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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Tanikit- :hugs: So sorry sweetie.

Welcome to all the new ladies. So much happened while I was out of town.

AFM- MS is still kicking my rear, but I'm doing my best to get on with each day. Work still doesn't know and I've had to find creative ways to get out of the main office area when I'm feeling sick. One thing nice with working with all guys is they are very unobservant.
Thanks guys - I am recovering somewhat from Friday but its been a very rough weekend. We went to DH's parents for Saturday night which let me get some sleep at least - I feel like such a bad guest cause I just kept disappearing to sleep. I fainted in the supermarket yesterday too - at the till. It was so hot and I felt so sick in there - I warned DH that I felt faint, but thought I would get out of there without fainting - the supermarket was quite good - there were people there in seconds getting me water and juice and they took me to my car in a wheelchair which was good as we were parked really far away, but it was embarrassing - actually after Friday I thought it was pretty minor and could even laugh about it - at least I know my blood pressure is low rather than high.

Parkgirl so sorry you are still battling with MS - I don't know how you do it without work knowing.

Celtic how are the sugars treating you? When are they going to test you for GD? Hope things get stable there soon.

Hi Nix how are you doing?
Hey ladies! Hope we are all fandabidosie! xxx

Hey Nixilix how are you feeling has the MS eased at all :flower:

Parkgirl oooh you will get some relief soon, it does ease off and you will have more good days than bad! handy the way men can be blind to whats going on around them! or may be they have more tact and secrectly know and say nothing! :shrug::haha:

Tanikit oh lord not good at all hope your feeling better now:hugs: better than a low though! glad you could see the funny side after. I had a low out shopping I was with my friend and all the kids! she noticed I wasnt right and my eldest did as well! I checked and they were quite low, some high sugar drink and then some food sorted me out, but I was shattered all day saturday and felt so sick as well all I wanted to do was sleep but couldnt becuase we went up to my mums! I have my GTT on the 8th so not long to wait!

On a good note I told my mum and she is happy for us, moaning about not living close enough to me, think I have talked her in to spending a week with me when baby is born:haha:

my sister sent me a message this morning as well and said congrats so so far no negative comments which I expected seeing as it was bub number 5:happydance:

My poor MIL has had to go to hospital she is not well at all, her esophagus has a blockage and she cant keep even water down! My FIL may have diabetities as well and needs a GTT in two weeks so much going on at the mo

ooh my babyboy started his first day at school and loved it!
Celtic you and your family have been busy - glad they are all positive about the pregnancy - its always great to have some support and positiveness around you (is that even a word) Hope your Mom gets better soon and good luck for both you and your Dad with the GTT. Hope your little one continues to enjoy school.
Hope you are feeling a bit better now.

My sugars ran pretty high today which is normal after a low like Fridays - I just get too scared for it to happen again so let them run high which I suppose is a bit stupid, but its also a survival mechanism.
Hi lovely people!

I haven't been around BnB much, just existing in MS world as I am sure many of you can understand!

But - yesterday I actually lasted a whole day without throwing up!! Can't believe it. Not wanting to get my hopes up but maybe the worst is over...???

How is everyone doing? xxx
Lucky yay for a "throw up free day" - sorry you have been having it rough with the MS. 11 weeks is about the time it can start getting better, though don't expect it to disappear - even at 14+ weeks now I am still having some bad days with MS and I did throw up a few days back, but mostly it is better. Hopefully this is the turning point for you though.

Scanned myself at work again the other day and did it when I was slightly low - baby was kicking and quite happy - seem the sugars don't affect it like they do me. Gender scan in 10 days - still not sure whether I would guess boy or girl - anyone want to take a guess before the scan?
Lucky yay for a "throw up free day" - sorry you have been having it rough with the MS. 11 weeks is about the time it can start getting better, though don't expect it to disappear - even at 14+ weeks now I am still having some bad days with MS and I did throw up a few days back, but mostly it is better. Hopefully this is the turning point for you though.

Scanned myself at work again the other day and did it when I was slightly low - baby was kicking and quite happy - seem the sugars don't affect it like they do me. Gender scan in 10 days - still not sure whether I would guess boy or girl - anyone want to take a guess before the scan?

Yeah, I don't think I am out of the woods but hey, if I am only throwing up once or twice a day that is a great improvement so I'm happy!

Awesome that your bubs is not being affected by the sugars and is happily kicking away - how cute!

Ooooh, so you are finding out whether it is a boy or a girl? Exciting.

I don't know why but my money is on a BOY!
Hiya ladies! Sorry I disappeared, I didn't feel strong enough of ready to be part of a pregnancy group for a while there, but I'm now 12 +1 and had an amazing scan on Friday so I do believe this baby is for keeps, :)

PG & Lucky- I'm sorry MS kicking your butts! I lost 16lbs between week 5&10 due to ms. But from week 10 is started to ease from once or twice a day, to now every 3 or 4 days :thumbup:

Tanikit I'm going to say boy for you too - and I've felt quite faint a few times but luckily haven't passed out, I'm glad the shop peeps were so helpful though, and you can't complain with a free ride to the car!

How are we all? And any beautiful bumps popping out yet??

Hey Ladies, :flower:

My MS has come back with a bang, I kind of expect it to ease again though I hope:cry: I am like a bag of cats today so cross hormones I think, It has been a very busy week with kids back in school and trying to keep on top of the house work Im wrecked! Im such a moan today.

Mush delighed you had a great scan :happydance: I think Im getting a belly more like I have eaten to many pies buit none of my clothes are fitting or my knickers so annoying!

Lucky whoo hoo I say it will ease now all right!

I will be back later when Im feeling more human eek!
:wave: ladies!!

Sorry that some of you are still suffering with ms. I think mine eased around 10 weeks and then came back 12/13 and stayed till 16. Since then though Ive been feeling great. No retching in the shower, no nibbling at food and never finding anything I fancy eating. My appetite is very strong, just need to incorporate a few more veggies in there though!

My only downside is still headaches now and again and peeing still so much, especially in the night so sleep isn't great! Plus my spotting still likes to make an occasional appearence but I think I'm coming to terms with that now!

My bump started to change shape last week and its now looking much more baby, but no movement yet :( Wish I had felt something but those stomach muscles of mine must be strong :haha: Ive also having to get new bra's all the time, my boobs look no bigger but they must be growing, esp around my ribcage cos ive gone up two sizes now :D

Hows everyone else?
:hi: ladies!!! Just wanted to drop in and say hello, and I can't wait till I get to come join you! Not yet, but soon, very soon, I promise. :winkwink: xoxoxo

Hope you're all feeling wonderful...I see some morning sickness posts, so hope that passes very soon. Love ya!:kiss:
Hi everyone - hope the MS improves soon. Mine is better but still hanging around a bit.

I seem to have got some energy back now - well that is after an afternoon nap :) We drained the swimming pool yesterday as it is so hot here and the pool was filthy and needs cleaning before we can swim - we did it means me (and DD helped) I'm hoping to have it up and running in a week, but not sure I have the energy for all of it.

Hehe, everyone thinks boy for this one. I don't know either way and will be happy with either - ones new and exciting, the other is reassuring as I've done it before.

MyTurnYet - hope it will be your turn very soon - want you to join us!

I have started looking quite pregnant now and it seems very early. I have put on now 3kgs (6 pounds) and its going to go up fast now. I am trying not to overdo it but have my doubts - I was HUGE at thet end last time and put on 22kgs (about 48 pounds I think)

My cousin had a baby boy by C-section this morning. She lives far away so I won't see him and not sure I am ready to see newborns yet - it might scare me. Her baby weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces (3.8kgs)
Hi Ladies :flower:

I had my GTT test yesterday, so now the week long wait for the results starts! if this one comes back ok I have to have a repeat in a few weeks. Im scared they will miss it like they did on my second son he was very big.

Tanikit congrats on your cousins nephew whoo hoo, Im not sure if you know, but how acurate are the meters at reading your blood sugar readings, I checked mine a few minutes before they they took my second bloods yesterday and they were 8.8 :shrug: will the bloods be lower or about the same in the blood test!

How is every one else doing, I am living to be futher a long and have a proper reason for my big tummy I look 6 months never mind 3 LOL yet I havent put on any weight yet!!!!!
In general the blood sugar machines read slightly lower than the actual blood tests - the reason is that they want you to treat the hypoglycaemia sooner. The higher the readings get though the more accurate they seem to become. I think if you were 8.8 though that they should classify you as a gestational diabetic - but that depends on who does the test. Good luck - must be very stressful all this waiting!

I am picking up weight now and because of it and that it is well into the second trimester now, my sugars are rising and running around 6-8 most of the time (even the premeal ones now) I have had to up the insulin again and from here on until about 36 weeks it should creep up fairly gradually. At least no lows in the last few days - finally!

I drained our swimming pool a few days back (too much manual labour for a pregnant woman) and it is now pretty clean though I would like to give it a once over again tomorrow and then we can refill it, sort out the chemicals and swim! It is so HOT here now - will be a killing summer - what a bad time to be pregnant :) so I can't wait to swim. What I will wear when it is Dec/Jan I have no clue as I am already in the coolest maternity clothes I can find and I can't go to work naked.

Off work for 10 days now - have to plan DDs birthday (its on Tuesday), DHs birthday (next Saturday), get the pool working and have a gender scan - will be pretty busy. MS has pretty much gone now, but I am scared to say that as it has a habit of reappearing when I think its gone. So in general I am feeling a lot better.

:hugs: for everyone else and hoping things are going well.
Tanikit thanks for that, I was wondering if they read higher! I guess my two hour test will come back a little high so, but you know it will be a relief as I know I have it I'm above the recommended levels for pregnancy now as it is and I know this baby is feeling big already! I am used to going straight the the clinic and going on the diet its a horrible wait! I have a doctor appointment next week so see what she says, they told me she would get my results,
I am running out of clothes to wear already! eek I'm down to one bra I ordered some but they were no good so returning them asap LOL

I am kilt here with the heat and its only about 22 degrees when the sun out its very humid though as well, so can only guess what you must feel like the heat and pregnancy just do not go well together at all. I found it very hard in Australia as well when I was pregnant on DD, we always used to joke about that how there is only so much clothes you can take off in the heat, but at least when its cold you can add layers!. what you need is a bikini and a sarong dress :thumbup: and a portable cold air fan!

delighted you are feeling better and FX MS stays away and no more lows either good luck getting the pool filled and enjoy it when it is :flower:
22 is pretty warm - you are going into autumn aren't you? We were at 26 today and its the start of spring, so could be well into the 30s by the time summer is here (if not sooner) No rain yet and we are starting to need some - its very dry and I am getting hay fever because of it. 60% chance of rain tomorrow though - better get a move on with the pool as if it rains it will be time to fill whether it has been cleaned properly or not!

Will you just be on a diet for the diabetes and how often will you have to check levels? With all that extra work its amazing you have lots of pregnancies. I told DH I am not sure I can do this again - but I probably said that last time too.
Hey everyone!

Hi Jill! Your space over here is so saved....can't wait til you join us (really soon!!).

Good luck with your results Niamh! How nerve-wracking having to wait a week...
I love your sayings so much - what does 'I am kilt here' mean? Plus saying that you were 'a bag of cats' - love it!

Yay for no lows Tanikit! And good luck with getting that pool filled. I know that it must be horrible and hot, but I can't help being a little jealous...I am so sick of winter! The thought of sun and a pool sounds awesome right now - but I bet if it was really hot I'd be complaining too!

Hope everyone else is doing well....I haven't been on here heaps as I don't want to keep whinging about MS all the time, and that's pretty much my life at the moment so don't have much else to add!

Oooh except 12 weeks on Monday! And my second midwife appointment. Yay!

I am looking huge too Niamh...definitely a lot bigger than a few months ago, but it must just be bloat or my organs being pushed out...I look like a have a big preggo belly!
Tanikit yep it is september is always warm but can be wet as well, so heat humidity and rain sticky weather it looks like rain here today! we had floods this time last year so hope we dont have that again, I am lookin forward to the cold and a winter baby last christmas we have a very bad cold snap snow for weeks and frost and ice every morning I love frosty mornings LOL you will find 30 very hot eek!

Lucky how are ya hun, hoping that MS eases soon, I found it was really bad last week so far not bad yesterday or today I enjoyed my dinner yesterday and I ate loads :happydance:
glad you like all my sayings :haha:
Im kilt is ( finding the heat really hard to cope with)
bag of cats is ( very very cross)

whoo hoo for the midwife appointment I cant wait for the doctor but really cant wait for the hospital and seeing baby again!
a baby bump already thats brilliant! here are you having a scan I dont know why twins is jumping in my head prob way wrong but ya never know :winkwink:

well take care girls I better haul ass and get these boys ready for school :flower:
Lucky - yay for getting to 12 weeks - may take a while but things do eventually settle down as far as all the 1st trimester complaints go. You are nearly in 2nd now! I must say I am not terribly keen on winter myself - give me spring and autumn any day. Summer is much too hot though. Lucky if you are big already maybe it is twins? That would be fun (and scary)

Had a busy day today - we ordered a cake for DDs birthday and will pick it up on Monday afternoon, I took her to a Moms and tots group and went low there (after being a week without I had forgotten) but it was easily fixed and then we took her to the Irene dairy farm which is quite fun for her. Tomorrow I plan on resting - oh yeah and fixing the pool I forgot about today. Have a good weekend everyone.
Twins - yikes! I don't think so though. It's not really a baby bump, just a big old tummy - must just be really bloated or things shifting around in there. I do like to scare my OH by telling him it might be twins though...just to see the look of panic on his face.

Enjoy your rest day tomorrow Tanikit x

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