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Oh , wugz, idk if you knew this, cuz I didn't, but STOP TEMPING AFTER ABOUT 18 DPO!

I found out after that some women can REALLY fluctuate and since estrogen rises with progesterone, you're temp can do weird stuff once pregnant. I still took mine till my bloods were taken, but then put the thermometer away. And be prepared for the possibility of weird cm! (TMI but true!)

Thanks for the heads up!!!! Every couple hours, I feel "something" discharging, and run to the bathroom, terrified that its going to be red or brown, but is just white and creamy? Normal or not?
Oh , wugz, idk if you knew this, cuz I didn't, but STOP TEMPING AFTER ABOUT 18 DPO!

I found out after that some women can REALLY fluctuate and since estrogen rises with progesterone, you're temp can do weird stuff once pregnant. I still took mine till my bloods were taken, but then put the thermometer away. And be prepared for the possibility of weird cm! (TMI but true!)

Thanks for the heads up!!!! Every couple hours, I feel "something" discharging, and run to the bathroom, terrified that its going to be red or brown, but is just white and creamy? Normal or not?

Yip very normal. Since getting preg I change my pantyliner more than twice everyday they are like soaking wet yuck.lol
2ndtry we're all pulling for you! And Ft mommy too!

Now that I think about it, this was really the perfect cycle for it to happen. I'm a teacher, and my due date will be right at Christmas time (as I'm sure Nazz and Angel Wings will be too!). This way, I'll already be on Christmas break for 2 weeks, which will give me two extra weeks of paid maternity leave!

I made an appointment with my doctor last Thursday when my temp dropped and I thought I was out, to talk about my 'infertility'. Guess I'll keep the appointment but just change the reason:happydance:

Angel... I know, I'm so embarrassed that I was such a big baby and ready to give up a few days ago. Crazy how things work out!

Never give up!

Blame those pesky hormones :D
Yep! Lol! I've cried several times since ovulation! Not to mention Jay and I don't argue that much, but we argued a lot during my 2ww.... I can say that MOST (but not all) of the times were due to me being bitchy. Now work is stressing me out more than it already was. I hate my job, and the last couple says I've been so irritated that I actually paid someone $20 so I could go home first instead of her! Worth it cuz otherwise I was afraid b I'd say something to make me lose my job. I have zero patience right now . With all my other pregnancies I was never moody like this. Maybe I'll be better once I have my scan and see the heart beat . I think I'll relax after that. That's all I'm obsessing over, wish my scan was next week, but b it would be probably too early to see the hb, so waitingtill 7 1/2 weeks is b better because they should at least see the fetal pole, and usually see the hb then - although I've read stories of seeing first hb at 5 1/2 wks, but some not for a couple more weeks....

Stickiest dust ever for everyone!

Ft mommy and 2nd try and Pdubs:
First off :sex:
Then: :yipee: :wohoo: :headspin: (ancient pregnancy dance) :haha:
Oh , wugz, idk if you knew this, cuz I didn't, but STOP TEMPING AFTER ABOUT 18 DPO!

I found out after that some women can REALLY fluctuate and since estrogen rises with progesterone, you're temp can do weird stuff once pregnant. I still took mine till my bloods were taken, but then put the thermometer away. And be prepared for the possibility of weird cm! (TMI but true!)

Thanks for the heads up!!!! Every couple hours, I feel "something" discharging, and run to the bathroom, terrified that its going to be red or brown, but is just white and creamy? Normal or not?

Yip very normal. Since getting preg I change my pantyliner more than twice everyday they are like soaking wet yuck.lol
I got all panicky Friday night, (TMI) cuz I went to pee and when I wiped there was like a yellowish little glob of jelly. Sorry it sounds gross, I thought maybe my mucous plug was already breaking! But I found out that it can happen while the plug is forming and that the plug constantly is "regenerating" so it sheds a little here and there....also, if you've already had a baby, it's more likely to happen because the cervix tends to be a little more open than for first time pregnancies. It said only to call the doc if a REALLY big glob came out, but even then it could be fine.

I just freaked cuz that's never happened to me before, but this like my 7 th pregnancy now, so my cervix has dealt with lots of changes lol
PDubs, are you guys NTNP?

Kinda...stopped doing OPKs...waiting for my next cycle to start...still on the same one from January so waiting for meds to kick in but trying to just BD lots and thats about it
Oh , wugz, idk if you knew this, cuz I didn't, but STOP TEMPING AFTER ABOUT 18 DPO!

I found out after that some women can REALLY fluctuate and since estrogen rises with progesterone, you're temp can do weird stuff once pregnant. I still took mine till my bloods were taken, but then put the thermometer away. And be prepared for the possibility of weird cm! (TMI but true!)

Thanks for the heads up!!!! Every couple hours, I feel "something" discharging, and run to the bathroom, terrified that its going to be red or brown, but is just white and creamy? Normal or not?

Totally normal! I'm 20 weeks and STILL getting gobs of it (TMI sorry :haha:). Even if you get some slight bleeding I wouldn't panic unless it lasts awhile and you get strong cramping. It's most likely baby snuggling in for it's 9 month ride :D
Oh , wugz, idk if you knew this, cuz I didn't, but STOP TEMPING AFTER ABOUT 18 DPO!

I found out after that some women can REALLY fluctuate and since estrogen rises with progesterone, you're temp can do weird stuff once pregnant. I still took mine till my bloods were taken, but then put the thermometer away. And be prepared for the possibility of weird cm! (TMI but true!)

Thanks for the heads up!!!! Every couple hours, I feel "something" discharging, and run to the bathroom, terrified that its going to be red or brown, but is just white and creamy? Normal or not?

Yip very normal. Since getting preg I change my pantyliner more than twice everyday they are like soaking wet yuck.lol

LOL Ok good I'm not the only one!
2ndtry we're all pulling for you! And Ft mommy too!

Now that I think about it, this was really the perfect cycle for it to happen. I'm a teacher, and my due date will be right at Christmas time (as I'm sure Nazz and Angel Wings will be too!). This way, I'll already be on Christmas break for 2 weeks, which will give me two extra weeks of paid maternity leave!

I made an appointment with my doctor last Thursday when my temp dropped and I thought I was out, to talk about my 'infertility'. Guess I'll keep the appointment but just change the reason:happydance:

Angel... I know, I'm so embarrassed that I was such a big baby and ready to give up a few days ago. Crazy how things work out!

Never give up!

Blame those pesky hormones :D
Yep! Lol! I've cried several times since ovulation! Not to mention Jay and I don't argue that much, but we argued a lot during my 2ww.... I can say that MOST (but not all) of the times were due to me being bitchy. Now work is stressing me out more than it already was. I hate my job, and the last couple says I've been so irritated that I actually paid someone $20 so I could go home first instead of her! Worth it cuz otherwise I was afraid b I'd say something to make me lose my job. I have zero patience right now . With all my other pregnancies I was never moody like this. Maybe I'll be better once I have my scan and see the heart beat . I think I'll relax after that. That's all I'm obsessing over, wish my scan was next week, but b it would be probably too early to see the hb, so waitingtill 7 1/2 weeks is b better because they should at least see the fetal pole, and usually see the hb then - although I've read stories of seeing first hb at 5 1/2 wks, but some not for a couple more weeks....

Stickiest dust ever for everyone!

Ft mommy and 2nd try and Pdubs:
First off :sex:
Then: :yipee: :wohoo: :headspin: (ancient pregnancy dance) :haha:

Maybe you're having a girl :D
Do they say preggo's are Moodier with a girl?

I can tell you this much, I am CRAZY bloated right now. I went from "pants are snug" to looking like I'm 3 or 4 months!

Literally went to work with a close to flat stomach, now it's popped out, I tried sucking in to see what would happen, and it didn't budge! Wth? I'm only 5 weeks! This happened last time (with my MC)..... Omg I sorta ruled out twins, cuz of my beta, but now I'm wondering!

I know bloating is normal but this is crazy! I'm not too constipated, I didn't "go" today though. but I don't see one day doing this!

I hope it's just weird gas/bloating and will go back down. Otherwise people are going to notice!
Well apparently gas is the cause, lol. I made that post an hour ago, but for some reason it didn't go thru...

I'm still popping out, but not like earlier. Weird!

Well for now I guess it's a good sign that I'm getting a new symptom!
I just got home from visiting Me and OH's families :wacko: The last day did not go well... like at all. Apparently I made some comment about how most women breast feed for about a year give or take, and it offended OH's sister and their whole family because she only breastfed for 3 months... Somehow my words got twisted into me saying that she was a bad mother for it or something... and OH's step mom made some vague, passive-aggressive, snarky comment at me and neither of us knew what the hell she was talking about. And they were also mad that I had made another comment about how OH's sisters kid keeps going to the fireplace and knocking over all the glass and metal decorations filling it and he's going to get hurt some day. I mean come on, tots aren't supposed to play at fire places and if they are going to you should child proof it. Common sense. I'm soooo glad I'm back home lol too much drama for me to handle with everything else going on plus raging hormones.

Wugz you and I both had no symptoms and were ready to give up! It's funny how things work out that way!

I also stopped temping after reading about that online, because I was freaking out about my temp fluctuating. So glad about no more temping! :happydance: And also I had spotting the night of my expected period and then a little here and there when I wiped for the next couple of days, and so far everything is fine. So I'm not too worried about it. I get another blood test on Thursday and hoping it goes well! And then ultrasound a week after that! I've already started getting bigger, not sure if it's just bloating or what, but thinking maybe possibly there is more than one in there...
Yeah, the bloating is no joke!
I googled "5 weeks pregnant and extremely bloated" etc

Lots of women were going thru the same. I can't button my work pants!

Nazz- are you kinda petite?
I am smallish, and I read that shorter and thinner women go one extreme or another. With my boys, especially my first, I could have gone easily 5 months without anyone knowing. Apparently in subsequent pregnancies you show earlier, and depending in your body type you may pop out earlier than usual. I know from previous u/s that my uterus is located very close to the front if my body. The tech actually made me go pee first (usually they want your bladder full to "push" the uterus forward) cuz my bladder being over full somehow took up too much room, lol, after I peed (and felt much better, I was about to burst!) She said I was rare in that I don't need a full bladder, she could see fine without it, cuz my uterus is VERY anteriorly located. No wonder my youngest felt like he wanted to posh right out my tummy a couple weeks before birth!
Nazz dont worry what other people think. Just try and aboid comments about her kids cause everyone is touchy about his tots even when it is something for their sake. In your case she is touchy plus bitchy so no comment lol. Remember it is your time now so it is payback baby if they sat a nasty comment cry cry use the hormones to make them feel bad it worls esp when you will get your bump more effect.It is not nice to upset a preg lady lol
confetti is 100% right! Nazz, don't let them make you upset....

CD1 here....but I'm OK with it, last cycle was weird with that 11dpo bleed and late AF....so, for now, I'm just happy that my cycle went back to normal 27day! :)
And looking at my temps, it didn't look like good O, just a small rise where it was expected...and since I'm over 35, dr told me that I should expect that not every cycle is ovulatory, so maybe this one will be :)
Glad your staing positive 2ndtry! That's the best thing you can do!

Alright girls I should be visiting the doctor on Wednesday, what should I expect? Bloodwork? Papsmear? How should prepare? Will I do a pee test, so I should hold it for a few hours to make it nice and concentrated?

Went to my parent's house last night for a cookout, and man was it tough to try and get away with not drinking! My mom and I usually polish off a bottle between the two of us during dinner. My super sneaky strategy was to use a plastic cup instead of a see through wine glass... And I filled it up with sparkling water.... No on suspected a thing!
So about a week ago DH's sister told me that they are going to start TTC and that it would be awesome if we got preggers at the same time. A little history...She is a few years older than DH but got engaged AFTER us by a few months so we were planning weddings at basically the same time...it was a NIGHTMARE...anyway...I'm very nervous to be pregnant at the same time as her...especially since first one born will first grandbaby for DH's side...DH's mom had a dream that "someone" was pregnant and she just had to tell me haha...oh brother...the in-law family can be interesting...

On the brighter side I showed DH the small pile of baby clothes that I bought a while ago when there was a sale...he just smiled looking through it all.,..and he picked one out to give to his best friend who is expecting in September..

Feeling very calm about TTC now and just patiently waiting for next cycle to start so I can continue my "treatments" from the specialist...also got up to my 1500mg of Metformin on Sunday so hoping that keeps my cycles regular once they start :)
P dubs, I've heard the Metformin work miracles before, my gp even had me on it for awhile, but turned out my thyroid levels were out if whack.

Got the call,
Numbers more than doubled!
Wed 16 dpo 221
Fri 18 dpo 520
OMG my Doctor's office said they don't do the first prenatal until 7 weeks! This is not fair! Not that it makes any difference that I see a doctor now or in 3 weeks but I just really wanted to!

My friend, who is 12 weeks, goes to the same office as me and says that's normal, they said the same to her. It's the best hospital in town with the best doctors so I guess I'll just have to be patient.
Glad your staing positive 2ndtry! That's the best thing you can do!

Alright girls I should be visiting the doctor on Wednesday, what should I expect? Bloodwork? Papsmear? How should prepare? Will I do a pee test, so I should hold it for a few hours to make it nice and concentrated?

Went to my parent's house last night for a cookout, and man was it tough to try and get away with not drinking! My mom and I usually polish off a bottle between the two of us during dinner. My super sneaky strategy was to use a plastic cup instead of a see through wine glass... And I filled it up with sparkling water.... No on suspected a thing!
Every doc is different. Mine doesn't do a urine test if you call saying you're pregnant, he prefers to sew you at around 7 weeks since lmp for u/s.

I asked for blood work. My old doc just sent me for blood work first.

So it just depends ....
IF you get bloodwork, ask for a "series" beta. One hcg level means nothing. How often it doubles is more important.

If you're anything like me, peeing won't be a problem. Lol.

Generally they won't see a gestational sac till about 1000 hcg
By 2000, they should see the fetal pole, and often the hb.

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