1DPO! TWW Buddies?

good to hear from you ladies.. missing you all!

tomorrow at 1pm is our anatomy scan.. please keep me and baby in your thoughts and prayers. i am mega nervous but just praying everything will go well!! i'll update as soon as i can!!
Congrats wanna!! So excited for you!!
Did you agree on a name yet?
We have a ton of girl names but can't agree on a boy name so if we ever get our baby and it is a boy there will be lots of debating! LOL

I am wondering: Does everyone know about you guys TTC journey? If not, how to you react to people asking?

I just had a friend comment on my Facebook about how we should add a human baby to our family next. I told her we'd love to and she kept going on about how she can't wait to hear the news and all that. Of course she doesn't know about our struggles so I sent her a message telling her that unfortunately our chances are slim.
She hasn't replied so I assume she went offline. I didn't tell her to make her feel bad but just so she knows why I am not really reacting to her comments. She doesn't know so I am not hurt by her comments, I am just wondering in general how to respond to people asking about if we have kids or why we don't have kids yet and what not..

Lately I am catching myself thinking about the good sides of living without children. Today when we had friends over and their son suddenly started to have diarrhea and ended up puking right in front of our door was one of those moments (I am REALLY scared to catch a stomach virus, especially now that I am struggling with underweight again after all the moving stress), my anxiety (I also have a phobia about puking) got the best of me and I started wondering if I could handle our kid being sick. I know I could somehow manage it, but that moment it really made me wonder.
So many times lately i catch myself thinking "thank God we don't have that problem" about child-related problems. I am pretty sure I am doing this to make it easier to cope with the fact that it didn't work for us so far and that it doesn't look too hopeful for us.

Well I guess i am rambling, it is late and I have too much on my mind to sleep..

Hope all you girls are doing well, even if I can't post every day there isn't a day you girls aren't on my mind!
Liz - I'm so happy! Team :blue: !

Mrs. Vet - That is an interesting question. A few people know that we are TTC, such as our parents and grandparents. A few of my friends know and a couple of his friends know too. But my whole FB friend-base doesn't know. The few people I've told are happy we are trying. But my MIL makes it clear on a regular basis that she wants grandchildren and how I'm "failing her". :cry: It really bothers me when she says that. :nope:

I think the same things sometimes. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with X." but then I think that I'd be blessed to have to deal with X to have a little one. I understand the issue with vomiting. I have a very weak stomach and gag reflex. I worry a lot if I'll be able to handle poopy explosions and stuff like that. But I know the Lord will give me the strength. :thumbup:

I should be about 8-9DPO by now. I've not tested once, which I'm really shocked about. :haha: But I'm proud of myself. :thumbup: I'll let you ladies know. I'm trying not to focus too much on symptoms. Although I've been having some pulling and mild cramps down there. Increased appetite, which is unusual since I'm always forcing myself to eat almost anything. :dohh: I'll keep you all posted. :hugs:

I hope everyone is okay. I miss you all and pray for you all everyday! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Hey gals,

How it going with everyone?

Glad to see your announcement Liz! That is exciting!

Mrs. Vet ~ Yeah, I usually just brush those questions/comments off. Like, "yeah, that'd be great". No one really pushes the question. That might be because I actually never saw myself wanting kids in the past. It was more of my husbands idea and then when we were expecting, I got pretty excited about the idea.

I've been trying to make peace with the fact that this may not happen for us as well. I go back and forth between feeling fine about it and feeling sad. I guess I just never expected it to be a problem. I just figured I'd eventually want kids and when I did, we would have them and be able to plan how many etc. Now, we're lucky if we even get one. Hubby has also said that he doesn't really want just one. So it's like he wants either 2 or none. I get where he's coming from but I would be happy as hell with just 1.

Anyway, AF has come and gone and it's time to start trying again. I'm using the CBDigi Advanced OPK's this month. They are a bit pricey but they are supposed to give you a bigger window for fertile days and I really need to make the most of these next few months before the endometriosis starts coming back. I got my flashy smiley face today which means that I am in my "high fertility phase" so we are starting to BD and will try to continue for the next few days. My regular OPK's are still negative so I like that it is giving me a head start. I'm guessing that my "peak fertility day" will come either tomorrow or Saturday.

Well, sorry about such a long post. I guess I just needed to share a little more than usual tonight. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the holidays. Cheers!
Hey ladies. :hugs:

lilsoy, I hope this is your month! :dust:

As for me...AF came today right on time. I'm just glad she'll be gone by Christmas. :happydance:

It has definitely been an up and down week. My grandparents got a new dog, and I've heard he's super cute. My Uncle's fiance got her Visa approved and will be coming out to Ohio in February, and I'll be flying in the beginning of March. My best friend told me that she scheduled her schooling this coming semester so that we'll be able to spend time together. :cloud9: I'm so excited!

But Wednesday night was a nightmare...

I couldn't sleep that night, so I got up to go into the office and look at Christmas presents for Hubby. I opened the door to find my FIL (who is a devoted Christian man) completely wasted drunk and looking at pornography. He had emptied one full bottle of bourbon, and was completely hammered. I ran out and got DH. We have known that my FIL has had a drinking problem for a long while now, but he's never been truly "drunk" before, that I've seen. DH started going off on him, and then my MIL came out to yell at DH, because she thought he was disrespecting his dad. Well, then SHE saw how drunk Papa was. She just broke down. DH and I got Papa into bed and asleep, and then the three of us had a talk out in the family room. We went through the house and found numerous half-empty bottles of liquor. I was disgusted. We dumped all of them out. He missed work the next day, and hasn't quite been fully with it since. I'm so upset and devastated. I don't even know what to do. :cry:

Anyway, I don't remember if I posted about how my appointment with the Gastroenterologist went. It went well. He said that my Doctor was doing the wrong kind of C. Diff test. So, he's not convinced I have C. Diff at all anymore. He said my symptoms sound just like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). So next time I get diarrhea, he wants me to do a stool culture with the kit he gave me and send it to the lab. He will then get the results and call me. If it's normal, and no C. Diff is found, then he will probably do a Colonoscopy, to rule out Crohn's Disease (since my mom has it). If that comes back normal, then it will be diagnosed as IBS. The good news is, is that if the first test comes back normal, then I don't have to worry about getting mom sick. :happydance:

Anyway, that's about it for me. I love and miss you all! :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
hey ladies.

gohan - i am so sorry to hear about your papa. how difficult. praying for your family and for him that he will get the support that he needs..

i hope you get some answers soon about your potential IBS! I suffered from horrific stomach aches for years until I finally got into so a GI specialist.. they gave me a colonoscopy and said they didn't find anything so that means 'IBS'.. so frustrating! i almost wanted them to find something so that they could have something specific to treat! the good news is that my IBS has been GREAT during my pregnancy! my dr said that is very typical. It is so nice not to be suffering with horrible tummy aches and diarrhea all the time!!

my pregnancy is continuing to go fantastic! i am feeling really really good.. getting energy back which is nice. not sure if i told you guys but i do have an Anterior Placenta.. i do feel strong kicks below my belly button.. i dont think my placenta goes that low. i love feeling him jab me! and my hubby has felt him kick a few times which is really nice! i'm happy to be at the 'obviously pregnant' stage now.. and now just looking frumpy!! i have a dr appt this afternoon and i'll be eager to see what my weight is. last appt 4 weeks ago i had actually lost weight since the beginning of my pregnancy. we shall see where i am now! 3.5 more weeks until we are at viability!! eek!!

hope you are all doing well. i have a quiet week at work.. and then 2 days next week until i am off until the 5th. i can't wait! update me on how you are all doing!! <3
Sooooo I guess I'm back in the game!

Got my load of OPKs today in the mail, took one tonight as it is about ovulation time and sure enough got a positive one!

Now unfortunately DH is asleep already and has to be at work at 6am so either i get a very short night and some morning BD or it has to wait until tomorrow night which might be too late...

But it feels good to be back on trying!
No baby for us this month I guess. :(

I only slept 4 hours last night and now feel terrible. I have pretty strong pain in my lower abdomen, like the muscles are sore. Not sure what that is, I never had this before..
I never had ovulation pain but maybe that is what it is? I don't think I can BD in this condition and tomorrow it will be too late, if it isn't already..

Oh well, what's another month of waiting, it's not like we are having a good chance anyway..
ahh.. i'm sorry mrs. vet. those pains sound interesting.. they don't really sound like ovulation pains. mine were really low (cant remember if it was right or left side.. i think left) and really low down. right about where your left tube would be. is your pain that low?? don't be discouraged! maybe your window will be bigger than you think! maybe later tonight you will feel up to it!!

hang in there, girl!! positive thoughts! <3
Thank you wanna!

They were really low, when I went to bed they changed into a bloated feeling! This morning it was gone but my temp is still low so i don't know what it was..
We just BDed this morning in case I didn't ovulate yet or just ovulated, i don't think there is a big chance that we caught that egg but who knows..
Good luck Mrs. Vet! I'm not sure what those pains are either.

I'm supposed to test on Sat. I'm really crampy today which is kind of odd. I don't have sore boobs or any other signs though so it could just be AF gearing up. I guess we'll see.

I hope everyone is ready for Xmas if you celebrate. I think we finished shopping today so tomorrow I need to clean the house and start wrapping. I'm so glad to be off work for the next couple weeks!
Just stopping by to wish everyone merry Christmas!!! I hope you are all having a great time!

After being alone and inside all afternoon yesterday and not being able to go outside again at night as we were home late (we don't have a cat door yet) my cats woke me up at 6am, my husband and my best friend who stayed the night with us are still asleep while I've been up for almost 3 hours now.

Should be about 5 or 6 dpo, no symptoms it seems. Not getting my hopes up as I could also be 7dpo and that would mean we missed the egg most likely..
Aaw I'm so sorry lilsoy! BFN suck!! Are you sure about your ovulation date?

I should be about 8 or 9 dpo now, didn't even think of testing yet as SamSam, our older cat (older as in 3 weeks older than Oreo but still only 10 months old) has been very sick these days!

Took him to the vet ER on friday as he was really lethargic and didn't eat well and I just knew something wasn't right! Spent all night waiting there and sure enough, he had a high fever! Cause unknown. He got meds and was better the next morning but it went downhill again last night and this morning we went back as now he wasn't eating at all. He had a fever again or still (I do think it was gone yesterday morning due to the injection he got), they still didn't run any tests as he was too weak for most of them, not sure why they didn't do the whole lab run but only blood work for red blood counts.
He got Antibiotics this time as an injection and to get at home.
He did really bad all day and I ended up force feeding him as she said it is really important that he eats.
Now at night he is doing much better already, ate a bit on his own, took a pee and checked out the basement a bit before going back to bed. He also looks better all together but he is sneezing now and coughing and his eyes look a bit red so I suspect he has a cold.

He had it before, his immune system is a bit challenged because he was separated from his mom at only 5 weeks and most likely not well taken care of as a young kitten (we didn't get him until he was almost 5 months). He always had swollen lymph knots which are even bigger now so we will still have to get to the root of that, if it just is the chronic version of the cat flu or if there is anything else. But for now I hope that he just has a cold and is going to be ok soon. Taking him back to our vet tomorrow and maybe taking Oreo as well to make sure he doesn't have it as well.

So yeah, that was my weekend. No time for symptom spotting or testing here which is maybe good because I didn't get to drive myself nuts!
I think I will try to hold off with testing until tuesday or wednesday. I got some ICs along with my OPKs so we'll see if I can keep my hands off them! :D
Hey ladies! It's been so long since I've updated you all!

I went to see my Doc today, my testosterone and estrogen levels are perfect, but my progesterone level is waaaay too low. Also, my inflammation level is insanely high, and I have C. Diff again. I'm on Vancomycin for 8 weeks. Ughh. :nope:

I leave for Ohio in 3 months, I hope the infection gets taken care of ASAP. :(

Chi is doing very well! Growing like a weed! :cloud9: Full of energy, but so very cuddly! :cloud9:

I should be ovulating in a couple of days, but we aren't trying this month, due to the infection. Meh. :(

Anyway, that's about it for me, I guess. I'll try to post again soon. Love you all! :hug: :kiss:
Happy new year everyone!!! To a healthy and good one for all of us with BFPs for everyone!!

I got AF for new years, started spotting last night.. :( Haven't checked today yet, it doesn't feel like AF is there but I usually don't start spotting with nothing happening. Should be 13dpo now and CD 31 so it adds up.

SamSam is fully back to himself again. If it happens again with the fever we will have to run some bigger tests but I just hope it won't happen again. He is still on antibiotics but is allowed to go outside again now and is thrilled about it! We got our new cat door in the basement window yesterday and I have spent all morning trying to teach them how to use it. They are slowly getting it and it will be such a relief once they fully understand how to use it as they can come and go as they please and I don't always have to worry about getting them inside at night or if I have to leave.

We are going to miss the next cycle as DH gets to go on a work trip to France for a whole month on sunday morning :( I will miss him terribly but we sure can use the extra $$ that comes with it!
Hey ladies, I can finally fully update, as my computer is fixed! :happydance:

The new year for me has not been off to a great start. With the C. Diff infection in full force, it's almost impossible to go out anywhere. On top of that, my seizures are becoming more frequent and lasting longer. It's causing a lot of stress and headaches. :nope: But, the cherry on top is the fact that I have to have surgery on Thursday to have my wisdom teeth removed. I've been having issues with them for awhile now, but now its to the point that I can't eat, drink or talk without pain. I am taking Vicodin just to survive. I am not sleeping because of the pain, I am very cranky because of the pain. I am having trouble being patient with Hubby. It's just becoming too much.

My grandpa has FINALLY filed papers and has broken the news to my great-grandmother that she is being put into a nursing home. She went insane and accused my grandmother of hypnotizing my grandpa into doing it. She was saying that we are trying to kill her and get rid of her. She's become completely senile. :dohh: It's for the best, though.

My brother broke up with his girlfriend. This is the same girl who broke his heart 3 years ago. He got back with her, despite my warning. She ended up using him and treating him like crap. He broke up with her, and he is having a hard time. He's been calling me in the middle of the night just crying. He has a very sensitive heart, and he doesn't like hurting people. I wish I could help him... :cry:

Hubby is doing well. His hours have been cut again. He's back to his typical 25 hours a week. But he is doing well and taking care of me when he is home. :cloud9:

Hubby and I are redecorating our bedroom. I am going to get some organizational items to help utilize the space we have. I'm looking forward to getting it done. :thumbup:

I am CD 25 as midnight. I'm not expecting anything, as we missed all my fertile days. :haha: Just waiting for AF to come and go.

Basically, I am just waiting for Thursday. After I get these teeth taken out, and I heal, I can at least have some fun with hubby, even if it's not DTD. :winkwink: I'm just looking forward to eating things other than pudding, applesauce and soup. :haha:

Anyway, that's about it for me! I hope everyone is having a better New Year than me. :lol:
Just to add an insult to injury...AF decided to show up today...6 days early! :nope: :cry: :hissy:
Hey ladies. It's getting pretty dead on here... :nope:

I had my wisdom teeth removed on Thursday. It wasn't too bad. The pain has peaked though. It's terrible right now. :nope: AF has just been terrible this time around. The cramps are just awful. :cry: I don't have time to do a complete update, as the OxyContin is kicking in...I'll update more soon.

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