TTCAL Mommies To Be - Chit Chat Thread

Eugh - I have felt sooooo yuk all day after my test. I hadn't anticipated that! It was fine at the time and fasting was ok, but I got wobblier as the 2 hours passed and the drink just seemed to hang in my tummy all day and I would have loved to just be sick!!! Don't get the results for a few days I don't think!

These riots over here are a shameful disregard for all common decency and there really is neither justification or excuse - I find it really scary actually that such terrible people are allowed to run riot and ruin the lives of others... let's hope it's stamped out soon and doesn't esculate around the country.

All this talk of baby showers is making me want one... how do you do one?

Anyway - hope everyone is well today... much love
Tiger -I bought some Avo's today. We eat them quite alot.

Chilli - im sorry u dont feel good. fx everything cmes back all ok.

These Baby showers sound like a great idea, we just dont do that here. People end up buying you things u probably already have and dont need.
Yeah, no GD for me, just a big chubby bundle waiting to be born. Think I'll keep a closer eye on what I eat anyway!
Hello :hi:

Just back from the midwife, heard LO hb, It was quite fast 160-165 (apparently mine is fast too so thats why) Oh that was such a relief.

Although I totally forgot to ask to be weighed and didnt mention about some of the stretching pains I have had.

How is everyone?

:cloud9: How dreamy is it to hear our miracles heartbeat?.....I love it!

I forget questions all the time!

Oh yeah I forgot to mention about Kels fantastic TAN!

Yes Im a Avo. mmmm I could eat one of those for lunch! :haha:

Yay an avocado! I tried it once before and didn't care for it too much but I hear some people use it in place of mayonaise!

Try - WOW, it's already close to shower time for you. I bet you're getting super excited! Where are you registered? As for the weight gain, everyone is different, so try not to look into it too much. Plus, you're carrying twins, so that's a whole different ball game. Keep talking to your doctor about it, but I'd say that as long as he/she is not too concerned about it, you have nothing to worry about. :flower:

Chilli - That role reversal story was hilarious!! :rofl: I'm sure you guys will have a blast in Miami, especially since you'll have your little one with you by then. Doppler day was great as usual! It's keeping my anxiety level in check until the next appointment. Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind more than once to sneak an extra session in. But then I think of the joy on OH's face everytime he listens to the little one's heart beat, and that's the only thing that keeps me from using it in his absence. I feel like I would be robbing him of the pleasure. As for the pain in the ass (pun intended!), I can relate, as I've been dealing with an anal fissure myself for several months now. Even though none of the home remedies have helped me, try soaking in some warm water with epsom salt. If not anything, it brings temporary relief. Good luck on the test tomorrow! Stay away GD!!!!

Tiger - Ooooh, your baby shower is right around the corner! How exciting!

Kels - :hi:. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. You've got a lovely tan going there. :winkwink: Awwwwww, your god daughter is absolutely adorable!!! And I love her name, how pretty! Good luck on your house hunt...hope you find the vacation home of your dreams. So good to hear from you...don't be a stranger! :flower:

Blue - Glad to hear that your appt went well. That's a nice strong heart beat! Did they do anything else at the visit? Yay for avocados! They're delish, aren't they? :winkwink:

Our next appointment is this Friday. Just a doppler visit, but I'm still excited, as that will be an extra session for the week. :haha: The last 4 weeks couldn't have gone by any slower. :growlmad: Of course, it's going to be an eternity until the gender scan.

Have a great day!

Tomorrow is your appointment!!! Can't wait to hear how baby is doing!
I am having my shower around 27-28 weeks instead of later, as I will more than likely not be allowed to travel or/and on bedrest. My shower is 3 hours away back where family is. My OBGYN would like me to stay within one hour of my hospital at all times.

I registered at Babies R Us and Walmart. I did a majority of it online as the Babies R us store here is so small and walmart's are everywhere, that why I did that store. PLUS they are cheaper on diapers and wipes!

Keep us informed on your appoitment!!!! Yay for an extra time hearing the sweet sound of LO's heartbeat!

You are now an avocado!!!! :dance:

Man, I had a lot of catching up to do, I hope I don't miss anyone........

Kel, your niece is so cute! So jealous of your tan too! FX'd that you caught this eggy!!!

Blue, did you buy an avocado yet? I didn't know this before but avocados are a great source of essential fatty acids which is great for baby's growing brain! (Really should eat more myself)

Chilli, I'm glad you got the GD test done today. I guess you won't know anything until tomorrow huh?

Sorry you and Neffie are having these pains in the ass. That sucks!

Neffie, I can't believe you're still dealing with that fissure! But glad you and hubby are enjoying that doppler!

Try, we are.registered at Buy Buy Baby, sister store to Bed Bath and Beyond. Some stuff like a bouncer, pack n play, and activity station I bought myself from consignment. Now that the invitations are out it's fun to see what has been bought off the registry! I just hope we don't get too many pink outfits. I asked for a variety of clothes in green, purple and yellow. What about your registry? That had to be fun to set up for boy and girl things!

I have just recently heard that Bed Bath and beyond has a baby section, how awesome! I shall check it out when I can!

Most people generally buy gender specific colors, but I like to mix it up. If you get alot of pink, then buy some other colors if you, green, purple and yellow is adorable on little girlies!
We didn't put much gender specific things on our registry, mainly things I need the most. Diapers, wipes, ointments, bottles, etc....I know people will get clothes anyhow but if not, I love picking out their clothes myself! Which I am planning on doing this weekend! I am going to the Carter's outlet! They have a huge selection, clothes are very cute and so so soft!

When did you feel baby most????

Eugh - I have felt sooooo yuk all day after my test. I hadn't anticipated that! It was fine at the time and fasting was ok, but I got wobblier as the 2 hours passed and the drink just seemed to hang in my tummy all day and I would have loved to just be sick!!! Don't get the results for a few days I don't think!

These riots over here are a shameful disregard for all common decency and there really is neither justification or excuse - I find it really scary actually that such terrible people are allowed to run riot and ruin the lives of others... let's hope it's stamped out soon and doesn't esculate around the country.

All this talk of baby showers is making me want one... how do you do one?

Anyway - hope everyone is well today... much love

I hope you feel better! Glad you do NOT have GD!!!! Hooray!

It's a shame on the riots going on over there!!! I feel so bad for all the victims! :hugs:

A baby shower for us is where all the ladies in the family get together to shower the mom to be with gifts for baby/babies. We eat good food, play fun baby/pregnancy related games, give away prizes, eat goodies and watch momma open gifts! :) Its quite fun!

Yeah, no GD for me, just a big chubby bundle waiting to be born. Think I'll keep a closer eye on what I eat anyway!

Thanks Try - I'm quite relieved

I want one of those baby showers!!! But I think because it's not really traditional people might think I just am being a bit self indulgent - might just have a little one with some friends.

I agree re gender specific - we've got loads of greens, blues and oranges so shouldn't be too difficult if baby is a boy. Also first few months had lots of white as I love the look of newborns all cuddled up in white!

The riots are just unbelievable and worrying - there is a nasty element of British society today who think they have all the rights but don't honour other people's rights - they want something for nothing and it's about time they were stopped - personally I think they should bring back national service even though my kids would have to do it to - life is too easy for some sectors of society so they don't appreciate it.
Try, I felt the baby the most around 24-30 weeks. I can still feel her now but no ******* kicks. Right now she's breeched and I know there's still time for her to move but I really hope she does, I don't want a c-section. I have avoided buying pink as much as possible knowing I'll get some. I really like purple and green! But man, it's hard to find a lot of every day onesies that are purple/lilac.

Unfortunately the riots are part of this downward spiral that society is doomed to face (as a Christian it's part of the predicted chaos that will increase in severity/frequency before the Anti-Christ's rise to power but thanks to the promise already given us, it also means we get closer to Jesus' return.) By no means should we lay down and just let it happen but it is inevitable.

Chilli, yaaaahhhh for no GD! I'm also jealous you're feeling the Braxton hicks contractions! I haven't, if I have had any I certainly didn't noticed. I know how you feel about doing a "baby shower" and asking people to get you a gift. At first I didn't want a baby shower for the same reason then I thought just a family one but people here expect you to give one and I kept getting asked about it so now what I thought would be just 6 people is now 30! Of course I don't expect everyone to come but still, a far cry from the original plan.
Have you looked into Chasteberry? I want to start taking it to help the process along but I'm not sure when I should start.
Blue - We're both avocados! I need to eat some this week, I absolutely love them! There's a restaurant close to my house that makes fresh guacamole from scratch table side...gosh, I'm already drooling! :haha:

Chilli - Yay, so glad you don't have GD! That's fab news. :thumbup:

Try - When the time comes, I think I'll be registering at Babies R' Us as well. I agree with the gender neutral colors...I personally love green, yellow, and orange. I think they would look adorable on either boy or girl.

Tiger - Hope the LO gets into position soon, and that you don't need a C-section.

Excited for our appointment tomorrow! Looking forward to listening to the heartbeat again, and getting to schedule our gender scan. :) Did I already mention that the next 4 weeks are going to drag by?? :(
I had an avacado and chicken sandwich for lunch!

Enjoy hearing little one tomo Neffie! How can we make the next 4 weeks fly by? Shouldnt wish my life away.

So glad you dont have GD Chilli, thats a relief.

Tiger Im sure little one will move out of that position soon and you wont need a c section.

Out of interest what type of births are you all planning? Im thinking I would like a water birth, i hear its very relaxing to be in water and they have just opened a new midwife birthing centre in our hospital that is basically opposite the delivary suite. It sounds lovely but obviously if you do get any worries you dont have to go far to get looked after.

Oh I cant wait to start buying things, hearing you guys talking about stuff makes me wanna buy something now. We have booked the day off after the scan to do little bit of shopping and look at prams!
Neffie, enjoy your apt tomorrow! That restaurant you mentioned wouldn't happen to be Aztec would it?

Blue, I definitely want to give natural birth a try, hopefully all goes well and I don't wimp out! Unfortunately here in the States there aren't as many alternative birthing centers. Usually just in the bigger cities. I always thought water birth would be a great way to go. And if you want to buy something, go for it! I bought a couple of neutral colored sleepers when I was 16wks!
Thanks Try - I'm quite relieved

I want one of those baby showers!!! But I think because it's not really traditional people might think I just am being a bit self indulgent - might just have a little one with some friends.

I agree re gender specific - we've got loads of greens, blues and oranges so shouldn't be too difficult if baby is a boy. Also first few months had lots of white as I love the look of newborns all cuddled up in white!

The riots are just unbelievable and worrying - there is a nasty element of British society today who think they have all the rights but don't honour other people's rights - they want something for nothing and it's about time they were stopped - personally I think they should bring back national service even though my kids would have to do it to - life is too easy for some sectors of society so they don't appreciate it.

:hugs: From hearing some things about those riots, I find them terrifying! I'm sorry to all the victims. :(

Infants do look precious in white don't they!

Try, I felt the baby the most around 24-30 weeks. I can still feel her now but no ******* kicks. Right now she's breeched and I know there's still time for her to move but I really hope she does, I don't want a c-section. I have avoided buying pink as much as possible knowing I'll get some. I really like purple and green! But man, it's hard to find a lot of every day onesies that are purple/lilac.

Unfortunately the riots are part of this downward spiral that society is doomed to face (as a Christian it's part of the predicted chaos that will increase in severity/frequency before the Anti-Christ's rise to power but thanks to the promise already given us, it also means we get closer to Jesus' return.) By no means should we lay down and just let it happen but it is inevitable.

Chilli, yaaaahhhh for no GD! I'm also jealous you're feeling the Braxton hicks contractions! I haven't, if I have had any I certainly didn't noticed. I know how you feel about doing a "baby shower" and asking people to get you a gift. At first I didn't want a baby shower for the same reason then I thought just a family one but people here expect you to give one and I kept getting asked about it so now what I thought would be just 6 people is now 30! Of course I don't expect everyone to come but still, a far cry from the original plan.
Have you looked into Chasteberry? I want to start taking it to help the process along but I'm not sure when I should start.

You are right about the riots, or in my opinion anyway. Its what I have always heard to have happen eventually..... :(

I hope baby moves into the correct position soon where you can hopefuly give natural birth a shot.


I am just starting to feel movement more stronger than flutters....usually my boy on my left moves during the morning, while my girl on my right moves in the afternoon to evening....starting to sense a pattern!

I am still so happy to be pregnant!

I had an avacado and chicken sandwich for lunch!

Enjoy hearing little one tomo Neffie! How can we make the next 4 weeks fly by? Shouldnt wish my life away.

So glad you dont have GD Chilli, thats a relief.

Tiger Im sure little one will move out of that position soon and you wont need a c section.

Out of interest what type of births are you all planning? Im thinking I would like a water birth, i hear its very relaxing to be in water and they have just opened a new midwife birthing centre in our hospital that is basically opposite the delivary suite. It sounds lovely but obviously if you do get any worries you dont have to go far to get looked after.

Oh I cant wait to start buying things, hearing you guys talking about stuff makes me wanna buy something now. We have booked the day off after the scan to do little bit of shopping and look at prams!

Oh let us know what you buy and colors!

I am planning to have a natural birth if I'm allowed. I have to take it one day at a time to see how these babies are facing and other health concerns, but we will see!!! All I know is I want it to not be so painful! :lol:
Well I had a look at some little sleep suits the other day but they didnt have any small ones, they were just white (which I like)

DH has been looking online at prams and stuff bless him. He is very excited. He has wanted kids since we met (nearly 10 yrs ago)

Hope u all have a great weekend. Im not up 2 much really, just taking the cats to get vaccinated.
:cloud9: How sweet!!!

Hope your appointment went well today neffie!

I am so ready for the weekend! Enjoy everyone!
Wow Chilli and Tiger! You girls are moving along so so quickly! :cloud9:
I know Try - but at the same time, time is passing sooooo slowly. I know I shouldn't wish it away as these are my last few weeks of experiencing the wonder of having a baby growing inside me, but I REALLY want to meet him/her now!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend?
I understand what you mean Chilli. :hugs:

I'm only 23 weeks and I am so uncomfortable but am trying hard not to complain as it might offend others who are still ttc, and as you stated as well, I want to enjoy everything about having miracles growing inside me.

My weekend flew by, as usual. I just got started at work this morning. A long week ahead of me.

I bought a few things for baby over the weekend, spent a small fortune :shock: but I guess I need to get used to the sticker shock when buying two of everything! :lol:
Hi :flower:

Just thinking Neffie hasnt been on for a few days hope she is ok!

Had a good weekend thanks chilli, Im feeling so much better now that we went out and about and I cooked a roast (first time i have really cooked for weeks) we had lovely veg from the garden and dh picked some blackberries so we had an apple and blackberry crumble with Haagan Das icecream! yum.

How is everyone doing?
Blue, you always have such wonderful sounding suppers! I think it's adorable when the men get involved with baby shopping!

Try, you're moving along too! But I agree with Chilli, it feels like these past two months are taking forever! And if you need to just let it all out about being uncomfortable, it's okay, that's what we're here for!

Today I feel worn out, easily getting out of breath. I definitely didn't get as much sleep as I probably need but it also took me forever to fall asleep last night.
We are really into food in this house. Im now boiling up the left overs to make a soup and DH made some bread at the weekend to have with it!

I imagine when you get to 30+ weeks it must seem like you have been pregnant for ages.
I always wanted to try making a home made soup but been to scared to.

It's funny you wrote that b.c even DH feels that way. Just last night I showed him belly shots of how I have progressed and he looked at my 18wk shot and said (lovingly) "you use to be that skinny?" LOL, not that I was skinny then but I knew what he meant, it seems like I've been huge forever!
Hi :flower:

Just thinking Neffie hasnt been on for a few days hope she is ok!

Had a good weekend thanks chilli, Im feeling so much better now that we went out and about and I cooked a roast (first time i have really cooked for weeks) we had lovely veg from the garden and dh picked some blackberries so we had an apple and blackberry crumble with Haagan Das icecream! yum.

How is everyone doing?

I realized that also about Neffie. She never came back ater her appointment to update us. I hope everything is ok and she is just resting!

Wow, your desert sounds fabulous!!! *licks lips*

You are an onion now!!!!

Blue, you always have such wonderful sounding suppers! I think it's adorable when the men get involved with baby shopping!

Try, you're moving along too! But I agree with Chilli, it feels like these past two months are taking forever! And if you need to just let it all out about being uncomfortable, it's okay, that's what we're here for!

Today I feel worn out, easily getting out of breath. I definitely didn't get as much sleep as I probably need but it also took me forever to fall asleep last night.

Thank You! :hugs:

I'm sorry you are feeling like Poo Tiger!!! I am assuming it doesn't get any easier then from here on out as I hear alot of aches and pains from most....I am almost 24 weeks and I still check myself for any bad signs :blush: I am still crazy!

I always wanted to try making a home made soup but been to scared to.

It's funny you wrote that b.c even DH feels that way. Just last night I showed him belly shots of how I have progressed and he looked at my 18wk shot and said (lovingly) "you use to be that skinny?" LOL, not that I was skinny then but I knew what he meant, it seems like I've been huge forever!

That is totally cute Tiger!!!!

AFM, I have a growth scan this afternoon to check the babies progress and make sure they are growing the way they should. Please think of us today with sticky healthy vibes!!!

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