Welcome to Emma051980, Whisper, xMissxZoiex......Fingers crossed for your BFP's soon.
Awwjung, please keep us posted, I hope everything is ok. Sounds a bit strange. I hate the ways our bodies change as soon as we start trying....symptom spotting is addictive too and you always manage to find lots of symptoms and convince yourself that its happening! Very strange. Even my hubs was convinced I was pregnant!
Nicetosmile, still got everything crossed for you!
Char&Bumpx, fingers tightly crossed for you too..........please keep us posted
Daretodream, wow, sounds like you are going to be super organised for this month. My hubs would quite like us to get the home ovulation kits............so I have said we will. I went into boots yesterday and theirs was 15 pounds, I know Tesco do their own which are probably made by the same people at the end of the day, and I am sure theirs was about £8 so will get one of those on sat.
Does anyone know how they work exactly? I know you only get 7 sticks.....what are you supposed to do? When are you supposed to do them so that you don't end up wasting them all? CONFUSED.COM!!!!!