TTCAL Mommies To Be - Chit Chat Thread

Hi all

Been skulking a bit! Hope you're all well.
Happy anniversary Try- last time we dtd I was in so much pain with my spd after that OH refuses to now - poor chap gets very uncomfortable.

As for your aches - DON'T LIFT ANYTHING!!! Don't know waht that is but sounds bad so don't do it again. As for your hands etc - could it be carpul tunnel? I would ask to have both checked if I was you. DOn't suffer in silence. A friend of my had twin boys naturally over the weekend - she had the same due date as me and both were over 6lb so she did brilliantly I would say. Glad you got you shower in the end.

COngrats on the car Blue.

Hope you found the right crib Neffie!

Well if this baby doesn't put in an early appearance I have a whole week of my daughter at school full time to fill. We had a "special" last weekend with her where we took her to the circus and out for the day to a wonderful adventure park yesterday. I can barely hobble about now as my spd isSOOOOOO painful but OH kept her busy and I watched! Funny feeling - have wanted this baby for so long and am so pleased it's nearly here, but I'll miss all my special time with my little girl - it's such a privelidge!

I've been rooting out and sorting and washing and organising everything ready for the baby - gonna do real nappies again as found them great last time. Love all the little clothes etc - almost hope it's a girl so can use them all again! Joss is in a big bedroom now so that baby can eventually take up the small one but for now poor OH is in there so I don't drive him mad with my night ramblings and wrigglings as I try to get comfey! So much to do... so little energy to do it with!!!!!
Oh Chilli im so excited for you! Dont do too much and make sure you are taking it easy! I bet your little girl cant wait to meet her brother/sister. eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk
Try - Sounds like you had a great time at the shower. Sorry you didn't get to DTD, but on the bright side you sure did avoid some soreness down there. :haha: We're also planning on getting a 4 in 1 convertible crib. We've decided to get a changing table as well. We already have a chest that could go in the nursery for the LO's clothes, but we'll make that final determination once we've got the other furniture ordered...will have a better idea by then if it will fit in well with the crib & changing table. Sorry, can't offer much advice on the pain situation, seeing that I'm not as far along as you. Hope it eases up soon though!

Blue - We're papayas! :lol: Not a big fan of them, but I'm loving the fact that we're growing in fruit size. :thumbup: Yay for getting the car. We went crib hunting this weekend, and should be ordering the crib we want within the next couple of days.

Chilli - Sorry to hear about the SPD. That doesn't sound like any fun. :nope: Hope it gets better soon. On the flip side, I'm sure you're super excited that your LO will be here soon. It's going to be so cute to see your little girl be a big sister. :winkwink:

Tiger - :hi:

We purchased some drapes for the nursery this weekend (after which OH lured me into a store for some 'possible' shopping for the LO. Half an hour later, we came out with a bagful of stuff. The cashier asked me if I was having twins with the amount of clothes we had bought. :wacko: But everything was on sale, so it was a steal! :thumbup:) We're also pretty sure we've selected the crib & changing table we want, so that should be ordered soon.
Neffie I need you to come here and help me start my shopping, you are doing so well.

I have been looking at things for the nursery we need to get chest of draws and wardrobe as well as cotbed etc etc....
Try I found a link about carpel tunnel which has some self help tips.
Neffie - I love your enthusiasm with the shopping. I remember being just like that! Still have lots of newborn clothes that daughter never wore and looks like this one might be straight into 0-6 months. SO cute that your hubby is leading you astray!

Blue - I'm sure you'll catch up with the shopping soon - it's so much fun!

You're right Joss is really excited, she keeps getting a big grin on her face and saying, "I don't know why I'm so excited". I bought her a newborn baby doll yesterday as a present from our baby.

Also had MW appt yesterday and the little monkey, after months of being in a lovely position for birth, has turned round and is now back to back! Now I'm petrified (again!) that something will go wrong with the birth. Had a big cry about it last night... just want to know my baby will be here safe and sound in my arms - I'd endure any pain as long as it's ok in the end. SO now I'm leaning forward and wiggling all the time. Might try a bit of dirty dancing with OH!!??:blush:

Tiger - how are you getting on? You're quiet!
I will sit and read posts later/next time. I was just stopping in to see how everyone is feeling.

Hope you are all well!

Tiger and Chilli, how is your final days???
How's everyone doing today? It's been rather quiet in here.

I finished pre-registering at the hospital, and we also ordered the crib & changing table. :thumbup: They should be delivered next week, and we can't wait to put everything together. Our next scan is a week from today...can't wait to our little girl again!

p.s. Blue - Monday is V-Day (viability day) for both of us! :winkwink: A big milestone to reach, wouldn't you say?
Hi Girls,

Im good, just tired after a full on day at work!

Neffie I know 24 weeks great to be at that milestone! I forgot you had another scan, you lucky thing!

We should be buying the stroller this weekend! Im excited about that!
Yay for Monday Neffie and Blue

Try - I'm feeling heavy and we're having a heatwave! wnet swimming today and to be honest could have stayed in the pool all day - am going to rewrite my birth plan to include water! Could've done without the other skinny pg girl in the bikini- yes you heard me right BIKINI!!! without a stretch mark in sight

A piece of advice to you all... don't get into a hammock when you are a week away from giving birth unless you have someone bigger than a 4 year old around to help you get out!!! Me and Jocelyn had such a laugh but I was really stuck!!!!!
Awwww Chili :hugs: I bet its tough in the final stretch of pregnancy! I would roll my eyes as well seeing a teeny tiny pregnant person in a bikini.....when I went to my breastfeeding class the other day, there were two small prgnant people (out of like 30 of us) and here they both were only teenagers!!!!! Crazy.

I hope you feel better!!!

Has anyone heard from tiger?.....She is very very near the end and I am curious if she delivered her baby girl?

AFM, I have an ultrasound this afternoon to check the babies placenta's. I felt like I tore something in my abdomen on saturday last week during my baby shower and it hasn't went away since. They checked me and my cervix is thick, long and closed and it sounds like my muscles could be tearing..... :shock: OUCH!!!! But to be safe they need to make sure everything is still intact.
I am still waiting to hear from the lender to see if a bank has picked up our loan (they send to one bank at a time), if NOT then I will be looking for places to rent very very soon. Our lease is up in one month and I want to stop working within October.

OK ladies. Time to get back to work.

Glad to hear about all your shopping and preparing Neffie, you sure are more prepared than I at the moment! :haha:

Hey blue, how exciting to buy the stroller!!!
Blue - Have fun buying the stroller. It will be a lot of fun putting it together!

Chilli - :rofl: on the hammock incident. Too cute! Good call on including a water birth in your birth plan. Being in the water is definitely soothing.

Try - Happy 30 weeks chick! :happydance: I'm sure the pain is nothing to worry about, but it's a good thing you're getting it checked out. Better to be safe than sorry.

I was thinking about Tiger too. hope she's doing well.

AFM, have the day off today, so will be working on clearing out the closets. Also have a whole bunch of laundry to do, grrrr! :growlmad: I went into what will eventually be our LO's closet, and OH had neatly arranged her clothes on hangers. How adorable!! :cloud9: Looks like I might be wrestling him for cuddle time with her when she's here. :haha:

Have a great weekend everyone!
Yay for Monday Neffie and Blue

Try - I'm feeling heavy and we're having a heatwave! wnet swimming today and to be honest could have stayed in the pool all day - am going to rewrite my birth plan to include water! Could've done without the other skinny pg girl in the bikini- yes you heard me right BIKINI!!! without a stretch mark in sight

A piece of advice to you all... don't get into a hammock when you are a week away from giving birth unless you have someone bigger than a 4 year old around to help you get out!!! Me and Jocelyn had such a laugh but I was really stuck!!!!!

Chilli this made me laugh out loud, the thought of you both struggling!

I really want a water birth also, will tell the midwife on monday.

Try cant wait to hear how the scan went today!

Neffie your OH sounds like a Star bless him.

AFM - I reserved the stroller today, thank goodness I did as the price has gone up £130 but nice lady let me have it at the price it was when I popped in 2 weeks ago Phew!!

I am doing a first aid course all day tomo, Im not happy about it as its going to be a really hot day and We will be stuck inside a stuffy room. DH said dont bother going but I should really as I need to renew it and it will come in handy for when LO arrives im sure.

What are your plans for the weekend!?

Hope your doing ok Tiger?
Mmm - I've been wondering about Tiger - she's very quiet!

Try - that sounds a bit scary, let us know how the scan goes. I'm sure babies are fine but hope you've not done yourself any damage.

Neffie - your OH sounds such a cutie - could teach mine a few lessons in organising and showing enthusiasm beyond wanting to rub my hugely uncomfortable and hot belly!!??

Blue - hope you survived the first aid course! Should be a useful one to have to feel confident with LO. Glad you got a bargain stroller.

AFM - my feet are so hot and swollen I sat with them in a bowl of cold water this afternoon and it was lovely! Have been having tightenings all day so heading early to be just in case

HAve a very busy weekend of taxiing my girl around to all her various social occasions - too tired to have any myself!
Hi Ladies! Hope you all had good weekends!

Chilli - any news, are you getting any more contractions??!!!! Im so excited for you, I cant wait to hear about your new baby!

We bought the stroller and carseat yesterday, and It all fits in the car perfectly as we needed it to fit next to the dog crate in the boot. :thumbup:

Had my 24 week app with Midwife today, all good. HB was about 140/150 and she said he was were she would expect for 24 weeks, although he is upside down at the moment but he has plenty of time time to turn into position. She could feel his head which I thought was amazing, I cant wait till I can tell what body parts are.

Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited.

Happy 24 weeks Neffie! :happydance:

Try - how did the scan go?

I wonder if Tiger has had her babe yet?
Chilli - Not long to go are you feeling?

Blue - Happy 24 weeks to you too bump buddy! :flower: Glad to hear that your appt went well. Yay for getting the stroller!

Try - Hope your scan went well!

Tiger - Haven't heard from you in a while. How are things? :hi:

AFM, made some progress on the nursery this weekend. Hung up the drapes, and cleaned out the closets. The second part wasn't fun! :wacko: Glad it's over with. The good news is that we had a lot of stuff to give away and everything was in good shape, so it will definitely help a needy family. :thumbup: We also painted the bathroom attached to Coco's nursery, and OH finished sanding & re-painting the chest we plan to use in her room. Hope to put the crib & changing table in place this weekend.

We're looking forward to our next scan on Thursday. This will probably be the last regular scan before she gets here. Still haven't decided if we'll have a 3D/4D scan done.

Lastly, here's a pic of my 24 week bump...

Neffie that is a gorgeous bump pic, I will make sure I put one up soon.

I love the name you have chosen for your girl! Sounds like you are really making progress with everything.
Blue - Thanks! Yes, you need to post a bump pic soon. As for the LO's name, that's just her bump name. Both OH & I absolutely love calling her that for the time being until we decide on her actual name. :haha:
Your bump is lovely neffie and so is your bump name!!!! You have been making such progress!

Sorry girls for not updating, but my scan went well. They see no sign of a hernia or any placenta issues. My cervix is still great! Good news! However, it must be muscles tearing or the tendon holding the muscles together, and they say there is nothing I can do about the pain or hurts and burns like heck.

I cannot believe blue and neffie and 24 weeks!!!! Im so happy for us all!!! Still always thinking of kelster, Cla and mpepe :hugs: Love them.

Blue, my boy flip flops around at each scan he is somewhere different while my girl is always feet down (so far! :lol:).....

I am honestly starting to wonder when they will start talking to me about vaginal or c-sec. delivery?..... :shrug:

I feel very lucky to still be pregnant with my babies and I pray to have them later then sooner. I work in a hospital and in the NICU part there were 3 sets of twins delivered over the past few set at 24 weeks, 28 weeks and 31 weeks. I feel so blessed to be nearly 31 weeks and everything looks far. I hope those babies are all well.

Well girls its off to work I go, I slept in 30 minutes by mistake and got here 11 minutes late. YUCK!

And yes blue, I am assuming Tiger had to have had her baby. She hasn't logged in since September 21st!!!!
Hi girls - sorry I was away - I've been in hospital! But don't get excited, still no arrival. Went for routine appt with MW on Monday and BP was soaring, baby's HB was quieter than they would've liked and no movement! Was blue lighted to RUH in Bath where they kept me in and monitored me, they gave me one tablet and all went back to normal thank the lord! I was so scared and cried a lot, but I guess it was just a blip. Whilst monitoring me I was having contractions every 8 mins, but still very mild and only practice ones. They were going to induce me which I wanted to avoid this time round, so I'm relieved to have got away with that so far! I'm sure this LO is imminent and want to treasure our last moments in this unique relationship!

Try - I'm so pleased your scan showed no probs for your LOs, sorry that you're still suffering though. It's almost like the more we want it the higher the price we have to pay! It's brilliant that you've got so far and I hope you carry on to nearly FT.

Neffie - your bump looks lovely (and dinky next to my great lump!!??) Lovely outfit too. SOunds like you're nearly all ready in the exciting.

Blue congrats on getting the stroller etc in your car with a dog cage! You must have a big car?! Glad your appt went well. Good luck on telling body parts... I still can't, but love trying to work it out!

Hope all is well with Tiger and she's just busy being a new Mum?

Cla, Kels and Mpepe - thinking of you often

Some good news is that baby has turned so no longer back to back - well done LO!

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