2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Got lots of cramps today, makes me feel like my cycle is back to normal and maybe I actually did ovulate. The PCO diagnosis was getting to me more than I like to admit, but I'm starting to feel normal again....still 5-6 days until testing.

That sounds awesome, FX's!!

I agree! Glad to hear you're feeling like urself!

Krissykat...how are YOU doing??! hows it going with u and ur recent BFP?? still in disbelief? Deets (details) please!
Got lots of cramps today, makes me feel like my cycle is back to normal and maybe I actually did ovulate. The PCO diagnosis was getting to me more than I like to admit, but I'm starting to feel normal again....still 5-6 days until testing.

That sounds awesome, FX's!!

I agree! Glad to hear you're feeling like urself!

Krissykat...how are YOU doing??! hows it going with u and ur recent BFP?? still in disbelief? Deets (details) please!

Thank you guys :) I was never so happy to have cramps in my life haha.
Hey ladies! little update. Still waiting on AF. Day 27. If it doesnt show by tomorrow evening, I'll test then. I've been peeing all day for the past 2 days. And when I say all day, I mean every 45 min to 1hr. I know it's not a UTI, i drink nothing but water and pee after sex. Boobs still sore. Mild cramping still. Day 5 of the cramping. "Wet" feeling down there like AF is going to come any second.

Tmi but I have that wet feeling too. I totally know what you mean. I feel like af is around the corner. :(
lol So my DH is being really silly.

He asked me how early I could test and I told him atleast 11 to 14 days. But I said, "If I had ovulated around the first time we tried, then I could test tomorrow but I just ovulated Sunday." And I said tomorrow obviously b/c you should use FMU. well, he wants me to test tonight anyway. lol. Told him there is no way I am preggers already and even if I was I need FMU, but he still wants to try it.

I think he's just finally letting it sink in that we are TTC and now he's getting excited. So, I guess I am wasting one test tonight. LOL. I'll be the most surprised I have ever been if I get a BFP hahahaha

Either way, its kind of cute that he wants to test so bad!

(Although, I HAVE been really sick the past week or so. I think mostly because my body is adjusting off of BC and because I've been ovulating. Food and I are not on speaking terms right now and I've been getting headaches and ovary/uterus pain. It would be funny if it was because I was preggers tho. still, highly doubt its pregnancy yet)

I love his enthusiasm! It's cute. :winkwink:
Got lots of cramps today, makes me feel like my cycle is back to normal and maybe I actually did ovulate. The PCO diagnosis was getting to me more than I like to admit, but I'm starting to feel normal again....still 5-6 days until testing.

That sounds awesome, FX's!!

I agree! Glad to hear you're feeling like urself!

Krissykat...how are YOU doing??! hows it going with u and ur recent BFP?? still in disbelief? Deets (details) please!

I've felt pretty good...I get light nausea off and on now and then but nothing to make me blow chunks. I had a cup of decaf earlier and drank half of it till I felt sick. I told my hubby the embryo apparently doesn't like decaf and is threatning to make me wear it if I send anymore down that way.

I have felt dull aches today, nothing extreme, just stretching I guess. :)
OF COURSE it was a BFN. :p I told him I'd test one more time tomorrow with FMU, but not expecting anything different. hahaha Still wayyyy too early
Got lots of cramps today, makes me feel like my cycle is back to normal and maybe I actually did ovulate. The PCO diagnosis was getting to me more than I like to admit, but I'm starting to feel normal again....still 5-6 days until testing.

That sounds awesome, FX's!!

I agree! Glad to hear you're feeling like urself!

Krissykat...how are YOU doing??! hows it going with u and ur recent BFP?? still in disbelief? Deets (details) please!

I've felt pretty good...I get light nausea off and on now and then but nothing to make me blow chunks. I had a cup of decaf earlier and drank half of it till I felt sick. I told my hubby the embryo apparently doesn't like decaf and is threatning to make me wear it if I send anymore down that way.

I have felt dull aches today, nothing extreme, just stretching I guess. :)

You wasted the decaf? :growlmad:
OF COURSE it was a BFN. :p I told him I'd test one more time tomorrow with FMU, but not expecting anything different. hahaha Still wayyyy too early

:hugs: I bet it was fun to poas though. :winkwink: until tomorrow! :)
WELL.....i woke up this morning with lower back pain. my boobs still hurt. still intermittent mild cramping. I told my husband we should go to walgreens and get a FRER just to ease my mind because I need to know (at 5am, mind you lol). Took the test and it COULDNT be more of a :bfn: . The one line was sooooooo dark and then thats all there was. No other line. No shadow. It sucks, pretty badly actually. But now I'm just waiting for :witch: to come today, as it's CD28 of a 28 day cycle. *le sigh*. blah.

OK so I just checked my ovulation app. and my LH surge was on the 2nd. I take it that I O'd on the 3rd OR 4th of this month, making me 12 or 13 DPO... my LP is 11 days normally.
Got lots of cramps today, makes me feel like my cycle is back to normal and maybe I actually did ovulate. The PCO diagnosis was getting to me more than I like to admit, but I'm starting to feel normal again....still 5-6 days until testing.

That sounds awesome, FX's!!

I agree! Glad to hear you're feeling like urself!

Krissykat...how are YOU doing??! hows it going with u and ur recent BFP?? still in disbelief? Deets (details) please!

I've felt pretty good...I get light nausea off and on now and then but nothing to make me blow chunks. I had a cup of decaf earlier and drank half of it till I felt sick. I told my hubby the embryo apparently doesn't like decaf and is threatning to make me wear it if I send anymore down that way.

I have felt dull aches today, nothing extreme, just stretching I guess. :)

You wasted the decaf? :growlmad:

hahhaha! DD80 u kill me!
Hi ladies :winkwink:

I just want your opinions on my decision to run two different charts.

Basically, last cycle was the first off my bc, and I ovulated around cd26.
I felt that was really really late, I know it's been a while since I've had a pill free cycle, but I just feeeeel like I won't ovulate that late in cycle 2, and I don't want to miss it by thinking I won't ovulate until then.

So. I'm still charting with FF with that long cycle behind it, and at the start of this cycle I created an account with ovufriend, and didn't put my details in apart from last period. So that has brought my expected ov date forward like a week.

I am temping all the way but obviously that doesn't tell me until after the day. I'm also praying that I ovulate a lot earlier as I go away to see my brother for a week without my OH on 29th and FF says ov day is 30th! I know it's still possible but..:dohh:

Am I silly? Should I just believe FF?
Hi ladies :winkwink:

I just want your opinions on my decision to run two different charts.

Basically, last cycle was the first off my bc, and I ovulated around cd26.
I felt that was really really late, I know it's been a while since I've had a pill free cycle, but I just feeeeel like I won't ovulate that late in cycle 2, and I don't want to miss it by thinking I won't ovulate until then.

So. I'm still charting with FF with that long cycle behind it, and at the start of this cycle I created an account with ovufriend, and didn't put my details in apart from last period. So that has brought my expected ov date forward like a week.

I am temping all the way but obviously that doesn't tell me until after the day. I'm also praying that I ovulate a lot earlier as I go away to see my brother for a week without my OH on 29th and FF says ov day is 30th! I know it's still possible but..:dohh:

Am I silly? Should I just believe FF?

Hiiii Pickle!! I wish I could help you with the charting, but IDK much about it! :shrug: !! But as far as your O day, just :sex: like mad until you leave to see your brother lol
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

Oh no I'm sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I hope you feel better! It really is crap isn't it. After all that hard work, and all the little blighters have to do is find a big ol' egg!! You have a lot more will power than me, I'm already opk'ing at cd10.

November buddies? :flower:
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

Sorry hun :hugs: fx'd for next month!

I'm still having cramps and twinges today. Just taking that as a sign my body did ovulate and I'm still in the game. Still 4 days to test.
So I tested again this morning and I think it's a :bfn: :( I'll of course keep testing til af shows or I get a :bfp: , just wanted to let you ladies know :)

Happy Tuesday ladies! :flower:

You are still early! I did the same thing at 7 dpo and I'm :growlmad: but my logical side knows that I'm being stupid. :hugs:

Thanks DD! I'm officially at least 10dpo and took a frer last night after work (8hr hold) and it was deffo a :bfn: !!! I'm not going to hold on to much hope, just going to prepare myself for the :witch: to hit sometime this weekend :( There's always next month! I feel like it will probably be emotionally easier that way and I have my kids birthday party on Saturday, so no need for any extra stress! A house full of children will be plenty please and thank you! :haha:
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

Oh no I'm sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I hope you feel better! It really is crap isn't it. After all that hard work, and all the little blighters have to do is find a big ol' egg!! You have a lot more will power than me, I'm already opk'ing at cd10.

November buddies? :flower:

November buddies :).. it really is crap. granted we've been TTC for about 5 or 6 months, but it still friggin sucks all around. we had so much sex!! so much!! well.. more than usual. granted, it was fun, but it still was enough to the point where i thought this would really be our month. it sucks that no matter how hard you try, its not guaranteed to happen. thats what sucks the most.
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

I'm so sorry! It's hard not to get emotional about it! A good cry is ok sometimes tho (and sometimes quite neccessary!)...it will happen when it's time (I know that's annoying lol), especially since you and dh are obviously both healthy :) Ttc is like a damn roller coaster, the ride is fun, but the loops get the best of you sometimes! My thoughts are with you darlin! We'll all get there :)
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

Noooo!!!! I'm sorry!! But you should definitely just try to have fun with it and see what happens. I always feel like if I think about it so much it's not going to happen, but I can't help myself. I hope for better luck for you! Clear your head, and just enjoy it. It'll happen. : )
Thanks ladies :).... I'm still waiting for the real flow to show up. When i wiped this morning i saw a very very light pink tint to my discharge. when does my real CD1 start? would it be today since i saw the bit of light pink??? or when the red flow starts?

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