Welcome to the Nut Hut!

I had that scare but it was bright red spotting. Put your mind at rest and do whatever it feels right if you feel tgat going to the er is best than go xxxxx :hugs:
Angel I'm sure it's totally normal! Even after implantation, doesn't it burrow in a little further over the next week or so? Please keep us posted but I'm Sure everything is fine!!!!
Doc's nurse called me and said I can come in to pick up the form for blood work so that makes me feel better. I just hope I can get the results tomorrow
I did the math and my hcg should be right around 5000 maybe a little under hopefully over
So my doc said he hopes he'll get the results tomorrow, but may not till Monday . He gave me a form for repeat as well, because its possible today's draw could look good, but if its just starting to decline we wouldn't know without a repeat.

He said to try not to stress, it could be old blood from implantation that took awhile to come out, and to take it easy just in case. I have to work tonight, but I'm off tomorrow.

Fx and prayers please! Its impossible not to stress!

The good thing is that I'm not cramping at all now ( I finally went to the bathroom lol)

So the light brown cm was only there when I wiped the first 2 times this morning. I've gone pee 3 more times and it wasn't there.

If anything changes, like it increases or I cramp, then I'll go to the ER to get quick results. For now I'll try to be patient.
Well, so far no more brown cm

Fx and sticky dust :dust:
That it was just some weird occurrence.
Aaaaah angel good luck! Keep us updated! <3

OH's family is not being very good. They told OH that I was being a bitch all weekend when I was up there... :shrug: I didn't see it at all, honestly, but maybe I'm being emotional now that I'm pregnant? I was also having a very hard few days having to tell everyone in my family that I'm pregnant and dealing with the hormone levels issue... They're not understanding what I'm going through. We've never had any issues with each other before (that I know of) so I really don't get it.

On another note I got my third blood test today and I get the results in the morning so I hope they're looking good.
Aaaaah angel good luck! Keep us updated! <3

OH's family is not being very good. They told OH that I was being a bitch all weekend when I was up there... :shrug: I didn't see it at all, honestly, but maybe I'm being emotional now that I'm pregnant? I was also having a very hard few days having to tell everyone in my family that I'm pregnant and dealing with the hormone levels issue... They're not understanding what I'm going through. We've never had any issues with each other before (that I know of) so I really don't get it.

On another note I got my third blood test today and I get the results in the morning so I hope they're looking good.
Fx and :dust:
My doc office closes at 12 tomorrow so I more than likely won't get results till Monday :growlmad:

I also will repeat on Monday.

It didn't help that the bb's weren't very sore today, although I'm now seeing more veins than ever, including several running through my nipples!

I was SO tired and fell asleep with my son at like 915, just woke up, starving, and boobs hurt like Hell, like they usually do in the morning...so I'm thinking that's good...

I'm also glad that the brown cm was only twice.

I feel better now, still concerned but not overly so.

Praying these blood results are at LEAST 4200, BUT hopefully 5000
(4200 would mean doubling exactly every 48 hours, but I WAS doubling in less than that time before, so that's why I want the number higher than that!)
Yay! So glad to check in and see more BFPs! Congrats Wugz and Nazz! Hope you both have happy and healthy 9 months!
AFM - feeling so down today. 11DPO and 'another' BFN on an IC. Temps are normal - and so far going the same as last month which was BFN of course. I guess now i am just waiting for AF. Will be month 5 of Clomid this month - all i want is to be pg. Have wanted it since my DF and i got together - it would be typical that the one person i really really want to have a baby with, i cant get pg. Just want to curl up in a corner and cry, its just not fair.
Sorry for the pity party - just feeling like crap.
Yay! So glad to check in and see more BFPs! Congrats Wugz and Nazz! Hope you both have happy and healthy 9 months!
AFM - feeling so down today. 11DPO and 'another' BFN on an IC. Temps are normal - and so far going the same as last month which was BFN of course. I guess now i am just waiting for AF. Will be month 5 of Clomid this month - all i want is to be pg. Have wanted it since my DF and i got together - it would be typical that the one person i really really want to have a baby with, i cant get pg. Just want to curl up in a corner and cry, its just not fair.
Sorry for the pity party - just feeling like crap.
Don't be sorry :hugs:
That's EXACTLY how both wugz and I felt this cycle! She even announced she was taking a break and got her bfp the next day! I was giving up hope cuz my cycles have been so crazy, heck look at my chart below!
I apparently ovulated 2 separate times, with no Af in between! (Hmm...now that I said that out loud, THAT might be why I have "old blood"....this is 28 days exactly from when Af should have started after that first o - a lot if women get a breakthrough bleed around that time! :dohh: )
I think , like me, it took nazz and wugz 6 cycles to conceive.....which is average, meaning that more or less time would still be normal! :flower:

Every 2ww I would either be down in the dumps or crazed and convinced I had to be pregnant!

I know its hard!
Yay! So glad to check in and see more BFPs! Congrats Wugz and Nazz! Hope you both have happy and healthy 9 months!
AFM - feeling so down today. 11DPO and 'another' BFN on an IC. Temps are normal - and so far going the same as last month which was BFN of course. I guess now i am just waiting for AF. Will be month 5 of Clomid this month - all i want is to be pg. Have wanted it since my DF and i got together - it would be typical that the one person i really really want to have a baby with, i cant get pg. Just want to curl up in a corner and cry, its just not fair.
Sorry for the pity party - just feeling like crap.

Pity parties are allowed Tassie :hugs: it can be a very unsettling road waiting to get pg...but we are all here for you :)

AFM - on the full dose of 1500mg of Met since Sunday...body has adjusted to it completely so no real discomfort at all which is great...finished my Prometrium LAST wednesday so just waiting for AF so I can get my CD3 bloodwork and an HCG...Got a call yesterday and my AMH?? results are in, but I don't want to miss work just for that so I will find out when I got in for CD3 BW :) Been not doing too much with charting ...no OPKs just my meds and occassional symptom if it's bad and could lead to AF ...Been DTD lots with DH just for fun but he's been having problems finishing :(
Sorry to hear your having a hard time Tassie :hugs: I am getting at that point too, this month is cycle 7 for us and its getting sooo frustrating. I am testing at the end of next week and then I have a dr.'s appointment April 30th so if this month is a no go hopefully the doctor can help me in some way. FX for you, I hope it really does come for you soon!!

AFM: 6DPO today, I have had mild cramping since 2DPO and my breasts are actually sore on the sides by my armpits! They are not sore where they are killing me but to the point where if im just sitting watching TV I can feel them ache. Either this is our month or my body is playing a mean mean trick on me!! Gotta get through next week and then its officially testing time!!
Ft mommy - your symptoms sound a lot like mine did! Do you normally get strong symptoms early?
This bfp cycle I had mostly usual symptoms, but much earlier, much stronger!

:happydance: :yipee: :wohoo:
Doc called early, hcg is.....



Even said not to bother with the second set since I've spiked up, and since the cm stopped. I told the nurse about having "orgasm without penetration" (didn't say it was from my dream lol :blush: that makes me feel like a pubescent boy! :haha: ) and she said that could definitely have caused it! Especially since it happened just after the dream....

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Angel Wings! I knew everything was fine!

I'm 5 weeks today! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

FT Mommy - the only place my boobs hurt is along the sides by the armpits!
All my symptoms only seem to be in the morning. Mild cramping, needing to pee really bad, and (TMI alert) diarrhea almost every morning for the last 3 or 4 days! Anyone else have this? Why couldn't I have a cute symptom, like morning sickness!!!!!!

After I take a shower and start my morning, I feel fine for the rest of the day mostly.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Angel Wings! I knew everything was fine!

I'm 5 weeks today! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

FT Mommy - the only place my boobs hurt is along the sides by the armpits!
All my symptoms only seem to be in the morning. Mild cramping, needing to pee really bad, and (TMI alert) diarrhea almost every morning for the last 3 or 4 days! Anyone else have this? Why couldn't I have a cute symptom, like morning sickness!!!!!!

After I take a shower and start my morning, I feel fine for the rest of the day mostly.
I read that USUALLY women have constipation early on, but the few who don't tend to have diarrhea instead....
Also, that day I got super sick at work and puked (btw, not cute hun, lol) I actually has such an upset stomach that I wasn't sure for a second which way it was going to come out :rofl:
Luckily (I guess) I got a whiff of parmesan (currently my main aversion) which decided for me that everything was gonna come out the way it went in!
Morning sickness is just a broad term for upset stomach due to hormones, so it kinda makes sense that you might get diarrhea if you kwim?
Your food just must be further digested before you get "sick"

Thanks for listening to my crazy ranting, its a good thing my results came back so quickly, or I would have driven everyone nuts till Monday.

:muaha: now if my hormones can just behave themselves and not cause x rated dreams, I should be good!
:dust: for everyone, we all need it one way or another!
Stick little beans stick!

All other dust goes straight to the ttc'ers!

@Pdubs- I bet after you get Af, that Metformin will give you a decent ovulation, and I think it will be your turn!

Ft mommy, everything sounds promising!
I'm hoping so...the doc did say it can take a few months to take full effect, but at this point I'll already be on it for a month...and the way your body reacts right away I find it hard to believe that it can take THAT long to take effect...anywho...FX'd I don't ovulate the week DH is on vacation without me haha
Wow! That is awesome news Angel! So glad for you! Really hoping that you have no more scares now - and have a happy and very healthy pg! So glad that you are pg though - even though it was a horrible couple of cycles before hand.

Pdubs - So glad you are on the Metformin without too many issues. A friend of mine was on that when she fell with her little one - and she said it really helped. Here's hoping it does for you too!

Ftmommy - I hope the next week goes really quickly for you! I cant remember any of my pg symptoms with my other kids - but i do know there is a lot of women that report that they have pain on the sides of their boobs under their arms - so here's hoping its a great sign for you and that everything is going to fall into place this month!

Wugz - Congrats on 5 weeks! The diarrhea is a bummer though - one of those things i really hate. From what i can remember i had gastro when i was 24 weeks pg with DD14 and it was horrible! Combined with normal morning sickness which i had from beginning to end with her ( i only stopped throwing up when i gave birth) it was pretty horrible! Hopefully your diarrhea settles down soon. Make sure you drink plenty when you have it - as it can make you quite dehydrated.

AFM - Thank you so much for the support girls - makes me feel a lot better. Of course i am still feeling a bit crappy but it means a lot to know you are all here. 15 months is just such a long long time to be waiting. Actually cried when i saw the Fisher Price commercial on TV tonight - stupid hey?
I just need to try and look on the up side of things and try to see that every month without a pg is a month that i don't feel sick or another month i can sleep in during the school holidays and weekends - and have full nights of sleep. Its just hard though because i would trade it right now to be pg.
I have been so irritable today! Have bitten DF's head off more than once and nearly ended up in a huge fight because he just wont listen to me. PMS is a killer (Which i am assuming it is.) I have bad gas still and my boobs are huge - only a bit tender though - not screaming out agonizingly painful like they were last month. Am expecting my temp to be down in the morning though - only two more days then and i can move onto next month. Blah - didn't mean to write a book. lol
I'm hoping so...the doc did say it can take a few months to take full effect, but at this point I'll already be on it for a month...and the way your body reacts right away I find it hard to believe that it can take THAT long to take effect...anywho...FX'd I don't ovulate the week DH is on vacation without me haha
Were you Dx with pcos or is he trying the met based on your symptoms?

Cuz my doc put me on a 30 day trial of met back in December, and that was my first (and only) cycle that was 28 days perfectly with clear ovulation on CD 13....that's how my body USED to be, but then Af went away for the 2 yrs or so I was on BC, then coming off of it I had one severe Af (I suspected a chemical - it was never confirmed but it was that bad of an Af) and then I has one super light Af, and then I got pregnant with the twins I lost. Anyhow, my cycles were all over the place, plus I gained like 25 lbs (I'm normally on the thin side, I lost 10 of those pounds but the other 15 aren't going anywhere apparently lol), so I got put on met by my go for "trial". She said after that I would need a blood work up from my Ob/gyn to make sure I needed it...
I ended up stopping the med, I got freaked out in January over the weird 3 dpo bleed...
Plus, although irregular, I was still ovulating regularly in that I ovulated every cycle.

But while on it, I actually felt better, like I had more energy or something. But I don't have diabetes, and IF I have pcos, it must be mild.
I also researched it, check out the "soul cysters" site, its mostly women on Metformin, and there are tons of success stories, most if which were successful
In like 3 cycles!
Sending good baby vibes your way!

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