10 weeks with IVF twins

My clinic put me on baby aspirin too - based on antibodies blood tests. When I saw my ob for the first time she said that in her experience she doesnt think it is necessary or valid to take in any way. I felt conflicted on whether to continue or stop - she said it was my choice what I felt most comfortable with. I decided to stop taking it and everything has been fine since.
Oh good idea on the smoothies! I would hate to have to drink Boost gah but hubby keeps recommending them to me. I`m still down 8 lbs this pregnancy and can`t find the room or desire to eat :(

I have started up a nightly run to the new Fro Yo place that opened up near me though - that should help!

Just foods for thought..

Frozen yogurt and soft serve ice cream are on the no no list. The machines that they use to dispense it are a breeding ground for listeria. When you're PG you immune system is lowered and you are much more suseptable to listeria than the normal person.

Sigh - what is wrong with me?! I totally knew this and didn't have soft serve ice cream when I was pregnant with my son or in this pregnancy. Then the fro yo popped up and I was all excited and didn't even think about the fact that its basically the exact same thing! I feel like such a goof! Ughh I've gotten so dependent on my choco vanilla swirl with chocolate chips to help me not throw up at night :(
I have to complain for just one second... I felt like I had skated by through most of this pregnancy with the exception of having to have the cerlage.. But my god in the last week I have became so uncomfortable! I cant sleep either because of RLS or just wide awake with preggo insomnia and I sure as hell cant eat much because after a bite or 2 I am so full I feel like I am going to die! The overall lack of being able to even sit comfortably is completely wearing me down :(

I know I get to hold the babies soon but this is taking a toll on me right now.

Brandy, it's funny you should mention pregnancy insomnia because I have it bad! I'm actually writing this and it's 5am! Lol... Do you sleep with a boppy? My girlfriend bought me one and it helps.

Can I ask an unrelated question? Were you ever prescribed low dose aspirin during ivf? I'm on it and supposed to stay on it until the 13th week but now that I'm bleeding, I'm thinking of taking myself off it early. Any thoughts?

Brandy, I am right there with you. I was going to post something about this but havent had a chance to. These past few weeks I have gotten so uncomfortable. It is hard to walk with out groin pain and I cant even get comfortable lying down. I feel like there is so much pressure on my chest that I am going to b unable to breathe. Once i start to think about it I panic. I also have insomnia all of the sudden. I am up every 45 minutes to pee, I was on the every 2 hour plan until this week, and now I cant get back to sleep. The past couple nights I have been up from 3 am for a couple hours watching international househunters on tv and snacking. If I didnt have to work the next day it wouldnt be too bad but it sucks to be so tired at work. I cannot imagine doing this for 8 1/2 more weeks! How do twin moms do it???

Hmommy, I was on low dose asprin for my ivf as well. I was told i could stop it after the first tri but i was afraid to. I feared any changes would cause a miscarriage. I wondered if it had something to do with my spotting as well. I finally stopped it about 6 weeks ago. I havent had any spotting since. I dont know if the two are related or if it stopped because in am now further along. My doctor said if I dont have any history of a blood clotting issue than it wont make a difference to stay on it or not. What do your re and ob say about it?
I have to complain for just one second... I felt like I had skated by through most of this pregnancy with the exception of having to have the cerlage.. But my god in the last week I have became so uncomfortable! I cant sleep either because of RLS or just wide awake with preggo insomnia and I sure as hell cant eat much because after a bite or 2 I am so full I feel like I am going to die! The overall lack of being able to even sit comfortably is completely wearing me down :(

I know I get to hold the babies soon but this is taking a toll on me right now.

Brandy, it's funny you should mention pregnancy insomnia because I have it bad! I'm actually writing this and it's 5am! Lol... Do you sleep with a boppy? My girlfriend bought me one and it helps.

Can I ask an unrelated question? Were you ever prescribed low dose aspirin during ivf? I'm on it and supposed to stay on it until the 13th week but now that I'm bleeding, I'm thinking of taking myself off it early. Any thoughts?

Brandy, I am right there with you. I was going to post something about this but havent had a chance to. These past few weeks I have gotten so uncomfortable. It is hard to walk with out groin pain and I cant even get comfortable lying down. I feel like there is so much pressure on my chest that I am going to b unable to breathe. Once i start to think about it I panic. I also have insomnia all of the sudden. I am up every 45 minutes to pee, I was on the every 2 hour plan until this week, and now I cant get back to sleep. The past couple nights I have been up from 3 am for a couple hours watching international househunters on tv and snacking. If I didnt have to work the next day it wouldnt be too bad but it sucks to be so tired at work. I cannot imagine doing this for 8 1/2 more weeks! How do twin moms do it???

Hmommy, I was on low dose asprin for my ivf as well. I was told i could stop it after the first tri but i was afraid to. I feared any changes would cause a miscarriage. I wondered if it had something to do with my spotting as well. I finally stopped it about 6 weeks ago. I havent had any spotting since. I dont know if the two are related or if it stopped because in am now further along. My doctor said if I dont have any history of a blood clotting issue than it wont make a difference to stay on it or not. What do your re and ob say about it?

I actually LOL'd when I read your post because sounds the same as me with the international house hunters... except mine is the first 1/2 of the night :( I go to bed around 9pm with my husband and I toss and turn for an hour or so then I get up and start watching tv/surfing the net. Usually I watch the house hunters international ones too or lord forbid I get stuck on the ID Network with the murder, death, and mayhem (as my husband calls it) then I am finally so exhausted I can run jump in bed.

Oh and during the day I can lay down but never able to fall asleep either.
Brandy, what is "murder death and mayhem?" I might have to check that one out too during my insomnia tv marathons.
Brandy, what is "murder death and mayhem?" I might have to check that one out too during my insomnia tv marathons.

LOL it's the channel "ID Network" (investigation Discovery) it has shows like "Wives with Knives" "Deadly women" "Fatal vows" etc.

They are all shows about women that murdered in real life and it tells their story.. It's usually they killed for money or because of affairs etc.

It's not stuff I would normally watch its just a channel I found one night and got stuck on it now its what I watch when everything is all infomercials
Brandy, what is "murder death and mayhem?" I might have to check that one out too during my insomnia tv marathons.

LOL it's the channel "ID Network" (investigation Discovery) it has shows like "Wives with Knives" "Deadly women" "Fatal vows" etc.

They are all shows about women that murdered in real life and it tells their story.. It's usually they killed for money or because of affairs etc.

It's not stuff I would normally watch its just a channel I found one night and got stuck on it now its what I watch when everything is all infomercials

I hope I have that channel...got to check it out!
Thanks for the advice on the aspirin ladies :hugs: I meet with my doc on Monday and will ask him about it as well. For now, I've taken myself off it and the spotting is very minimal....of course still freaks me out :nope:

I'm 11 weeks today and praying to get to 14 fast!! :)
Thanks for the advice on the aspirin ladies :hugs: I meet with my doc on Monday and will ask him about it as well. For now, I've taken myself off it and the spotting is very minimal....of course still freaks me out :nope:

I'm 11 weeks today and praying to get to 14 fast!! :)

Congrats on another week under your belt :happydance:
Just an FYI Kohls has buy 1 boppy get the 2nd one at 1/2 price. There is also free shipping on orders over 75.00...


Also they have 3 different patterns of muslin swaddles on sale for only 9.60 for a pack of 2.




There is more though! You get an additional 15% off at checkout if you use the code CELEBRATE

I just got my box today of stuff I ordered so it was a steal... I got 2 boppys, 3 onesies, 4 muslin swaddles, 2 breastmilk freezer trays all for 69 :)

I am not sure how long the sale or the coupon code is good for though.
Ladies I haven't been getting notifications to the replys! I will catch up on the gossip later today x
Hey ladies,

Well, finally got in to speak with my Dr. He said it was good that I went off the aspirin, and that there's nothing he can do about impending misscarriage if that's what's going on with my spotting/bleeding. :nope:

However, I came home and researched progesterone and spotting and I'm finding that low progesterone levels cause spotting/bleeding and can lead to eventual miscarriage since the lining thins out and is no longer acceptable for growth of the fetus.


I guess I can't believe my Dr. wouldn't test my progesterone levels? I'm so used to having them tested during IVF... So, I'm going rogue and injecting myself with slightly more progesterone each night to see if the spotting stops. :wacko:

I honestly, just want to go on bed rest at this point.. I'm only 11 1/2 weeks but I can't even bear to be at work any more because I'm just worried sick all the time. :(

Sorry for the vent.... you ladies are the only ones who really understand what this is like. :hugs:
Hmommy I am so sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed with a sub chloronic hematoma at 5 weeks and that caused some spotting, mine was 4cm in size so pretty big. I went back at about 8 weeks and it was smaller and then 12 weeks they said they couldn't see it. Maybe you have the same? Anyway my doc said to come off the asprin because of this and your thinking behind it is right.
I was told to stop the progestrone injections and supositries from 8-12 weeks and I stopped the injections at 12 weeks and then kept on the supositires until 13 weeks, then one a day rather than 2 up until today when I havent had any! I am scared but feel ok about it. I listened for the babies today on the doppler and heard them easily with strong HB so I think we are all doing ok.

Just hang on in there and maybe ask the doc to do the progestrone test or ask to see someone else.

Good luck hun xx
Northern, when you were given the hematoma diagnosis, did they put you on bed rest? I had that with my previous pregnancy but my previous ob didn't have me on bed rest and I regret it.

I asked the ultrasound tech if she could see any sign of a bleed/hematoma and she said "Nah, its probably just implantation bleeding." I rolled my eyes because we all know that implantation bleeding only happens at around 4 weeks... :wacko: Maybe I have a hematoma... I feel pretty helpless right now, and hate to be a negative nelly, but I've been down this road before and I know how it ends. :nope:
No bed rest, from what I've read on here it seems more common for bedrest in the US not the UK. I just took it easy and rested as much as possible, I do work full time though. I was told no lifting over 10lb and no hoovering etc.

I think all dr's are different. Mine told me it had gone when it hadn't but it went later. One thing I would say is bleeding is more common with twins and if their hearts are still beating away then that is good, many women have SCH until they give birth or until 20 weeks. It isn't always bad. Look at me, I balled my eyes out in the hospital when they told me and I thought it was over. Poor hubby. Anyway we are still here 14 weeks in :)

I know its hard but keep going and send good thoughts to those little bubbas to fight. They are a good size now and if the bleed is smaller than them they are in a much better position.

Hmommy, maybe try and take a couple sick days and bookend the weekend so you get 4 days of rest. It might be enough to get the spotting to subside. I think your progesterone levels are probably pretty good if you're already on injections, but I think it's one of those things you can't have too much of if it makes you feel better to take more. It must be maddening to have bleeding but no explanation for it. :hugs: {implantation :wacko: ya right. I would have rolled my eyes at that too}
A hematoma was blamed for my bleeding - and I wasn`t told to bedrest, just to avoid lifting anything and no sex for a week. I maintained those restrictions until I was 15 weeks because I was worried, but it was just getting too hard not to lift my son so then I stopped. My hematoma was pretty small and they didn`t see it the first few ultrasounds I had, but they said the good news about having a small hematoma is that it will definitely not affect babies.

Your progesterone is probably pretty good with having two babies implanted and with the shots - my clinic doesn`t check them after the beta because they expect them to be good with all the meds we`re on. I really thing its just one of those twin pregnancy things. Try not to worry - I know its easier said than done (I cried and worried a lot) - but now that I`ve been reading more on the forums I`m seeing lots of us went through first trimester bleeds!
Northern, when you were given the hematoma diagnosis, did they put you on bed rest? I had that with my previous pregnancy but my previous ob didn't have me on bed rest and I regret it.

I asked the ultrasound tech if she could see any sign of a bleed/hematoma and she said "Nah, its probably just implantation bleeding." I rolled my eyes because we all know that implantation bleeding only happens at around 4 weeks... :wacko: Maybe I have a hematoma... I feel pretty helpless right now, and hate to be a negative nelly, but I've been down this road before and I know how it ends. :nope:

When did you have the u/s? Sorry if I missed it but I looked and didn't see if you said how recent the u/s was. But my bleeding was completely unexplained and everything has been fine.
Thanks ladies, I'm really losing my mind.. just want to fast forward to whatever is going to happen. :shrug:

Brandy, my u/s was last Wednesday. The tech was annoying.. she kept pressing down on my abdomin to get one of the babies to turn around.. I hated every second of it. She also said bleeding is from implantation.... hmmm.. implantation at 10 weeks? idiot. lol... :wacko:

Well, I'm heading home to bed rest for the night. Thanks again girls for helping ease my mind. I know stressing isn't helping me, but it's hard to relax when I don't have any answers.

Thanks ladies, I'm really losing my mind.. just want to fast forward to whatever is going to happen. :shrug:

Brandy, my u/s was last Wednesday. The tech was annoying.. she kept pressing down on my abdomin to get one of the babies to turn around.. I hated every second of it. She also said bleeding is from implantation.... hmmm.. implantation at 10 weeks? idiot. lol... :wacko:

Well, I'm heading home to bed rest for the night. Thanks again girls for helping ease my mind. I know stressing isn't helping me, but it's hard to relax when I don't have any answers.


Rest and take it easy :)

Hopefully you get another scan soon to put your mind at ease.

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