What did you do today that was Christmassy?

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Did some more wrapping today, half way done now. Then ordered the rest of MIL's present.
Made gingerbread latte, watched Mickeys Twice Upon a Christmas, made a Christmas playlist on iTunes and after play group this afternoon we are finishing decorating our fibre optic tree, setting up our second tree and doing the snow window displays :xmas9:
We made christmas cards today and as a result i am noe covered in glitter :dohh: also watched postman pat christmas with DD1
Did some more wrapping while i had time, went to see DD's xmas concert, then we went to see the coca-cola truck in town and finally this evening we went to our towns xmas fayre on the local green :)
I did some more wrapping tonight! I've now done pretty much all of the kids stuff, all of Hubby's and about 2/3 of the rest!

Also bought some baubles (half price in b&q) and hung them on my tree!
It's been a couple of days since I last posted, and we have put up our tree and other decorations, I have finished the christmas shopping, and finally bought wrapping paper! Did my weekly shop today and got pigs in blankets (will freeze) and stuffing, will just need to get turkey and veg next week. I am just having a cup of tea and some roses chocolates before I start on painting the en suite (not christmassy!) and then will try to squeeze in wrapping hubby's presents before he gets home from work and picks the kids up. And at some point I have to try to figure out how to keep the felt christmas tree up on the door, as the sticky pads i used won't stick to the felt and it keeps falling down!
Today we went to the reindeer centre and met father Christmas in his grotto there (he was really good!!!). We got to feed the reindeer carrots, there was a man wandering around in an Olaf costume, a whole frozen themed section and loads of toys to play with.

Then on the way home we drove by a place locally that decorates their houses for charity- they had this amazing hologram type thing with Santa in the window checking his list, then he spots you and waves to you!!! Was amazing, looked SO real and I've never seen anything like it!
Taking ds2 to christingle service at the church with the beaver scouts
Had breakfast with Father Christmas, decorated the tree and got my Christmas haircut :D
Last night we visited Santa @ his Christmas tree castle. LO asked for an orange present. He was so brave & Santa was just perfect!

Today, we're having Christmas with my FIL, MIL, SIL, niece & nephew. No one likes traveling over the holidays, so we have 2 Christmases.
We've had a lovle Christmassy weekend! Went to the reindeer centre and met father Christmas friday, yesterday we went to meet my in law's 1 day old puppies...all 11 of them!!! (Not Christmassy, but hey!) And today we hosted a Christmas open house for family and friends, which was lovely! Lily had so much fun playing with the older kids!

Oh and I made this yesterday...
Yesterday we finally got a tree and put it up.

Today I've said no isaac at least a hundred time while replacing the decoration he's removed, made my first batch of fudge, will sew some more of DS2 stocking and will finally do some wrapping.
Today i was working on an early shift, and hubby needed to take up our old stair carpet, ready to have the new one fitted tomorrow, so the kiddos went to my parents' house. They took them to a Christmas party, where there was balloon modelling, a buffet, a christmas concert by the local primary schools (featuring my nephew). I arrived during the concert, then Father Christmas arrived, handed out chocolate coins to all the children and then set off on a trip round the villages in his sleigh. They really enjoyed it, and I was very proud of Hayden, as Santa said he might not have enough coins for everyone, so Hayden said he would share the ones he had with Zoe so someone else could have a bag. In the end, there were enough for one each, but very proud of him for offering. Tomorroe I really need to finish writing my Christmas cards and start wrapping.
The other day we made salt dough decorations, so today we painted them. Tomorrow, we'll turn them over and paint the other side before giving them a lick of PVA glue to varnish them!
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