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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Celtic I weighed myself today and have put on nothing and lost nothing - I want to keep it that way as long as possible as once the weight starts going on it will get put on fast - and then the insulin needs exacerbate it as they start to rise fast too :)

Lucky glad your friend is ok. It is hard not getting what you expect/want - last pregnancy my baby was also not with me the first night and it was the hardest night of my life - especially since all the other mothers in my room had theirs with them. I just wanted to cry - luckily I had her by me the next night though. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned - enjoy it!

Whit so glad the next doctor has a wait and see attitude - some doctors are so quick to label things badly when there is so much variation. Good luck for your scan on Tuesday!

Work this morning was tense - they did a lie detector test when the safe was stolen and then had a disciplinary hearing today for 2 people - but we are very small practice so all know each other well so it was rough. Anyway, the lawyer is apparently involved now, so I guess it is wait and see what happens. I was just glad I have not been involved in any of this and that it was quiet today so we could just chat. MS still pretty bad though occassionally I wake up ok and it develops later in the day. I wish I had strong cravings for something though as I have no clue what to eat.
Tanikit that is my fear as well, the heavier I get the worse GD will be and seeing as Im am heavier now than when I was having my DD it has me worried already I just know I will feel the effects of high sugars as soon as I hit 13 weeks or there abouts!
Yey Whit.....so pleased your getting a second opinion and there fitting you in for a scan. I'm sure everything is fine but I will be thinking of you, be sure to let us know how things go :hugs:

Luckyd....Glad its friday too!! Appointment for you too on tuesday, its all so exciting :D

Well ive had some spotting today.....had it at 6 & 7weeks and had a scan at 8weeks which showed the area of bleed. The hospital said it would continue to happen but not to worry as it doesn't affect baby, still scares me though when i see it. Its stopped now so i hope it stays away for good!

:wave: celtic, tankit, mush!
Linny sorry about the spotting - that must be very scary - at least you have seen where it is coming from and I hope it stops soon and stays away for your own peace of mind.

I went severely hypoglycaemic again in the afternoon (its 01:00am and I have been trying to get DD back to sleep and crying myself) DH came home to find I had thrown up everywhere (when I am severely low there is no getting to the sink or toilet so it is disgusting and humiliating and a lot of work when I do finally recover) I have never thrown up from being low before so I suspect that is the MS which does not help at all. I have very little recollection of what happened for quite a few hours - DD wandered around the house alone til DH came home making a big mess poor child and DH really struggled with a difficult non cooperative wife when he had just got home from work and was exhausted. Eventually I had the strength to crawl to the bathroom and have a bath (DH helped) where I lay til I could stand again. My prayers after this go something like this: Please God, please look after my baby and look after DD when I can't and look after DH because he is so tired and help him. And God, I also need some help - but I'm sort of an after thought.

I know I begged to go to hospital but I cannot talk well when low like that and DH never will take me. He battled and yelled at me to get me to drink juice and tried the glucose packet they send with the insulin. He broke my pricker in the process of trying to get my readings (the paramedics broke it last time they had to help) - I feel like writing on there: DO NOT TOUCH!" because now I am stuck with nothing til the weekend is over - will get needles from work perhaps. I really don't know how they break it, but at the same time I can't complain because at least they tried to help and DH really had a hard time tonight so I feel sorry for him - he's sleeping upstairs now cause he is so tired and DD wakes up all night and its my turn to watch her.

Thing is I know this will happen again and the more tired I get the more likely it is because tiredness is one of the signs of going low but also one of pregnancy and its also the one that pulls me to bed instead of the kitchen cupboard.

Sorry for the long moan - it hits me so very very hard. I feel guilty and worried afterwards and very very lonely because I have caused so much trouble for other people. I have DD awake hearing me cry at 00:00 saying: "I will help you Mom, will you eat an apple. Will it help your sugar levels?" She's not even 3!!!!!! How do I look after her and me?? Just needed to get this out along with a few tears. It will keep happening and that is something I need to accept - I know people are full of advice about how to prevent it and I will do my best, but doing my best will not stop this and scary as it is I will have to live with it at least for the next 3+ weeks. I phoned my Mom and begged her to come and help but she says she can't - she lives very very far away so it is expecting a lot, but I really need some help and there is none. I cannot go to hospital like last time cause who will look after DD, but if I cannot look after DD anyway, then again: who will look after DD????

Ok I really have finished now.

Hope everyone else is ok. Whit still thinking of you and hoping the scan gives you excellent news.
That sounds absolutely awful. Massive :hugs:

If I lived close I would come and help you in a heartbeat. I do absolutely nothing until school gets in at the end of the month. I hope you can get someone to give you the help you need! Thanks for thinking of me.. It's so agonizing. We normally look at baby stuff at the store when we're grocery shopping, but DH refused last night. I am so mad about that, not at him at the doctor for stealing our joy! :growlmad:

Anyway my family is coming in tomorrow from 8 hours away. So happy to see them!! So I probably wont be on much after tonight until next weekend. I will update from my phone after the scan Tuesday.

More :hugs: to all of you.
Shit Tanikit that reads like a horror story, I am in shock you could have died if you DH did not come home when he did! that's really scary and its dangerous to force feeding you juice bring up your sugars I would be worried being so unresponsive you could of chocked accidentally as well! do you not have the kit you mix and inject in case of going low I cant remember what its called I know I had one always in my fridge.

Hun I'm scared for you I know the dangers of lows, you need to do something can you take some time off work so you can concentrate on you and baby and DD at least if you not running around as much!!! shit girl eat loads and I mean loads even when you feel sick any thing to keep the dam lows away.

oh don't feel guilty about your DD I say she was fine apart from making a mess for you both to clean up, kids are great at that :hugs:

you need to put your self first hun before this gets any worse!!
Thanks for the support guys - has an ice cream with yummy mint chocolate sauce this afternoon to get the sugars up and got DH to check on me after I had an hours sleep this afternoon so I could get some rest and not go low. I felt terrible this morning - shake all day and very depressed but thats to be expected. Once we got out and had plenty of food at a place that could watch DD while we ate (bliss - they do a great job there so I love it) I am now feeling better and like I can keep going.

Celtic dying from lows is highly unlikely luckily - I have been as low as 0,2 - paramedics picked me up that time. I think the fear is that we die from having an accident or leaving the stive on and burning down the house or falling badly or something like that. They seem to have pulled the glucagon injections off the market here - I used to have them but haven't been offered one in years now. Maybe I should ask about them.

DD smeared a whole bottle of day cream over the windows and emptied a packet of nappies out on her bedroom floor but surprisinly that was about it - was worse last time this happened.

Whit thanks for the offer to help :) That made me smile - so sweet. Imagine if we could all get together in some boarding house and help each other and make up recipes and try things for the MS and compain about our husbands and watch soppy movies and then go to each others scans and support each other all the way through - mmm, but then at labour would we all be there for each other too? Lol. I think we'd know each other a little too well by then.

Whit enjoy having your family around - hope you have a wonderful time.
Tanikit can you not go in to a coma if left to long I was told that scared the crap out of me, I should know better doctors always tell you the worst LOL:flower: Im so glad your feeling better you so sound like you and your DH could do with a nice relaxing holiday keep eating that ice cream :thumbup: you can worry about highs later :haha:
you take care and have a great weekend:hugs:

Im really sturggling today with feeling sick so bad and I dont want to eat I got all shakey this afternoon at lunch time but got some lucozade went to the chippers ( I never do that ) got chips and sausages for the kids and taco fries for me took me ages to eat it, but I did and I did not feel any better after :cry: chicken and potatoes for dinner so hope I feel better ! planning on having a bath, bed and sleep if my DD allows she was not great on sleeping last night either.

When was your DD2 my DD is 2 in August :flower:
Ooh, when is your little one's birthday then - are you going to have a party? My DD will be 3 on 14 September - she keeps talking about it so really not sure what we will do. We are trying to get the swimming pool fixed as with summer coming she's going to want to swim.

Oh and as for the comas - yes that is what is happening - I am comatose often from these lows, but my liver kicks in and produces glucagon which raises the sugar levels for me - thats why we don't die :) Been low twice already today and the MS is at its worst today so really exhausted. Just trying to keep the lows above 2.0 then I can still cope.

Sorry your MS is bad Celtic - hope you can keep some food down and feel a bit better soon. Are you on anything for it?
Hi ladies. Guess it's time for me to move over from TTHF to TTHFUTD. EDD is April 3rd.
Yay - congrats Parkgirl and wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! Glad to see you here!
Was thinking of TTHF in the first trimester - its not the most fun time of my life right now :) Any ideas - went looking at utube videos but didn't find any of them particularly funny - maybe need to look harder.

At the moment I am thinking I will fight with DH tonight, but while I feel like it, it is highly unlikely to be fun - not at the time or later. So how can I have fun right now - the most fun I have had today is eating ice lollies with my daughter out in the back garden - they were quite nice actually.
:wave: ladies!!

Congrats Parkgirl........your EDD is my birthday, Aries are just the best :D

Well I'm still feeling poop I have to say. Still feeling sick esp in the morning and still off alot of food. It seems everytime I tell people i still feel sick they say 'oh in the next two weeks it'll pass!!' Errr Ive been told that since 10wks and its now moved to 16wks!! Still exhausted too, thought second tri was supposed to be a little easier :(

Tankit....if I could find something fun to do in first tri i would defo pass on my knowledge but I'm afraid i'm yet to find it :D I very much enjoyed salty chips for lunch today though......I only had a couple but they were super gorg :p

Celtic....hope our feeling better hun :hugs: I'm soooo glad I'm over those first awful few weeks!

Lucky....good luck tomorrow at the midwife :D

Whit.....big BIG :hugs: for tomorrow, let us know how things go!
Tanikit it hard to look forward to any thing when your feeling crap, plus you feel crappier than any one us trying to cope with lows :hugs: is crappier even a word???

Here you know whats gross about 1st tri excessive saliva!!!! any one else have it!!! while I do not feel sick to day as much as other days!I went for a nap and woke up drooling and it was not your normal sleep drool it was running down my face and dropped on my arm and woke me up!!! gross:haha:

oooh and guess what my sister told me today!!! she met my cousin whom is also pregnant with her 5th but is in her 5th months I say, but she asked after me and said ooh I hear Niamh is pregnant as well!!!!! WTF apparently my mum about 3 months ago at a funeral told every one I was pregnant hahah I wasn't but Dam it my sister did not know I am in fact pregnant so she was like noooo way is Niamh pregnant don't mind my mam its all in her head!!!

I did tell my sister today and I'm not looking forward to the rest of my family response, she was not over the moon she was like your mad, your greedy wanting a baby when you have some already, my poor sister would love children but she has no boyfriend not because guys are not interested but because she has it in her head that no man would touch some one who is over weight!! slap on the head is what she needs! in saying that I was very calm as even though she was saying horrible things she was not nasty IYKWIM it was sadness on her part because she wants what I have!! she was sorry and said she did not mean to be nasty or upset me as she is jealous. I feel sick though and its left me with a bitter taste in my mouth I'm not looking forward to every one else finding out at all

Linny it will ease any day now it more the 14 week mark and some times can go on for longer but not every day or all day, you will regain your love for foods you like as well instead of thinking of food and going ugh no I cant eat that and then forcing it in any way!

Whit good luck tomorrow Im hoping you see some excellent result on the scan :hugs:

any one every ever see Gavin and Stacy this is funny love her comment about being on all fours
Hello ladies:flower:

oh boy this pregnancy is just like my DD I get up in the mornings and I feel weird no strong feeling of sickness just weird, then if I'm not quick enough and get food in to me I start dry retching nothing there to come up but its horrible :wacko: hopefully the few mouthfuls of tea and toast will do the trick for me. yesterday was a bad day im guessing its because I'm 7 weeks now :happydance: yay whoo hoo ooh any one else having mad dreams!!!! I am its driving me nuts! :dohh:

LuckyD delighted your friend is ok and has a healthy baby that great news, hope she is not to disappointed the way the birth went that can really effect you when you wanted a natural one, I had an emergency section on my first baby I was lucky and very determined on my second to have a normal delivery and I did and he was bigger 10 pounds 2 onz I was very proud of my self LOL. bet your looking forward to seeing her now, sounds like you have a great weekend planned as well :happydance:

Oooh, I know how you feel Niamh…waking up in the morning and feeling weird and rubbish! I am also having crazy dreams! Really vivid dreams every night, and often quite emotional and scary – I have had some near nightmares, they are all pretty intense! Plus of course some baby dreams – dreamt I was ready to give birth last night!

My friend is doing ok thanks…she came out of hospital yesterday but her baby is still there until Wednesday…she said she got home and saw the empty cot and burst into tears, poor darling…but is doing better now and hopefully she will get him home soon. I think she is disappointed but at the moment is just focussed on getting him home…I wonder if that disappointment will kick in a bit later, once everything has calmed down? So can’t wait to see her – I leave on Friday!! Wooooo!!
So awesome that you managed to have a ‘normal’ delivery after you first emergency c-section…no wonder you were proud of yourself, so you should be!

Lucky glad your friend is ok. It is hard not getting what you expect/want - last pregnancy my baby was also not with me the first night and it was the hardest night of my life - especially since all the other mothers in my room had theirs with them. I just wanted to cry - luckily I had her by me the next night though. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned - enjoy it!
Work this morning was tense - they did a lie detector test when the safe was stolen and then had a disciplinary hearing today for 2 people - but we are very small practice so all know each other well so it was rough. Anyway, the lawyer is apparently involved now, so I guess it is wait and see what happens. I was just glad I have not been involved in any of this and that it was quiet today so we could just chat. MS still pretty bad though occassionally I wake up ok and it develops later in the day. I wish I had strong cravings for something though as I have no clue what to eat.

I can’t imagine how hard it must be to give birth and then not have your baby with you xxx must be horrible.
Wow, that’s crazy about the lie detector test – that must be really strange with such a small group of colleagues!

Well ive had some spotting today.....had it at 6 & 7weeks and had a scan at 8weeks which showed the area of bleed. The hospital said it would continue to happen but not to worry as it doesn't affect baby, still scares me though when i see it. Its stopped now so i hope it stays away for good!
That must be so scary Linny! Hope it stays away! I keep being told by people how normal it is to have spotting in first tri though…I actually had a very small amount of brown spotting when I wiped last week, only on one occasion and I know that it’s nothing to worry about…but it’s still scary!!

I went severely hypoglycaemic again in the afternoon (its 01:00am and I have been trying to get DD back to sleep and crying myself) DH came home to find I had thrown up everywhere (when I am severely low there is no getting to the sink or toilet so it is disgusting and humiliating and a lot of work when I do finally recover) I have never thrown up from being low before so I suspect that is the MS which does not help at all. I have very little recollection of what happened for quite a few hours - DD wandered around the house alone til DH came home making a big mess poor child and DH really struggled with a difficult non cooperative wife when he had just got home from work and was exhausted. Eventually I had the strength to crawl to the bathroom and have a bath (DH helped) where I lay til I could stand again. My prayers after this go something like this: Please God, please look after my baby and look after DD when I can't and look after DH because he is so tired and help him. And God, I also need some help - but I'm sort of an after thought.

I know I begged to go to hospital but I cannot talk well when low like that and DH never will take me. He battled and yelled at me to get me to drink juice and tried the glucose packet they send with the insulin. He broke my pricker in the process of trying to get my readings (the paramedics broke it last time they had to help) - I feel like writing on there: DO NOT TOUCH!" because now I am stuck with nothing til the weekend is over - will get needles from work perhaps. I really don't know how they break it, but at the same time I can't complain because at least they tried to help and DH really had a hard time tonight so I feel sorry for him - he's sleeping upstairs now cause he is so tired and DD wakes up all night and its my turn to watch her.

Thing is I know this will happen again and the more tired I get the more likely it is because tiredness is one of the signs of going low but also one of pregnancy and its also the one that pulls me to bed instead of the kitchen cupboard.

Sorry for the long moan - it hits me so very very hard. I feel guilty and worried afterwards and very very lonely because I have caused so much trouble for other people. I have DD awake hearing me cry at 00:00 saying: "I will help you Mom, will you eat an apple. Will it help your sugar levels?" She's not even 3!!!!!! How do I look after her and me?? Just needed to get this out along with a few tears. It will keep happening and that is something I need to accept - I know people are full of advice about how to prevent it and I will do my best, but doing my best will not stop this and scary as it is I will have to live with it at least for the next 3+ weeks. I phoned my Mom and begged her to come and help but she says she can't - she lives very very far away so it is expecting a lot, but I really need some help and there is none. I cannot go to hospital like last time cause who will look after DD, but if I cannot look after DD anyway, then again: who will look after DD????

Ok I really have finished now.

Hope everyone else is ok. Whit still thinking of you and hoping the scan gives you excellent news.

Wow, Tanikit – this is so scary, and I am sending you many, many hugs xxxxx You are absolutely doing your best in a really really hard situation. I don’t have any helpful advice…but I don’t think you really need any anyway, you know everything you need to know, so I just want you to know that I am thinking of you!! And sending you lots of love and strength xx

It's so agonizing. We normally look at baby stuff at the store when we're grocery shopping, but DH refused last night. I am so mad about that, not at him at the doctor for stealing our joy! :growlmad:

Anyway my family is coming in tomorrow from 8 hours away. So happy to see them!! So I probably wont be on much after tonight until next weekend. I will update from my phone after the scan Tuesday.

More :hugs: to all of you.

Thinking of you today Whit – let us know how it goes xx

Hope you are having a lovely time with your family xx

Hi ladies. Guess it's time for me to move over from TTHF to TTHFUTD. EDD is April 3rd.

Wooooooo!!! Parkgirl, that is such awesome news! Congratulations love! So fantastic and it’s great to have you here!

Was thinking of TTHF in the first trimester - its not the most fun time of my life right now :) Any ideas - went looking at utube videos but didn't find any of them particularly funny - maybe need to look harder.

At the moment I am thinking I will fight with DH tonight, but while I feel like it, it is highly unlikely to be fun - not at the time or later. So how can I have fun right now - the most fun I have had today is eating ice lollies with my daughter out in the back garden - they were quite nice actually.

Yes, the ‘fun’ things are a bit hard to find at the moment….especially with everything that is going on for you love! Because this is my first pregnancy I am trying to focus on the exciting things, and thinking about being a Mum for the first time..but I also feel like it’s too early to go and buy clothes and things like that so it’s not that much fun! I think at this point it’s the little things to get you through the day…eating ice lollies with your daughter is a perfect example…appreciating the small moments when things are feeling good, finding a food you feel like eating, watching a movie, having a bath…whatever it is that means you can turn off for a moment and just enjoy it, even if that doesn’t last really long! Will keep having a think about the fun stuff….will let you know if I have any great ideas!

:wave: ladies!!

Congrats Parkgirl........your EDD is my birthday, Aries are just the best :D

Well I'm still feeling poop I have to say. Still feeling sick esp in the morning and still off alot of food. It seems everytime I tell people i still feel sick they say 'oh in the next two weeks it'll pass!!' Errr Ive been told that since 10wks and its now moved to 16wks!! Still exhausted too, thought second tri was supposed to be a little easier :(

Lucky....good luck tomorrow at the midwife :D

3rd April is my best friends’ birthday too!

Sorry you are still feeling so yuck Linny…must be so annoying that everyone keeps telling you it will pass and it hasn’t! Have you noticed any change at all, or is it just the same as first tri? Hope you get some sort of let up really soon!

Thanks for the good luck wishes…I am excited!

Here you know whats gross about 1st tri excessive saliva!!!! any one else have it!!! while I do not feel sick to day as much as other days!I went for a nap and woke up drooling and it was not your normal sleep drool it was running down my face and dropped on my arm and woke me up!!! gross:haha:
oooh and guess what my sister told me today!!! she met my cousin whom is also pregnant with her 5th but is in her 5th months I say, but she asked after me and said ooh I hear Niamh is pregnant as well!!!!! WTF apparently my mum about 3 months ago at a funeral told every one I was pregnant hahah I wasn't but Dam it my sister did not know I am in fact pregnant so she was like noooo way is Niamh pregnant don't mind my mam its all in her head!!!
I did tell my sister today and I'm not looking forward to the rest of my family response, she was not over the moon she was like your mad, your greedy wanting a baby when you have some already, my poor sister would love children but she has no boyfriend not because guys are not interested but because she has it in her head that no man would touch some one who is over weight!! slap on the head is what she needs! in saying that I was very calm as even though she was saying horrible things she was not nasty IYKWIM it was sadness on her part because she wants what I have!! she was sorry and said she did not mean to be nasty or upset me as she is jealous. I feel sick though and its left me with a bitter taste in my mouth I'm not looking forward to every one else finding out at all
any one every ever see Gavin and Stacy this is funny love her comment about being on all fours

Yes, I have the saliva thing too! It’s so weird.

Oh, so sorry you had a rough conversation with your sister. As you said, her response is about her own feelings and situation, it’s not really about you at all and you don’t need to take it on board. Easier said than done though, I know! Why will the rest of your family react badly love?

I can’t watch the vids cos I am at work but will watch them later!

Midwife appointment today! Yay!

I told my boss yesterday, as we were doing some planning for the future (I am meant to be going down to 3 days a week, that was the arrangement when I took this job). He was ok about it, not over the moon but wasn’t mean about it so that was good!

Feeling pretty rubbish…throwing up most days and just feeling generally crappy and tired. I am flying to Melbourne on Friday though to see my friend, so that’ is going to be a great break from work. Am pretty worried about being sick on the flight though! Anyone else flown with ms and got any good tips??

Whit – my thoughts are with you today.
Yay - congrats Parkgirl and wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! Glad to see you here!
:hugs: Thanks! H&H 9 months to you!

parkgirl :happydance::happydance: huge congrats delighted to see you here:happydance::thumbup:

Thanks! Good to be here.

:wave: ladies!!

Congrats Parkgirl........your EDD is my birthday, Aries are just the best :D

Well I'm still feeling poop I have to say. Still feeling sick esp in the morning and still off alot of food. It seems everytime I tell people i still feel sick they say 'oh in the next two weeks it'll pass!!' Errr Ive been told that since 10wks and its now moved to 16wks!! Still exhausted too, thought second tri was supposed to be a little easier :(

Tankit....if I could find something fun to do in first tri i would defo pass on my knowledge but I'm afraid i'm yet to find it :D I very much enjoyed salty chips for lunch today though......I only had a couple but they were super gorg :p

Celtic....hope our feeling better hun :hugs: I'm soooo glad I'm over those first awful few weeks!

Lucky....good luck tomorrow at the midwife :D

Whit.....big BIG :hugs: for tomorrow, let us know how things go!

Oh, I hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for the welcome and, yes, April is a wonderful month.

I'm doing my best to relax about everything. I don't get to see my OB/GYN until the beginning of September. Feels like forever away.

Ohh, LuckyD, you popped in while I was posting. HI! I'm jealous you get to see a midwife already. I hope it all goes well.
Lucky :happydance: on seeing the midwife cool, hey do I remember you saying you wanted a home birth? I wanted one of those on my second pregnancy, but its all independent midwifes and very expensive so I left it. only for the GD I would consider it :flower: ooh I'm guessing my family will be like, your mad wanting another baby how will you cope what about money bla bla. but you see the thing is I know we can cope, plus for once DH has done the maths and we are ok for money as well. we are feeling very positive and know one more will add to the joy not make it harder for us. :flower: heheh hopefully I'm worrying over nothing, but I have a speech in my head for if I hear one negative comment:haha:

I still feel OK this morning, eek got toast in me before I felt the urge of Dry retching, I got new pregnancy vitamins on Saturday and I'm wondering have they anything to do with not feeling as sick?

ha you know what funny, when you have MS you want it to go away when you feel good you want to feel sick :dohh: cant win hehehe
Yay - congrats Parkgirl and wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy! Glad to see you here!
:hugs: Thanks! H&H 9 months to you!

parkgirl :happydance::happydance: huge congrats delighted to see you here:happydance::thumbup:

Thanks! Good to be here.

:wave: ladies!!

Congrats Parkgirl........your EDD is my birthday, Aries are just the best :D

Well I'm still feeling poop I have to say. Still feeling sick esp in the morning and still off alot of food. It seems everytime I tell people i still feel sick they say 'oh in the next two weeks it'll pass!!' Errr Ive been told that since 10wks and its now moved to 16wks!! Still exhausted too, thought second tri was supposed to be a little easier :(

Tankit....if I could find something fun to do in first tri i would defo pass on my knowledge but I'm afraid i'm yet to find it :D I very much enjoyed salty chips for lunch today though......I only had a couple but they were super gorg :p

Celtic....hope our feeling better hun :hugs: I'm soooo glad I'm over those first awful few weeks!

Lucky....good luck tomorrow at the midwife :D

Whit.....big BIG :hugs: for tomorrow, let us know how things go!

Oh, I hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for the welcome and, yes, April is a wonderful month.

I'm doing my best to relax about everything. I don't get to see my OB/GYN until the beginning of September. Feels like forever away.

Ohh, LuckyD, you popped in while I was posting. HI! I'm jealous you get to see a midwife already. I hope it all goes well.

April is a wonderful month my youngest DS was born the 12 of August and he is pure delight and so funny for a 4 year old :thumbup:

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