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2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

AF got me. Nasty ho. I was sort of expecting it bc my temps plummeted the last two days (plus all the BFNs) but I'm also pretty shocked. I had SO MANY symptoms. I couldn't have been imagining it all... could I? I feel like I need to have my head examined.

I'm pretty gutted. Think I'll have a glass of wine tonight (or four). It may be my first attempt TTC #2 but I'm older so I don't have much time. :nope:

Anyway, pity party over. I hope my lack of luck allows you ladies to have more--if that makes any sense. I am rooting for each and every one of you.

*****Baby dust*****

I'm so sorry to hear she got you! I know the feeling but a glass of wine always helps me! My husband already knows when her evil face shows up he's there ready with my wine. :thumbup:

Hope you get you BFP soon!!
Hiya, couldn't connect to the server for nothing! Yes I did, with yet another :bfn: :( AF due Saturday. If it wasn't for the symptoms I'd think I'm out, but I can't help it but hope...
Tested 5 min ago, BFN...so AF just maybe late and I'm just not PG. Will test again in 2 days if still no AF.

:hugs: so sorry hun. i have seen ladies on here that tested :bfn: on 11dpo and then :bfp: 12dpo. so there is still hope. do u have any symptomps?

I have been super tired the last 5 days, backaches the last 5 days, sore breast the last 4 days and really gassy the last 6 days.

I'm trying to keep the hope though. Will head back out for more cheapies tonight if still no AF today.

I have had terrible backaches for the last couple of days too! I actually felt like i was on my period yesterday... cramps, backache and headache. Oh, and I have had to take naps the last two days as well, just exhausted! I am 11 dpo today and i think i'll be testing tomorrow.

Keep us posted! crossing my fingers for us :)
I am getting a faint!!!!! Got +OPK CD12,13 and 14, sex on CD 12 an 14. On Monday I had 3 beers and was SICK that was FIRST thing I noticed last time. Since MC(July 15th) I been OPK testing daily and 12 13 and 14 was first +. Please stick!

Oh!!! Congratulations!!! Just saw you got a positive which gives me hope that that i'll get mine too!!!
well...the wicked witch has arrived.

nooooooo sorry hun :hugs:. The BITCH is seriously doing her rounds:growlmad:

She really is!!! Good luck to you!! I'm just going to start using the EPO today and will use the preseed when AF goes away. All I can do is continue to try!

I'm sorry to hear she got you!!!

Preseed is a good option and I have look into it but I did find another brand that is organic that I think you might want to look into, its called YesBaby. The reason I like it is because it doesn't have parabens and it also has a step 2 which brings your Ph levels back to normal. Thought i'd let you know! This is our first month using it so i'll definitely update you if it worked.

Good luck!
Eww. Ladies, so sorry to hear the witch is on a spree! It really sucks, but at least the waiting is over. Not the result that is hoped for, but despite being sad when she shows up I am always a bit relieved to at least get out of the limbo of not knowing. Good luck to everyone in their next cycles.:hugs:

Kitty- Congrats :happydance: , I would probably be the same way with wanting to wait and take a digital to show hubby.
Hiya, couldn't connect to the server for nothing! Yes I did, with yet another :bfn: :( AF due Saturday. If it wasn't for the symptoms I'd think I'm out, but I can't help it but hope...

Aww foreign chick. Maybe tomorrow is the day. fingers crossed hun. x
I do dream baby. I actually just checked mine, or tried to, but it's SOOO high I can just barely reach it with the very tip top of my finger.
I am getting a faint!!!!! Got +OPK CD12,13 and 14, sex on CD 12 an 14. On Monday I had 3 beers and was SICK that was FIRST thing I noticed last time. Since MC(July 15th) I been OPK testing daily and 12 13 and 14 was first +. Please stick!

Congratulations!!! :flower::happydance:
Hi ladies! Just wanted to come update that I got my :bfp: tonight! Im 10dpo and had a bfn on frer at 9dpo with FMU. I had pink CM on 9po, and today had a brownish tinge to it. AF started 11dpo last month, so I thought I was out for sure. I was so shocked at how obvious the line was after seeing nothing yesterday! I also took b6 this cycle, I hopes to help with my short LP. It seems to have done the trick! Fx'ed for all of you. Hoping to see lots more :bfp:s!!

Was scrolling back further through the thread and saw this...Congratulations!!! :flower::happydance:
Nothing to report for my side. Sorry to sound negative but I am just patiently waiting for af now. Woke up this morning with the worst af cramp. rushed to the bathroom to check and nothing. So i am just on knicker watch now. How is everybody else? Good luck x DD80 how r u feeling today?

Have you tested yet? Hoping for you! :)

Thanks for asking about me. I don't know what's going on. Last night I had cramping like I was going to get my period. Then I checked my temp (which I know isn't accurate at night per se), but it was way down. Took a test and it was very faint. Took a test this morning and it was very, very faint. I still have symptoms. I know I definitely had a positive - even took a digital - said pregnant 1-2. So, I'm expecting a chemical at this point. Sad, but trying to stay positive. My other thought was that maybe my hcg was still up from the MC, but I went to the Dr and she did a pee test and checked my uterus/cervix and said test was negative and cervix was closed - she gave me the go ahead to try again "right away" so I think I'm just crazy.

:( Well I'm sending tons of positive vibes your way DD80!!:hugs:

Thank you! I had a negative test last night, so not sure what the deal is. No period yet, but I'm expecting it to come soon. Just hoping for next month and trying to stay positive!
Nothing to report for my side. Sorry to sound negative but I am just patiently waiting for af now. Woke up this morning with the worst af cramp. rushed to the bathroom to check and nothing. So i am just on knicker watch now. How is everybody else? Good luck x DD80 how r u feeling today?

Have you tested yet? Hoping for you! :)

Thanks for asking about me. I don't know what's going on. Last night I had cramping like I was going to get my period. Then I checked my temp (which I know isn't accurate at night per se), but it was way down. Took a test and it was very faint. Took a test this morning and it was very, very faint. I still have symptoms. I know I definitely had a positive - even took a digital - said pregnant 1-2. So, I'm expecting a chemical at this point. Sad, but trying to stay positive. My other thought was that maybe my hcg was still up from the MC, but I went to the Dr and she did a pee test and checked my uterus/cervix and said test was negative and cervix was closed - she gave me the go ahead to try again "right away" so I think I'm just crazy.

:( Well I'm sending tons of positive vibes your way DD80!!:hugs:

Thank you! I had a negative test last night, so not sure what the deal is. No period yet, but I'm expecting it to come soon. Just hoping for next month and trying to stay positive!

I think that's all any of us can do while TTC. That's what's great about forums like this though, its so much easier doing things like this when you are surrounded by others who are in the same boat. It's nice having virtual friends who hold your hand, cheer you on, and give good :hugs: when you need them :)
I do dream baby. I actually just checked mine, or tried to, but it's SOOO high I can just barely reach it with the very tip top of my finger.

same as mine and i am 12dpo today. How many dpo are u?

Only 5 dpo (maybe 6) Fertility Friend moved my O date, but I'm not sure which was more accurate. Going with the new date since it works a bit better with my CM signs.
I am happy that i have u all to talk to about anything and everything.
I am sorry DD80, just keep checking. I got a bfn this morning at 13 dpo and now all hope is lost. With my DD i got my bfp at 10dpo and spotted the same day. I hate that BITCH. Anyway I want her to come already so that i can start a new cycle. Please let us stick together and keep each other company until we all get our bfp x. Good luck to the rest of u
Good morning ladies! Congrats to all BFP testers!!!!
Very sorry for all AF recipients :-(
I'm think I'm out as well, had a dip in my temperature this am + a :bfn: :(
AF to be expected tomorrow... Blahhhh
For all those of you who are still waiting, Good Luck!!!
Happy Friday xoxoxo
Good morning ladies! Congrats to all BFP testers!!!!
Very sorry for all AF recipients :-(
I'm think I'm out as well, had a dip in my temperature this am + a :bfn: :(
AF to be expected tomorrow... Blahhhh
For all those of you who are still waiting, Good Luck!!!
Happy Friday xoxoxo

i can't see ur chart. it might go up again hun.

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