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who is hoping for an april baby? Moving onto May babies so we can all stay together!

Hello Ladies! I'm completely new to this and was looking for some support and advice. I've been ttc#3 for 7 months now and I'm hoping this past month was it! AF was suppose to show her wicked face on Sunday but still NOTHING! Yay!! :) I'm starting to get excited but really scared to get a BFN! :/ How long more should wait til I test?

Good Luck to everyone ttc and Congrats to all that have gotten their BFP!!
XO <3
gemmalou wilkinsons do cheap ovulation sticks about 3-4 quid for 5 i think they are, i going into town later this afternoon will check hun
hey ladies :hi:

hope everyone is feeling good today as the sun is shining where i am :icecream:

currently on 4 DPO and ....... nothing, no symptoms or anything I know its not health to symptom spot but at least that way I know my body is doing something.

So for now I wait. :wacko:
Still bleeding day 5 for me havent had bleeding this long for awhile mabey finaly my cycle is getting back to normal :happydance: Have docs appointment tommorow cant wait hopefully im just spotting id hate to be the doctor seeing me :haha:
How is everyone else fairing ?:hugs:
Good Afternoon Ladies

Well AF is due on Saturday. I'm praying she stays away but I'm been having AF cramps since Saturday :(

I really hate this waiting around.

I have done two tests for far this week, both :bfn:

Congrats to all the ladies who have their :bfp:

So nice to see some of you ladies popping back to update us........I think most of us are heading to our next attempts now, only a few left to test for August! Hope everyone is feeling ok!
Hello Ladies! I'm completely new to this and was looking for some support and advice. I've been ttc#3 for 7 months now and I'm hoping this past month was it! AF was suppose to show her wicked face on Sunday but still NOTHING! Yay!! :) I'm starting to get excited but really scared to get a BFN! :/ How long more should wait til I test?

Good Luck to everyone ttc and Congrats to all that have gotten their BFP!!
XO <3

You should be ok to test now hun....:dust: x
Good Afternoon Ladies

Well AF is due on Saturday. I'm praying she stays away but I'm been having AF cramps since Saturday :(

I really hate this waiting around.

I have done two tests for far this week, both :bfn:

Congrats to all the ladies who have their :bfp:


You never know, fingers crossed! x
Just wanted to reccomend a great book to you all, I picked it up and read it in 3 days, I got totally addicted to it!

Its Sophie Kinsella.....and the book is called "Shopaholic & Baby". Makes a fantastic read, I was gripped! x
Just wanted to reccomend a great book to you all, I picked it up and read it in 3 days, I got totally addicted to it!

Its Sophie Kinsella.....and the book is called "Shopaholic & Baby". Makes a fantastic read, I was gripped! x

that sounds good! did you get in online or in a book store?

When you get chance ladies, can you start to send me your next rough testing date so I can start to add them to the first page please? Hope you have all had a good day. Still hoping we get some more :bfp: 's from some of our original ladies x x
Just wanted to reccomend a great book to you all, I picked it up and read it in 3 days, I got totally addicted to it!

Its Sophie Kinsella.....and the book is called "Shopaholic & Baby". Makes a fantastic read, I was gripped! x

that sounds good! did you get in online or in a book store?


It was actually in our holiday cottage but I bet you can pick it up on line cheap...I'll type the blurb......

Becky's life is blooming. She's working at Londons newest fashion store, The Look, house-hunting with her husband Luke (her secret wish is a shoe room)...and she's pregnant! She couldn't be more overjoyed - especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery...to the latest, coolest pram...to the celebrity must have obstetrician.

But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke's glamerous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky's perfect world starts to crumble.

I really did love it!

Also, Mylene Klass baby diary was a great read when I was pregnant last time round, really enjoyed her book although she looked fab all the time!!!!!! And dared to wear skimpy bikinis!!!!

Just about to start the Tess Daley baby diary! Will let you know if its any good! :thumbup:
Just wanted to reccomend a great book to you all, I picked it up and read it in 3 days, I got totally addicted to it!

Its Sophie Kinsella.....and the book is called "Shopaholic & Baby". Makes a fantastic read, I was gripped! x

that sounds good! did you get in online or in a book store?


It was actually in our holiday cottage but I bet you can pick it up on line cheap...I'll type the blurb......

Becky's life is blooming. She's working at Londons newest fashion store, The Look, house-hunting with her husband Luke (her secret wish is a shoe room)...and she's pregnant! She couldn't be more overjoyed - especially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery...to the latest, coolest pram...to the celebrity must have obstetrician.

But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke's glamerous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky's perfect world starts to crumble.

I really did love it!

Also, Mylene Klass baby diary was a great read when I was pregnant last time round, really enjoyed her book although she looked fab all the time!!!!!! And dared to wear skimpy bikinis!!!!

Just about to start the Tess Daley baby diary! Will let you know if its any good! :thumbup:

Tess Daleys had a baby? When did that happen :p

I love reading that kind of book. That one sounds really good!

If im pregnant this cycle i think i will be getting them all :haha:
I'm hoping for a may baby, af was due today but no sign and bfn so may baby here we come
Well, I'm still waiting to find out if I will have an april baby. I've taken probably 20 tests, a few possible evaps or faint lines, but mostly bfn. But I'm on cd35 now, 18dpo. I'm planning a doctor visit if af hasn't shown next week. I have a promising chart, but all these bfns are confusing. I feel pregnant, and I'm acting that way just in case. Wish me luck, girls. And tons of baby dust to you all for those may babies (I was a may baby myself, as is my neice - born on my 21st birthday, and my baby brother, born three weeks after my 14th birthday).
hiya gemma lou, right well in relation to new testing dates i AM NOT TESTING BEFORE AF IS DUE! if anyone picks up any incling that i am going to test at 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 dpo STOP ME af normally comes 13 dpo so will be testing 14 dpo at the earliest which will be Sunday 12th September - really hope i get that far af due the day before - its my birthday on the 17th i actually dont want anything except for a second pink line, is that so hard!
gemma i know it sounds odd but if you want lots of opks for cheap then go on ebay and get some of the green tipped ones, i bought 50 for something ridiculous like a tenner, you have to dip them in urine so get some plastic cups and instead of smily faces you have to interpret the lines -if it is not as dark as control line its neg - but other than that they are just as good, i got my first pos opk using them last cycle and because they are so cheap over the two days i was getting pos opk i took like 5 a day to get a good idea of timings etc still have like 30 left over!
I think I will be testing on the 4th September if af has not showed by then.

hey do any of you ladies chart? can you take a look at mine and see if it looks like i have o'd yet
I'd like to join, I'm testing a week today and hoping for a :bfp: and a bean that sticks! :flower:
Hey everyone !!! Sorry i havent been around lately odd sleeping schedual lol Well i got my doc apointment tom hopefully i get some answers by monday:hugs: Hows everyone else doing AF is spotting now and alsmot gone :wohoo:

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