2 BUNS in the oven............thanksgiving testers!!!!

Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!
WELL! it seems as if the witch has shown her face, and I cried like a baby. I try to keep a PMA about it all and not let it get to me but its imPOSSIBLE! this whole process just sucks. Besides the :sex:.....that part doesnt suck so bad. So, I am going to try my absolute best this cycle to not get caught up in the TTC process. I'm not taking an OPK, I'll just BD with my husband and have fun with it and thats it. He has triplets for goodness sake. I am in great shape health-wise, relatively young (just turned 29. DH 33), with a regular cycle, and ovulate regularly. Hopefully by next summer we'll get pregnant. However, in December, if I'm not pg yet, I'll make an appointment just be sure everything is all good.

I am so sorry hun:hugs::hugs:. Do whatever you like today to be happy and then jump into the next cycle. Good luck Hun x
Thanks ladies :).... I'm still waiting for the real flow to show up. When i wiped this morning i saw a very very light pink tint to my discharge. when does my real CD1 start? would it be today since i saw the bit of light pink??? or when the red flow starts?

I start my cd1 on the first day of red flow, I'm not sure if that's the way it's supposed to be, but that's how I do it. I suppose it could work either way, if you always spot before af. I usually start spotting the day before, but wait for that bitch to come full force before I count her as here.
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

I tried to put a picture on here, but clearly I don't know how bc it didn't work! Lol. Took another one this morning and it's still very very faint, maybe even a little lighter than yesterday, but I'm still hanging onto hope! : )
Thanks ladies :).... I'm still waiting for the real flow to show up. When i wiped this morning i saw a very very light pink tint to my discharge. when does my real CD1 start? would it be today since i saw the bit of light pink??? or when the red flow starts?

I start my cd1 on the first day of red flow, I'm not sure if that's the way it's supposed to be, but that's how I do it. I suppose it could work either way, if you always spot before af. I usually start spotting the day before, but wait for that bitch to come full force before I count her as here.

haha! i like that way of doing it. ill wait til she actually shows up.
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

I tried to put a picture on here, but clearly I don't know how bc it didn't work! Lol. Took another one this morning and it's still very very faint, maybe even a little lighter than yesterday, but I'm still hanging onto hope! : )

Go to advanced post and next to the font options and smiley there's a paper clip
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

Thanks Hun. I hope so too. I am a poas addict lol. Started since 6 dpo lol. How r u? Have u tested today? How many dpo r u?

I'm officially at least 10dpo. I did a frer last night after work and it was deffo neg. I am going to wait until later tonight or tomorrow to test again, but basically just going to plan on af showing up this weekend...next month:)
You better post some pics if you start getting lines, I'm going through withdrawal over here! :haha:
Pickle- I know little about charts, but I think the opk's will help you decide which one is more accurate :) Our bodies are a big pain in the arse! Lol

Bee- That is super cute and sweet of your dh! None of us is judging you for testing early, we have quite a few self-admitted poas addicts here :haha: Fx'd!!!

Kk- When is your apt for bloods? Can't wait for more good news from you!

allison- I really want to see your pee stick! lol...that sounds so strange! I'm sooo excited for you!

Dream- No symptoms can be a good thing! Time will tell, or you could start poas ;) I don't know much about charts but, it looks like it could be an implantation dip on 5dpo, and you've had a nice, steady rise since :) Fx'd!!

Aidens- When is your dr's apt? Can't wait for your answers!!!!

I tried to put a picture on here, but clearly I don't know how bc it didn't work! Lol. Took another one this morning and it's still very very faint, maybe even a little lighter than yesterday, but I'm still hanging onto hope! : )

It's a pain to post them, my pictures are too big that I send from my phone, so
I had to edit them all first. Hcg only dbls every 48-72 hrs, so keep holding on:) Have you set up an apt for bloodwork yet?
Cramps came full on this morning. Took some Midol and that has made it a bit better. AF is still a week away. Trying so hard not to symptom spot but it's soooo hard!
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3

The waiting is very hard! We all need some PMA and baby dust! Keep your chin up Mizzy, that's all we can do! Seeing the bfn's suck, but I truly enjoy poas! :haha: I keep telling myself I'm not going to test today, but then I'm like, well maybe after work lol....:wacko:
Cramps came full on this morning. Took some Midol and that has made it a bit better. AF is still a week away. Trying so hard not to symptom spot but it's soooo hard!

I definitely agree with that! Cramping can be a good thing tho! Fx'd for you, I hope it's a good sign :flower:
I notice symptoms, but then try and explain them away to myself lol. I find it easier that way, so I'm not getting my hopes up or getting ghost symptoms because I'm ss so much. Nothing is worse than convincing yourself you're preggo than getting af!
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3

The waiting is very hard! We all need some PMA and baby dust! Keep your chin up Mizzy, that's all we can do! Seeing the bfn's suck, but I truly enjoy poas! :haha: I keep telling myself I'm not going to test today, but then I'm like, well maybe after work lol....:wacko:

Lol .. Honestly for the first year of trying i was like that .. But we have been at this for a year and 8 months now .. after so many disappointing months .. I just try so hard to just wait til after AF is due .. Its so confusing .. my OH has 2 children from a previous relationship .. their 7 and 9 .. and i have 2 from a previous relationship .. their 4 and 7 .. yet we have been trying for almost 2 years and nothing .. i have been to regular OB appointments and they say i'm perfectly healthy (they checked ovaries and uterus) i mean i haven't done anything other than that (like checking tubes or anything) but i figured if they saw anything, they would have said so .. so not sure why its been so hard .. but even after all this time, every month i still have hope of getting my :bfp: .. Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3

The waiting is very hard! We all need some PMA and baby dust! Keep your chin up Mizzy, that's all we can do! Seeing the bfn's suck, but I truly enjoy poas! :haha: I keep telling myself I'm not going to test today, but then I'm like, well maybe after work lol....:wacko:

Lol .. Honestly for the first year of trying i was like that .. But we have been at this for a year and 8 months now .. after so many disappointing months .. I just try so hard to just wait til after AF is due .. Its so confusing .. my OH has 2 children from a previous relationship .. their 7 and 9 .. and i have 2 from a previous relationship .. their 4 and 7 .. yet we have been trying for almost 2 years and nothing .. i have been to regular OB appointments and they say i'm perfectly healthy (they checked ovaries and uterus) i mean i haven't done anything other than that (like checking tubes or anything) but i figured if they saw anything, they would have said so .. so not sure why its been so hard .. but even after all this time, every month i still have hope of getting my :bfp: .. Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Is your progesterone low after ovulation? I had a friend that was trying for 2 years or so and frustrated. They even tried artificial insemination. There was no reason that the drs found for it other than her cervical fluid was inhospitable to his sperm. I had been supplementing with progesterone (the natural stuff at the health food store - not the yam stuff) for another reason, but in my research, had found that many women use it to help a pregnancy stick. Well, I gave her the rest of the bottle and told her to use it after she ovulated. I kid you not, that month, she got pregnant! Anyway, just wanted to share the story just in case it helps someone. :)
Cramps came full on this morning. Took some Midol and that has made it a bit better. AF is still a week away. Trying so hard not to symptom spot but it's soooo hard!

I know me too! I read one thread where a lady said, "if you are pregnant enough to have symptoms, you are pregnant enough to get a positive test." Now, I know there are some symptoms that happen early and can tip us off (heck, I had a symptom like that my last pg), but for the most part, we are just more in tune with our bodies right now so we feel every twinge that we never paid attention to before. So, I think the statement is a good one.
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3

The waiting is very hard! We all need some PMA and baby dust! Keep your chin up Mizzy, that's all we can do! Seeing the bfn's suck, but I truly enjoy poas! :haha: I keep telling myself I'm not going to test today, but then I'm like, well maybe after work lol....:wacko:

Lol .. Honestly for the first year of trying i was like that .. But we have been at this for a year and 8 months now .. after so many disappointing months .. I just try so hard to just wait til after AF is due .. Its so confusing .. my OH has 2 children from a previous relationship .. their 7 and 9 .. and i have 2 from a previous relationship .. their 4 and 7 .. yet we have been trying for almost 2 years and nothing .. i have been to regular OB appointments and they say i'm perfectly healthy (they checked ovaries and uterus) i mean i haven't done anything other than that (like checking tubes or anything) but i figured if they saw anything, they would have said so .. so not sure why its been so hard .. but even after all this time, every month i still have hope of getting my :bfp: .. Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Is your progesterone low after ovulation? I had a friend that was trying for 2 years or so and frustrated. They even tried artificial insemination. There was no reason that the drs found for it other than her cervical fluid was inhospitable to his sperm. I had been supplementing with progesterone (the natural stuff at the health food store - not the yam stuff) for another reason, but in my research, had found that many women use it to help a pregnancy stick. Well, I gave her the rest of the bottle and told her to use it after she ovulated. I kid you not, that month, she got pregnant! Anyway, just wanted to share the story just in case it helps someone. :)

Do you know the exact name of the supplements by chance? .. If so please let me know :) I was thinking of trying clomid but i'm not so sure it would do any good for me because i get my period almost every 28 days on the nose .. sometimes 26 days but never more than 28 days and based on that and cm .. i'm almost certain that i am ovulating every month
Good Morning Ladies <3 So not to much going on with me at the moment .. No sore boobs but nips still hurt? Not sure if it means anything but i doubt it .. just something new this month :p Slight cramping the last couple days but thats pretty normal too :/ I don't think this is my month (basically because no symptoms :( ) But i'm trying so hard to stay hopeful. Love reading about everyones experiences though .. and If AF shows this month then ill be joining some of you other ladies for this journey next month :) AF is due on Friday at the latest. Haven't tested yet, trying so hard to wait til after AF is due .. Its difficult but i just convince myself that i don't want to be disappointed with the bfn . But i am definitely praying to get my bfp this month! Prayers to all (and for me :)) and Please feel free to send some of that amazing baby dust this way! Its definitely no over til the witch shows her ugly face <3

The waiting is very hard! We all need some PMA and baby dust! Keep your chin up Mizzy, that's all we can do! Seeing the bfn's suck, but I truly enjoy poas! :haha: I keep telling myself I'm not going to test today, but then I'm like, well maybe after work lol....:wacko:

Lol .. Honestly for the first year of trying i was like that .. But we have been at this for a year and 8 months now .. after so many disappointing months .. I just try so hard to just wait til after AF is due .. Its so confusing .. my OH has 2 children from a previous relationship .. their 7 and 9 .. and i have 2 from a previous relationship .. their 4 and 7 .. yet we have been trying for almost 2 years and nothing .. i have been to regular OB appointments and they say i'm perfectly healthy (they checked ovaries and uterus) i mean i haven't done anything other than that (like checking tubes or anything) but i figured if they saw anything, they would have said so .. so not sure why its been so hard .. but even after all this time, every month i still have hope of getting my :bfp: .. Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Is your progesterone low after ovulation? I had a friend that was trying for 2 years or so and frustrated. They even tried artificial insemination. There was no reason that the drs found for it other than her cervical fluid was inhospitable to his sperm. I had been supplementing with progesterone (the natural stuff at the health food store - not the yam stuff) for another reason, but in my research, had found that many women use it to help a pregnancy stick. Well, I gave her the rest of the bottle and told her to use it after she ovulated. I kid you not, that month, she got pregnant! Anyway, just wanted to share the story just in case it helps someone. :)

What a great suggestion DD!

Since you both have is it a possibility that your cm and his sperm are incompatible? I'm not sure if that's even a thing that's possible, bot you are obviously both able to have children. You've had a long road Mizzy, I can imagine how frustrating and hard it must be for you month after month. Have you seen different doctors? Someone has to have an answer for you! I will keep you in my prayers!

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