Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Wow! That is awesome news Angel! So glad for you! Really hoping that you have no more scares now - and have a happy and very healthy pg! So glad that you are pg though - even though it was a horrible couple of cycles before hand.

Pdubs - So glad you are on the Metformin without too many issues. A friend of mine was on that when she fell with her little one - and she said it really helped. Here's hoping it does for you too!

Ftmommy - I hope the next week goes really quickly for you! I cant remember any of my pg symptoms with my other kids - but i do know there is a lot of women that report that they have pain on the sides of their boobs under their arms - so here's hoping its a great sign for you and that everything is going to fall into place this month!

Wugz - Congrats on 5 weeks! The diarrhea is a bummer though - one of those things i really hate. From what i can remember i had gastro when i was 24 weeks pg with DD14 and it was horrible! Combined with normal morning sickness which i had from beginning to end with her ( i only stopped throwing up when i gave birth) it was pretty horrible! Hopefully your diarrhea settles down soon. Make sure you drink plenty when you have it - as it can make you quite dehydrated.

AFM - Thank you so much for the support girls - makes me feel a lot better. Of course i am still feeling a bit crappy but it means a lot to know you are all here. 15 months is just such a long long time to be waiting. Actually cried when i saw the Fisher Price commercial on TV tonight - stupid hey?
I just need to try and look on the up side of things and try to see that every month without a pg is a month that i don't feel sick or another month i can sleep in during the school holidays and weekends - and have full nights of sleep. Its just hard though because i would trade it right now to be pg.
I have been so irritable today! Have bitten DF's head off more than once and nearly ended up in a huge fight because he just wont listen to me. PMS is a killer (Which i am assuming it is.) I have bad gas still and my boobs are huge - only a bit tender though - not screaming out agonizingly painful like they were last month. Am expecting my temp to be down in the morning though - only two more days then and i can move onto next month. Blah - didn't mean to write a book. lol
Thanks tassie!
Idk if ours normal for you or not, but I'm typically not moody for pms - just get cramps real bad and sometimes breast tenderness and fatigue...
But THIS 2ww, I got into like 8 fights with Jason, I could tell I was being a total crazy bit@h, but couldn't control it....
Obviously it was my "new" hormone level, lol. I'm still moody, but Jay hadn't got the brunt anymore, now my hormones have set their evil eyes on unsuspecting (and MOSTLY undeserving, with a couple exceptions) Co-workers.....lol.

Only a handful know I'm pregnant, I'm waiting till the ultra sound....so I'm sure the rest are wondering what us up with me, lol
Fx its your early preggo hormones!
I've only told my best friend, who is just a couple of months ahead of me. I'm waiting until mother's day weekend (that will be right after my first appointment) to tell my family.

Almost told another one of my besties yesterday. She sent me a text message that 2 of her friends announced that they were pregnant on facebook today, and that these things always "come in threes", and "did I have anything to tell her?" She was totally joking, since she doesn't even know that we're trying, so I kind of skirted the question. I didn't want to lie about it (I feel like that's bad karma!) but she's not good with secrets so I didn't want to tell her either. I was like "When I'm pregnant, you'll find out before I put it on facebook!" Not lying, yet not answering the question... perfect.

So glad I can talk about it with you girls or I'd lose my mind!!!

I can't help but think about :xmas16:!!!! A Christmas baby is so perfect!
yay angel! I'm glad everything is fine!

Tassie- Don't worry or stress! I really think that this last cycle I got pg because I really wasn't stressing or worrying or thinking too much! I really think that's what did the trick! 15 months IS a long time though... I thought I would get pg within the first 3 months because OH and I are both so young, but things never work out the way you think they will. Hang tight!

Wugz- I think your friend is right about the three's thing lol. My mom asked me last night if I told any of my friends yet and I was just like, "are you crazy?" I think we want to wait until about 3 months and then maybe I'll make some lame facebook status for everyone to freak out about.

Still waiting for my blood results :growlmad: They always call me in the morning, so I called them and they haven't called back yet... idk what's taking so long. I called in sick to work today because I just don't feel like going lol. Is that bad?
Angel, I do get symptoms but never this early. And normally when my bbs get sore its more on top than anything and this month its on the sides. Sounds like a good sign just hard to get my hopes up so early!
Well the nurse called... She said my HCG is 189 and prog is 10... A week ago it was 101 and 13 :cry: they said it might be an ectopic pregnancy, or just not a viable one and now I have to wait until Thursday for the u/s.... This will be the longest week of my life and I just want tosleep through it.
I'm hoping so...the doc did say it can take a few months to take full effect, but at this point I'll already be on it for a month...and the way your body reacts right away I find it hard to believe that it can take THAT long to take effect...anywho...FX'd I don't ovulate the week DH is on vacation without me haha
Were you Dx with pcos or is he trying the met based on your symptoms?

Cuz my doc put me on a 30 day trial of met back in December, and that was my first (and only) cycle that was 28 days perfectly with clear ovulation on CD 13....that's how my body USED to be, but then Af went away for the 2 yrs or so I was on BC, then coming off of it I had one severe Af (I suspected a chemical - it was never confirmed but it was that bad of an Af) and then I has one super light Af, and then I got pregnant with the twins I lost. Anyhow, my cycles were all over the place, plus I gained like 25 lbs (I'm normally on the thin side, I lost 10 of those pounds but the other 15 aren't going anywhere apparently lol), so I got put on met by my go for "trial". She said after that I would need a blood work up from my Ob/gyn to make sure I needed it...
I ended up stopping the med, I got freaked out in January over the weird 3 dpo bleed...
Plus, although irregular, I was still ovulating regularly in that I ovulated every cycle.

But while on it, I actually felt better, like I had more energy or something. But I don't have diabetes, and IF I have pcos, it must be mild.
I also researched it, check out the "soul cysters" site, its mostly women on Metformin, and there are tons of success stories, most if which were successful
In like 3 cycles!
Sending good baby vibes your way!

He didn't see any cysts on the vag. u/s but i still have signs of pcos and insulin resistance (irregular periods, where i carry weight, hair growth etc.)
I feel about the same taking it as I did before...weight hasn't fluctuated yet, but he said it might help me loose weight with diet and exercise (which I never budged before so that was promising) Can't wait to see results in the form of a good solid O :)
Well the nurse called... She said my HCG is 189 and prog is 10... A week ago it was 101 and 13 :cry: they said it might be an ectopic pregnancy, or just not a viable one and now I have to wait until Thursday for the u/s.... This will be the longest week of my life and I just want tosleep through it.

:hugs: HCG went up so that's good, can't they put you on prog? sorry I don't know how this stuff works...
Well the nurse called... She said my HCG is 189 and prog is 10... A week ago it was 101 and 13 :cry: they said it might be an ectopic pregnancy, or just not a viable one and now I have to wait until Thursday for the u/s.... This will be the longest week of my life and I just want tosleep through it.
I'm sorry you're going thru this. maybe go to the ER so you can get a scan done right away?
I can't believe they think it may be ectopic and aren't seeing you right away! I pray that's not the situation, but if its even a possibility that is an urgent situation. You do not want your tube to rupture!

I know how emotionally trying this is but please go to the hospital. You'll either get piece of mind, or diagnosed and treated, and either way you'll get answers.

Please don't wait till Thursday.

And miracles DO happen, as hard as it is, you do have a bit of hope, nothing is definite yet. Have you ever checked out the site "mis-diagnosed miscarriage"
Some crazy stories! One lady had the lab misplace a decimal point!

I don't want to give you false hope, but I don't want you to lose all hope either!
And PLEASE go to the ER and explain, tell them you have pain (whether you do or not) and they will do a scan. An ectopic situation us not a wait and see....it needs to be handled immediately - if your tube gets damaged just think how much harder it will be to get pregnant.

:hugs: we're here for you, I said what I did cuz I care, apparently your doc is taking this too lightly.
<3 keeping you in my thoughts hun!
Oh Nazz, I'm so sorry! Yes, I would demand to be seen right away. They can't expect any pregnant woman to just sit at home a wait a week.

Prayers for you and your little one!
:cry: Nazz I am so sorry! If it has any chance of being ectopic you need to be seen right away, it could possibly do permanent damage. Please keep us updated and even though its hard please please stay positive, being positive can do wonders for the body.
Keeping Fx!
Look how I was just yesterday morning! I cried for an hour thinking "here wee go again!"

I realize thus is slightly different, but get checked out!

And never go back to your current doc, screw them for telling you it may be ectopic and then have you wait a week!
They sound like my old Ob/gyn!
Changing docs was the best decision I ever made!
Ya know,, I'm only a state away from you nazz, I could get to your doc in 5 hrs :ninja: style
And kick some butt :trouble:
Thanks guys, I'm waiting at the pharmacy right now for prog pills. I think the reason they aren't too concerned is because I'm not in pain or bleeding. They said if I start having cramps or bleeding to call up there... I wonder if I can try to make my appt earlier in the week.
Here's a story (positive) about slow rising hcg:


Also, sometimes it happens when there is a vanishing twin...
OMG Nazz! I just saw. Praying for you and your bean!

How are you guys getting so many blood tests done? I had one to confirm pregnancy and then one for my down syndrome test and that's it.
My doc's wouldn't even let me come in to confirm... first bloods won't be drawn until the first appointment May 7th. Is that abnormal? Should I be asking to have bloods done now?
Wugz with my first I didnt get in until 8 weeks and they didnt even do blood work then just had me take a test to confirm I was preggo. I didnt know any different because it was my first, I just think all doctors are different.
They usually only do beta series in high risk or history of MC situations. All docs are different though.they usually do an initial draw to estimate a good time for an initial scan....
For example, under 1200, they may not see even the sac.

I asked for mine due to miscarriage history, and my doc had no problem with it.

If you report anything like cramping or spotting they usually will draw blood to make sure the numbers aren't dropping (like how I went back in yesterday).

Otherwise , for regular or first time pregnancy they don't bother to rush, they usually wait until you are at least 6, sometimes 8 or more weeks along, at which point they can do bloods and a scan, if that's their policy.
They only gave me my first 2 bloods because I called them and said I was spotting. They had me do one blood the next morning and the second 2 days after. When they saw my levels were kind of low the wanted me to come back in a week and do an u/s 2 weeks after. So my u/s on Thursday was already scheduled anyways and now they want me to do another blood that day too.

We're trying to stay positive and hope the progesterone helps. Although idk if the prog will help the HCG... or of course at all... I read some of the storied on that site you posted angel, and it is giving me some hope, but idk! Still very scared. Can't help but feel like I'm being punished.
Nazz we are all here for you. I would do as Angel said and get seen asap the sooner you know the better. Praying for u xxxxx

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