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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Hi Tanikit Yea not to long to wait, we are off for a few days on tuesday camping :wacko: I hope I manage ok! but I wont have long to wait for my appointment yay hope your feeling better this evening :hugs:

Parkgirl whoo hoo and booo hooo for feeling sick its horrible but a reasuring thing :haha: pregnancy really turns you in to a masochist
Feeling sorry for myself today - DD didn't go to sleep til 22:00 last night (my fault cause we napped in the late afternoon) and then woke 3 times in the night also. I woke to hypoglycaemia and asthma and nausea. Not a great way to start a working weekend. I am trying to just survive but at some point I want to give myself some sort of treat just to make myself feel a bit better - even if it is just a bath while my DD isn't around. I need some space and time to myself.

Hope you have a great camping trip Celtic.
Hi! Sorry I havent dropped in.. I was sticking to my journal for quick updates since visiting with everyone before they have to leave on Sunday. Starting to get restless now though, having light blobby spotting and stuff.. *sigh*

Thanks for updating everyone Linny.. I'll spare you all the details it's just confusing and the more I pick it apart the more negative it all sounds! I am forcing myself to look at the postive until I go to bed at night.. when my feelings of dread haunt me! Had a horrible nightmare last night, from the repeating fear of miscarriage.. it was awful. I posted it somewhere a min ago.. I will try to find. Saw my Endo today and he retested my hormone levels (I am an anomaly to him with a weird undiagnosed hormonal imbalance) and hes going to speak to a pediatric endo to discuss the possibility of any medication.

Glad to see you here Parkgirl, Congrats!!!

Lucky- a homebirth sounds awesome. I'd be way too paranoid to go through with it, hope you get yours!

Hope the sickness subsides for all of you. I feel awful for not having it.. sometimes it makes me wonder if it's a bad sign. :|

Whit thanks for the offer to help :) That made me smile - so sweet. Imagine if we could all get together in some boarding house and help each other and make up recipes and try things for the MS and compain about our husbands and watch soppy movies and then go to each others scans and support each other all the way through - mmm, but then at labour would we all be there for each other too? Lol. I think we'd know each other a little too well by then.

I had to smile when I read this! I have thought about this so many times.. it's such a great support system on here, I'd be a nervous wreck without this place and all you ladies! Hope you start to get everything under control, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Feel better :flow:

Edit* here's the gory details. https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-buddies/315164-ltttc-1-w-o-assisted-teammates-needed-78.html
Hi! Sorry I havent dropped in.. I was sticking to my journal for quick updates since visiting with everyone before they have to leave on Sunday. Starting to get restless now though, having light blobby spotting and stuff.. *sigh*

Thanks for updating everyone Linny.. I'll spare you all the details it's just confusing and the more I pick it apart the more negative it all sounds! I am forcing myself to look at the postive until I go to bed at night.. when my feelings of dread haunt me! Had a horrible nightmare last night, from the repeating fear of miscarriage.. it was awful. I posted it somewhere a min ago.. I will try to find. Saw my Endo today and he retested my hormone levels (I am an anomaly to him with a weird undiagnosed hormonal imbalance) and hes going to speak to a pediatric endo to discuss the possibility of any medication.

Glad to see you here Parkgirl, Congrats!!!

Lucky- a homebirth sounds awesome. I'd be way too paranoid to go through with it, hope you get yours!

Hope the sickness subsides for all of you. I feel awful for not having it.. sometimes it makes me wonder if it's a bad sign. :|

Whit thanks for the offer to help :) That made me smile - so sweet. Imagine if we could all get together in some boarding house and help each other and make up recipes and try things for the MS and compain about our husbands and watch soppy movies and then go to each others scans and support each other all the way through - mmm, but then at labour would we all be there for each other too? Lol. I think we'd know each other a little too well by then.

I had to smile when I read this! I have thought about this so many times.. it's such a great support system on here, I'd be a nervous wreck without this place and all you ladies! Hope you start to get everything under control, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Feel better :flow:

Edit* here's the gory details. https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-buddies/315164-ltttc-1-w-o-assisted-teammates-needed-78.html

OOOH Whit :hugs: you so need a huge hug, its so hard what you have to go through waiting and waiting to see what going to happen its not fair :hugs::hugs:

when will you have the results from your blood test! Ive been thinking lots about you and hoping baby is doing well :flower:

OH as nasty as that dream was its a classic symptom of pregnancy! normally its dreams of your DH or DP leaving you for some one else though must be a fear we all have when pregnant LOL so its a fear coming out! I would nearly take it as a good sign! :hugs:
Feeling sorry for myself today - DD didn't go to sleep til 22:00 last night (my fault cause we napped in the late afternoon) and then woke 3 times in the night also. I woke to hypoglycaemia and asthma and nausea. Not a great way to start a working weekend. I am trying to just survive but at some point I want to give myself some sort of treat just to make myself feel a bit better - even if it is just a bath while my DD isn't around. I need some space and time to myself.

Hope you have a great camping trip Celtic.

Ugh, what a crappy night and morning. Please do take some time for yourself. You need the rest and relaxation.

Hi! Sorry I havent dropped in.. I was sticking to my journal for quick updates since visiting with everyone before they have to leave on Sunday. Starting to get restless now though, having light blobby spotting and stuff.. *sigh*

Thanks for updating everyone Linny.. I'll spare you all the details it's just confusing and the more I pick it apart the more negative it all sounds! I am forcing myself to look at the postive until I go to bed at night.. when my feelings of dread haunt me! Had a horrible nightmare last night, from the repeating fear of miscarriage.. it was awful. I posted it somewhere a min ago.. I will try to find. Saw my Endo today and he retested my hormone levels (I am an anomaly to him with a weird undiagnosed hormonal imbalance) and hes going to speak to a pediatric endo to discuss the possibility of any medication.

Glad to see you here Parkgirl, Congrats!!!

Lucky- a homebirth sounds awesome. I'd be way too paranoid to go through with it, hope you get yours!

Hope the sickness subsides for all of you. I feel awful for not having it.. sometimes it makes me wonder if it's a bad sign. :|

Whit thanks for the offer to help :) That made me smile - so sweet. Imagine if we could all get together in some boarding house and help each other and make up recipes and try things for the MS and compain about our husbands and watch soppy movies and then go to each others scans and support each other all the way through - mmm, but then at labour would we all be there for each other too? Lol. I think we'd know each other a little too well by then.

I had to smile when I read this! I have thought about this so many times.. it's such a great support system on here, I'd be a nervous wreck without this place and all you ladies! Hope you start to get everything under control, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Feel better :flow:

Edit* here's the gory details. https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-buddies/315164-ltttc-1-w-o-assisted-teammates-needed-78.html

Glad to see you. Sorry things are bad right now and sorry you are having such awful dreams. :hugs: :hugs:

I'm hardly getting anything done since I've been so tired. I took a long nap yesterday afternoon only to go to bed at 9:30. Didn't get up until 8 this morning. I see another nap in the near future.
Im up so early DD thought it would be fun to get up at 6am So when I wake up I have to get up and eat something or else feeling sick is a killer!

I found this video on second TRI last night, I have to share it, its amazing look inside the womb from conception to 9 months. I had to admit sitting at my labtop last night I fell asleep watching it :blush: :haha: not our of boredom just so tired!!!
Whit so sorry to hear your news :hugs: You have been through so much lately.

:hugs: to all of us who are exhausted. Went low yesterday and burst into tears cause I was so tired and out of it so DH got me some juice and left me to sleep for an hour - I just wish there was more time to sleep :)

10 days til my next scan and I am letting myself get excited about it now. Its taken longer this time to feel like I am connecting with my baby, so hoping the scan will help with that and make it feel more real.
Well today we are off camping :flower: so I hope you all have a great week and I will be checking on you all at the weekend :hugs:

Im so tired today, DD just wouldnt sleep last night! I will prob sleep in the car LOL
Celtic hope you had a good camping trip and got some rest in too.

How is everyone else doing? Things are a bit quiet here lately? :hugs: and hope everyone is ok.

I had a terrible day what with throwing up and low sugar levels and just it all generally getting to me I have been in tears a lot today - probably hormonal, possibly heading into depression now though because its just been too long - my body is too worn down now, too tired. I feel like I am not coping at work or at home, as a mother, wife or vet. The trouble is the only person I can talk to is my own mother and she is getting very frustrated with me so talking to her lands up making me feel worse and like I am very very lonely. They say it takes a community to raise a child, but where then is the community in this day and age? - Don't answer that, the answer is online and while these sites help a lot and I really appreciate all the support, like I have said before, it would help to have real human contact - LuckyD your farm is sounding more and more inviting lol - or the rest of you can come sleep in the sun on teh bricks around our pool if you like like I did today when I managed to lock myself out the house in my hypoglycaemic state with nowhere else to go - its pretty warm, but not too comfortable but the dogs will be sweet to us all and maybe someone can hop over the wall with some tea (with ginger in) :)

I feel like I need that song: The sun will come out tomorrow.... I want this baby so much but geez its so hard getting to the point where I can hold him/her.
Wow hun that must be so hard for you I cant imagine. I hope you feel better soon, or at least have a good day soon! :hugs:

Have fun camping Celtic!
Been so quiet on here lately - how is everyone doing? How was the camping Celtic?

Hope no news is good news - or else sometimes it means that the pregnancy symptoms are just a bit too much and we all need rest and sleep. :hugs: to anyone needing them.

Just recovering from a severe hypoglycaemic episode that was very very nasty - I think my DH is going to need some time to recover from that one because I was very nasty to him and he was doing his best to help. I feel sick now from all the fruit juice I have had poured down my throat when I could barely swallow so should probably just go to bed and try to get some sleep. Hurry up second trimester - this is too much strain and babes hang in there please, just hang in there.
Tanikit- :hugs: Ugh, that sounds just awful. Get some rest and take extra care of yourself.

Hi to everyone else. I hope you are all doing well.

I'm having a bit of a hard time right now, but it's also exciting. The MS is getting worse, so I hope that means things are moving along well. I have this strange mix of being happy and sick at the same time. DH is getting a big kick out of it.
Evil DHs!!! Sorry the MS is worse Parkgirl, but I know what you mean - any symptoms also help make us feel pregnant. Hope you can find something that helps for the MS.

Yesterday I spent the whole day out with a friend of mine - it was so nice not to have to watch DD all day cause she was playing with the other children and she was also happier and I had some adult company. It makes such a difference to have some help - even if its just in the emotional support and rest category (in fact that is where I need the help the most)

DH and I are not on great terms right now - we are both so tired and stressed about different things and that is making it hard to pull together - its like we don't get what the other person is going through and have too much on our own plates to help the other one. We could do with a holiday I think.
my it has been quite in here!! I expected loads to catch up on when I logged on!

Tanikit eeek sounds awful you so need a break! even for a week so you can rest and just concentrate on you and growing baby hope your DH is ok as well

Im so glad to be home from camping Im shattered plus MS was a killer for the first 2 days awful, we did loads though and the kids had great fun, they are happy to be home and out playing with thier friends again!

Hope every one is doing well :hugs:
:wave: girls!!

Hope all is well for everyone :hugs: Ive just been popping on and off recently, still so tired!!!

Tankit, sounds like youve been having an crap time, maybe a holiday would be a good idea if you can make it happen. Sometimes its just nice to refresh, relax and take some real time for each other!!

Parkgirl.....urgh ms is a killer. Mine is much much better. I still have times I can feel sick but no more retching really!!!!

Celtic....woah camping!!!! Sounds fun but not in the throes of morning sickness. Hope your doing better :D
Linny very quite although the MACA thread is a whole other story LOL loads of post to catch up on.
Camping was a challange and I know I prob would have enjoyed my self better with out feeling so crappy! but glad we went nice to get away and even nicer to come home.
we went on a cruise to see the cliffs of Moher off the coast of Clare, ther boat was like a seesaw in the water very choppy! I was doing ok on the way out but as soon as the boat turned round to head back to shore I felt very funny, my DD had been sick already, I was turning green:sick: I was out side on the deck and DH was in side with our two youngest. Im so bad I had to run leaving out other two boys on the deck to run in to DH and grab a lovely blue plastic bag and was so sick much to my kids amazement! they thougt it was cool :dohh:

OOH then I broke my phone got it caught under the seat in the car and nearly snapped it in half, lucky I have insurance so should have a new phone by the end of the week and I think it will be the upgrade from the one I have yay so I can go on FB and BNB :haha:

OOH when did ye tell every one? DH was meant to tell his parents tonight but he felt stange just dropping it in to the conversation, I told my BF and she was happy for me LOL
Hey everyone!

Am back from Melbourne, had a lovely time but it's also very nice to be home again! It was really great spending time with my friend and her new baby - he is completely gorgeous, and despite such a horrible labour experience she is doing great. Was very special.

I have been pretty sick and tired but it seems that as long as I eat ALL the time it is bearable...I have been throwing up every day but forcing myself to eat as that settles things a bit.

Have to go back to work tomorrow and am absolutely dreading it. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. I really, really just want to be able to stay at home and take it easy. Oh well.

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Celtic sorry you felt sick on your camping trip - suppose you could have blamed sea sickness when it was really MS. Glad you are happy to be home.

Lucky glad you also had a nice time away - the baby sounds cute. Can't believe we will all have our own little ones soon too.

Things have got a bit rough lately - still got MS though seldom throwing up and it seems like it may start to settle soon - its not 24/7 now, more about 10 hours a day now. DD is sleeping through and that makes me happiest of all - finally a nights sleep! DH is not very happy with the way our marriage is going he says and I am not sure what he means - I have a feeling he is worried about money, but it may be more than that as I have really not been able to do what I usually do every week - its just too much of a strain - I asked him if he was treading water in the sea, would he just concentrate on surviving or think about his marriage? He said he would think about the marriage and I said: Well then you'd be dead after that! Work has also been crap - someone complained about my DD being there - she is always there on Thursday afternoons as no school is open that late and I have no one I can hire to watch her - she is very seldom a problem and most people are fine with it and they and their pets get seen to just like normal, but this bloody women decided it looked unprofessional - she can go to hell. I'd give up those afternoon shifts if it comes to that - I never wanted to do them in the first place and my boss knows it so she was nice to me and said the women was probably just having a bad day. It has really pissed me off though as it is hard for me with DD there as it is - I am only doing the best I can.

Ok enough moaning. You are right a holiday would be good. DDs birthday is in less than a month now and my mother will come up for it so hopefully some stress will be off me (don't count on it though - my mom and I can have such a pleasant and such a terrible time together and you never know which)

Scan tomorrow - I scanned myself at work yesterday with an older machine so not great quality and I had an empty bladder, but did see baby and he/she moved and we found the heartbeat though I didn't know how to keep it still enough to get the reading for the heartbeat, so at least I know tomorrows u/s should be ok. DH and DD will come too.
Tanikit I know this sickness is awful at times:cry: I feel like a big baby LOL as I dont normally get Sea sickness I bet it was MS hitting me, my tummy is so delicate, I was sitting on the boat thinking was I mad to come on a boat when the slighest thing make me hurl!!! as well soon I know I will feel better :happydance:

OOH do you think may be your DH is stressed over work and worring about you may be, I hope he can come round for you, good luck with your scan tomorrow:happydance: oh yea and ignore that idiot who complained about your DD :dohh:

Soon we will be in the Second tri bloom and feeling heaps better :hugs:
Had my 12 week scan today and everything was great - saw a lot of detail - they could count fingers, and checked that everything was in the right place which is was. Nuchal fold was 0,9mm and they want less than 3mm so that was just fine. Baby was moving a lot - he/she had her/his hands over her face at first but later gave a "wave" and moved them. They said they will try and tell us the gender next scan which will be 15 September - I can't believe things are moving so fast. My DH is going to scan the photos at his work today so hopefully can post one later today.

OUr tickers are moving up fast here now - we need some more TTHFers here - soon we will have the entire spectrum in all the trimesters!

Hope everyone is well or at least coping. :hugs: for those with MS and any other nasty pregnancy symptom.

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