TTCAL January BFP wannabees Thread!!! **3 BFPS's!!***

Now if only I could take my own advice.:haha:
So as you guys know I measured three days behind if i go by my LMP. So I went to my FF chart from my bfp month and it says that I ov on day 17 not day 14. I am relieved, the Dr scanning me told me not to worry (ya right) because when they go by LMP they are measuring as if you always have a 28 day cycle. Which I don't. Anyways just thinking that that could totally be why I was three days off.

Sap, lomelly, Km, & Mamma how you doing?
Thanks for the slap in the face Nite, I needed that! lol
As far as the scans go (especially early on) they can be as much as 2 wks off either way. Since you saw the hb you don't have much to worry about. It probably will change again when you go for the next. Oh the things we find to worry about! It could drive a person to :wine:...oh wait, can't do that.
Ready, my boobs didn't hurt consistently till after 6-7 weeks, you've got nothing to worry about, not with that Hcg tripling! :flower:
:hugs: Ready. Symptoms come and go all the time, they'll be back with a vengeance soon!

Ooh Nite, a raspberry :)

Lomelly, you'll just 'pop' one day and wonder where the bump came from!

AFM, things are still the same really. Nothing to report lol.
Ok, I'm going to start out by telling you all that YES I DO HAVE A PROBLEM! There I said it. I peed on yet another stick b/c Mon I took a cb digi and it said 2-3 weeks and so I panicked b/c my boob pain had lessened so much. I had bought a 2 pack and used the other today. 3+ wks came up in less than a min with the conception indicator as well and worst case scenario based on my hcg from last thurs is that it's doubling every 48 hrs. I'm going to try to relax now and just enjoy it! (emphasis on
Happy Friday everyone!!!!
yea those conception indicators are a blessing and a curse... I bought one too, but was afraid to use it :haha:

BnB is not cooperating with me!!
Ya what is going on with this site? I tried uploading the pic but it wouldn't let me and the smileys don't work. Very annoying! Feel anything yet?
Ya this site it doing all kinds of things. Ready everything sounds really good. ENJOY this weekend and this pregnancy. Pretty soon you will feel like crap. Lol

I still have a nasty cold. I'm pretty sure it is still lingering because my immune system is down during pregnancy. I've been feeling sooo icky in my stomach in the afternoons right up until bedtime. Petty much the only time I don't feel some morning sickness is in the morning. Haha. And here is some TMI...I'm warning you...I have been bleeding with bowel movements from the the moment I got my bfp. Then I always have to check if the blood is from my lady parts or from the errr.... you know. This happened some with DD too. Annoying.
Still no movement ready, and have yet to pop :( site was being really annoying earlier seems okay now.

Nite, sounds like a hemmoroid.. I had one very early on also :/ not fun. Bet you wish you hadn't asked for the sickness huh? :haha: I asked myself why I wanted it all the time... Means good though!
Hey Ladies!
How is everyone doing today? How was the weekend?
I had my sil shower which was fine. She looks great and is nervous as hell! lol MIL wasn't too bad and luckily no one asked me anything.
5 days left until my scan! Woop woop!!!
Ready: that is great and your scan is sooo close. Happy the shower was not too stressful.
I had a family packed weekend. I'm doing pretty good good just wish I had more energy during the day....I'm really slacking on things I used to get done. But as I remember the 2nd tri I had lots of energy, hope it is the same around this time.

How are the rest of you doing?
I hear ya on the no energy Nite. I wake up tired, feel exhausted all day and drag myself around in the evening. I just feel like I could sleep for weeks but then I try to sleep and toss and turn. It's sooooo freakin irritating but I don't want to complain as I remember ttc and hearing people complain about their symptoms and all I wanted was to be in their shoes. I'll take all of the symptoms my body throws my way as a blessing.
Happy 9 wks Nite!
Ya, I complain but really I'm happy that I am feeling symptoms. So DH made a good move yesterday. Including some little gifts for me for Mothers Day he also bought some newborn stuff for the baby. I cried and lost it, so sweet. In fact I am crying so easily at anything sentimental really, at least once a day.:haha:
nite, that was so sweet of DH.. happy 9 weeks! and symptoms are awesome!!

ready, glad the shower went well, bet you feel much better going to one now that you're preggers!! woo hoo scan on friday!!!

I have another 8 days till my scan... time goes sooooo sloooowww doesn't it???
Nite-dh sounds like a keeper! That is too sweet. I have been crying for no apparent reason. On Fri I just broke out in tears and couldn't stop for about 10 mins. It makes me feel foolish but I have cried every day since then.
Lomelly-happy 19wks, so close to half way there and your scan. Is this going to be the gender scan? I'm nervous about my scan, terrified actually. Here's to hoping all is well!
Sap-how r u honey?
Glad I'm not the only one tearing up. It's pretty funny actually, the other say I dropped the glass top to my wedding cake holder and it shattered. I tried to keep cool but two seconds later I was sweeping it up and balling like a baby :cry: for every bad thing that has ever happened to me... :haha: Talk about being emotional. Good thing I was home alone otherwise DH would probably be laughing at me.

Lomelly your appointment will be here before you know it. Can't wait to find out the gender.

Ready you will feel so much better after your scan, I know it is stressful leading up to it though.

I have my actual check-in, bloodwork, etc. appointment this Friday the 18th. The last appointment was just scan only.

Sap, mammaspath, how's it going?
checking in!!! IM STILL HERE nice to see everyone is doing well!!
Mammas-this is going to be your month! When are you going to test?

Lomelly-time is really dragging now! I'm not picking apart every symptom (or lack there of) which has decreased my stress huge! I can't wait to get to 20 wks to find out what this LO is. DH is so cute (and clueless) but he asked last night if we would find out what the sex is on Sat. I told him we are purely looking for bean to be in the right spot and with a hb, not too much else to be seen at this point. We go back June 14 for another scan so by that time I will be 10 wks so LO should be swimming around in there. So exciting!
Nite-I start crying when I'm not doing anything or thinking about anything. I feel like a fool and DH is starting to really wonder about the whole pregnancy thing. Last year I bought him the "Dude's guide to Pregnancy" and so I told him to pull it out again and read it. He just thinks I'm crazy but I keep explaining I can't control it.
Hey girls :) I had to chuckle at Nite and Ready being all emotional, I was exactly the same when preggo with Holly. Literally everything would make me burst into tears, and I'm not normally a cryer.

Not long til your scans now Ready and Lomelly! Nite, good luck for your appt on Fri!

Lots of :dust: to you Mammaspath, not long til testing. I hope all that smepping has paid off!

AFM, no change really. DH still being a shit :nope:

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