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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Linny sorry you are still feeling sick - hoping it will ease off soon - its hard when you enter the second trimester and things aren't as happy as they make out it will be - but it really should get better soon.

Celtic - I read something the other day that said: Whatever someone else says about your pregnancy is a reflection on them and NOT on you - it is their insecurities, their hurts, their jealousies and their own worries that come through - you don't have to take any of it on. You have your own worries etc and you certainly are not responsible for someone else's feelings - if they weren't feeling jealous of you they'd be feeling jealous of someone else. So enjoy your pregnancy and whatever your family says just pretend to be a psychologist and find out what they are relly saying about themselves. Good luck :)

LuckyD sorry you are having a hard time with the MS - hope you have a great flight to Melbourne - sounds fun. I have no clue about flying with MS but make sure you eat and hey they give everyone a "vomit bag" (that sounds gross) so perhaps you can actually use it this time - hope you don't need to. I am finding that really cold things are helping the nausea, but maybe try ginger too or mints or wear the sea sickness bands while flying - ok running out of ideas now.

Woke up low this morning and battled to get going - I have decided that if I am low then tough luck about work - I will see to myself first and be late - and DD can be late for school too. Now I just need to persuade DH that he can be late too :) The rest of the day so far has been ok - have lowered the insulin again so still keeping an eye on things, so far so good. 2 more weeks and 1 day til my scan!
Tanikit thanks and you know what I am going to do that, I have it in my head if they cant be happy for me then they can but out! I feel very defensive now LOL

Well done on taking control and putting your self first get that low sorted then take on the day:flower: sure it wont be for much longer now any way, one good thing about lows is at least baby will be ok :flower:

Im getting a little worried now I havent heard from the hospital about an appointment I may have to ring them tomorrow morning and see what they say. I have been checking my bloodsuagrs and have noticed that they are wee bit higher than recomended. 5 fasting 7 an hour later all my fasting are borderline 6 I just want to have a date for my first appointment and scan now around the 11 to 12 week mark would be good :thumbup:

I also found a copy of my chart from my DD and trying to read all the notes LOL I was put on insulin by 25 weeks last pregnancy, my fasting level just creeps up and up! Im worried about the effects on the baby :cry:

Plus I just rememberd when I had a swab done for the thrush I came back positive for GBS I had this on my DS2 which left him sick and needing antiobotics for days after he was born poor lad was in shock when he was born.

Im a worry wart today:dohh:
So how is every one this evening:flower:

Whit been thinking of you all day, let us know how you are :hugs::flower:

I'm having a good day today, hardly any sickness and managed to eat LOADS!! OH even had my tea cooked for when I walked in from work......and then washed up plus bought my fave weekly mags BLESS HIM!! He can be lovely :D

Lucky...sorry about the ms its a bitch alright! Not sure about flying, is it a long flight? I'm sure you'l be just fine, just try eat a little before you board and keep some snacka or boiled sweets for the journey...and lots of water. Hope your friend is coping as well as she can :)

I am also having VERY random dreams, there really emotional and draining sometimes!!

Celtic....how are you hun? I'm sorry your sister hasn't been excited and your worried about the rest of the family, like you say she's a little jealous that you have all she doesn't, not an excuse though. Try not to let it get you down, this is a time for you to be excited so don't let ANYONE take that away from you :hugs:

Tankit hun...your having a hard time, I really feel for you. Have you thought about asking anyone on here if there in the same boat? You may be able to swap tips :wacko: Just a thought, I'm sure within the next few days you'll have eveything levelled out :hugs:

WHIT....Hope your ok hun, and things are progressing nicely. Thinking of you :hugs:

Parkgirl...you been suffering any symptoms yet hun?
Celtic it is frsutrating when people can't share our joy isn't it - but don't let them rob you of it. Babies are miracles in the making and so very special whether they are number 1 in the family or number 22 (didn't some woman have 69 - wonder what people thought of that) I love big families and would love to be able to have loads of kids.

Linny so glad your DH was sweet - its so great when they are isn't it? Can you tell us any of your dreams? I am on a diabeticmommy site too and that helps some, generally though it just helps to write it out - and there are good and bad days which is the same for everyone.

Whit still thinking of you - did you have your scan today?
Yeah its so much nicer to come home and be looked after :D

I'm glad your getting support from people who are going through the same as you....and there's Celtic too :hugs:

I think the worst dream I had was OH telling me he loved someone else....I was shouting at him that I'd have to get an abortion.....AWFUL!!! I would never do that in real life no matter what happens between us, but it was so real I was really upset when I woke up!

I have alot of draining dreams where I'm shouting....one was at my sister whom I love to pieces and would never fall out with. Ive had dreams I'm trapped somewhere and there's someone outside trying to get me......they go on. This week has been better so i hope they stop :(
Awww, those don't sound great - and pregnancy makes you have more vivid dreams. I used to dream often that someone was chasing me. These days I dream more violently (I think its cause DD is around and I feel the need to protect her) After the hijacking I dreamed some guy was in our house with a gun and I took the gun from him and shot him dead all while holding DD - it was a bit surreal. I couldn't really do that obviously, but geez I was angry. Last pregnancy I dreamed I had my baby in the swimming pool and was then trying desperately to stop her from drowning - that wasn't great either.

Hope your dreams change to sweet pleasant ones soon.

Yeah, Celtic and I will probably be discussing insulin ad nauseum towards the end - by the way Celtic I think they worry about your fasting levels as they will increase your HbA1c, but to be honest they may be worrying about the wrong thing - because it is the higher values after meals that cause more actual problems - if for example you ran at 6 all the time (before and after meals) your HbA1C would be for example 6. If you have a fasting of 5 and a post prandial of 7 you have gone higher than 6 and yet your HbA1c is still 6. I would think the first one would be better for you and baby.

Sorry getting side tracked - its the same with type 1 diabetics - they get us to a great HbA1c in the first trimester but in actual fact the baby still lands up big and that is because the extreme lows bring the higher values into line, but its those higher values that get hidden by the HbA1c that are actually causing the baby to be big. (So if I run at 2 and 10 then I may get an HbA1c of 6 which sounds great, but neither 2 nor 10 is really great) Ok ignore me now - I am thinking in print.
Awww, those don't sound great - and pregnancy makes you have more vivid dreams. I used to dream often that someone was chasing me. These days I dream more violently (I think its cause DD is around and I feel the need to protect her) After the hijacking I dreamed some guy was in our house with a gun and I took the gun from him and shot him dead all while holding DD - it was a bit surreal. I couldn't really do that obviously, but geez I was angry. Last pregnancy I dreamed I had my baby in the swimming pool and was then trying desperately to stop her from drowning - that wasn't great either.

Hope your dreams change to sweet pleasant ones soon.

Yeah, Celtic and I will probably be discussing insulin ad nauseum towards the end - by the way Celtic I think they worry about your fasting levels as they will increase your HbA1c, but to be honest they may be worrying about the wrong thing - because it is the higher values after meals that cause more actual problems - if for example you ran at 6 all the time (before and after meals) your HbA1C would be for example 6. If you have a fasting of 5 and a post prandial of 7 you have gone higher than 6 and yet your HbA1c is still 6. I would think the first one would be better for you and baby.

Sorry getting side tracked - its the same with type 1 diabetics - they get us to a great HbA1c in the first trimester but in actual fact the baby still lands up big and that is because the extreme lows bring the higher values into line, but its those higher values that get hidden by the HbA1c that are actually causing the baby to be big. (So if I run at 2 and 10 then I may get an HbA1c of 6 which sounds great, but neither 2 nor 10 is really great) Ok ignore me now - I am thinking in print.

Linny Im the same I dreamt DH left me and was getting close or going out with my sister and she was teasing me saying he wrote her love letters in my favourite book and she kept saying Im not showing you, in the dream I wanted to rip her head off LOL but I had pride and would not ask to see it! I just thought I will ask my DH! any way worke up and thought whoa so gald that was a dream:haha: I hate the dreams I do think they ease off being so intense in the second tri!

Tanikit now now you have me a little lost whats a hbA1c I have never heard that term before LOL I am 9.9 an hour after my dinner which I could not eat much of but I did have a glass of lucozade I had a huge craving for it :wacko: I think I will have to ignore that craving from now on:dohh:
HbA1c is the measurement they take for most diabetics (maybe they don't do it for GD) to see how the sugars have been over the past 3 months - so it is an average level for 3 months. The trouble is that it is just that an average and they seem to worry more about averages than one or two troublesome values (which makes sense in some ways as you can't stress about a single high or a single low) but what if you are never really getting the average - you are only high and low.

Yeah probably stop the lucozade and go for diet sodas or something - sometimes I mix fruit juice and water but even that shoots my sugars up. Now I am thirsty lol.
HbA1c is the measurement they take for most diabetics (maybe they don't do it for GD) to see how the sugars have been over the past 3 months - so it is an average level for 3 months. The trouble is that it is just that an average and they seem to worry more about averages than one or two troublesome values (which makes sense in some ways as you can't stress about a single high or a single low) but what if you are never really getting the average - you are only high and low.

Yeah probably stop the lucozade and go for diet sodas or something - sometimes I mix fruit juice and water but even that shoots my sugars up. Now I am thirsty lol.

AHHHH I know it now yes I have had that before actually I was just reading mine from my last pregnancy today! I am prob not doing the best ever job with sticking to a low GI diet as I was, as I feel so sick and nothing I mean nothing looks good to eat! I dont know what I want really hope this eases off soon. so I can get back to normal well as normal as I can be LOL

Any one else find food shoping a nightmare! I just cant stand it esp when feeling sick!
Lucky :happydance: on seeing the midwife cool, hey do I remember you saying you wanted a home birth? I wanted one of those on my second pregnancy, but its all independent midwifes and very expensive so I left it. only for the GD I would consider it :flower: ooh I'm guessing my family will be like, your mad wanting another baby how will you cope what about money bla bla. but you see the thing is I know we can cope, plus for once DH has done the maths and we are ok for money as well. we are feeling very positive and know one more will add to the joy not make it harder for us. :flower: heheh hopefully I'm worrying over nothing, but I have a speech in my head for if I hear one negative comment:haha:

I still feel OK this morning, eek got toast in me before I felt the urge of Dry retching, I got new pregnancy vitamins on Saturday and I'm wondering have they anything to do with not feeling as sick?

ha you know what funny, when you have MS you want it to go away when you feel good you want to feel sick :dohh: cant win hehehe

Yeah, I want to have a home birth…my Mum had both my brothers at home and I saw both of them being born, it was awesome. NZ has a pretty good system so it’s all free over here, which is great! It’s nice to be able to make the choice based on what you want, as opposed to what you can afford.

Hope your family don’t say all that to you! Anyway, you have a good response if they do!

Glad to hear you are not feeling as sick xx

LuckyD sorry you are having a hard time with the MS - hope you have a great flight to Melbourne - sounds fun. I have no clue about flying with MS but make sure you eat and hey they give everyone a "vomit bag" (that sounds gross) so perhaps you can actually use it this time - hope you don't need to. I am finding that really cold things are helping the nausea, but maybe try ginger too or mints or wear the sea sickness bands while flying - ok running out of ideas now.

Woke up low this morning and battled to get going - I have decided that if I am low then tough luck about work - I will see to myself first and be late - and DD can be late for school too. Now I just need to persuade DH that he can be late too :) The rest of the day so far has been ok - have lowered the insulin again so still keeping an eye on things, so far so good. 2 more weeks and 1 day til my scan!

Thanks for all that good advice Tanikit! Yep, am definitely going to try and find some of those travel sickness bands, and will make sure I have all sorts of snacks with me! Hopefully it will be fine…I am just not good with motion sickness at the best of times. I have a fear of having to use those ‘vomit bags’ on the plane! But if it happens, it happens I guess!

Good for you deciding that you will just be late if you need to – I think that’s a great approach. Good to hear that your day has gone ok – and wooooo to only 2 more weeks until your scan!


I'm having a good day today, hardly any sickness and managed to eat LOADS!! OH even had my tea cooked for when I walked in from work......and then washed up plus bought my fave weekly mags BLESS HIM!! He can be lovely :D

Lucky...sorry about the ms its a bitch alright! Not sure about flying, is it a long flight? I'm sure you'l be just fine, just try eat a little before you board and keep some snacka or boiled sweets for the journey...and lots of water. Hope your friend is coping as well as she can :)

I am also having VERY random dreams, there really emotional and draining sometimes!!

Yay to having hardly any sickness! That’s so great you had a good day and how lovely that your OH just looked after everything so you could just relax.

The flight is about three hours…hopefully will be ok! My friend is doing ok thanks – they are hopefully taking him home today, so that will be a big relief I think.

I think the worst dream I had was OH telling me he loved someone else....I was shouting at him that I'd have to get an abortion.....AWFUL!!! I would never do that in real life no matter what happens between us, but it was so real I was really upset when I woke up!

I have alot of draining dreams where I'm shouting....one was at my sister whom I love to pieces and would never fall out with. Ive had dreams I'm trapped somewhere and there's someone outside trying to get me......they go on. This week has been better so i hope they stop :(

I have been having crazy dreams as well! Had an awful and very realistic dream last night that my OH was cheating on me…woke up all upset. Have had lots of quite scary dreams as well, quite violent and horrible! It’s so weird.

Had my midwife appointment yesterday – it went for two hours! It is pretty impressive actually, that they take that long to go through everything and make sure you understand it all, especially as it is all free…but by the end I was really hungry and feeling sick cos I needed to eat!

Anyway, it all went well, am aiming to have a home birth so we spoke about that and about the fact that as I am living outside the city I am further away from the hospital, so they tend to make the call about transferring you to hospital earlier than they would if you were living in the city. Of course we will have to see how my pregnancy progresses before confirming I can attempt a home birth…but at this point it’s all good!

Got lots of stuff to take home and my OH has been very diligently reading the food safety guide to make sure he knows what he can cook for dinner.

Have been feeling pretty sick…was really ill last night and then again this morning…it’s so horrible. Any other time you feel this crappy you would not be going to work – but instead we have to go and act like we feel fine and carry on as usual. It sucks! I said grumpily to my OH this morning – ‘I bet if men got morning sickness you would be given three months leave’.

Anyway, just got to get through today and tomorrow then off to Melbourne! Hurrah.
LuckyD- So true about guys. If guys went through any of this, they would have the entire pregnancy off work plus six months after to recover.

Linny- Glad you are feeling better. Hopefully the MS will stay away.

Tanikit- Great way of doing it. Take care of you first, the world will not end if you are a bit late.

CelticNiamh- I know what you mean about wanting to feel sick. Like feeling sick means everything is ok.

I'm still feeling good. Tired and yet having trouble sleeping. No real nausea as long as I snack every few hours. Even then, it's light. Looks like when ladies are getting to the 6 week mark, things in the MS area start picking up.
LuckyD yay for a great appointment - its so nice when they will discuss a lot with you - I find the OBs will not even discuss further than the next month let alone birth options! It would be great if you could have a home birth - I think it would be more relaxing and familiar. Sorry the MS is bad :hugs:

Parkgirl - yes MS does seem to pick up at about 6 weeks though it varies. Sorry you are having trouble sleeping - hope you can get some good rest soon.

A while back women did used to get a lot of time off - in South Africa once they were pregnant they could stay at work only a very short time and once they started showing that was the end of work - NEVER to return often. (This was the teaching profession - not sure what happened elswhere) They couldn't let children see that their teacher had had sex now could they? lol I think this was in the 1960s and 70s though - not sure when it ended. Married women with children were basically not allowed to work and if you did you were heavily taxed.
Hello all:flower:

Lucky what an excellent appointment whoo hoo and great they are so supportive of home births, information is the key make sure you are fully informed and look for other ways of coping with labour may be a doula and Im sure you will be fine :flower:

Tanikit when do you have your first appointment in the hospital, I rang today and they had me down for the 25th of September so I was to see no one till then I would be 15 weeks madness not impressed at all the more I think on it!
any way I explained that was to late that my GD comes on now and normally I would be seen in the coombe now ( the hospital were I had my other children) she was very nice and moved me forward to the 25th of August instead. much better apparently the Doctor only sits every second week! I'm not feeling very confident about this hospital at all only its so close to us were we are I wouldn't go!

my Blood sugars have gone whacked 5.7 fasting this morning, nearly two hours later they were 9.4 and then at lunch time I walked to a friends house and had a hypo she noticed it first asked me was I ok, I went pale felt faint and started shaking they were not super low but 3 all the same! it was funny trying to find something sweet to eat I couldn't think! I had a spoonful of chocolate spread :haha: crackers and cheese and felt a bit better. Ive had a bit more to eat and now I'm so tired I will have to be more careful seems its kicked in a knotch now.

any one here from Whit yet

Linny how are you doing

Well i'm off work today.....they have been great and asked me to take the rest of the week off but I may go in friday! Basically when I got up this morning and wiped there was bright red blood on the tissue which totally freaked me. Wiped a few more times and still there so i jumped in shower, then had a meltdown!!

My contact numbers are rubbish after 14wks, I don't have a specific contact for a midwife, just a community number that doesn't start till 9am and this was 7am. Anyways i ended up calling the hospital. By then it had gone back to normal spotting, they asked loads of questions and as Ive no cramps she told me to rest and if it gets worse or I have pain Ive to go to hospital for an internal!!

I'm ok now, THANK GOD FOR DOPPLERS!!!!!! I have to say once I heard little little's heartbeat, i felt soooo much better :D So just taking it easy for now!!

Anyway....wow celtic, sorry to hear about you, glad you were at your friends and she noticed!! Are you doing ok now?

Lucky....I hope you manage the next couple of days at work ok and have a fantastic break! The ms is a bummer but like my mw said to me, its a sign of healthy pregnancy :D Your mw sounds fab spending two hours going through everything, bless your OH for reading up on things too!!!

Wow so bad dreams are really common then, had another cracker last night. OH playing footsy with another women and me being convinced he wanted her instead of me!!!

Parkgirl.....sorry hun, the ms for me kicked in just before 6wks!!! You might be a lucky one though, both my friends had none :)

Tankit....I wish things were like that now!! Actually i'm pretty lucky and am planning on leaving around 5/6 weeks before I'm due! I have four weeks leave saved up so I will take that first, then I will hopefully take a year if money allows. My maternity package is fab so I'm very lucky!!
Oh and I stalked Whits journal but my memory is terrible! Things are still progressing for her and she will know more next week when she has another scan and can speak to the doc :D
Linny thanks for the update on Whit - have been wondering. So sorry you had a scare, but really gald you heard the heartbeat. Are you going to go and get checked out anywhere soon - for reassurance at least.

Celtic sorry you went low - its not great is it (even at 3 - and for some at 4) I've been running a bit high today - maybe I have reached the threashold of where to decrease the insulin to, so I have upped it again a little this evening.

Celtic all my appointments are in the hospital with the gynae - so so far I had one at 7 weeks and the next is at 12 weeks on 18 August. I also am supposed to go and see an endocrinologist though mostly I just email him my values as I don't really trust him right now and he has been far from helpful. I will have all my appointments in the hospital where I will give birth.
Tanikit it should be around now they may start to misbehave! I was wondering will the hospital have an endo you can see there, normally here we go to the diabetic clinic in the maternity hospital and they have baby doctor and diabetic doctor in the same clinic so you see both on the same day. they look after you through out your pregnancy. I know I haven't used the correct terms my brain is whacked today!

Linny thanks for the update on Whit I had to go find her Journal she had a bit of brown spotting her self today so FX all is well I say the spotting is noting to worry about I have heard of lots of others having the same as well.
How are you doing now :hugs:

Did I mention I have my hospital appointment for 25th of August :happydance: hope they do a scan, plus we are going camping this Tuesday for a few days can not wait should be good if I'm not feeling to sick!

oooh who else is feeling like they are in a dry retch aton :haha:
Hi ladies. I hope you all are having a nice day. Does anyone have any fun weekend plans? Not much going on around here.

Last night was my first big wave of nausea. Almost lost my dinner while shopping. Had another one about the same time tonight.
Parkgirl hope the MS doesn't hit you too hard - while at least it makes you know you are pregnant, it is still very rough. I have to work this weekend so nothing much planned. Monday is a public holiday though I am working then too but only in the morning so perhaps we will take DD out in the afternoon and do something fun.

Celtic our medical aid only lets me see certain doctors for the diabetes. I may try and move to a different doctor but it is a lot of admin to move and they tend to mess things up when doing that. It would be better if they were in the same hospital as right now the doctors are about an hour apart in different directions by car. Good luck for your appointment - not too long now. Hope your sugars behave in the next couple of weeks and from there on too.

As for me, I have been really sick today - I think its a combination of MS and constipation and hypoglycaemia - have been really uncomfortable, but at least DD napped this afternoon - that sleep with her has made everything survivable and so much better!

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