witch got you Ready.

FX for those testing soon.
Wow Babyjo, congrats and yes rest up honey. Wishing you all the best. I can understand that's previous loss could make be excited complicated. I'm such when/if I get my bfp I will be inthe same boat.
Wow babyjo, that's exciting! And scary at the same time. When I got pregnant for the second time last year I never really enjoyed it b/c I was always worried something would happen. And then it was ectopic and I had to go through that crap.
But this thread is our rainbow baby thread so you won't need to worry, it's all going to work as it should.
Lomelly, how did the scan go?
Nite, how are you doing today? Any further chats with DH?
AFM af is not treating me nicely. I have a lot of discomfort but shouldn't really complain b/c normally I don't have much of anything. Just feeling blahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I know..boohoo for me.:cry: I'll get over myself soon. lol
Scan went amazing!! Little bean is measuring right on target with a strong HB of 171 bpm!! The nice lady even printed me off some pictures :)
Sorry to hear the witch got you, ready :hugs: and sorry she's being such a royal pain.. it's bad enough she had to show up!!
congrats on your BFP babyjo!! and you're right, I felt exactly like that. I didn't really feel as happy as I should have, but I guess that's what a loss does to you. I kept getting told it was so common to lose your first pregnancy, but that didn't make it any easier.
FX'd for sap and nite, good things come in 3s ladies!

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