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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Had my 12 week scan today and everything was great - saw a lot of detail - they could count fingers, and checked that everything was in the right place which is was. Nuchal fold was 0,9mm and they want less than 3mm so that was just fine. Baby was moving a lot - he/she had her/his hands over her face at first but later gave a "wave" and moved them. They said they will try and tell us the gender next scan which will be 15 September - I can't believe things are moving so fast. My DH is going to scan the photos at his work today so hopefully can post one later today.

OUr tickers are moving up fast here now - we need some more TTHFers here - soon we will have the entire spectrum in all the trimesters!

Hope everyone is well or at least coping. :hugs: for those with MS and any other nasty pregnancy symptom.

Whoo Hoo :happydance: on great scan results hope mine go as well next week :happydance: this is what its all about getting to this point and seeing the sickness and hardship think yours has been harder than most has a reward at the end :hugs::happydance:
cant wait to see the pics
Thanks Celtic and I am sure yours will be great - you are having it quite early - will you have another or is it purposefully scheduled early? Good luck for it.

I was saying to someone that I feel a little guilty as I do complain a lot - and it has been very rough and probably still will be. But at least my baby is ok and so many people lose theirs or have trouble later - I have a higher risk of their being problems and yet have a healthy daughter and baby looks ok for now so I do feel very grateful for that too and it is definitely worth the trouble - but even now I am still unsure I can do this again - wait til baby is about 3 months old and I will be broody again but I think pregnancy hormones and MS and so on prevents broodiness during pregnancy :)
Thanks Celtic and I am sure yours will be great - you are having it quite early - will you have another or is it purposefully scheduled early? Good luck for it.

I was saying to someone that I feel a little guilty as I do complain a lot - and it has been very rough and probably still will be. But at least my baby is ok and so many people lose theirs or have trouble later - I have a higher risk of their being problems and yet have a healthy daughter and baby looks ok for now so I do feel very grateful for that too and it is definitely worth the trouble - but even now I am still unsure I can do this again - wait til baby is about 3 months old and I will be broody again but I think pregnancy hormones and MS and so on prevents broodiness during pregnancy :)

Yea it is early, mainly because of the diabetes they look after it here along with antenatal care all in the one clinic. mine comes on so early I need to get in early! my old hospital would have had me in at 8 weeks so I'm glad I will be closer to the 11 week mark this time.

Dont worry about moaning, if you cant do that here were else could you LOL.
is there a thread here just for Diabetic pregnancy's cause I think we need one:flower:
Tanikit- So glad the scan went well!! :happydance::happydance: That is wonderful news!

Hi to everyone else. I haven't been on a lot the past few days. All I want to do is sleep by the time I get home from work. MS has been getting stronger, but still tolerable.
Woo hoo for the scan Tanikit! That is so awesome! How exciting.

And good luck for yours Niamh!

I'm not having one until 20 weeks so it's going to be forever....but am ok with that.

Today has been an ok day...but man, things are really getting worse in the ms department! Not fun at all. Throwing up between 3 - 10 times a day and hating it! I honestly don't know if I can keep working full time if things don't change really really soon....

but I told a lovely woman at work and she showed me a sick bay that no one uses that I can go and lie down in if I need to!

Just had a semi-argument/discussion with my OH about what I am eating - I ate salt and vinegar chips (crisps to those in the UK) yesterday and today and now I am having some in a sandwich for dinner (with other things too!) and he has got all 'you need to eat healthy' on me. I tried to explain that food is bringing me no enjoyment at the moment and it's really hard to think of anything I want to eat, so he should just keep out of it...I don't think he gets it. Grrrrr.
Yay Tanikit for your awesome scan! :happydance: And don't worry about feeling bad for complaining. If anyone has room to, it's definitely you, you're SO strong!

Good luck for yours Celtic honey.

Lucky :hugs: Hope the ms passes soon. Unfortunately I am still the same way about food. I never ate sweets before but its all I want now.. waffles, chocolate, fruit.. :wacko:

Just wanted to check in on my preggie ladies. :hugs:
Parkgirl hope it stays as it is, Im hear you on feeling tired its really making me feel like a zombie some times :haha:

LuckyD oh you poor thing, try mints, soup, fruit, man you know what if salt and vinegar does the trick on bread then eat away LOL Ive been eating mad things as well hoping to feel better, I said it to DH it is just as well Im taking my vitamins at least I know Im getting enough with them. tell him MS is like haveing a constant bad hangover were your hungry but dont know what to eat!

Whit hey honey, good to see you hear :hugs: hope your ok,keep us postt fed on how your results come back, will you go back to taking MACA. :flower:

Im so tired today, wipped out woke up to early and went back to bed turned on telly cause my two youngest were in the bed with us and I fell back to sleep DH got up and woke me before he left for work! I still feel crap and Im looking at my floor and its flithy needs a good wash, I will have to do it I would be mortified if any one came in and seen it :blush:
:wave: chicks!!!

Well officially it seems my ms has passed! My appetite is massive and I just want to eat and eat :D I'm still really tired but hoping that will pass soon. I have my 20 weeks scan in three weeks, can't wait cos it will be frst time I'l actually see my baby!!

Got my GTT booked for when I'm 26wks and I'm not looking forward to it. Can't imagine fasting, I can barely go twenty minutes from waking up without eating :lol:

Oh an my bump is PATHETIC!! Teeny tiny, still like Ive just eaten too much, even though nothing fits me. I'm quite slim so i thought I would show early :(


Lucky....Oh I hear you on the OH and them telling you what you should eat and what you shouldn't!! My midwife told me a few times that just eat what you fancy, the baby will still be getting all nutrients it needs. And when your feeling better you can make up for it. For now though, its all about survival :D I used to cry when OH used to get at me and through gritted teeth would say 'anytime you wanna take over this pregnancy then fine by me' :lol: :lol:

Tankit...aww bad few days hun, sorry to hear that, its been a pretty stressful and difficult time for you :hugs: So happy about your scan though, can't believe your 12 weeks now :D

Hey Celtic, Oooh can't wait for scan pics next week wahoo!

Parkgirl oh I hear you on the sleepy. I'm in bed for 9 most nights, no party girl in me anymore :D
Parkgirl hope you can get some rest and hope the MS doesn't get any worse.

LuckyD so sorry you are having a rough time with MS. Make sure you stay hydrated and get help if you don't as throwing up that much is heading for hyperemesis gravidum and it can be very bad. :hugs: And really eat whatever you can keep down no matter what it is (within reason) There's plenty of time after the first trimester to eat healthily.

Whit how are you doing? Are you still waiting for test results? :hugs:

Celtic really the floor can wait - wear shoes maybe and blindfold the guests if you have to, but sleep is more important right now. (You can imagine the state of my house lol)

Linny wow I can't believe you are heading for 20 weeks - halfway mark! You must be so excited for your scan. I think I'd be jealous of a small bump (I know not something a first time Mom wants to hear, but you'll know what I mean next few pregnancies) Laurana's teacher said I was showing already so who knows how huge I will be by the end - scary!

Here's my 12 week scan - baby flipped over right before it was taken so is facing downwards, hands up under his/her chin and he/she also straightened his/her spine when it was taken.

Oh I forgot to say, the test from 4 days before the loss came back with my DHEA through the roof compared to what it was in June. So I'm going back monday and hopefully he will put me on the corticosteroid he was talking about before, and fingers crossed it will lower my levels. Did a lot of scouring the web and apparently high DHEA can contribute to mc, although we may not ever know what it was. And yes I am taking Maca again now! :)
Good luck Whit - hope the corticosteroids get your levels back in line. You are probably quite fertile now though. Good luck with the Maca. Isn't DHEA supposed to make you very fertile too though - they said my DH should be on it when we were ttc?

Sugars are a bit of a mess again, but more on the high side now - they have been running at 12 and even 16 last night so I raised the dose of insulin and went low again this morning for doing so. I think I may need a long acting increase and only a very mild short acting increase before every meal now. This is giving me a headache :) Need to go to work soon and am working this weekend too. Hoping DHs parents will come and help a bit as DH also needs to work this weekend as he has a deadline for Monday so its all a bit chaotic right now.
LuckyD- So sorry the ms is getting worse. I know what you mean about working with it. Makes it very challenging. Very nice of that lady to let you know about the extra bed so you can get away if you need.


CelticNiamh- Don't put yourself out too much cleaning. Just snuggle those kids and get some extra rest.

Linny- Woo Hoo for no more MS!! :dance: That's definitely worth celebrating! Now you get to eat all those things you wanted, but felt too sick to have.

Tanikit- Beautiful scan!!--Oh, you posted while I was typing. Sorry your sugars are giving you problems again. Try to rest as much as you can, even though you have to work this weekend.

AFM- The MS is bad some days and tolerable others. Always worse when I have to get up and be at work by 6am. The days I get to stay in bed a bit longer seem to be better. I'm also not worried as much on my off days, so that probably helps. I weighed myself again today and somehow I've gained two pounds since last week. Is that normal? I'm hardly eating anything, though I'm trying my best to get down what I can. Either way, I'm eating less than I did before.

Happy Friday to everyone. Let this be the start of a great weekend!!
Tanikit sounds like a very busy weekend, hope you get a chance for some rest:hugs:

parkgirl dont worry I got my floor done and some rest as well :happydance: I also put up 2 pounds this week and wondering how :haha: it can be normal now I guess you prob find you will lose it again or not put anything on for a few weeks again. 2 pounds in two weeks aint bad though!

Im shattered today, my sugars are a little high as well :wacko:
Parkgirl hope you can stay in bed some more and that the MS does not get too bad. You could also try leaving something to eat next to your bed so you can eat even before you get up - that does sometimes help too.

Celtic :hugs: hope you feel better soon and get some rest. Hang in there with the sugars - the placenta starts taking over now so maybe that is also part of it. Mine have been quite high at night times recently and I am battling to get them down again. I weighed myself today and seem to have put on 3kgs (that is nearly 6 pounds!) in about a week. I am starting not to trust the scale I am using. I am now 2kgs (4 pounds) more than I was when I fell pregnant which may explain the need for more insulin.

DH's Mom was here today and I got to sleep all afternoon - so nice. Work was busy but ok - no crazy clients which helps. This gay guy came in and he knows I am pregnant and put his hand on my abdomen and asked how is baby? It was really weird especially since I am not that far, but I think knowing he was gay made it ok - he's quite sweet anyway. I think if it had been anyone else they might have got hit.

DD is sleeping with her Nana tonight upstairs (she's staying the night) so we are hoping for a full nights sleep, but I have my doubts and think DD will be back with us by about midnight. The rest has meant so much to me as we are both exhausted.

MS is dying down now - I still get really nauseous when going low, but most of the rest of the time I am ok or only mildly nauseous. There is hope even when it feels like it will never stop.
Tanikit the MS is deffo easing for me as well, just so tired all the time now and headaches but still feel a bit better than I did and so glad to feel we are getting to a point were feeling sick wont be an every day occurrence:thumbup:
I hope you have a good rest and DD sleeps through for you :hugs: :haha: My god I think I would have laughed at him bit early for belly feeling, hey did you say you were showing already though may be that's why he did it.

I think I rattled one or two cages in the March thread, don't think Ill be back in there :shrug: I don't like arguing in real life or on line so its better if I don't reply LOL or may be I'm worrying about nothing :blush::haha:

On a good note we told my DH parents our news today and they were delighted for us it was lovely I'm very lucky and have a brilliant relationship with them both and they have always been very supportive and always there for DH and I. My parents who have 6 children and my mum would have had one more will have plenty of the negative crap to say though :haha:

Only 4 more days till my appointment and scan FX

How is every one else doing :hugs:
Glad to hear you both are starting to get past the ms! I'm ready for a break from it. My mom is coming in town end of the week and she doesn't know yet. DH still want to wait to tell people until we are past first tri. Not sure how that's going to happen with her spending the night. Hopefully I can find some way to not get sick while she is here.
Glad to hear you both are starting to get past the ms! I'm ready for a break from it. My mom is coming in town end of the week and she doesn't know yet. DH still want to wait to tell people until we are past first tri. Not sure how that's going to happen with her spending the night. Hopefully I can find some way to not get sick while she is here.

I feel for you:hugs: its hard when your trying to keep it a secrect and feeling so tired and ill, my inlaws had an Idea, you mum may pick up on you being sick and put 1 and 1 together, yet she might not say any thing :hugs:
When you become a Mom you will realise that Moms are generally quite intuitive so she may very well guess - although you never know - she could have something else on her mind that distracts her. Good luck trying to keep the secret and hope the MS behaves.

Celtic don't worry about the March thread - it moves so fast anyway that people just move on. To be honest I think hormones are flying around and then people take things the wrong way or read things and don't see the others point of view - you did have a point and it was your opinion. Then again the person who replied also had a right to their opinion I suppose. I kind of figure life is too short to get upset for long and on top of that while I would love us to have a get together and meet each other, its unlikely so its pointless if I let people I may never meet upset me too much.

Still low sugars so plenty of MS - and I have no clue what I want to eat. I have switched to drinking Lucozade for the lows as I cannot stomach anymore sweets. I just want sleep - even just a few full nights sleep would do though extra naps would be nice too. DD is sick - keeps getting a fever, so has been up a lot lately and very whiny and miserbale poor child.
hi im new to this site im 32weeks pregnant and very worried about my labour even though its my 6th baby i lost alot of blood with my last baby after labour and had to have a transfusion
hi im new to this site im 32weeks pregnant and very worried about my labour even though its my 6th baby i lost alot of blood with my last baby after labour and had to have a transfusion

Sounds scary, but try not to worry the chances of it happening again are small my mum had that on her third baby and was fine for her other 4 Im one of 6 :thumbup:
Have you talked to the doc or midwife have they said what are the chances of it happening again.

Im only 10 weeks and Im already worrying about Labour wondering will I do it with or with out Epidural Hmmmm

Tanikit Yea I know what you mean Im sure its all forgotten about now, Im grand :thumbup::haha: still not going back though the thread is to big all together LOL hope your resting and feeling better, Im worrying as my MS has eased a lot I'm still tired but managing with out naps, mainly because I just cant have them with DD just hoping all is ok for Wednesday 2 more sleeps eek dont know were I was going with 4:dohh:

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