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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Hi ladies!

Sorry, I have not been around BnB for a little while so feel I am a bit out of the loop!

I hope everyone is doing well - it's great to read about how many of you are finding the ms is easing - must be such a relief! I can't wait to join you!

too true about Mum's being intuitive - my Mum knew before I told her and I was only 4 weeks! She just had a feeling.

So things have been pretty yuck with the ms, last week was terrible. I had some acupuncture on Friday and on Sunday, and it seems to have taken the edge off a little - I am still throwing up, but more like 5 times a day as opposed to 10. I am still managing to keep some food down though, and am drinking so much water, so am not getting dehydrated.

I spoke to my boss on Monday as I have been really struggling at work - he was a lot more understanding that I expected, so as of yesterday I am working from home in the morning, then going to see clients in the afternoon. It's much better, as although I am still sick, it's way better being sick at home and not having to put on a brave face at work. Would love not to be working at all!! But this is a more bearable way to do it.

Hope you are all doing well! Will try and stay up to date a bit better xxx
LuckyD- :hugs: I feel for you with the ms. I really hope it passes for you very soon. Great news you can work from home in the mornings. Like you said, at least you won't have to pretend you are feeling well when you feel like poo. :sick:

Hi to everyone else. I've been super tired the past few days and sick almost all day and all night. Had to sit on the couch all night since every time I tried to go on my side, I instantly got sick. Sitting up was the only way things were staying down.

I hope you all are doing well.
Had my scan to day, went great baby doing every thing it should and my dates are bang on I was so relieved to see a heart beat and the little arms and legs kicking,so happy! such a relief I'm so shattered now.

My sugars went high as well, I went for a nap and woke up with heart palpitations I checked my sugars they were (8.3) 3 hours after my lunch. I felt awful so am wipped out now. Is that high for 3 hours after eating Tanikit

Parkgirl and Lucky big hugs girls, I hope the ms eases soon for you mine has a little now at last
CelticNiamh- So glad your scan went well. I bet it was great seeing those little arms and legs moving. Sorry about your sugars.
CelticNiamh- So glad your scan went well. I bet it was great seeing those little arms and legs moving. Sorry about your sugars.

Oh it was, I was still picturing my little baby last night going to sleep, so glad all was ok and were its should be as well. :happydance:
Oooooh hello celtic. I have just seen your link to here while aboard the maca train lol.
Would you ladies be kind enough to make room for another one :hugs::hugs:
My baby is due on january 25th. I'm a little lost on the boards i don't feel i belong anywhere but on the maca board so it would be nice to have somewhere else to go to. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Look forward to meeting all you the ladies on the thread.
Oooooh hello celtic. I have just seen your link to here while aboard the maca train lol.
Would you ladies be kind enough to make room for another one :hugs::hugs:
My baby is due on january 25th. I'm a little lost on the boards i don't feel i belong anywhere but on the maca board so it would be nice to have somewhere else to go to. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Look forward to meeting all you the ladies on the thread.

Welcome Sparkle your in the right place none of that scary first tri stuff :winkwink:

More than enough room for you :hugs:
Hey! Thanks for the link my Maca Sisters!!!! Hooray! I am getting ready to head to bed for the night....sleeeeeeepy! HUGS for you GIRLS!!! I am really excited and nervous. Crazy I haven't been pregnant in like 9 years.
Hi Celtic and Whispy :hugs::hugs:

Whispy it's crazy isn't it. I have 5 almost 6 years between all of mine. I can't believe how much things change in 5 years. Every baby the feeding guides have changed. I said to my DH the other night I'm going to take a little of what worked with each child and put it together lol. No one tell the health visitor though lol. I cant believe the way they want you to make up feeds now. They say you now have to make them up fresh each time. Can you imagine a screaming Hungary baby :baby: waiting patiently for you to boil the kettle add the milk and then cool it down :dohh: The poor baby will be full of wind before you even start the feed :dohh: Don't even get me started on how you would feed when your out. Apparently you should take a flask of hot water and make them up while your out :growlmad: With my last one you sterilized the bottles and put the water in, they then got left on the side ready for you to pop the milk in and then warm through. This is what i will do this time. I will just hide the bottles when the sticky beaks come calling :rofl:

What do you find has changed for you ? Do you do things differently where you are ? I think it would be interesting to see how the advice changes in other countries.

Enjoy your day ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Sparkle and Whispy, welcome and congrats!

Celtic - you mustn't compare your sugars with mine as when you are not on insulin then things are very very different and your levels are kept far tighter under control than mine are - 8.3 is pretty high after meals for someone not on insulin - mine can go as high as 12 though after eating if I am not careful and have been as high as 21 (but that was cause my insulin needle got blocked so I never got any insulin that mealtime) Do you notice when it is high or only if you test - I can only tell when they get above 12 - then I am more tired and thirsty.

So glad you had a great scan - it is exciting to see all is ok.

Sparkle the bottle issue I think was like that when I was pregnant with my first (she's nearly 3) but I breastfed her for 26 months so have never had to make bottles - well I did once or twice when they said she was underweight, but it was too much effort to breastfeed and bottle feed so I dropped the bottle.

Parkgirl and Lucky :hugs: really hoping the MS will start easing for you soon. Mine is still not gone but greatly improving - mostly its there when my sugars are low now. It makes you so tired.

Today DD is in school and I am not working - going to get my hair cut today finally and then just rest a bit. I may get a car soon but don't want to get too excited about it yet in case it doesn't work out - I need one so badly! We may take DD to the zoo this weekend also and it will be nice to get out. If I can also just get some sleep things will be better - DD has been coming into our bed at night again purely because I am too tired to go to her and I don't wake up when she climbs in our bed anymore so can't take her back. Anything for sleep right now, but I will have to get her back to her own room again soon - long before baby comes.
wispy you made it :hugs: great to see you here:flower: hope you had a goods night sleep:flower:

Sparkle Thats the way I would have made bottles, I mean once they are closed they are fine till you add the milk in, here they want us to start using a beaker for feeds from 6 months old!!! Ive seem mothers do it out as well, I thought madness they are babies for such a short time and thats all well and good on your first (you have the time) but not when you have more than one! any way I think its taking thier child hood away from them, plenty of time for a beaker when they are closer to 1 not 6 months :dohh:

I do plan on Breasfeeding Ive managed it on all of them so as long as bubs takes to it then thats the plan for now. I will have a few bottles so I can get baby used to them so DH can get a chance to hold and feed and cuddle as well.

Tanikit that was 3 hours after I had eaten as well, I was so tired and thirsty, I went up stairs to have a lie down fell asleep and woke up with my heart pounding in my chest I felt awful, I came down stairs and then checked them it had eased off a bit by then but took till bed time for me to feel some what normal again. I had a very small dinner so they were fine on fasting yet I think that was because I had dinner at 5.30 and had breckfast at 8am the next morning a long fast. I will know for sure in two weeks I have GTT then.

Have a lovely day getting the hair done :hugs:

Im off to a friends house this morning I will be so tired again later on :wacko:
Hi Tanikit, wow 26 months of breast feeding how fantastic. Unfortunately i have never got to grips with breast feeding :growlmad: I have tried :cry: I have decided I'm not going to give it ago this time because i find it to stressful when i can't get it right. I'm just going to relax and bottle feed. I have taken some stick from the midwife and a few others but this is my last baby and i want to enjoy every feeding time and not worry :happydance:

Are you going to breast feed again with this little one ?
Good luck with getting the little one back in her own bed lol. I can relate to the disturbed nights :dohh: My DD didn't sleep for the first 3 years of her life :wacko: she finally went through the night just after her 3rd birthday. I was cross eyed some days.

I hope the morning sickness and tiredness gets better for you soon :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for having me :blush:
Hi Celtic, 6 months and drinking from a beaker :wacko: has the world gone mad lol.

I agree I'm going to give my baby a bottle until they are at least 1. Feeding baby is bonding and one on one time. I'm really liking the fact that this baby will be born in the winter and the night feeds will be all warm and cosy while i listen to the wind and rain outside. Oooh and the big warm cosy toes on the pram lol.

Wow another lady i take my hat off to with the breast feeding. How fantastic that you have been successful with all your babies :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Enjoy your day celtic :hugs::hugs:
Celtic - aww, sorry you are having a rough time - if you have GTT will they start you on insulin or not? Don't starve yourself - even if your sugars are higher than they should be you still need to eat!

Sparkle - I'd like to breastfeed this one, but all babies are individuals so will have to see how it goes - babies tend to do what you least expect so I try not to have too many set plans and just see how it goes. I also agree on reducing stress - happy Mom = happy baby, so do what works for you!

How did you survive a child who didn't sleep? I am so not coping with the lack of sleep and the problem is I hear people say: I waited til my child slept through before becoming pregnant again - I will be going from one non sleeper to the next - it could be 6 years before I get sleep! Maybe this one will be a lazy thing who sleeps well - ever hopeful!
Well Tanikit let me put your mind at rest lol My sister in law had a none sleeper the first time round. Her DD was worse than ella my DD. The fear was clear on her face when she found out that she was expecting again ( not planned :dohh: ) She would be up and down several times a night. The day she brought the new baby home from hospital the eldest who was 4 by then slept through the night it was very odd. They never had any trouble from her again :dohh:

I think i only got through it because i had family close by, a very supportive husband and two other children who were very well behaved. Ella did suffer from reflex as well so i think you kind of make allowances for them as there in pain :cry:
We look back on it now and wonder how on earth we managed, but we did and we cant wait until she has children who don't sleep and we can say ooh she's just like you used to be lol.

I'm going to try and settle this one into it's own room quite soon after it's born and try and get it into a routine. I don't think it helped Ella much as because we were so tired we didn't have much of a routine going on for her :dohh:
Hello ladies I'm just checking in to say I'm off on holiday tomorrow. I will check back in here at the end of the week. Hope you all have a fab week. Catch you all next week :hugs::hugs:
Enjoy your holiday Sparkle.

I went very low again last night and DH called the paramedics this time as I was fighting him so much. I have very little memory of it up until I was in the hospital - apparently I fought them a lot too and I am covered in bruises and pricks everywhere - I think they tried to draw blood at least 3 times in my right arm and I know they tried to draw an arterial blood sample (its REALLY sore to do that) also three times on my left arm and then there was the fight to get the drip in - I think they tried that 4 times based on the marks on my hands. And they wouldn't even get a doppler to check on baby. DD had to come with my DH to the hospital and was awake from 22:00 til 00:30 when I finally got her back to sleep only for her to land up back in our bed a short time later. I think DH has taken a big knock but I don't know what to do about it because I have also been traumatised by it and also need to recover. It feels like DH and I are in constant crisis - we barely talk anymore, we just go through the motions - he's forever trying to get my sugars up and do the necessary and there is no space to talk about how I or he feels about this - I suspect he is constantly angry with me but that is because I know the nurses were last night too - one hit me in the face and waved a needle at me and told me to stop yelling (and I don't even remember yelling) Everyone is always angry with me when I go low and get combative - I know its hard on them, but does anyone have any clue how hard it is on me and do they even care or are they just trying to survive what is so hard for them too. And what DD thinks of all this is anyone's guess. Sometimes I wish I was two so that when I come home from hospital I don't have to still put my DD down to sleep and so that someone can take care of me just for a short while and let me sleep.
Oh Tanikit :hugs: my heart just broke reading that. That sounds so scary and awful, I am so so sorry that things are just so incredibly rough for you. It sounds like everyone is just operating in survival mode, as you say - just doing what needs to be done - and while that is sometimes the way that things have to be, it is really hard for it to continue for so long and to be lacking the other things in life - the communication and love and comfort that you need.

Can anyone help out at all? I know you mentioned your DHs mother was there recently? It sounds like so much to cope with just by yourself, is there any family around that can step in for a bit?

Sending you a lot of love and hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Tanikit how are you feeling now hun, that must have been so scary, you really need a break so you and DH can reconnect and get a chance to talk :hugs:

I hope the hypos ease off now and you can relax a little and enjot the pregnany a bit more :hugs:

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